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One by one they link up,
Liking one thing after another,
'Til they match up.

Two by two they twist,
Closer and closer together,
'Til they touch and unite.

To form a rope.

A rope that can't be broken,
No matter how hard one pulls,
Due to the strength,
Of the gravity that hold them together.
As the distance lengthens,
And time grows longer,
Relationships strain and sway,
Like a tree in the wind.

As it bends and creeks,
The roots start to strain.

One by one,
They start to break.

'Til it collapses,
Into a pile of twigs,
That will never again,
Resemble a tree.
1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You start walking down this path.

1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You see the fork you must pass.

1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You start walking down the wrong path.

1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You start back down those long steps.

That led you back,
To the place you tried to forget.
As it rolls from place to place,
It picks up trace,
From every place.

As the trace piles up,
It slows to a crawl,
Where everyone piles on.

As the pile grows,
The bodies start to drop,
‘Til there’s only one on.

It starts to draw her near,
The one he finds so dear.

‘Til the point where it stops rolling,
And all becomes clear,
You found the person for you to call dear.
1 by 1 they fall,
As the bullets start,
To riddle the hall.

People call for more,
As they see the blood,
Flow down the wall.

But once there gone,
They move to the next,
Ball to find the next hall,
To riddle with bullets and blood.
As I sit here,
I see you to my left.

As I sit here,
I wish we were sitting together.

As I sit here,
A thought runs through my mind.

Is all this real,
Or are you just a figment,
Of my over active imagination.

I will never know,
Because every time I try to touch you,
You end up running from me.
The door closes,
And the window shuts,
Than all of a sudden,
The party starts.

The party moves,
From room to room,
‘Til it finally stops at my door.

Where I come out and yell,
“No more!”

You all turn around and scorn,
Me standing at my door.

As I lay down to sleep,
I hear the pounding of your music,
On my door.

So I get up,
And go out my door,
To join the party,
That I tried to scorn.
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