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 Nov 2013 Matthew Walker
Katy C
Please allow me
to cling to your skin
like the scent of a long night,
leaving traces that smell
like rain and sadness.
**** me in like a bitter shot
so my name sits on your breath
like whiskey and disdain
and let the thought of me
pollute you like the drag of a cigarette;
remaining long after
I've vanished through your teeth
and mingled with the air that fills your lungs,
hoping this time
you'll die a little quicker
as you breathe me in.
 Oct 2013 Matthew Walker
I remember Mondays in Coach Mac's class. How I loathed yet loved this occurrence. During the period of poetry, each student was asked to write one of their own and read them aloud in class. To write your feelings, your thoughts, onto lined paper and stand in class constructed spot light, asked to peel the skin off of your body to display.

Others mastered the art of avoidance. Of detachment. They often wrote about how fall was coming or an ode to another classmate. But I was never good at running. So I wrote. Not of happiness because he is a stranger to me. I wrote of what I've known for the past five years of my life.

They told me I had talent. And each Monday they anticipated the moment that I would stand up and read.

They wanted to hear my words. They wanted to know the hopelessness of depression and the consuming sadness that I have only known. They hung on to every syllable of my heartbreak and every stroke of ink of my depression. They wanted to know. They wanted to hear. They held on because I wrote words that discomforts, subjects tucked under the rug. I wrote about the raw experiences they themselves could not verbalize. Yet they were familiar.

They wanted the words from someone else's mouth.

They fell in love with my depression but they never wanted to help.
 Oct 2013 Matthew Walker
kisses drenched in wine
wasting away time
feet entangled mine
your skin-scarring touch.

staining the days
of life passed away
to look back and say
I miss you this much.

Let's change time, babe
let's rewind the show
back in your arms
only place I know
I belong.

Those blues in my thoughts
follow me as I walk
down the streets I thought
you'd be at my side.

But the cold settled in
there's no hand in my hand
just the harsh mocking wind
telling me you're not mine.

It seems loneliness is my only friend
the one thing I truly know
you left so easily
must carry on the show.

Somedays I will stop
Every day to be exact
where I find my mind wandering
about the things left in the past.

The dimples around your smile
and the crinkles on your face
hearing your heart beat
with every loving embrace.

I see you in every corner
every face that passes by
in the empty spot on my bed
where your body laid by mine.
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