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Why does it hurt,
When I try?

Why does it hurt,
When they dont?

Why does it hurt,
When I give oppinions?

Why does it hurt,
When they dont?

Maybe there's an answer that fits it all.
Maybe there's not.

So why do I keep searching,
For an answer that will never come,
In this life of mine.
Today its cold,
Tomorrow its warm,
The day after that,
Who knows what it will be.

As long as the sun rises in the east,
And sets in the west,
The day will be warm,
As long as you are in the arms,
Of the one you love.
Some say it's Sensational,
Emotion driven,
And even that it's Xenomorphic.

Causing people to want more,
And allows them to deepen the well they use for love.

'Til it is taken.

Causing people to fear it,
And avoid the touch of another.

Since to them it's Savage,
And Xericed the well they use for love.
Xericed: dried
Xenomorphic: having a form not its own
As the room sits still,
It starts to move,
Spinning faster and faster.

As it starts to tilt,
From side to side,
And morph,
From one room into another.

'Til it stops,
And your staring at the ceiling,
Wondering why,
You died the night you felt alive.
Today is the day
My heart died,
My head sunk.

The day when,
Life became hard,
And friendships became complicated.

Do to the love,
That we shared,
From year to year.

As lovers become friends,
And friends start to separate,
As our lives start to trace,
Their own separate paths.
When you pull a string,
It stretches.

As you keep pulling,
It gets longer and longer.

'Til The string can't take anymore,
And breaks.

Sending each end flying,
In opposite directions.

As you stand there,
Looking at the two pieces on the floor,
You decide to pick them up,
And tie them back together.

In hopes to stretch,
The string all over again,
'Til it breaks.
Rain, rain, go away,
To let me rise  from this day,
Where my feet are heavy,
And my shoes are wet,
As I walk from this place to that.

Rain, rain, go away,
So I don't have to drown,
As I try to cross the river,
To where she sits.

Rain, rain, go away,
As I pull my way through,
The mire at her feet.

Rain, rain, go away,
And don't rain on my parade.

Rain, rain, stay all day.

Rain, rain, stay all day,
As I watch her walk away.

Rain, rain, stay all day,
As I close my eyes,
While I lay here ready to cry.

Rain, rain, stay all day,
As I lay here waiting in this mire,
For my time to die,
In hopes to solve the problems I made.
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