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 Jun 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
I'm sorry,
But no,
I never liked you.
You may accuse me,
You seem to have every right,
I've dragged you along like
A fish on a line,
I've caught you like a fly in a web
And no fool,
I'm sorry but no,
I never liked you.
You may have thought so,
With my bewitching gaze,
Those deep puddles of blue
Like sapphires,
You seem lost.
I'm sorry but no,
I'm not returning your gaze,
And starring fondly in your eyes,
I'm staring into your soul,
And I don't like what i see.
So I'm sorry but no,
I never liked you.
 Jun 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
Ever wanted to stand in the spot light?
To have your name praised,
To be known
And have your face recognized?
Ever wanted to ride on
Angels wings
And stand on the shoulders
Of giants
And see you fellow humans
As ants.
That's glory for you.
Glory is a drink that goes down
Cool and crisp.
It has a pleasant after taste,
A bit bubbly, like champagne
But too much of it
Cannot be good for you.
So ride on those wings
As much as you can.
Because you don't know when the
Last swig will be.
 Jun 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
Only one nostril works
Only one.
If I am lucky.
I can breathe.
My mouth turns dry like the
Dust on a two hundred year old piano,
My teeth, like the keys, are slowly yellowing.
I'm breathing like I'm opening
Only one eye,
I'm lopsided.
And why must I breathe at all?
 Jun 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
Do I dare try to discover
What I even want?
My fingers
Over clothes
And other useless junk
When I die,
Who'll care what shoes I wore
How many shirts I owned,
What books I read?
The books may outlive me
The shirt outlive the torso
But in legacy,
They will not outlive me.
 Jun 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
Both communicate
My feelings for you.
I could dance forever in your arms
Like a twirling ballerina
In a music box
But if rather talk.
And dance
At the same time.
Hang into my words like
Your life hangs on by a thread
You're not dead,
Don't be led
Away from me.
Live within my words
And dance within my dreams
And I will breathe your words
Back to you
The trouble with Hello Poetry
Is that I fall in love daily
Held under so many captivating spells
moulded and crafted by all walks of life
I find myself longing for all of you
the broken, the fallen, the bruised
the saints, the sinners
the righteous, the dispossessed
the holy, the unholy
all meet here
to speak of life
as they feel it
as only we know it.
Onwards, upwards
Downward spirals
kindness, cruelty
crashing through boundaries
bounding across oceans
carried on wistful sighs and broken dreams
The trouble with Hello Poetry
Is that it breaks my heart
Then brings me back to love again
All within an hour.
 Jun 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
Your wit
Is like the wick of a stick of dynamite
Quick, sharp, explosive
You laugh and I laugh with you.
Such terrible creatures,
Mr. Collins, lizzy Bennet.
All figures of your brain.
Stay with me Jane.
I need your help.
I need your advice, your wisdom
Of such things,
Dangerous things,
As love.
Do not hide from me.
But give me your passion.
Help me to save Ms. Smith
And be the Emma I knew I could be
And do not let poor be by herself
But be with her.
Write her a gentleman,
Write her true love
Write a new story.
For me
 Jun 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
You there,
Standing there
Between flesh and air
You don't share
The same cares
As I do.
You're nothing but a ghost

You grin
Stretching your chin
To try to see me wince
And convince
Me you're real.
You're nothing but a ghost.

You moan
Hoping I'll groan
And run home
And try not to be alone
With only you
Your nothing but a ghost.

You reach for me
Hoping I'll see
Your transparent fingers squeeze
And I'll freeze
Because I'm too scared to move
You're nothing but a ghost

You wail
Your voice like a gale
And I turn pale
Hoping my heart doesn't fail
Because I think you're nothing but a
Yet you have been haunting night after night.
You have been in my darkest nightmares,
Cackling like a witch.
But you never say anything.
Because your my ghost
And I never said anything either.
Except for telling myself
I'm nothing but a shadow of time
That has passed
And I will become a ghost that doesn't last.
 Jun 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
I shudder,
My face is drenched in tears and snot
And I quiver
Keep it together keep it together.
I cry to God to come upon my soul.
Save me
Keep it together. Keep it together.
My eyes fill with tears
Puffy eyes,
Save me
Keep it together, keep it together.
I wipe my nose .
I need a tissue
Puffy eyes
Save me
Keep it together, keep it together.
And I feel myself being held like a small child again.
Hold me
I need a tissue
Puffy eyes
Save me
Keep it together, keep it together.
And I cry
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