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Was it worth it?
Only 3 weeks old and I have a name.
Week 4 I’m hard at work creating my umbilical cord and basics of my body. By the end of this week I’m the size of the period at the end of this sentence.
Not the one you just missed.
Week 5: my heart is beating… you’re still drinking.
Week 7: you’re sick. And it’s not the hangover you thought I was.
Week 9: congratulations! You have the honor of hearing my heartbeat, like you care. You’re still on some strangers couch with the strong sent of smoke on your sweater.
I’m the size of the olive in your martini from this morning.
Week 10: New name. Fetus. I finally look somewhat human...My brain is trying to create 25,000 neurons every minute but you’re making it so hard mom…
Week 11: my vital organs are all there. So my risk of defects should be decreasing and become less susceptible to outside influences... so much for that
Your headache? That’s me. You still don’t know the pain I’m in...
Week 12: I can swallow. Good thing I’m not actually using my lungs. Unlike yourself. “Oh, just another drag... What’s the harm?” I guess you never learned the golden rule.
So here we are, week 21. I’m the size of your beer.
Two weeks later… My lungs aren’t ready... 11 ½” I weigh the size of the Harry Potter book I imagine you reading to me. And I am as long as one too. I hope you enjoyed all that sleep you have been able to have... I’m coming...
Child birth classes? Didn’t even cross your mind. And I’m losing more and more of mine. Just keep inhaling that precious smoke.
My brain looks like the mold in the back of your fridge.
I felt so alone before, but at least I was in my own space. Somewhat protected.
Well here I am, in this world already addicted.
You raised the stakes. So tell me mom,

was all that fun worth it?
 Oct 2010 Mary Ann Osgood
Pen Lux
She was the only one I trusted enough to let hold my hand,
hers wasn't as soft as mine, but I liked how long her nails were,
and the color of her nail polish, which I can't remember,
it's always changing anyway.
I hated it when she cried, but I loved it too.
The way her lips would almost curl up,
teasing you with the taste of her beautiful smile.
Her tears made her eyes flash from light to dark so fast that they would glow.
Her eye's a rich, dark chocolate, would melt into a moist gold and I
swear you could see the universe unfold in them.

She is the light that casts my shadow,
and the darkness that blends it into nothing.
Stripping my soul from bones and flesh.
I bend into her as she makes room by removing time and replacing the space between sight and sound.
The warmth in her red-stained lips, long socks, and tight skirts,
force me to smile as I walk alone, knowing that I'm the other half of
Her colors make me scream a thousand times, until my throat gets
clogged with her contrast
and the inner-lining candy-coated things I
want to say dissolve with a down pour of tears
from the phrases that she pukes into my mouth for me to swallow,
and digest.  
Like a mother bird to it's baby.
She's often like a mother, the way she holds me,
the way she pushes me out of the nest
knowing I'm afraid of heights,
knowing that I'll fly anyway,
knowing I'm terrified of myself.

Trust is hard to come by alone in my room,
imagine my surprise in the amount that she would wrap me in,
imagine my surprise when she held me:
and wouldn't let go.

She fell in love and we visited his home together.
His bachelor apartment revealed his artistic interests
and his tendency toward a monkish life.
It made me tired, and hungry.
She slept beside me that night,
barely understanding what he was thinking through the walls.
I imagined her trying to feel his arms around her,
instead of the humid air and scratchy sheets.

I wished that my hair had less dirt
and that I could be the one whose
thoughts were blocked by concrete and wood,
and not a swollen tongue.

It's been a long time since then.
I give my cat milk instead of water,
I sleep with blue blankets instead of skin
and I keep my pajamas on.

My phone calls are lot dirtier than I'd like them to be,
and my heartbeat can't reach farther than my vision.
Now she cries for reasons I'll never know,
and I hate it.
It scares me that I can't dry them with my back turned,
and that she lives too close for letters.
I can only hope  that she'll stay long enough to be my winter skin,
and so that I can be hers,
because I know without each other we'll both freeze to death.

My heart needs you,
and my soul needs you,
like a stomach needs food,
or a suicidal man needs morphine,
or a child needs a friend,
or lips need the burn of a yes
or the freeze of a no:
I need you.

I only say that because I love you more than I love myself,
and that's saying something.
This is for Kali.
You left a gap in your words
expanding between your teeth.
In the lapse of your pretension, I saw your weakness.
I saw it.
Your father looked down dresses while sitting in church
But he was beat with a belt for not abiding God's words
And while kneeling by your broken bed you cast a wasted curse
That only silenced all the town's pretty song birds
Your cousin touched your lips with fingers soaked in wax
While mom and dad were fighting the kitchen table fell to flames
You cleaned it with an ax
And your cousin left in shame
Mother took you to the carnival to help you to forget
She dragged you by the wrist and let a clown drink your thoughts
On your hands you did sit
And they used your dreams as their props
You yelled at the ***** and ran the dusty road home
You found your father dead but rich
You made his grave of rusted chrome
A smile fading into your face
Mirrors the stars fading into the sky.
Moving MOVING at an easy pace
Well hello, (hello!) GOOD bye!

We have nowhere to be and nothing to do
As I’m whispering secrets into your sleeve.
You may feel something like (I love you),
Or your skin might hear ‘please don’t ever leave.’

As hours and days of nearing bliss
Paint the color of morning onto our cheeks,
Just close your eyes and picture this
I’ve been lucidly asleep for weeks.
Limping aimless down the sidewalk
You shattered gait
Smelling awfully of smoke and drugs
You shaved head
Grasping a cigarette in both hands
You oversized ugly shoes

No one likes you
Turn the corner and you're gone and I never saw your face
Do you remember when you sat down next to me with a smile and I told you that you must be confused?

I give more thought to my enemies
I said

You looked down your long nose at me and called me naive
before you stood up and walked away.

But I know you just wanted me to think about you.
I was told there was a thin line between love and hate, and I must say I worry too much about the people I don't like.
 Sep 2010 Mary Ann Osgood
Pen Lux
I want to live my life backwards,
so that the things that I say will come out right.
I've been spending my time sober in a place that doesn't exist,
and in the end I forgot everything because I was blind(ed).

I'm glad he remembered how good of a kisser I was,
because I didn't forget how good he was either.
He asked me why my hands were so cold
and I said the feeling must have seeped from my heart.

The night went on, we acted like cousins.
It was bitter, but I sat and waited for it to taste good.
His hand was clenched with a fist full of my hair.
We were silent. I felt comfort in his grasp.

We walked, our legs untangled and silent,
the sparkles in the street made the breeze control my heart,
and my legs screamed, burning for more,
begging for closeness, yearning for someone else's skin.

I tried to explain how I felt, but things always come out like pearl laced clouds,
and I don't want my pain to be beautiful,
because that somehow makes it okay.
At one point you realize that it's easier if you just stop caring.
 Sep 2010 Mary Ann Osgood
Pen Lux
It's raining already.

I've given up addiction,
because trying to numb the pain
somehow made it worse.

I've been crying
in the cracks you left behind.

In the spaces between










In the middle of where
we once met,
that no one else can ever be.

I guess killing ourselves wasn't the best idea
we've ever had,
but it wasn't the worst either.

I feel like I was blind until then,
and I'm sorry it took so much to open my eyes,
but sometimes life is only worth it if you've gotten a glimpse of death.

breaking points, raw meat,
kitten beards, broken promises,
suicidal teens,
stained sheets,
empty heads, sore throats,
a lot of pills
and ****** up memories.

I'm not glad you're dead,
or that I'm still alive.

I am glad that I can't talk to you anymore,
because that's what killed me the most.
 Sep 2010 Mary Ann Osgood
Pen Lux
I dont want to make this
a bigger deal

than it needs to be.

So I will just say it,

I love you.
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