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Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Always so casual I wish I could be
Just like you so you couldn't see
All the feelings inside of me
Wanting to be spoken free

I wish you couldn't know
How I miss you so

And how much I wish I didn't
But I can't keep it hidden

I don't know how you do this to me
But stop me before I say please
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
At first sight I knew
Like a man glimpses  the silhouette of a woman he could love
As she turns and fades into a crowd
And so he runs
Beats the earth with cold feet
Pieces of his world falling around him
Shattering into shards of memory
So my world crumbled
So I built a new one on a bed of the ashes
And there I planted seeds of beauty, happiness,
And so I have opened the gates to paradise for us
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
There are three curses of the soul
And each in turn take their toll
Upon meĀ 
For all I feel and know
All I see

First is the curse of knowing too much
Secrets thought forgotten in the dust
Things I can never pull from my head
Things that keep me awake in my bed

Second is another of excess
Caring to much, dying in the process
Wishing only to bring you back to life
Wishing only to do what is right

Last and the most cruel of them all
The fire at the bottom of the fall
That which keeps me crawling through
The trench of darkness to find you

Hope, a poison of heart and mind
Hope to one day be kind
To give you back sight
To see your smile so bright
For this I would die
Maybe then I would see the light
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Everything I'm too scared to hope for

Like a wish read straight from my heart

I'm sinking into the perfection I adore

Zealous to be taken apart

All my dreams have turned to your eyes

Begging you to save my life

Every tear you've ever cried

Tonight we make those wrongs right

Hoping someday you can love this knight
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
If you knew how profound
How it almost shakes the ground
How I feel when you're around
You would only make one sound
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Do you believe in destiny?
Whatever it may be?
I like to think I'm free
That this misery
Wasn't by decree
Of a higher being
Beyond me
That I could flee
If I please
I think you would agree
If you could see
The smallest and largest degree
To which I am my own detainee
But whether I am drifting in a boat at sea
Or rooted to my fate like a tree
At least I think I'm free
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Once again I find myself
Outside the dream peering in
But at least I found myself
Once again
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