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Trees look the same
when you say they're just trees

Food tastes the same
when all you do is eat

People look the same
when all you do is look

Music sounds the same
when it's verse, hook, chorus, hook
I’m falling like the leaves
Plummeting into an unknown area
Things are changing all around me
And changing inside

I don’t know where I’m going
But the wind will take me there
I haven’t discovered my final destination  
Or the meaning of my fate

But it’s different from then
And I know that when
The timing is right
And my heart isn’t fickle
This coffee’s burnt my tongue
And now I can’t use my mouth
The toast feels like sandpaper
But the butter’s slowly melting

Give me back my mouth
Give my back my voice
I’ll open it up
Let it go in
And the words come out
I waited for you
An avalanche of good intentions

I’m waiting for you
Here’s to nothing
We’ve made it there
If I could be anything
I’d be me

Whatever the **** that is

If I could hear anything
It’d be you

Calling my name

If I could be anywhere
It’d be home


Where the **** is that?
I am important
I have stature
I am powerful
I am everything
I can control people
I am above people
I am better than most

no I am not.
The atmosphere changes
So does the temperature
so does my face
I see a room of faces
A sea of things
that look just like me
Nose, eyes,
hair, lips
But none of them look like me
None of them are me
I don't know what I am doing
I turn to leave
but the doors have all been locked
There are no windows
I feel the heat rising
The faces multiply
I can't move
So I stand
in the room of faces
and I wait
Wait for something
perhaps nothing
to save me from the dread
that my reality may be
the future of everything
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