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Jan 2017 · 326
As the ship moves farther from the shore,
The captain's eyesight starts to strain,
To see the port where they spent most of their days.

Once out at sea they are too busy,
To think of days they spent with the people,
They left behind.

On their final day,
Before they turn around to head to shore,
They start to remember the ones they love,
As they long for the shore,
They spent forgetting,
While on the sea chasing their dreams.
Jan 2017 · 342
The quiet is boring,
The quiet is fun,
The quiet can drive you crazy,
The quiet can make you sane,
The quiet is everywhere,
The quiet is nowhere,
The quiet is between us,
And growing like a ****,
As we drift apart from day to day.
Dec 2016 · 301
I send and send
Day after day
But there is no response

And I still have faith
That one day they'll answer

Because as time goes on and they read more

They may realize
That I may be more than just a creep

So I keep sending
Day after day
Til I get tired, or they realize I am me
Nov 2016 · 562
Life is like a tree
As you grow stronger,
And wiser,
Producing more trees to carry you along,
As you weaken 'til your dead.
Nov 2016 · 581
Cloud Forest
From a thousand feet up,
Things seem to change,
From green,
And beige,
To white,
And grey.

A landscape that always seems to change,
Not from day to day,
But from sway to sway,
As the aircraft works it way,
To an imaginary spot,
Where it starts to decay.

Through the white,
And grey,
To approach the ground,
Of green,
And beige.
Aug 2016 · 280
How and Why
How do you know,
When a person is the one?
The one,
You want to spend your life with.
The one,
You would give up everything for.
The one,
You would do anything for.

Nobody may know the answer to this question,
Or if they do,
Can you answer this one?

Why is it so hard to keep them?
Apr 2016 · 603
The Elephant
As they dance around the room
to a tune they love to swoon.
An elephant moves into the room
too separate them from the earth to the moon.
#tweetpoems (will add a new one every Thursday)
Nov 2015 · 319
The Void
Today is the day,
The day when you wake up and notice,
That the person sleeping next to you is the person you want.

You want to live with,
Die with,
And create a life with that you can be proud of.

Yet a you look next to you,
The person in the bed seems so far away,
Because you ****** up while they were away.

So as you try to put your relationship back together,
You end up loosing them,
To the void of friendship that can't be crossed,
Because your ship isn't strong enough to make it,
To the one you love unless they meet you half way,
So you sit floating in the void waiting,
And waiting,
Until they show.
Jul 2015 · 402
Power of the Mind
As you stand there,
With water rolling over your body,
You start to think.

About the trees,
About the day ahead,
And about the life you want to lead.

As you turn up the dial,
The steam fills your vision,
Making the space smaller and smaller.

Your claustrophobia starts to set in,
And you start to panic,
Heart races and your mind runs.

Scaring you to death that no one is there,
To save you from the fear within,
So you stand there and cower to the power,
Of your mind.
Jun 2015 · 305
How Do You...?
How do you make a complicated situation uncomplicated?
How do you make yourself stop loving a person?
How do you make a person fall back in love with you?
How do you ask a person to give you another chance?

These are the questions you have to answer,
When you leave and meet back up with the person,
You may want to spend the rest of your life with.

Yet most people are not willing to ask themselves those questions,
Or find an answer.

So you and everyone else spends their days just wandering around,
Looking for the person they already met.
May 2015 · 268
As your mind struggles to comprehend,
Your thoughts of fear and sorrow,
You start to contemplate,
The life you lead and the life you want to lead.

As you contemplate this struggle,
You start to realize your,
Who you are and who you need.

What do you do if the person you need,
Doesn't accept that you were wrong in leaving?

As you think, your answer will always be, NOTHING!
Apr 2015 · 340
Is the loneliest number,
At least thats what they say.

Can be as bad as ONE,
Which is true when you get judged,
By the ONE you thought you wanted.

Is the loneliest number you'll ever do,
But ONE doesn't look that bad,
When your TWO is blinded,
By a light that didn't come from you.

Can be as bad as ONE,
Why do we strive to be part of TWO,
When ONE can be struggled through,
With people you know,
Wont hurt you?
Feb 2015 · 417
Wall one is weak,
So when someone breaks it,
Not much harm is done.

Wall two is solid,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel the blow.

Wall three is strong,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel pain.

Wall four is stronger yet,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel anger.

Wall fives is the strongest,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel the depression of having to rebuild.

After the fifth wall,
Come the most fragile thing to all man kind,
Yours emotions.

Where some people seem to get to,
Through the back door,
That we all know is there,
But dont want to admit.

Allowing the person to control,
The emotions you feel,
Leaving you wondering,
Blindly through the dark depths of your mind.
Jan 2015 · 856
Cold War
One by one they stand like statues,
As they get tagged,
In the feild were they play.

As the game goes on,
More and more stand like statues,
Waiting to be unfrozen,
By a person who will never come.

Due to the war between two,
That has everyone paralyzed with fear,
In this cold climate,
That they call normal.
Jan 2015 · 330
Why does it hurt?
Why does it hurt,
When I try?

Why does it hurt,
When they dont?

Why does it hurt,
When I give oppinions?

Why does it hurt,
When they dont?

Maybe there's an answer that fits it all.
Maybe there's not.

So why do I keep searching,
For an answer that will never come,
In this life of mine.
Dec 2014 · 3.1k
Today its cold,
Tomorrow its warm,
The day after that,
Who knows what it will be.

As long as the sun rises in the east,
And sets in the west,
The day will be warm,
As long as you are in the arms,
Of the one you love.
Aug 2014 · 611
Some say it's Sensational,
Emotion driven,
And even that it's Xenomorphic.

Causing people to want more,
And allows them to deepen the well they use for love.

'Til it is taken.

Causing people to fear it,
And avoid the touch of another.

Since to them it's Savage,
And Xericed the well they use for love.
Xericed: dried
Xenomorphic: having a form not its own
Jun 2014 · 316
'Til it Stops
As the room sits still,
It starts to move,
Spinning faster and faster.

As it starts to tilt,
From side to side,
And morph,
From one room into another.

'Til it stops,
And your staring at the ceiling,
Wondering why,
You died the night you felt alive.
Jun 2014 · 470
Today is the day
My heart died,
My head sunk.

The day when,
Life became hard,
And friendships became complicated.

Do to the love,
That we shared,
From year to year.

As lovers become friends,
And friends start to separate,
As our lives start to trace,
Their own separate paths.
Apr 2014 · 312
'Til it breaks
When you pull a string,
It stretches.

As you keep pulling,
It gets longer and longer.

'Til The string can't take anymore,
And breaks.

Sending each end flying,
In opposite directions.

As you stand there,
Looking at the two pieces on the floor,
You decide to pick them up,
And tie them back together.

In hopes to stretch,
The string all over again,
'Til it breaks.
Apr 2014 · 582
Rain, rain, go away
Rain, rain, go away,
To let me rise  from this day,
Where my feet are heavy,
And my shoes are wet,
As I walk from this place to that.

Rain, rain, go away,
So I don't have to drown,
As I try to cross the river,
To where she sits.

Rain, rain, go away,
As I pull my way through,
The mire at her feet.

Rain, rain, go away,
And don't rain on my parade.

Rain, rain, stay all day.

Rain, rain, stay all day,
As I watch her walk away.

Rain, rain, stay all day,
As I close my eyes,
While I lay here ready to cry.

Rain, rain, stay all day,
As I lay here waiting in this mire,
For my time to die,
In hopes to solve the problems I made.
Apr 2014 · 496
One by one they link up,
Liking one thing after another,
'Til they match up.

Two by two they twist,
Closer and closer together,
'Til they touch and unite.

To form a rope.

A rope that can't be broken,
No matter how hard one pulls,
Due to the strength,
Of the gravity that hold them together.
Jan 2014 · 717
As the distance lengthens,
And time grows longer,
Relationships strain and sway,
Like a tree in the wind.

As it bends and creeks,
The roots start to strain.

One by one,
They start to break.

'Til it collapses,
Into a pile of twigs,
That will never again,
Resemble a tree.
Jan 2014 · 318
1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You start walking down this path.

1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You see the fork you must pass.

1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You start walking down the wrong path.

1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You start back down those long steps.

That led you back,
To the place you tried to forget.
Jan 2014 · 337
As it rolls from place to place,
It picks up trace,
From every place.

As the trace piles up,
It slows to a crawl,
Where everyone piles on.

As the pile grows,
The bodies start to drop,
‘Til there’s only one on.

It starts to draw her near,
The one he finds so dear.

‘Til the point where it stops rolling,
And all becomes clear,
You found the person for you to call dear.
Jan 2014 · 312
1 by 1 they fall,
As the bullets start,
To riddle the hall.

People call for more,
As they see the blood,
Flow down the wall.

But once there gone,
They move to the next,
Ball to find the next hall,
To riddle with bullets and blood.
Jan 2014 · 567
As I sit here,
I see you to my left.

As I sit here,
I wish we were sitting together.

As I sit here,
A thought runs through my mind.

Is all this real,
Or are you just a figment,
Of my over active imagination.

I will never know,
Because every time I try to touch you,
You end up running from me.
Jan 2014 · 345
The door closes,
And the window shuts,
Than all of a sudden,
The party starts.

The party moves,
From room to room,
‘Til it finally stops at my door.

Where I come out and yell,
“No more!”

You all turn around and scorn,
Me standing at my door.

As I lay down to sleep,
I hear the pounding of your music,
On my door.

So I get up,
And go out my door,
To join the party,
That I tried to scorn.
Jan 2014 · 362
There is one way into:
The boredom,
The school,
The fun,
And the only way out,
Is through the life you lead,
As you wonder across the earth,
On which you were perched.
Jan 2014 · 369
As it starts to pulse,
You start to move.

As you get closer,
To the source,
Your heart starts to pound.

As it starts to wind down,
You start to relax and think,
Of what you just did,
As the final pulse hits you.

Then on to the next,
Where it starts all over again.
Jan 2014 · 273
Two by two,
They walk through the door.

Moving from left to right,
And across the room.

To a wall,
By which they stood,
In hopes to see the light,
By which they hope to follow.
Jan 2014 · 252
It doesn’t fall from trees,
Yet it is as green as the leaves.

It gets traded,
And everywhere,
With none returning to thee.

When I finally get a few,
From the jobs that I do,
I lose it by giving it,
To them and you.

So why do I try,
To make the green.
That always evades you and me?
Jan 2014 · 504
When life throws you,
Under the bus,
Flattening you,
Thinner than a pancake.

Do you get up,
And puff yourself up,
And get noticed?

Do you lie there and die,
Or do you move on flattened,
And going unnoticed,
Because no one sees you,
Or notices you,
Standing there against the wall?

Causing everyone that you knew
To start forgetting you,
And all you did.

Making you feel,
Like that wall,
By which you stand.
Jan 2014 · 344
Blood is blue,
As it runs through your veins.

Until it reaches air,
And forms a change.

To a red,
That knows no bounds,
As it flows,
From the wound and down.

So when you hear,
That red means love,
Shouldn’t they say blue?

Once love has broken,
The heart that you grew,
Wouldn’t the blood be blue?
Jan 2014 · 379
Slowly they walk,
Across the floor,
When suddenly they stop,
When there’s a knock at the door.

They stare at their feet,
Which are bare,
In hopes that their shoes will soon be repaired.

The door slams,
And they start to swear,
At the people that put them there,
As they walk from here to there.

When they die,
Their rut is bare,
Which is easily filled by people with tears.

Tears in their hearts,
That gave care to a person,
That they meet somewhere.
Jan 2014 · 310
At a big party,
Where everyone’s around,
You look to your left,
And down,
But as they stare straight ahead,
They see right through,
The body of which is you.

You sit in a room,
With no one around,
But you end up seeing,
All that you knew was true.

You’re a somebody,
That nobody knew.

Meaning that 2 will always be stronger than 4,
No matter how strong 3 can be.
Jan 2014 · 1.9k
They sicken everyone,
Who comes in contact with them.

They spread like wildfire,
That can’t be doused.

And the only thing that stops them,
Is the body,
In which hosts them.

But the world has a problem,
With a virus,
That can’t be stopped.

It affects everyone,
No matter how smart.

It kills more people,
Then guns and wars.

But it is never the answer,
To why things happen,
Because stupidity is the virus,
Which nobody cares to acknowledge.
Jan 2014 · 822
And blue,
Make up the colors of me and you.

And white,
Are the colors that just might,
Bring you fear at night.

So close your eyes,
And your petals too,
And hope you will still be standing,
When the black turns blue.

So as you start,
To open your bloom,
A hand comes down to collect you.

So now you will never know,
The feel of that white light,
On the petals of your flower,
Because you are stuck in a glass,
That becomes your prison ‘til death.
Jan 2014 · 462
As I sit on the hill,
I move my hands,
From here to there.

I make people ogle,
When they look at me.

But when they come near,
I stand still and stare,
At the face that comes near me.

But when they move,
I move again,
In hopes to draw them near,
And ogle at the beauty that I set in front of you,
In hopes that you will carry me away.
Jan 2014 · 447
Day by Day,
I sit waiting,
For the perfect one to come.

I see her everyday,
But I still can’t touch her.

She lives next to me,
She flirts with me,
I think?

But she is still out of reach.
So I wait.

I see her walking down the halls,
She’s in my classes,
And she sits where I can see her.

She sits next to me in band,
She flirts with me,
I  guess?

But she talks to all the guys that way.
So I wait.

Now I have a problem!
I like them both,
And I don’t know which one to choose.

What do I do?!
Do I ask them if they like me?
Do I ask one on a date?

I am not sure!
I am confused!!!!

So I sit waiting,
Day by Day.
Jan 2014 · 299
You can wish,
A thousand wishes.

You can say,
A thousand prayers.

You can beg,
A thousand people,
And see who cares.

You can steal,
A thousand items,
To make you feel excited.

You can take,
A thousand leaps,
And never land on your feet.

But to get to these,
Thousand things,
You have to believe,
In hopes and dreams.
Jan 2014 · 266
Love is crazy,
And it is normal.

It changes people for the better,
Or for the worst.

It drives people crazy,
And drives people sane.

It makes people hate each other,
And gives people hope.

It breaks people’s hearts,
And mends them together.

It makes people come together,
And can push people apart.

It makes people **** each other,
And makes people **** themselves.

It is the best quality that god gave us,
But it is the only one that can make us sin.

So why do people love each other?
And why do people stop loving each other?
Jan 2014 · 354
The beat of a heart keeps the world going.
So when the heart stops,
So does the world in which you live.

But the world goes on.

The beat of a heart keeps people together.
So when people break apart,
The world at which they knew does too.

But the world goes on.

The beat of a heart keeps the mind together.
So when the heart breaks,
The mind breaks too.

But the world goes on.

The beat of the heart makes it hard to make decisions.
So when your mind makes a decision,
Your heart makes a different one.

But the world goes on.

So if everyone follows his or her heart,
And then all their hearts stop.
Will the world go on?
Jan 2014 · 337
Today is a day,
In which you were born.

Today is a day,
You like to scorn.

Today is a day,
You gain one more.

Today is the day,
You came into existence.

The day you joined,
This beautiful world,
In which you’ve grown old.

So today is the day,
In which you celebrate,
The year you have spent,
In this magnificent life.
Jan 2014 · 387
Problems are here,
Problems are there.

Some you can fix,
Some you have to bare.

Others are both,
And just make you scared.

But problems only happen,
When you dare,
To try to fix something,
Already there.
Jan 2014 · 759
People are smart.
People are wise.
People are the kings of the animals,
But people are also,
Dumber than posts.

I know you might disagree,
With the logic I've just decreed,
But if you do disagree,
Then explain these questions to me.

Why is there still discrimination,
Between the races?

Why do People shoot each other,
Over a ring,
When there are more,
In the store?

Why can’t the smartest person in the world,
Figure out a simple puzzle?

Why do People cry for People who died,
When they don’t even know the person?

Even a broader question.
Why do People cry over death,
When they know it is coming?

If you could answer all the questions,
Good for you!!
You are truly,
The wisest of all People.

Now that you are,
The wisest of all People,
I have one more question.

How many more years,
Do all the People in the world,
Have to live?
Jan 2014 · 554
Little by little,
It moves down the line,
One person at a time.

Each person adds a little,
‘Til it has grown,
Into a lie,

A lie nobody can handle,
And nobody will try.

As you try to end the lie,
You tell the truth,
Which doesn’t thrive.

So you tell another lie,
And another lie,
‘Til you finally die,
Which puts the lie,
In the box,
In which you lie.
Jan 2014 · 384
And red.

These are the colors,
I turn when I am dead.

And laughing.

This is what I hear,
From my friends.

And turning.

Is what happens to me,
When I fall from the tree.


Is what I feel,
When I have reached,
My last resting place,
For me to sleep.
Jan 2014 · 460
Today I had another fight with you,
I’ll be *******,
‘Til the day is new,
When the sun shines through,
The window that you’re looking through.

I say hi to you,
And bye to you,
And all I get is a nod from you.

I ask you for help,
And help you when you ask,
But all I get is the glare,
That cuts right through me,
While I sit there in that class.

I try to apologize for my acts,
But I get pushed back,
So what will it take,
To remove this stake,
That is driven between us.
Jan 2014 · 429
I am stored on a shelf,
Next to medicines and ointments,
For man and beast.

I came in a small yellow box,
Marked with a 22.

I am shot out of a rifle,
Near the speed of sound.

I am good at killing ducks and people.

I can get the shooter in trouble,
And get them killed,
In front of a firing squad.

I am a known around the world as,
A killer.

I **** hundreds a day.

I start wars,
And end them.

I am the worst thing known to human kind,
Because nobody sees me,
But they always hear me,
Because I always go out with a,
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