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 Aug 2013 ME
CH Gorrie
I watch
 Aug 2013 ME
CH Gorrie
for Tupac Shakur*

I watch
thawed frost glide down
boughs like serpentine glass
and I shiver, spilling my scotch
a bit.
 Aug 2013 ME
 Aug 2013 ME
You spoke kind words,
a blissful reprieve from the silence and stagnation.
Warm words,
too few to count,
too subtle to embrace,
Yet the sun was shining
through two small
too small windows
And my heart was racing
too fast to slow then,
too warm to freeze still.
I felt the tremors,
choked on dry air.
I felt the shockwave pump blood
through rusty veins worn tired from disuse.
My eyes mirrored yours
hypnotized and ignorant of the change in motion.
The sun was shining
but the light was in your stare
So innocent and intrigued.
So unlike mine.
I couldn't bear the contact.
Struggling and stuttering,
my silence will save you.
You'll keep what I lack
Embrace what I've lost
Receive brief surrender
By your eyes' blind kindness.
 Aug 2013 ME
Tasha Gill
The room
 Aug 2013 ME
Tasha Gill
The walls
sing blue
the floors
scream orange
but in a
quiet subtle
kind of way

The bed creaks
with the window
they seem to converse
as you shift in your slumber
the way the wind
whistles past
a lullaby for dreams

The paintings talk shop
comparing, contrasting
the florals feel superior
the landscape's bored
the portrait stares out
the window dreaming
of the day when
he'll have a friend
the still lifes always gossip

The sounds of the room
are just right for
a demented mind
inspiring to the disturbed
a friend for the paranoid
a calm in the eye of
a mental storm
 Aug 2013 ME
Marshall CB Hiatt
The moonlight violet,
Refusing to bloom,
For any stimulus,
Will not open,
For even the softest eyes,
To view its glory,
In the softest light.
At the softest hour,
Through the softest voice,
Hear the softest word,

-April 26th 2013
 Aug 2013 ME
Abigail Waite
 Aug 2013 ME
Abigail Waite
A familiar breeze and your face creeps in

That song
This time of year
A certain word
And you appear
 Aug 2013 ME
Daniel Magner
My generation
has been taught
to hate the hero
and cheer on the villain
but maybe we were just given
the wrong heroes...
Daniel Magner 2013
 Aug 2013 ME
little bear
cigarette lungs,
decaying with every heavy breath.
"i don't smoke to enjoy it. i smoke to die" you once said.
i remembered it as i watched the dirt cover your face and enter your lungs.
you met death and he accepted you with open arms,
cold hands,
and a hungry soul.
you didn't ask me much,
but you told me every time you wanted to jump in front of a car,
and you held my hand knowing that if you did it i'd be going too.
you never wanted me to die,
but you knew i began decaying like you,
slowly and painfully,
until my mind had burnt a painful hole in my chest.
as though someone had burnt out their cigarette using my confidence.
i shook with the same pain,
wanting to die but wanting to live a little more.

you pinned the dead butterflies and hung them in frames in your bedroom.
you told me you wished you could look beautiful when you died.
you knew that the grave you would end up in would be full of maggots and forgetfulness.
no one would remember the makeup you laboriously put on every day to look alive.
"no one will remember us" you told me.
you held my hand and told me to jump but my hand slipped.
i wanted to die,
but i wanted to live.
i was terrified of dying and you knew it.
you looked back with pain.
the rocks welcomed your pale body and i was left on the mountain that hovered above your unfriendly graveyard.

the morning of your funeral i remembered black.
i remembered black was your favorite color and you would be looking forward to swimming in a large space of black nothingness.
you told me you hoped you'd see stars and watch them burn while you floated around in nothing.

i didn't know what to say.
but the night sky makes me think of you and i like to think that you're sitting on some star watching it die the same way i watched you die.
 Aug 2013 ME
Jim Morrison
 Aug 2013 ME
Jim Morrison
I can make the earth stop in
its tracks. I made the
blue cars go away.

I can make myself invisible or small.
I can become gigantic & reach the
farthest things. I can change
the course of nature.
I can place myself anywhere in
space or time.
I can summon the dead.
I can perceive events on other worlds,
in my deepest inner mind,
& in the minds of others.

I can

I am

People need Connectors
Writers, heroes, stars,
To give life form.
A child’s sand boat facing
the sun.
Plastic soldiers in the miniature
dirt war.  Forts.
Garage Rocket Ships

Ceremonies, theatre, dances
To reassert Tribal needs & memories
a call to worship, uniting
above all, a reversion,
a longing for family & the
safety magic of childhood.

The grand highway
is crowded


Now is blessed
The rest

A man rakes leaves into
a heap in his yard, a pile,
& leans on his rake &
burns them utterly.
The fragrance fills the forest
children pause & heed the
smell, which will become
nostalgia in several years

Rain & Thunder
Jet from the base
Hot searing insect cry
The frogs & crickets
Doors open & close
The smash of glass
The Soft Parade
An accident
Rustle of silk, nylon
Watering the dry grass
Rattlesnake, whistles, castanets
Lawn mower
Good Humor man
Skates & wagons

Where’d you learn about
Satan- out of a book
Love?- out of a box

night of sin (The Fall)
-1st ***, a feeling of having
done this same act in time before
O No, not again

Between childhood, boyhood,
& manhood (maturity) there
should be sharp lines drawn w/
Tests, deaths, feats, rites
stories, songs, & judgements

Men who go out on ships
To escape sin & the mire of cities
watch the placenta of evening stars
from the deck, on their backs
& cross the equator
& perform rituals to exhume the dead
dangerous initiations
To mark passage to new levels

To feel on the verge of an exorcism
a rite of passage
To wait, or seek manhood
enlightenment in a gun

To **** childhood, innocence
in an instant
 Aug 2013 ME
A la deriva
Straight Up
 Aug 2013 ME
A la deriva
Give it to me straight,
A London Dry Gin.
No ice to chill the swig,
No bitters to alter the taste.
I want to endure things as they are,
True. Pure.

Perhaps only the bartender will ever understand.
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