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Jan 2014 · 249
Day by day,
I wave at people,
As they walk by.

I am lit at night,
But not by day.

Everyone knows what I stand for.

Some people love me,
Some people burn me.

But I still wave,
To these people who walk by,
To tell them that I am still flying high.

For them and all the dead,
That died for me.

Because everything I symbolize is FREE.
Jan 2014 · 573
One by one they fall,
Like the dominos in the hall.

It covers everything,
Like a blanket on a bed.

It’s as cold as a freezer,
But as warm as a blanket.

They never look alike,
But they always freeze the same.

It makes the world sparkle,
Like a disco ball.

It makes the ugliest thing known to mankind,
Look like the Mona Lisa.

So if it is so beautiful,
Why do people love to hate this thing called SNOW?
Jan 2014 · 429
Day in and day out,
I sit on my porch,
And watch the sun rise and fall in the sky,
As I wait for my last days.

I listen to the rain as it hits the ground,
Which sounds like a fat juicy steak,
When it sizzles on the grill.

I smell the beautiful flowers in the garden,
As I close my eyes.

I feel my soul leave me,
As it floats effortlessly,
Above my lifeless body.

It watches my house shrink,
As it flies,
To those golden gates in the sky,
To meet its everlasting fate.
Jan 2014 · 219
Unable to stop it,
Unable to catch it,
Nobody has gone back in it,
And nobody has bent it.

It just keeps moving,
Things keep changing,
And nothing makes sense.

So why do thing live,
When it takes your life away?

Why do people care,
What time it is during the day?

When we live for such a short time,
On this Earth we call home.
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Consider a drip,
Falling from a faucet.
An effortless glide to the sink,
Plunging into the drain.
A skydiver’s free fall,
With out his chute.
A direct flight,
And then – the curve,
Ding – ****, “ It’s the plumber he’s come to fix the sink.”
Jan 2014 · 341
6’ Under
Day by day,
Moment by moment,
Life moves forward.

Minute by minute,
Your heart starts to slow.

Suddenly it stops.

Now you lay asleep,
As your life starts to slow.

Then it finally stops,
As you are lowered,
To your resting place,
Six feet under.
Jan 2014 · 260
One by one,
They fall to the ground.

Two by two,
They come toward you.

Three by three,
You yell, “Look at me.”

Four by four,
You blow them toward the street,
And away from the door.

Three by three,
You yell at me,
To come back to the door “PLEASE!!”

Two by two,
You close the door,
When I walked back through that door.

One by one,
They still fall,
Even though I sit,
With my back against the wall.
Jan 2014 · 346
I sit waiting for her at the door.

I wait for a text ‘til it’s late

I see her walking through the door.

I asked her on a date.

She walks back out through the door.

I have died here on the floor,
Before I could walk her out,
Through the door.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
It is torn apart,
And put back together.

Pieces get lost,
And replaced.

It always changes,
Never the same from day to day.

As time goes on,
Pieces get stuck,
And broken,
And maybe even burnt,
As the events in your life,
Take you apart,
And put you back together,
Like a jig saw puzzle.
Jan 2014 · 303
An idea comes from the mind,
So fast,
The body doesn’t mind.

But if that idea,
Gets lost or stolen,
Your body starts destroyin’,
The thing you need to keep goin’.

And as your body starts,
To beat it up,
And you start to gain,
A broken heart.
Jan 2014 · 726
It is day in the night,
When the lights are kicked on,
On a hope filled night.

Ropes are pulled,
And pieces are moved,
Before the actors begin to prove,
That they are someone else to you.

The play flows effortlessly,
From scene to scene,
While the crew jostles,
To make it look good to you.

As the play starts to wind down,
The day starts to die,
As the lights slowly start to dim,
As the curtain closes,
On this glorious day.
Jan 2014 · 247
It moves,
Then it stops,

It runs,
Then it walks,

It confuses me,
Then I understand.

It is in reach,
Then it’s out.

It races and wins,
While you loose.

It dies at night,
And comes back to life in the light,
To show you that life is great,
Even though your mind can’t wait,
For your body to wake.
Jan 2014 · 233
Only thing faster than the light,
Is the night.

The only thing faster than the night,
Is the mind.

The only thing faster than that,
Are the hopes and dreams,
That everyone has set,
In hopes to move forward,
In the life that they’ve led.

But because the night is faster than the light,
And the light is faster than the day,
Nobody is able to catch,
The hopes and dreams in which they set.
Jan 2014 · 544
Life comes from life,
As shown in the spring,
When flowers come up to stretch their wings,
And show off their feathers to the gods,
That governs the land in which they grow.

But life also ‘comes with death,
As floods come and wash away,
The new life that just sprung up,
From the depths of the hollows.

But life is resilient,
And it begins again,
Just like a small flame,
Barely lit,
On the edge of an oil pit.
Jan 2014 · 347
The sun rises in the East,
And sets in the West,
And while it is in the sky,
Life goes on.

A man walks to the store.

A woman drives to work,
And back again.

The sun rises in the East,
And sets in the West,
And the sun goes out like a light,
To make it night.
Jan 2014 · 692
Is it the Love,
That fallows your heart,
Or is it the love that fallows your “head”.

Is it the Injustice,
That rules over the justice system,
That we have confidence in.

Is it the Fees,
That we pay,
For everything we do or say.

Is it the Energy,
That you put out to change the world,
In which you live.

LIFE is none of the above,
It is the study of who you are,
Who you want to be,
And what you have become,
In the time you have left on earth.
Jan 2014 · 446
Laying on the floor,
Alone and cold,
Holding the door,
For everyone who enters.

It sits there gathering dust,
Getting kicked and replaced,
Set up and layed down.

There are rips on the cover,
And on the pages,
There are foot prints and dirt.

Then finally it’s picked up,
And placed on the self,
Where it won’t get hurt anymore.
Jan 2014 · 296
2 not 4
But 1+3 does not equal 4,
Even if 1 makes a mistake with 3,
Because the bond between 1+1 will always equal 2,
While 1+3 will never equal 4.
Jan 2014 · 272
I broke the computer you were saving for college.
Forgive me. I was drunk,
And I wanted to see if it would fly.
Jan 2014 · 515
Run to here,
Sprint to there,
And never stop running around your room.

Duck and hide,
Slip and slide,
From shadow to shadow to stay away.

Scream and cry,
When the light is turned on,
And you have nowhere to hide,
From the dread that you’ve tried to avoid.
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
I stand next to you,
Watching and learning.

I move things,
When you need them moved.

I tell you an idea,
When you are looking for one.

I help you with things,
When you need it,
But even this goes unnoticed.

I hold the door,
To let you in.

I give you my coat,
When you are cold.

I help you with problems,
You can’t figure out,
But this even goes unnoticed.

I know I ask for a lot,
But all I want,
Is to know,
I’m not invisible.
Jan 2014 · 377
And moving from place to place.

A gray wall is coming to make your day,
And gray.

As the rain runs down the sewer drain,
You watch your sorrows,
Wash away.

And light,
Shows you that there might be,
A purpose in life.

And moving from place to place,
As you watch the storm move away,
To reveal another beautiful day.
Jan 2014 · 321
Sharp on one side,
Dull on the other.

Works when relaxed,
Shuts down when stressed.

Can figure out problems one minute,
And goes blank the next.

Wanders from place to place,
And stays in one place.

That place is above my head,
And in this case,
Has many folds,
And is gray.

It is my brain,
And I hate it today,
For the many things,
It failed me on through out the day.
Dec 2013 · 921
Life is like a steel chain bracelet.

Life is limited in the number of years you have,
like the number of links around your wrist.

It locks you in a continuous circle od hard choices,
That may hurt,
And allows you to be come stronger and tougher,
Like the skin on your wrist.

Even though this bracelet shows the harder things in life,
It also shows the better things in life as well.

Life is full of ups and downs,
That change your life,
Like the shadow of the bracelet on a wall.

Life is a circle that isn't complete,
'Til you die,
Due to thought and memory.

You were a thought in your parents mind,
Before you were born,
And when you die,
You leave behind,
Thoughts and memories in people's minds,
That last forever in a continuous circle,
Like the bracelet wrapped around your wrist.

— The End —