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Marrisa Jun 2023
I was so desperate to be loved that I grabbed you, holding you inside my heart
where you stuck out like splinters, hurting every time I felt anything, every time I breathed
I built my own coffin using all the memories I held of us, all the hurt with each ***** of the wood you purposeful shoved into me
like the thorns on a rose, there is no beauty without pain but why did I have to get stuck. Was it because I held on too long?
the trickles of rose red blood sliding down my finger, my hands - the same ones you held as you wished me well, wished me love and happiness you had no intention of providing
I plucked you from the bush but you stared at me with the same wilted look in your eyes as these flowers had when they reached their expiration date, when we reached our expiration date
Marrisa May 2023
The kids I babysit are my favorite part of the day,
Their laughter and smiles always brighten my way.
I love hearing their stories and playing their games,
And watching them grow up is one of life's greatest aims.

They're curious and kind, full of wonder and joy,
And I feel so lucky to be a part of their world!
From the silly faces they make to the songs they sing,
I know that these moments are the best thing.

We play games, read books, and watch TV,
And I'm always amazed by how much they teach me.
From learning new words to trying new foods,
I love all the adventures that we get to choose.

Sometimes we go outside and run around,
Or we just sit and chat and make silly sounds.
No matter what we do, we always have fun,
And I'm grateful that I get to be the one.

Babysitting my best friends are a privilege and a pleasure,
And I'm grateful for every moment that we treasure.
I know that we'll always be friends, no matter what,
And I can't wait to see where our adventures will take us.

I cherish the memories we make together,
And I hope that they'll remember me forever.
I love the kids I babysit, with all my heart,
And I know that they'll always be a special part.
Marrisa May 2023
In the quiet of the night, I'm alone with my thoughts.
The world outside fades away, as the darkness becomes my cloth.

I'm surrounded by an emptiness, a void that cannot be filled.
A feeling of isolation, that leaves my soul unfulfilled.

I long for someone to hold, to share my deepest fears
but the loneliness consumes me, and I'm left with only tears.

The silence echoes through the room, as I'm lost in my own mind.
The weight of my own thoughts, is all that I can find.

The hours pass by slowly, as I'm trapped within my head.
The loneliness is suffocating and I'm filled with silent dread.

But then a light begins to shine, a glimmer of hope within the dark.
And I realize that I'm not alone, that I can make a new start.

For in the stillness of the night, I find the strength to fight.
And I know that I can overcome the darkness with its might.

So I'll embrace the solitude and learn to be alone,
for in the quiet of the night, I'll find a new home.
Marrisa May 2023
From the weeds that grow so wild,
a flower blooms, so meek and mild.
It rises up, so strong and true,
and shows the world what it can do.

With petals soft and colors bright,
it stands out in the morning light.
A symbol of hope, a sign of grace,
it brings a smile to every face.

From the Earth, it draws it power.
A beauty born from weeds that flower.
It reaches high, towards the sun,
and shows the world what can be done.

With each passing day, it grows,
and its beauty only further showers.
A symbol of strength, a sign of peace,
it brings the world a sweet release.

From the weeds that grew before,
a flower blooms and so much more.
It shows us all that beauty lies
in the places we least expect to find.
Marrisa May 2023
The trees stand tall and silent,
their branches reaching for the sky.
A tapestry of greens and browns,
a sight that catches the eye.

Their leaves rustle in the breeze,
a symphony of sound and sway.
Their trunks are sturdy and strong,
a symbol of life and decay.

But in the shadows, they suffer,
a pain that we cannot see.
Their roots run deep beneath the earth,
a network of misery.

They feel the weight of the world,
a burden too heavy to bear.
Their leaves, a cover for the pain,
a mask that they cannot tear.

And in winter, they wither,
a tapestry of loss and grief.
Their leaves, a symbol of sorrow,
a sight that fills us with disbelief.

So let us mourn the trees that stand,
a symbol of suffering and pain.
A reminder of  the fragility of life,
a sight that fills us with disdain.
Marrisa Apr 2023
go ahead
put me down
tell me i'm a good girl
who had a good life
promise me lies
like this wont hurt
that you'll see me again
wipe away my tears with a smile
as you coo me
into my final slumber
put me under
and don't bring me back
you said i was
a ***** after all
so matter of fact
at least now
i can find peace
in a place where
you cant treat me
like a dog
Marrisa Apr 2023
growing up makes things dull
things aren't as fun anymore
they don't have the same feeling as they used to
almost as if when you were a kid
you were having the best high of your life
as it protects you from the real world
that is why when you grow up, life becomes dull
the high wears off and life becomes hard.. becomes real
you smoke to make you feel happy and protected
because now there is no protection
there is only you
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