I feel like a monster holding a flower in the cup of my hand
So tender, so prepossessing
Before you came into my life, I feared nothing
But now, now, all I fear is myself
And in all honesty, I am so afraid
I don't want to crush you
I don't want to promise anything I cannot keep
But I can assure you, I will be everything I can, for as long as I can
And I can only hope that is enough
I know you are so willing to love, and I know you probably won't like to know that I cannot surrender to love
I am terrified of the words, "I love you"
But I want this
I want you
I want us
I want this with every fiber of my being
I want to be able to love you
Give me time, for I am more damaged than you will ever know
I need time to heal
The only thing I ask from you is your patience
You are so wonderful and I know you do not deserve to put up with someone as broken as I, but never leave
Don't give up on me darling, please