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 May 2013 Maui Victorio
Sometimes when I feel this way
all I need is you to hold me.
To tell me it will all get better.
The tears roll down my cheeks
and you ask "what's wrong?"
I don't reply.
I can't.
The words are stuck in my throat.
There's a maelstrom of thoughts screaming through my head.
I am silent, yet the screaming gets louder.
I can't speak.
I won't speak.
I won't release this insanity upon your ears
I won't give in to the screaming raging in my head.
The monster inside wants to rage and tear
Tear away our love.
Tear away my sanity
I am not silent to push you away
I am silent to keep you near
I can fight the monster.
I know its weaknesses.
It is me.
Sometimes I need you to hold me.
Tell me it will all get better.
That I can fight this monster screaming inside my head.
Sometimes the tears help,
But I can't speak.
 May 2013 Maui Victorio
Lyn Geist
She lies in a tangle of blankets,
breathing in the scent of sadness.
The sounds of desperation within the dark
Leak pain into her soul.
Burdened by the years of standing tall,
crushed by the loneliness.
She believed the strength inside
Would carry her beyond the emptiness.
Yet into the darkness the light of her soul creeps,
Moving endlessly, recklessly.
Predawn light brings her no peace,
Feeling instead the fear of facing another day.
Sighs and cries and moans of despair
Leave her lost and broken.
Dreams abandoned, choices made, time past.
She feels the regret,
That familiar ache that brings the weight of anger.
And there she weeps for all she missed
and all that could have been.
As darkness makes its way once more
She smells the scent of sadness...

— The End —