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the salt of the ocean sticks to my feet,
the soft grind of the sand and water brings comfort,
                                          to my mind; and to my eyes.

i believe too much
not enough
i believe whatever.

some things go without saying

                                                      some are said anyways
some sit;
I sit;
i have a tendency to sit
(no i don't)

if concrete were a bed, we'd be in bed.
if stars were a ceiling, we'd look at a ceiling.
(Lets go outside)(Your choice)(Let's go)(Don't let go)(I won't)
                                                  Whoever asked the question deserves the answer.

I never felt better
than when her chin was on my chest
and she peered up
looked politely
i'm glad she didn't mind
when i closed my eyes
she knew why
i'm Smiling again.

Fire* is warm.
Warm like blankets.
Wrap me in
an inferno
of an embrace.
The warmth,
dances with
what I might call
my soul.
I am surrounded,
but it exists
around me
Tongues of flame
play with my fingertips;
curls the edges up my lips
toward the sky.
 Mar 2011 Mary Ann Osgood
Pen Lux
where do I fit
in a place like this?

this is where I wake up:
the next morning
everything has changed.

I had to leave for inspiration:
that's where I practiced
mind expansion.

even there, I wondered,
with my head split open
to all sides of the city,
does he see the same love in me,
that I do in him?

I didn't ever want to leave.

"let's spend our time in here forever.
if not in love, in discovery of that love.
in the end: take it with us,"
I thought these things in grids
of hand prints stretched to the ocean,
for miles I thought, but never spoke.

it hurts to learn why
we dream in silence.
the intrigue of youth
the unknowing anxiety
the first time
how things can change
first in my mind
i perceive a difference
taking hold
a new type of pain
not dull not stinging
holding on by doubt
placed by fear
so unexpectedly it led me here
a forgotten world of uncertainty
instilled in me by the first time
i saw your incredibly silver/gray eyes.
Well, you're my favorite bird when you sing,
but that song is so seldom sung.
The effort to attain not worth the tune,
this love not worth my everything.
They left me,
all of me,
all of them did,
dressed in a dinosaur suit,
teeth clenched,
my nerves poking my poorly laced skin.

I'm like wet dynamite,
waiting to dry,
'till I can point at you,
and make you smile.

It gets hot when you're in the sun,
and I'm a shade kinda guy,
my comforter is too hot,
but I'm afraid
of the open air,
and my own ******.

Let me wait,
give it time,
and time again,
and I can show you What.
We drop bombs,
that splash,
that drip,
that fall with reckless abandon.

Kiss each other,
like feathers,
like hummingbirds,
like we've been waiting.

Smiles light fires,
ignite skin,
ignite ribcages,
ignite the entirety of my skull.
it is nothing I could begin to say to you
for it came to be without words
without sound
but not quiet

it was with the sound of something as you look upon it
The hum of tiny waves
shadow   not shadow   and the space beneath, that is to say,

life without a need to be
without purpose,
failure and not failure so close together because (finally I saw) they are not separate

it was steps that unfolded to infinity around the block
and around again (sic transit gloria mundi)
it was arms swinging like pendulums past ribcage clock faces
waving away the concept of time
In this small corner of the world
it was saying thank you for handing me over to solitude and meaning it
dying in order to let me heal you
it was following the jet trails with fingertips touching them like you taught me to
it was letting the poetry come in and pass through and move off
not holding it in, anymore
When I learned for the first time, to write.
it was when I heard something behind me
it was       I am.
it was when I drove on the freeway and the cloud broke and we passed out into the sunlight at 67 miles per hour, even though I was alone
when I was disturbed with the thought
today (dei gratia) I am happy to be alive.

Green was your favorite color.
though one day I tarried too far and I never came home, always I carried your heart married deep in my own.
for my starlight
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