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 Feb 2013 MC Hammered
Jess Kovach
The pull I feel from your body to mine
Your crooked smile sending chills down my spine
The sparkle, it’s rare, but it’s there I see
In your eye, catching light, when you look at me
The world you seek may not be hard to find
Forget your thoughts and just open your mind
The possibilities that will unfold
Begin your life, you are free of the mold
You know where to find me, down by the sea
The sparkle is something I’d like to see.
We’ll sit on the rocks, waves crashing beneath
No words spoken, we will sit and just breathe.
Take in all the sounds and scents of the waves
We are free from worry, no longer slaves
Free to love, to relax, to seize the day.
Open your heart to the words that I say.

— The End —