Not used to stares
Not used to whispers
Not used to compliments
It all makes me shiver
No matter how cool
or popular I wish to be,
I am not used to it,
and will never be.
I am not used to being popular.
I am not used to be pretty,
I am not used to being well or cool dressed;
I am not used to being smart, or witty, or intelligent.
I am used to being miserable
I am used to being someone who wish to be those things
I am used to being the wallflower in the corner,
or the loser and the dork classmate trying to be cool.
I am used to be the one who is trying to be funny
or who is funny and crazy.
I am used to be the stupid one in the class.
I am not used to this world, or this reality of life.
But I am used to the life I have created, imagined, and dreamed in my head.
There is where my heart lies.