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Sep 2010 · 1.0k
Seed of Evil
Martin Rasmussen Sep 2010
Oh, ye little seed
why must ye be so bold
in all endeavors
most of which
are immigration

Oh, ye drop of clouded fluid
could not ye stay and say
that out might be good
but like home is no place.

'Tis my hope
at least for a time
in Kansas ye'll stay
May 2010 · 755
It's funny
Martin Rasmussen May 2010
It's funny
I speak to no-one
the way I speak to you

It's sad
I listen to no-one
now I've listened to you
Apr 2010 · 811
Martin Rasmussen Apr 2010
Was he worth it?
Was he really that great?
Really that big?

That you would put what we had on the line?
Without without feeling shame that you're lyin'?
Without letting me know that your body's not in it?

I hope I die tryin'

To get past this problem without bitter regret
that I did not **** you. But took the bet
That you would return
But no, I feel like ****.

I hope you die lyin'
Apr 2010 · 730
Martin Rasmussen Apr 2010
Your words don't have sounds
that's why they cut so deep
like a scream in a lounge
when all are trying to sleep

You hover through the dark
insisting like crawling creep
but since your body gave a bark
you've made it hard for me to sleep

You're all that we wish we didn't see
but though the evil stole your voice
I look a you like a continental devide
and refuse to sleep
Apr 2010 · 1.8k
Split Between two Girls
Martin Rasmussen Apr 2010
I'd like to think you love me
but when the other said she did
all reason went to hell
and my thoughts on you went with

Cuz' I really need the ***
and I thought you'd understand
though it's a leap of faith
to let go of your hand

**** punctuation
when I'm expressing myself
all I need is words
and let them fly like birds

I don't think you loved me
but if you ever will
that would be a thrill
Apr 2010 · 667
Clusters of Words
Martin Rasmussen Apr 2010
I really seem to love you
but the words are stuck
lodged inside my gut
beneath my beating heart

I really seem to love you
but I lock the words away
and wonder over grammar
even with nothing to say

I really seem to love you
and it would seem you care
but I can do without you
although it's hard to bear.
Mar 2010 · 889
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I've bled out those words
that fell from your mouth
that made me feel so loved.

I hope you bleed from the mouth
and that you'll never stop
'till you drown in that pus
that made me feel so loved.

I hope I'll find that love again
that made me feel so real
even if it wasn't
I'd take the ****
Mar 2010 · 27.6k
Poem to Penis
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I really love my *****,
even in the morning
when It is a little stiff.
Even when It smiles at me
and I really have to ****.
Oh, yes I love my *****
and I think you'd love It too!

I really love my *****,
even in the afternoon,
when It sits so peaceful
and tells me them stories of days gone by,
of them maidens with oh so shining hair.
Oh, yes I love my *****
and I think you'd love It too!

I really love my *****
in the latest nights
It lets me let off steam
and fall asleep with ease.
I really love my *****
and you would love It too,
if just HE had a *****,
half as good as mine!
Mar 2010 · 5.0k
It Burns When I pee
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
It burns when I ***
I guess you wanted to give me something
to remember you by.

It burns when I ***.
I've only ever been with you
so thanks for the gift
what you left before you left.

While I'm ******* shards of glass
I wonder who you got it from
you cheating *****!
Mar 2010 · 920
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I search of proof wherever I turn
proof of your existence.
I turn to nature and find no answer
only natural selection
that does away with your priests.

I search of proof wherever I turn
proof of your existence.
I turn to the books
all with conflicting answers.
So I end up doubting myself.

I search of proof wherever I turn
proof of your assistance.
But I doubt I'll find an answer
so won't you show yourself?
So I can point and scream I don't believe!
Mar 2010 · 1.2k
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Oh sweet sugar cone
let me **** you
'till you're wet with pleasure.
'Till your *******
slap against your thighs

Mother of pleasure .
Let me drown in the sea of lust
while the last torch burns out.
Let me plunge myself into darkness,
and burn out between your legs.

Call me Casanova
as I ramble on forever
bind me to your lap
and bind me fast forever.
So I'll never beg again.
Mar 2010 · 1.9k
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I know where hell is.
I've been there many times
a place behind your eyes.
I now write to discover the secret that you keep
to keep me at bay.

I know where heaven is
it's in our sweet words
so preppy and pretty.
While I hold you tight, and call you angel
to keep you at bay.

I know where purgatory is
where I purify my soul
it's in your love
that I'll never grasp, so I let it be.
I hope you'll miss my hands.
Mar 2010 · 858
To my Future Wife
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
A red thread binds us together
from before we were born
and though I've never met you
I can feel you here.

In the midst of the thunder
singing to the rein
that's where I feel you
and you'll feel me too

I'll bind you to me
with your own shining hair
***' before we were born
we were meant for one another.
Mar 2010 · 758
Fairy in a Bottle
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I've found the sweetest little thing
a fairy in a bottle. The cutest of the wee folk.
She's in a bottle I can't open, with a seal that I can't break.
Now my fairy tale is broken.

I've found the sweetest little thing
with hair as black as mine is light, and eyes so full of life.
She's in a place where we an talk, but never talk
except the see-through barrier.

I've found the sweetest little thing
and someday I'll break the bottle
but I'm afraid to break her too
so I'll keep a distance to this lovely little fey.
Mar 2010 · 729
Change the World
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Through such measures we'd never use
we could change the world.
But we were the generation
that was much too nice.

Through such drastic measures
we do nothing but think about
we could have the power to change
the very world to our mind.

Through such vigorous measures
we could change the word
and make it the world.
We could preach what we practice
or preach with our practice.
Mar 2010 · 1.0k
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
How do I tell her
that we're stencils
drawn by a kid on a wall

That we're unreal
nothing but sheets
filled by a kid called God

How do I tell you
I've got to go now
and paint my life on a wall?
Mar 2010 · 1.5k
Babies and Boobies
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I love babies and *******,
but in very different ways:
I love ******* because they make me happy
I love babies because making them makes me happy.

I love babies and *******,
but I don't touch them the same
I certainly don't kiss them the same!
Giving ******* funny names makes me happy,
I haven't had a baby yet, but who knows?

I love babies and *******,
But they are not the same
I love sunshine and rain,
although they're not the same.
I love us together, because we're not the same.

I love a lot of different things
but not this poem very much.
I though ******* would be funny
and babies would be too.
But this is getting silly,
and I am getting too.
Mar 2010 · 3.1k
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I'm a pretty random person. I'm so random I plan it out.
Is a thing I'd never say, if i wasn't so **** random. It's too suggestive that
Makes people think of bad things. I like my
With not too much hair. My friend once had a persian
And it had a lot of hair. I didn't like her
Because it always scratched me. My friend Lucas also had a
But it was nice. But it's funny, ***' his
Was called Laban. I hope I made you think of
Mar 2010 · 563
The Door
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Close the door when you leave.
So i wont have to do it for you.
So i wont have to see you leave.
How would i keep myself from screaming?
Would it help if i yell?

Set sun go down before you leave.
So i wont see it shine on your hair.
So i wont see it shine in your eyes.
How do you scream when he is in you?
Should i be bigger?

Wait ‘till winter before you run away!
So it wont smell like flowers outside.
So i’ll see my mind in the landscape.
Did you know you smell like flowers?
Will i ever smell your hair again?
Mar 2010 · 759
Too Deep
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I would break my arm from the wrist to my shoulders,
just for a chance to touch those beautiful *******.
I feel so insecure and stupid, so out of my league
so out of the water, or in it where it's too deep.

Does she know she makes me sweat like a pig,
when she looks at me, with those big brown eyes?
Should I just throw it all away, and grap your ***
and kiss your wonderful lips? It's too deep!

Please forgive me for being so **** shy,
don't think I am yanking your chain.
Don't think I don't think about you
just before I sleep. Just before I dream about you
Mar 2010 · 470
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I don’t use rhymes
and I don’t sing lyrics,
I don’t write my feelings
and I don’t waste my thoughts
Mar 2010 · 519
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Did you have to look at me
with those big brown eyes?
Did you have to stir this in me
that’s killing me now?

Did you know you smell
like summer meadows?
Did you have to leave me
while my heart’s still bleeding?

Do I ask too many questions
or do you just don’t care?
Will I move on with out you
or write another line?
Mar 2010 · 879
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
In a little town called Kunduz
a girl has lost her legs!
She searches on the big flat earth
with her tiny little hands.
Would you help this blind would-be ballerina
or would you turn away? And Write like I?
Mar 2010 · 624
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
If I told you how happy I am
would you believe me?
Would you let me hold you
and whisper sweet things
into your sweet little ears?

If only you knew
what goes on inside
of me
I bet you’d see me
in a different kind of way

If you saw,
with those big brown eyes.
The words for you,
that are written on my soul,
whispered so often in vain.
Mar 2010 · 1.7k
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I know I shouldn’t feel this way,
And I loathe myself for it!
You seem so **** happy together
So **** perfect!
I wish I didn’t wish
That I could break this pretty little picture!

I look at your smiling eyes, and wonder
If you remember under the bridge
Or maybe under the table?
Now loathing is all I have,
And this pretty little picture
I wish that I could tear apart!
Mar 2010 · 605
When did Love?
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
When did love begin?
When did you steal my heart?
When did you imprison it,
behind your beautiful chest?

When did love become so boring?
When was it we stopped talking?
When did *** become routine,
Just another day on the job?

When did love become so painful?
It rips my soul to pieces!
When did it melt away,
That prison in your chest?
Mar 2010 · 765
Not a Poet
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I’m not a poet,
But a painter.
I paint pictures with my words
That Rembrandt could not.

I’m not a poet,
But a singer.
I sing out my heart on paper
So my voice is silent but not my words

I’m not a poet,
But an actor.
The paper is my scene
And the manus is written with my tears

I’m not an artist,
But you.
The side of you you never knew,
So I’ll have to wake you up.
Mar 2010 · 531
My Love?
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
When are you planning to give back,
the part of my soul that you took?
Was any part of me ever mine?
Or was I destined for destruction,
By you
My love?

Your beauty itches in my eyes,
While you pass me on the street.
My heart is dead and cold,
I have no lust for any woman,
You killed that part of me,
My love?

Did i ever touch you,
Except for on the outside?
Did you ever wonder,
What was on the inside?
Now i feel dead and abused,
Was it your intention,
My love?
Mar 2010 · 664
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
You turned me down twice,
If you turn me again,
I’ll turn into dust.

Your rejections are like stones pounding at my pride,
breaking it down down down.
Turn to me now,
and I’ll try my best, to tune into you.
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I'm praying for the most wonderful, amazing person.
All I want to do is hate her, yet all I can think of is to kiss her.
She scares me to pieces, I hope she never finds out, how I write poems in my mind about the sunshine in her hair.

I'm praying for a lifetime, more than I ever thought I could.
That she will see me, only when I smile. For she makes me smile, only too often, but makes me cry even more. How come, all I think about is you, yet you are all I hope to forget?

I knew it when I started, when I first walked into the lion’s den. Now I hope to survive, at least with my dignity, at most with you. Your words are like honey in my ears, and acid in my veins. I pray God isn’t a sadist, though this only makes sense if (s)he is..!
Mar 2010 · 3.5k
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Don’t think that I’m a pervert
Just take me as I am
Or let me take you.
***’ I really like your body
Every single curve.

Don’t think that I’m a pervert
But I like that pretty little curve
From your *** to your back.
Let me kiss you like a pervert
From you back to your crack

Don’t think that I’m a pervert
But I love the wonders of your body.
That ****** little curve from your waist
To your hip – drives me insane!
But I’m a happy little madman.

Don’t tell this to your mom
But I’m a bit of a madman
Who loves those pretty little curves
From your waist to your chest.
Those pretty little round things
-drives me insane!
Mar 2010 · 800
You Suck!
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Here I am, a ******* empty shell.
I sleep in church, and think about your scent.
I always had a tongue so smooth
But now my words they matter
And I waste them all on you!
Can you ******* one last time
Before you go?
So I know we had at least one thing in common

Who was that guy?
Who stole your scent away?
I hope he’s small and fat
And have soft and sweaty hands.
I hope his *** is full of hair
And his breath smells like death.
Then at least you have one thing in common
Mar 2010 · 813
Pathetic/Googled Your Name
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Today I googled your name
I know it’s pathetic
But it’s just me
And you

Today I googled your name
And found that photograph
I know it’s pathetic
But that’s just me
With you

Today I googled your name
And found out I still love you
But that’s just me
Too late for you.
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
The worst thing I ever felt for you was a crush
Or was it love? I can’t remember now.
Seems my head’s turned backwards by your beauty.
I wonder when he touches you
Do you ever feel like me?

The worst thing I told you was a lie
But now I wish I didn’t.
The truth would have hurt me
But not half as much as him
Do you ever feel like me?
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
As long as I don’t try anything
Will you stay near me?
Will I still hear your voice
Running through my heart like
A stream over stones?

As long as I keep away
While he holds your hand
Can I cry out my pain?
Will I still be this bitter
The day after tomorrow?

Keep me out  of your life
Do your words washes away my rocks
Before I turn into dust
Will you tell me how to keep away?!
Mar 2010 · 537
I'm Writing a Song
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I’m writing a song
That doesn’t rhyme
From a heart that doesn’t love.

I’m writing a book
Without words
From an empty mind.

I’m painting a picture
Without colors
Because my hand feels so cold.

I’m writing a poem
About my love for you
Why wont it die!?
Mar 2010 · 769
To the Girl in China
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Somewhere in China,
Is a girl I could love.
Her hair smells like peaches
And her eyes shine like silver.

Somewhere in China,
Is a girl I’ll never meet.
She lives in a village,
With a name I can’t pronounce.

My heart is somewhere in China,
And I can’t pronounce the name
Of the girl who stole it.
Will she ever give it back?
Mar 2010 · 1.1k
Today I met a Jew
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Today I met a Jew
And I looked into her eyes
I say ten plagues being bought
For ten wonders, just to be the chosen people.

Today I met a Jew
And the smell of her hair
Made me think of the red sea
And all that’s lost beneath it.

Today I met a Jew
And was reminded of an exile
That lasted for a thousand years,
And how it ended.

Today I met a Jew
But found God
In the pages of a people’s history.
Never another Masada!
Mar 2010 · 979
Beautiful Little Bird
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
When did you stop being that annoying little girl
And grow to what you are today?
Like dew becoming a rainbow!

I’ve known you all this time, yet only now do I see you
Holding you is like holding a fragile little bird between my fingers
How come I never saw before today?

Surrendering to you is the best thing I ever did.
Who needs strength and pride, with a bird like you in their hands?
Could I make sense of it all except in your eyes?
Mar 2010 · 641
Forgetting Myself
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Let me forget myself in your beauty.
That beauty that knocks me senseless,
And leaves me crying, while I wonder
If heaven was revealed through you
Or maybe hell?

Let forever pass, now I’m in you.
A moment of eternity. A second for forever
While I drown my fears in your wonder.
If I ever had a soul
I'd sell it to you.
Mar 2010 · 2.6k
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
Today I passed by you
But you passed through me
The words fade away
When I try and mumble

You’re so out of my league
So above me, so full of
Beauty, cuteness,
Yourself and
Mar 2010 · 591
Martin Rasmussen Mar 2010
I leave myself to you
and all those you do
to take me by my hand
and lead me by the lips
to somewhere in your soul

You're so bad for me
but it feels to good to give in
and let go
and let it flow

Why do you do the things you do?
Do I mean nothing to you?
Lead me in behind your eyes
to your anguished soul

What a wasteland
that land behind your eyes
so bold
so cold

Why does it feel so good with you?
Because it meant nothing to you?
I feel stronger everyday
now I'm over you.

— The End —