Many years passed you're now a man,
At age of 26 you I know you have a plan.
Raise your own life now and be good,
Visit your family whenever you could
Indulge in productive activities to survive,
Never be discouraged when you fail but revive.
Earn a living that is quite sustainable,
Receive God's blessings and be responsible.
Never be tempted to do things that is wrong,
Enjoy good life with family whom you you belong.
Serve well while you work and do a good performance,
Tomorrow you shall obtain a better future of sustenance.
Obey and follow the protocols so you can become ideal.
Be thankful to God and share the graces,
Remember all those who help you in the races.
At when the right time favors we shall celebrate,
Today is your birthday makes your star lit bright;
Onward to your dreams and do more with faith.