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  May 2016 Mary Winslow

Your ink,
sadly spilling
on fresh tablecloths
with torn lace trim
beyond paper napkins
absorbing the smiles
you should be smiling

Darkened tear drops
drenching emotions,
free flowing sorrows
collected in fractured phrases,
penned stanzas now
erasing happiness
in dull pink smudges

When just outside
the sun sits behind heavy drapes
drawn tightly closed
on panoramic picture windows
waiting to frame the beauty
of spring for your eyes
in nature’s poetry

So open them,
(your eyes and the drapes)
behold the wonder
where small children play
and laughter scents the air
allowing light to enter that ink,
your ink
  May 2016 Mary Winslow
Jeff Stier
In my home
there is a reading nook.
A small space
with windows facing
two sides -
to the south
and west.
South for the sun.
West for the setting of the sun.

That's where I live.
It's where I read.
It's where I write.

That's where I spend
my wasted days.

A blessed space
and a waste.

So here am I, O Lord!
Your imperfect servant
and you know me well!

I might live a good many years yet
with and (mostly) without your guidance.
So be it.

I'm kind of an old bird, I guess.
Might drop off at any moment.
So be it.

It's hard to wrap your mind
around eternity,
grasp the cold stone of death.
I guess things were designed
that way.

So best to
keep moving
and tell the tale
in beauty and bounty
while traveling this golden road.
  May 2016 Mary Winslow
Valsa George
Close to our ancestral home
Is an ancient champak tree
It now stands almost leafless n’ bare
With its face turned to the sun and sky

      Once from far, everyone could see
This lush green Champak tree
It stood in all beauty and grace
And carpeted the ground in fallen blooms

Its lovely blossoms were so redolent
Like tube roses, heady and fragrant
In its dark and leafy glade
How as children, we sat and played

Men weary of work in its sprawling shade
Were sheltered from the heat of midday sun
Once it was a bower of sylvan ease
And on its boughs, birds merrily sang

Rustled in wind and shaken in storm
It braved the inclement weather all these years
With its roots boring deep into the ground
Nothing could uproot the tree from its base

How many stories it has to tell
How many robins roosted in its verdure
      How many fledglings took wings into the sky,
From the tiny nests built on its twigs

Now its ancient trunk and gnarled branches
Proclaim sadly that it is about to wither
The tree has just turned itself into
A ghostly shadow of its former self

But the fragrance of these champak flowers
Which still bless the tree in one and two
As if determined to proclaim themselves
Continue to perfume the surrounding air

This tree is much like my ancestral home
Once it was the seat of life and bounty
Now it stays desolate and empty
Spreading memories sweet and fragrant

What solid shelter the house once gave
And how my parents fulfilled their task
Putting all they had into making it a sweet home
That nurtured three generations of our family!
Champak tree is a tropical flowering tree with its flowers having a heady scent !
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