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Today is the day,
The day when you wake up and notice,
That the person sleeping next to you is the person you want.

You want to live with,
Die with,
And create a life with that you can be proud of.

Yet a you look next to you,
The person in the bed seems so far away,
Because you ****** up while they were away.

So as you try to put your relationship back together,
You end up loosing them,
To the void of friendship that can't be crossed,
Because your ship isn't strong enough to make it,
To the one you love unless they meet you half way,
So you sit floating in the void waiting,
And waiting,
Until they show.
As you stand there,
With water rolling over your body,
You start to think.

About the trees,
About the day ahead,
And about the life you want to lead.

As you turn up the dial,
The steam fills your vision,
Making the space smaller and smaller.

Your claustrophobia starts to set in,
And you start to panic,
Heart races and your mind runs.

Scaring you to death that no one is there,
To save you from the fear within,
So you stand there and cower to the power,
Of your mind.
How do you make a complicated situation uncomplicated?
How do you make yourself stop loving a person?
How do you make a person fall back in love with you?
How do you ask a person to give you another chance?

These are the questions you have to answer,
When you leave and meet back up with the person,
You may want to spend the rest of your life with.

Yet most people are not willing to ask themselves those questions,
Or find an answer.

So you and everyone else spends their days just wandering around,
Looking for the person they already met.
As your mind struggles to comprehend,
Your thoughts of fear and sorrow,
You start to contemplate,
The life you lead and the life you want to lead.

As you contemplate this struggle,
You start to realize your,
Who you are and who you need.

What do you do if the person you need,
Doesn't accept that you were wrong in leaving?

As you think, your answer will always be, NOTHING!
Is the loneliest number,
At least thats what they say.

Can be as bad as ONE,
Which is true when you get judged,
By the ONE you thought you wanted.

Is the loneliest number you'll ever do,
But ONE doesn't look that bad,
When your TWO is blinded,
By a light that didn't come from you.

Can be as bad as ONE,
Why do we strive to be part of TWO,
When ONE can be struggled through,
With people you know,
Wont hurt you?
Wall one is weak,
So when someone breaks it,
Not much harm is done.

Wall two is solid,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel the blow.

Wall three is strong,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel pain.

Wall four is stronger yet,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel anger.

Wall fives is the strongest,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel the depression of having to rebuild.

After the fifth wall,
Come the most fragile thing to all man kind,
Yours emotions.

Where some people seem to get to,
Through the back door,
That we all know is there,
But dont want to admit.

Allowing the person to control,
The emotions you feel,
Leaving you wondering,
Blindly through the dark depths of your mind.
One by one they stand like statues,
As they get tagged,
In the feild were they play.

As the game goes on,
More and more stand like statues,
Waiting to be unfrozen,
By a person who will never come.

Due to the war between two,
That has everyone paralyzed with fear,
In this cold climate,
That they call normal.
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