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Mbunge Mar 2019

  I hope the sun shines just for you today.
So that you absorb the warmth store it in your heart and let it stay.

I hope you smile more today.Get rid of the frown let your face glow and keep it that way.

I hope you see the one who makes your heart skip a beat. I hope they look in your direction and blow a kiss.

I hope you drink your coffee hot with lots of sugar in it,just to get a glimpse of what it means when I say life is sweeter with you in it.

I hope you know that there is no limit. That whatever you choose to engage in you can be the best in it.

I hope you make it through this day fulfilled and successful.And if for whatever reason you don't,I hope you know that tomorrow still awaits you.

I hope you get home safe. Whisper a prayer and shout Amen.

#Hope #I
Mbunge Mar 2019
Slow down little heart
the love you're after is older than you're excitement.
It's selfish of you to think you deserve it.

Slow down little heart,
The love you're after is stronger than your thumping.
It'll hurt you to even think you can pump it.

Slow down little heart,
A time will come when you'll proudly play your part.
When love will be yours to have.

But it is not this one.

This is too complicated for you to understand,
It is upon false hopes that you stand.
Promising and exciting but
can never fully be returned.

So stop little heart.
Stop beating for what you cannot have.

#Crushing #Hurting #Love
Mbunge Mar 2018
There it was,
All I ever wanted,
All I ever thought of and longed for,
So close in the physical,
I saw it all in her eyes.
My fantasies went higher with every rising of her chest,
yet chances of being with her lowered with each exhale,
        taken she is,
so I ask myself,
what is heaven like if such like moments lead to hell?
#crush #Infatuation
  May 2016 Mbunge
Ocean Blue
A desert between us?
Only in your dreams.
Your longing?
Reciprocal, it seems.
Your heart ache?
Nothing compared to mine.
My promises?
Rare and always held.
Your smile?
Bright sunray
Throughout my day.
Your heart beats?
My earthquakes.
Your verses,
Daily narcotics.
My horizon?
Just to love you,
On and on.
Mbunge May 2016
You said you would keep me close
closer than the priest is to the alter
But you pushed me away
With every promise broken
Every postponed appointment
You mentored me to walk away
And at every lessons' end
My heart cracked and bled petrol
Which burned my love to produce soot
That darkened my veins cause my heart pumped hatred
I became a blacksmith used every hurt to forge an iron heart
So cry not for me
Cause tears cant make a dead heart love

#hurt #walkingaway #tears # heartbreak
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