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MCWA Dec 2010
Our teacher rides on her broom
she levitates on it in our classroom
she will snap and  then deride
wish she'll take her pride for a ride!

Our teacher rode off on her broom
and there was joy in the classroom!

Our teacher came back from her ride
and all the students stirred inside,
"How do we rid her?"
"We must decide!"

"There are students in other classrooms
that also ride as you on brooms"
"They need a guide!"
"They want your brew!"
"They can ride along with you!"
"They  can be your new crew!"

"Fly to them now, that's what you should do!"
" We won't miss you, we won't be blue ! "
"Fly to them now, that's what you should do!"
Nov 2010 · 805
Life Way Back in the 1500's
MCWA Nov 2010
Baths: a rare luxury.
Folks would stink
didn't matter
what others would think
took yearly baths
come 'round May
no deordorant spray
so Wed in June
still smelled ok
used bouquet
of flowers
like today
just in case
this trick helped
save some face !
Nov 2010 · 5.2k
MCWA Nov 2010
Giovanni the Pizza Guy (Pronounce "a" as "uh")

Giovanni,you make a de savory tomato

and de thicka white creamy alfredo

you are a de pizza guy, amor'e

Si', I make a de homemade paste

she's a richer for you taste

and that's a part of my story.

I make a de pizza pie

I make a it to please

you wanna de pepperoni

or you wanna de plain cheese ?

I am a you waiter I take a you order

when you food-she a comes

she make a you mouth water

I make a de perfect pizza

in me you should a trust

you wanna de thicka or de thinna crispy crust?

I can make a spagetti or make a zucchini

butta for you , I make a linguine

I can make a de sauce red

I can make a it white

after you taste-you wanna more bite

I make a de spagetti -she's a made a with love

I cook a real slow you order ahead ;

or you take a to go.

I putta de stuff on de top

I give a you wine or a some pop

Uno momento, will you please

I must a cut a de cheese

I am a you pizza guy to make a you pizza pie

Why must a you stay a at home

when a you can a dine a in a Rome ?

I save a you a table

I tell a you a fable

I fill a you pants

I make a you dance

I make a de sauce thick

I make a de sauce thin

I make a you laugh

I make a you grin !

Si', Please a come a back ; see a Giovanni again!

Nov 2010 · 2.9k
Tis a Winsome Aspiration
MCWA Nov 2010
Tis a grand vocation
to be an inspiration

Tis a winsome aspiration
may be an oblation

May take some time
along with perspiration

Along with dedication
may come a solved equation

Tis a winsome aspiration
may come with some elation.

Tis a grand vocation
to be an inspiration.
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
Wondering, Will You?
MCWA Nov 2010
Will you hold my hand in this Winter Wonderland?
Will you carry me all the day at Walt's Disneyland?
Will you season me with salt, if I go to Never-Never Land?
Will you color my world if I go to Greenland?
Will you serve me hot cocoa, if I wander to Iceland?
I wonder if I wander will you ...
                           color, salt and serve me?
As I have , with delight, done for you all through the years?
Will you leap to carry my burdens and daily cares?
If not, then I'll cry into a bucket; fill to the brim with all of my tears.
Nov 2010 · 1.2k
Clerihew Style Poetry
MCWA Nov 2010
My math teacher was Mr. *****,
whose math classes were so silly.
He would spin us in a chair,
and throw our flashcards in the air!
Nov 2010 · 1.5k
Ancient Treasures
MCWA Nov 2010
Fabulous, Ancient Tyranian treasures found;
possessing sacred , beautiful wealth in kingly vessels.
Yesterdays, Phoenician Vineyards soar above todays,
with the most succulent grapes, and captivating divine Vines!
MCWA Nov 2010
Stone glazed face locked aloof

steaming breath whistling cold

at the thought of forbidden adultery

relentlessly in heat; with only molten mocking

desire for his only lady in waiting.
Nov 2010 · 837
Verse Lines
MCWA Nov 2010
Verse lines designed to delight
O, how these can ev'r cure
the sorrows in the night
A sonnet to slip you into a dream
A limerick for laughs and a healthful beam
your soulful eye yearning to dance away defeats
as you hustle to absorb the rhymes and little upbeats.
Nov 2010 · 6.2k
O Viking Gods of The Norse
MCWA Nov 2010
O Viking Gods of the Norse,
you governed the mighty seas.
your boats were built of gopher wood;
and you made wise use of a breeze!
MCWA Nov 2010
I'm on this Chain Gang, you see
'cause you're shackled to my heart

You're the ball on my chain;
I love you, tho' you drive me insane

You make me twigs and berries blossom;
You know just how to properly prepare
me meat and two veg

and it's sure temptin'when I'm with you
just to be livin' on the edge

Our love is a Garden
and you are the Rose

I picked you, you see
'cause you're scent attracted my nose
and watching you blush curled my toes
Sounds cliche', but that's how the story goes

My love is deep ; see how it shows?
and how deep is my love? Nobody knows.
Nov 2010 · 615
Don't Throw Babies Out
MCWA Nov 2010
Don't throw babies out
with the bath water
Ya, had to watch
'cause they came last
in line; in that order
first came daddy
then the brother
after the filth
then came the Mother
down the line went
the sisters too
it stunk 'round the house
just like a zoo
then came the babies
who would come last
this is how it was
in the Past.
MCWA Nov 2010
Sparkling Sapphire Skies
   O, coherently dreamy
            elated;  I cry
MCWA Nov 2010
Thy September wind is most winsome today.
Seest the lovliest of lilacs and lillies sway ?
Seest the daintiest of daisies dance away ?
Seest the tangoing tulips seductive at play?
Seest them now, beckoning thee?
Hearest the lissome buttercups rejoice?
Hearest the lucid charm in their voice?
Hearest the lithe of the Myrtle tree?                  
Hearest them now , whispering to thee?
Nov 2010 · 625
Before I Go to Bed
MCWA Nov 2010
Before I go to bed
Pray no bed-bugs
eat my head
Before I go to bed
Pray no fright
comes in the night
Before I go to Bed
Pray no mouse
scurries 'round the house.
Before I go to Bed
put my teeth by the chair
Before I go to Bed
Pray the cat don't **** my air.
MCWA Nov 2010
I went to Vegas made a bet
  takin' the cab: lost my Jet!  
Went  to settle up the score
What else is new? Lost some more!  
Nor did BlackJack go my way,
I should have left early that day!
I went to gamble; lost my shirt
Life's a shamble; now eatin'dirt    
I had a pocket full of cash      
sure was gone in a flash!
played the craps; now eatin' scraps  
thought I was lucky, but to my surprise
wasn't 7 or 11, it was snake eyes!  
I'm sorry to say, I took the bet
you know how it goes;it's Russian Roulette
I rolled the dice; I didn't think twice  
went to Vegas lost my dreams;
didn't stay away from the slot machines
Now I pray for my shattered life;  
should have played Bingo with my wife!
MCWA Nov 2010
There once was a man who had a big nose,
wherever he goes, the nose-he blows,
drank some whiskey in a glass shot,
then dripped some snot onto a tiny tot,
and apologized with poetry instead of prose!
Nov 2010 · 638
My Full-Figured Girl
MCWA Nov 2010
I did marry a full-figured girl
with sweet luscious red lips
and oh yeah, the right sized hips

I so enjoy her blonde curl
and she stands out in room
I  sure love her perfume

She often whispers in my ear
       and I  like it when
   she'll bring me a beer

what a honey, what a dear

She has fun when she winks at me
and she  loves making me blush
just  blow those kisses from my chair
she'll jump to catch them in the air

and she'll jump on me
and tickle til I scream

Now, all is peachy as long as  
         I don't , you know
get all  up in her milkshake
    You know what I mean

Yet , I just love to say she's my wife
she's the very best friend in my life.
MCWA Nov 2010
There once was a mouse named Leon,
who always lit up in neon,
he went to the park,
while it was real dark,
yet, could see everything he could wee on !
Nov 2010 · 1.6k
MCWA Nov 2010
Shepherd, I would wallow;
had I not had you to follow
Shepherd, I was lost
earth-bound to the ground;
Shepherd I was found,
by Grace: now safe and sound!
MCWA Nov 2010
I was sitting on the beach watching the waves
thinking of all the lives I've saved
my job is a thrill ; my job is hard
but I adore it, 'cause I'm a lifeguard
at times my mind drifts along with the waves
into a leisurely daydream some of the days
but then,  I awaken to reality when I hear a scream
so I jump into the water to save yet another
Good thing I did !    'Cause it was my mother!
Nov 2010 · 739
O, Tenebrous
MCWA Nov 2010
O, interminable tenebrous
ev'r bewildering,
haunting, taunting
my incessant Pierian Spring!
Nov 2010 · 640
MCWA Nov 2010
I thought you were my honey

but you were in for the money

I sent you to those classes

I bought your ugly glasses

I gave you that Camaro

You shot me with an arrow

I met your Kin

You broke my chin

I asked you why

you punched my eye

I gave you love

You gave a shove

I did your clothes

You broke my nose

I changed your sheets

you walked the streets

I walked your dog

You called me hog

I rubbed your feet

You ate my meat

I did your dishes

you mocked my wishes

You loved me not

You sold my cot

I did so care

You left me bare

You were in for the money

Weren't you, honey?
Nov 2010 · 849
A Poetess
MCWA Nov 2010
A poetess can find plenty to do,
        with a Japanese Style written Haiku.
   she can spin a web of nature round and round,
with vicarious, vivacious adornments that abound.
        She can place all of her creatures
          within or without of a local Zoo.
        She can simply state blue is a hue.
           For, there is plenty to do,
     with a Japanese Style written Haiku.
  She can post of planting stylish seeds,
  and post of picking the wildest weeds.
or she can simply skip through a meadow;
while frightening her readers with a shadow;
or she can basque in the sun and just have fun.
             For, there is plenty to do,
     with a Japanese Style written Haiku.
          Words of syllables with 5,7,5,
           rush to leap before her eyes;
       so she can write a deep mini poem
            that's poised to win a prize!
            For, there is plenty to do,
     with a Japanese Style written Haiku!
Nov 2010 · 1.2k
His Gentleness
MCWA Nov 2010
He gently creeps into her room
to rest tenderly near her side
while thoughts of melancholy zoom
in ~ of his once vibrant bride
she's been there for him
so many, many years
he sniffles~and tries to hide
the sorrow and the tears
she has been injured and hurt
but has lost the fight
she will not make it through the night
she will be in paradise by tomorrow's day
he reaches to sniff her best skirt
holds it tight~ it smells of her perfume
he drags over to the vanity to spray
her familiar scent around the room
he cradles her head within his arm
then musters an adoring smile as he whispers in her ear,
"Time travels fast, and I will see you in a while, my dear"
He provides her warmth by stroking her hair
he wants to capture this image of her there
he wants this moment painted on the wall
so that he can always,always recall
how peaceful she seemed while adrift somewhere.

— The End —