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Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
It seems I've found my calling
Maybe unsound and appalling
But it's got you down and crawling
Like that gown you're falling

I love catching little flies
Hatching from their little lies
Flying straight to the spiders web
Love and hate spinning the threads

I love the moves of the pieces
A game, it soothes and releases
I love clawing to the top
Gnawing till you drop

I love a little work for the mind
And you're not above a little work for my time
I love the little words that mean so much
Floating like little birds till you crave the touch

I love to dance to the piano slow
A lovely trance within your soul
Soften your stance with every note
Just a chance I'll take you home

I love a trembling whisper
But don't detest a shout
Above what's within her
She's dying to get out

I'll set fire to this town
Get me to higher ground
Bet a liar you're going down
Forget to aspire and you'll surely drown

This is where I belong
Hands in your hair, soft as a song
Eyes everywhere so don't stay long
But remember, All is fair when you play god
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
Fight fire with fire
Flame with flame
Ignite my pyre
And curse my name

Throw a gift away
And burn my throat
Maybe if they stay
They'll never know

Maybe if I see
It'll never show
And if you knew me
You would wish it so
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
The first time I kissed you
And looked into your eyes

It wasn't real I knew
Just ghosts in my mind

And when my twelve hours were done
And I got out of bed

I couldn't wait to leave the sun
And fall back into my head
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
It's funny how you are the way you come to me
You don't arrive by car or sea
Not by air or rail
No letters in the mail
Just a text on my phones screen
A beautiful sound, a sight to see
A light that triples my hearts beat
That's what you are to me
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
If I built a tower
Stood atop in power
Took every ounce of gold
Filled every house I owned
Flooded streets with my name
It wouldn't be the same

Because the things we own
Don't warm our bones
And the attention we take
Won't stop the ache

But when I saw you smile
It put my heart on trial
And I knew for better or worse
A truth that filled me to burst

I knew that every moment I chose
To pursue that beautiful glow
Was one I could never regret
A moment I could never forget

Every gift I place in your hands
Helps my heart to slowly expand
And every laugh I can set free
Was worth every bit of me

And I knew it made perfect sense
For every effort was at no expense
After the moment I began to see
The revelation welling in me

I simply never knew
I've waited my whole life to love someone like you
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
I'd like to make you think
And I do love to make you think
That I am a saint among men
A will of iron from beginning to end

I would like to make you think
It comes easy to me
That I am never on the brink
Of losing sanity

I want you to think I wasn't torn
When she only wants the night
Nothing more
It was but a trifle to say no
A lonely bed easily kept so

It has never crossed my mind
That a drink or two would bury me behind
That a fight in a dim alley way
Wouldn't make me feel alive
Knuckles made for darker play
Wouldn't have a place to thrive

If I could be honest with myself
And I do hate to be honest with myself

I posses the soul of a saint
Good is all I wish to do
But my heart is filled with pain
Always a struggle to stay true

So if you are to know me
As I would like for you to
You will have to see
Behind everything I do

I am a demon of an angel
Hating but kind
Living life through the angle
Of a tortured mind

Though I can't say who will win
Or when the struggle will finally end
I can say I will fight this sin
Try to be something better than I've ever been

And I will remember you
In everything I do

Because the world deserves something better than this
This angel who fell
So save me the sweetest kiss
And I will make it through this hell
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Oh baby I'm worth the danger
I'm a game of Russian roulette with a bullet in every chamber
No maybe I'll never change her
But that won't stop me

Oh who must that be
On the edge of the smoke I see
Beneath the guise of a top hat
A glint from the eye of a tom cat

And Oh Tick tick tick goes the watch
Wind it up it'll never stop
And neither will he

Oh I don't mean to brag
Well yes I do but you're such a drag
And maybe a little story telling
Will get at the goods you're selling

Oh maybe it's all I can do
To feel alive when I'm next to you
And Oh maybe I'm more than you'll ever see
Maybe I adore the complexity

Oh baby pull me under
Come on, tear me asunder
Show me with your subtle flaunts
I can't have everything I want

But oh
What is this?

But oh
Craving a kiss?

But oh, shaking hands search for a reason
Burning brands mark my heart for treason
If I want to ever get out alive
I have to sever these warm ties
Cause the pain only finds me
When love comes and binds me

And oh!!!

And oh!!!

Run run run he'll never stop
Like the tick tick tick of his pocket watch
And you can blame all your romances
On the shame of your midnight dances
But you'll never know from where it came
Like the tom cat you tried to tame
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