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715 · Jul 2014
Shipping Container
Marshall Gass Jul 2014
My friend bought a shipping container
for a thousand quid.
He cut some windows and doors
latched with solid hinges
even cut a sun roof
toilet outlets
and drop down bed of metal strips
all so well engineered.

he was the only guy I knew
who sat on his roof to sip his beer
moved his house around from beach
barbecued his pork chops on a drop down
makeshift oven
and slid out of bed when fed
and made love on a hot tin roof!

The storms and gale force winds
passed him by -knowingly
and floods and foundations
did not move him around one inch.
He was a happy man.At times he joked about the fountains
( he actually said funtains!)
that he sometimes got inside in a heavy downpour.

But us idiots
ran to the bank to pay mortgages
and **** up to the manager
when the interest rates hit the roof.

My friend laughed and laughed
while the rest of us cried
working for the bank.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 3 months ago

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714 · Nov 2014
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
Swing on the wild side if you must
Mingle with masters,  pare down your craft
Let not the magic in you, wrinkle  or rust
Apply and polish  that draft!

Learn what it is to shape your style
Follow your dreams to completion
Take in those experiences, stay for awhile
Writing is never -exhaustion!.

Take all advice, others may offer you
Build up your daily reserve
Pick all the apples,  poets may proffer you
Write whatever you deserve

Make it a habit to test out your words
Dance within visuals of fun
Try as you might for all that you write
Today  the writings begun.!

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
713 · Jun 2014
Marshall Gass Jun 2014
It all looked clean, crisp, picturesque postcard promise
The river reflecting skyblue shimmers
Mists rising wisps of secrets
Trees and plants glossy, full bellied, nutritious happy
The birds practising new song and twitching wings
of fancy in the bright 440 volt sunshine
Filtering through
the senses to settle softly.

All was really not that clean and crisp.
The photographer could not zoom in
On a dead kea choked on a 1080 trap
Dropping from the sky like a manna treat
Four fish gobbling pellets pulled upstream
Mouth agape as poison shut the fluttering gills
Two other magpies lost their raucous tone
Deprived by early morning bait
Possums slept softly high up in the tress
With last nights buds bursting in their full bellies

The photographer could not see beauty and ugliness
The lens could not question the crystalline view
The click was not from gun
digital film rolled irrespective
And his dream of a pristine forest
with no pustules told one side of the story.

The other side
Balanced the books
And tore the heart of the very creatures
That spoke beauty with being there.

The picture was captioned;
Clean and Green.
Was it?
A picture speaks a thousand words
Sprinkled with three hundred lies and lives.
Author Notes

This poem accompanied a lush photograph of forest with a little stream flowing through. In the same area where the photograph was taken, helicopters bombed the forest with 1080 poison pellets to knock off the possums which were eating through the fresh shoots and leaves.

The end result was more than the possums going to thy kingdom come.

There are serious environmental undertones in this poem.;=11260667
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 18 days ago
709 · Mar 2014
Marshall Gass Mar 2014
We knew reflections of every second
considered each tick of time as gold plated storehouses
of discussions together
It was us alone,
Cruising in comfort on the high seas
of our freshly found emotions.
You added to the svelteness of the image
through constant change in beauty
and I absorbed all the finesse, as if,
it would never  reflect in the tomorrows
of our world where we lived fully engaged
and completed.

You belonged to me, just as sure as,
the tree to the earth, the sky to blue
the sun to warmth and ice to winter
so sure we were of the others reason
to be bound in such a way as to be

In the streams of your eyes I saw
the waterfalls of longing and on your lips
I tasted the meaning of spring and the ripest
fruits of desire and the make-up of dreams.

Everything went so well
the reflections and reasons
and we still look at ourselves
and laugh at the millions of reflections
that have built up inside and outside
of ourselves.

" The mirror sees not but itself,
Dew on a flower, tears or something?"
Author Notes

Thanks to Arseny Tarkovsky, the Russian Poet and the closing lines to Ghalib, the Persian Poet.  Without their outstanding poems this could not have unfolded the way it did.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 18 hours ago
708 · Nov 2014
blue tone tongue
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
mangled jangled in the space of race
he looked purple shadowed with wide eyes
and wonder

unafraid of escape he
still stayed locked in a love affair
need and greed
lust and bust

time ticked painlessly
wrinkles grew rich
obscurity haven

until at last
a resurrection.

Now he creates art
and happiness
riding into the sunset of verses
where sense and nonsense
merge in a mystical aura.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 5 days ago
699 · Feb 2014
Marshall Gass Feb 2014
Beneath the barricades of lotus fronds
and flowers, lurks beauty, brains
all watching  the goddess of shadows
seeking respite from the burning sun
and banter of imagery that clings
delicately to the fabric of questions
seeking anonymity.

Once in a while the curtains draw
and a  face appears. smiling, seeking
showing a glimpse of magical moments
tempting, teasing, wonderful
carved in a flash of inner beauty
that straddles the page
and withdraws back into the
folds of wonder.

" I bet the suspense is killing you!"
Who am I?" She said sweetly.

I searched through all the pages of poetry
and people columns, ears to the ground
surging through swords and diamantes,
villanelles and wonders
swords and acrostics, aquatics
and wooded forests near tempered lakes
picnics and parks
and I watched the sunset settle
in a twilight sky of burgundy
and roses. All.

I did not find you heart beating
against my chest
or my words echoing its hypnotic
trance against your ears!

Anonymous  it will be.
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
aint got no home?
watz wit der smokey ayes
aint got no famly
no roof?
wur you goin, bro?

i aint got no dolla
no mo pahwuh
no momma
son gone stoopid
dotter freakin out
in der good

im broke and dun fer
gotta a spare coin?

i can sing
from me soul. yeah

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 10 days ago
693 · Feb 2014
Marshall Gass Feb 2014
The walls caved in
and the glassy eyes vacant
saw things few could understand

Walking miles between fences closing
both inside and out
barbed wire dreams of no escape
desolate slow time
wasting away in wonder
at a blade of grass
a distant ghost in a strange dream
and smiling at god knows what

each one was happy
in that cage
where the mind was free
body trapped
Death was in no hurry
to claim them yet.

We all live in asylums.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
We all live in asylums except we share the same space in degrees. Even love is an asylum.
693 · Aug 2014
blue stripes
Marshall Gass Aug 2014
Power holstered on a hip the slang
slips and hisses like a snake,
sharp venom fingers fiddling with handcuffs
he roars like a lion
when confronted with energetic excuses.

soon he will slide
behind turbo charged expressions to keep
the world clean of crims.
what he may add
to this sterile law is a hard fist
of dollar bills taken
from alleyways of shame.
hiya, brother!

we see him steering through
traffic lanes and troubles
enjoying everyone scampering
away from his lordships chariot
winning batmans race.
bring him down to the dust.

all for a chrome plated medal
a starched salute
a piece of paper that sings
of power invested in a holster.

outside of the uniform
he feeds his pet pom
pellets of crunchy biscuits.

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 7 days ago

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691 · Apr 2014
The Revolution
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
The murmur began at the slow invasion of night
into a restless household, waiting for the sun to pull
the cloak of darkness over their depressions. The sky
pulled in tight and covered the suburbs with yellowing
memories of bygone days when streetlights lived
in small pale pools of circles under a twilight
of energy. Bellies full and bursting with new harvest wine
cuts of roasted pork and dark baked potatoes
there was no need to switch on the misery of political
misbehaviour. Contentment was written on cherub faces
and swollen bellies even as the noises from the street
amplified and grew bigger with every extra child added.

Then it happened. This disgraceful division between beliefs
that tore the street into pock marked holes of pain
Brother fought  brother and all of the Holy Books
were burned and everyone got out their pointing fingers
and looked across the street to lay waste to blame.

The first sms reached out beyond the barricades
and poles and farm implements were sharpened
for the hunting season. Anger drove people into strange
exorcisms and each side ran to the other to ferret out those
little children, huddling in frightened corners and mothers
breaking blood to lose the unborn brutality that followed.

Scattered amongst the ruins lay the dreams of happiness
and plentiful. The walls of economy imploded and the suited
smiling faces of politicians smeared across the highways were torn
down and used as fuel for bonfires. Everyone who dared died
within a week as the rubber bullets, water canons and plastic
armour plates ran out of production. Funeral pyres lit up the nightsky
and the wailing and weeping mingled with the river of rushing
humanity. The mountain paths were strewn with bones
and even the animals hesitated to eat the hungry.

The division of beliefs tore everyone into shreds of arguments.
Those in the front seat blamed the back benchers but those
in the left over seats were out on the street fomenting hate.
The world watched as the numbers climbed and all of the giant
pyramids and majestic pharaohs and ornaments could not stop
the need for power.

The lone child picking paper on an impoverished street
cried quietly and turned every stone looking for
Author Notes

A few years ago this happened, exactly as depicted. The land had plenty. Power was cornered at the top. Money and mystery flowed. Then one brave man sent a text message asking for change. The population exploded into belief/disbelief and chaos.

Even today the street battles rage and the pyres burn. The end is not in sight.
The Revolution will continue on.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
Marshall Gass Jul 2014
The writings done the baby born
five months of painful paragraphs and haunted
by commas and full stops, scenes emerging from
insidious places and characters being polished
or demolished with uncanny accuracy
scenes unfolding and moving slowly
though transient prose and articulate poetry
down twenty nine chapters
and a hundred thousand words
telling a story of gripping interest
I finished at last.

The galley arrives in a red cardinal cloak
of crystallised chrysanthemums
graced by a beautiful girl
who smiled demurely at the photographers asking
and the flash captured her radiance
for the book cover.

Done at last and out to market she now goes
driving experts around with crafted
tricks to sell the books through any means
and make a buck for themselves.

Here I sat in this warm paperbag writing space
carving words in an endless stream
enjoying the river gathering
not allowing to burst its banks
and cause floods of words
and unnecessary meanderings
keeping the water tight within the dam
of chapters and structures
so readers could enjoy a careful
display of novelty and task
as they read every line looking for
the essence of the language
some searching for faults
others for ecstasies.

There are two more books to spit and polish
and send them packing to the editors
who will take a magnifying glass to demystify
the populated characters.

The power built up from being on this site
reading a hundred poems a day for 4 long
months and absorbing all the richness
and variety that hundreds
had to offer.

My time here is done.
Now I must move on to write
the Magnum Opus.

Author Notes

Check out my first Novel: The Chrysanthemum Trilogy: Transition


ISBN 9781493137848

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 2 months ago
688 · Nov 2014
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
Foundations managed by slow ascent
to reasons seeking
solace in the upper spaces of the minds

I surrender to the pull
drawing me into territories
gateways to untold stories
palaces built on crystal dreams

we search for meanings not deciphered
yet remain locked in a haze
of old rituals, escape impossible

until at last the bud blooms
buildings complete
and mansions perched
on bright stars
light up the way forward.

The journey remains uncharted.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 10 days ago
687 · Oct 2014
Your honor......
Marshall Gass Oct 2014
this was it, the sideways glace with criminal intent
tax dodger, millionaire with  make-up
slyly fleecing sheep off poor citizens backs
living within wind and rage on a mountain top retreat
glass chandeliers, wool carpets,  ivory wall hangings
smoking cubans, smirking has-beens
'who are they but grovelers in the grime
of social disgrace'. The lord.

no, i'm not i countered, shrinking in my walrus skin,
of shades of brown and chameleon
i didn't do it. I was just there buying groceries
for a weekend soup.

take him away, he is a liar, his face says so
his words are smooth as ***** glass
inserted in a conscious effort to fool us.....

five years will teach him temperance
make him see routine, file his taxes,
place him in a cell with accountants,( the cells are full of "em)
lock him up in tax forms
place him in a poverty trap
let him learn not to get rich by his wits
wits are for whites only.
skin colour is everything now. ha ha.

case closed.
throw away the key.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 19 days ago

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681 · Apr 2014
Heart shaped swirl
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
The petals are plastic
the hearts oh so  sweet
the ribbons elastic
the feelings entreat
catch me a girl
in a heart shaped swirl!
I'll claim as my own
for Love to be  shown
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
676 · Jul 2014
Seed Pod
Marshall Gass Jul 2014
the atomic seed enveloped in the universe
presents reality in material *******

unknown to us the ideal shadow adheres itself
within the pod invisible yet known

the two weights balancing on the fulcrum of life
must swing either way to watch and wander

this journey from beginning to end
birth to death continuum. we are dead

even before birth. The clock ticks gently
between being and un-being. we decide.
Author Notes

We present ourselves in material form as visible beings. This is reality in a physical form. Yet we have an idealistic side on the other half of the coin which is shows who we are- idealism. Put simply: what we are/who we are.

Therefore, life itself can 'balance' only between these two 'weights' on the fulcrum of life itself. The moment we are born we are also dying- based on this perception.  We were never born or never die!

Theoretically, we are not really born or dead, but just a continuum in the greater scheme of things 'universe'. Materialism cannot exist without Idealism or vice versa.

Once we  recognise this fact, all the answers of existence unfold.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 19 days ago

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669 · Nov 2014
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
is that hemlock with your words
numb and nice wisdom demolished
one sip
gone into Hades
where flatlines collect
irrespective of  consequence.

is that your tail
behind my back
checking out my misdemeanors
collecting the wild oats
that I sowed
in silicon valleys?

don't mistrust me
i paid the price of hell
to be here in this paradise
fishing for jonah
the great whale.

come let us lay together
in this poetic swamp
our doubts in tupperware
tightness, move on into
no explanations required.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
668 · Nov 2014
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
compressed into tight tingles
escape impossible
boundaries high
sold into solitude
stay anchored to hope
change no direction

tigress locked in a cage
still a tigress
unchangeable attributes
life ****** away
in solace

break free from *******
fight snarl escape
don't turn back
look beyond the mirror
take no reflections
flee. now.
find yourself again.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
668 · Mar 2014
I have walked
Marshall Gass Mar 2014
I have walked......
I have walked in the footsteps of dinosaurs
bruised and barbecued in the minds of generals
who strode the earth in the shadows
of empty politicians, who finally said:
I follow orders.

I have been trialled at Nuremberg
and World Courts by panels of learned men
who asked all the right questions but
were debated to defeat by fishhook questions
that derailed the course of justice by cunning
and unscrupulous men who decided
I was better alive than dead
by their careful questioning. Checks?

I have been at war with my neighbours
and nieces, friends and fraternity,
families and fence builders and all the while
I stayed indoors in my mind
and familiarity not asking for
redemption or resurrection
but tranquility.

I am human. Thats all it is.
668 · Oct 2014
Marshall Gass Oct 2014
nature in nature out
frozen in rooms of pink
castles ignored
fairies without fairy dust
spring cleaning prophets
take down memories
faded wrinkled corners
hugging each other
sealing secrets
aligned to symmetries
choices untaken
disciplines forced
age has no reason
take down from pastels
store in archives

wall flowers?
us reaching across cultures
to embrace newness
tomorrows happiness
taken today.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 2 days ago

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666 · Jun 2014
Dark Chocolate
Marshall Gass Jun 2014
Eyes closed mouth open
I love dark chocolate!

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 22 days ago
660 · Nov 2014
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
splendid voices
what we do delves deep
into our mystical selves

whats in a poem
if not experience
fragments of a poets mind
in some structure.

we write because the barrage
of words embracing visuals
is ceaseless.

with power.
posture in metaphors
and allsorts
of devices
until satiated.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
655 · Apr 2014
Storm Troopers.
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
The speed with which it funnels into the sky
******* down to earth the torrents
that reached heaven
through oceans, mountains of majesty
and mists of mystery
now tearing down like a scythe
cutting pathways through manicured towns
and always aiming for stadiums of gathered people
the storm presses its anger
into the psyche of the sacred scared.

Here for a moment
grey willed and dense swirling
in a hula- hoop of swinging hips
dervish twisting
settling, unsettling
Gone suddenly.

Pick up the pieces
and wait for next seasons moods.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
647 · Nov 2014
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
Chester knew his mistress
the one with the copper burnished fingers
and slow delicate smile, longing eyes,
soft skin and smell like violets in
sizzling summer heat.

He  curled up in his cardboard box
and kept his ears open to all sounds
around the pool and table
aware but asleep

Call his name and he will leap to life
eyes of glass, melting in a soft head
full of affection fur flying for a cuddle
little tail wagging welcome attention.

Chester knew his way with the world
his wisdom perfect and plenty.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 18 days ago
645 · Jul 2014
Marshall Gass Jul 2014
Jostling on the sidewalks of a  busy street
I was absorbing every face for a stand out feature
to invest in chapter 23 of my new novel.

None appeared, look as I might
the world was busy today and people
were moving with their minds safely tucked
in deep folds of thoughts, lost within themselves,
unable to let anyone else peer into their prisons
or open a small window for me to look in.

Then he appeared before a huge glass window
this reflection
this plain face all wrinkled and worn
with walking the streets, looking for ecstasy
and pain and joy and thrill and eyes wide open
hoping to catch a glimpse of his best character
to embed in his novel.

I looked long and hard, sketching these features with my mind
looking deep in this soul, watching those eyes
move this way and that,
his hands in his pockets
hair tousled, shirt buttons undone
and his heart filled with hope.

In that split second
I saw me!
And walked away to continue writing
Chapter 24.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 12 days ago

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645 · Oct 2014
Flea Market
Marshall Gass Oct 2014
Buyers gather in tight knots around
orphaned articles seeking resurrection
shining glitteratti from wanton days
now spent and homeless, insipid

garage sale minds gather
in garage sales seeking clutter
to embody themselves with trinkets
like petulant pretty ***** wanting
magpie like shining entries and exits
and wide aplomb.

a season will burst open
when the burnished copper jar
lives its last lifetime on a new shelf
and move on to a new owner
seeking nirvana again
taking no memories with it.

Life is recycled
again and again
in these trading posts.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 2 months ago

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Marshall Gass Apr 2014
In the burning ghats where the earthly wanderer
leaves his leftovers to be singed and scarred to ashes
taking with him his soul wrapped in a white sheet
God knows where, I am with you on that final journey

In the temples where the joss sticks burned
and childless couples shaved their heads
bared their naked bodies in sacrifice for a gift of life
I am with you.

In the quiet clinical streets where test-tubes babies
are mixed and matched like cocktails
seeking world headlines, guessing at the outcome
I am with you.

In the back alleys of the brain where
dungeons of demons reside purged
from loneliness and depression. Crying
in their incompleteness
I am with you.

In the starry night where lovers meet and kiss
and cuddle and forget that tomorrow is another
day to rethink their togetherness in love. Starry eyed
I am with you

In the unsacred gaps in the scriptures where
fairy tales and impossible connections
are made, broken and burnt, often too old
to believe anymore. I am with you

On the journeys that you take
sheltered by the thousand pilgrims also
seeking the blazing light of holiness. Unknowing.
I am with you

I am with you as you walk the grass verges
of the sacrosanct temples and mosques,
the highways of information and the byways
of underprivileged children looking out for
another day of isolation in the busiest streets
of desperation.I am with you.

Even as you gird your ***** and prepare for the battle
that will help you survive in this raging metropolis
of unknown faces, names and destinations
coming from  no particular place
I am with you.

As human as I am and completely in synch with your ideas
of humanness and love and laughter
husbands wives and children and futures
I think with you.I am with you. Human as......

Nothing can separate me from your own journey
into that limit beyond the limitless
where chaos, culture or organisations
are born from the same mother of reason
I am with you in that questioning. Why?

Author Notes

A reflective poem that asks ourselves on why we are human and yet
set out on journeys that takes us different directions. We are here for a reason and what is that reason?
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
639 · Jul 2014
The piano tutor......
Marshall Gass Jul 2014
Nimble fingered she scaled high mountains
teary eyed swam in delicate balances of mozart
saint saens, beethoven, schubert, unmindful
that i watched in awe and grace at her aquiline features
melting in those crescendos of throbbing chords
and intricate switches between registers of scales.

i struggled to keep the pace, tame the tempo,
feel the texture and tone, sing in my heart
that which felt pure crystalline diamonds
sparkling at an evenings lesson. I went faithfully
every two days just to watch and wonder
at the magic she spun with her fingers.

No orchestra ever came close to this feeling
no symphony ever beat its pulse in my passion
as this piano tutor did.

Did she play alone for me,
for somebody else
or held a conversation with the masters
while I watched  as a witness?

The only time she ever played chopin,
and the minute waltz
the tears rolled down freely
from both our cheeks.

'thank you, sir,  for listening'
she said smiling
' you alone made an audience
of a hundred and fifty'

Author Notes

She was beautiful.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 10 days ago

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638 · Oct 2014
Diamonds in the dustbowl.
Marshall Gass Oct 2014
Im done and dusted
packed away in a shoebox
of transparent memories

what was last night about?
delicate dreams in filigree flight
crisp as lettuce
crunchy to the core
yet adding that joie-de-vivre
to the seduction of senses

I'm truly done and dusted
as I stagger into todays
escapades of poetic fancy
unable to filter the diamonds
from the dust of dreams.

tomorrow may be
better when the serenity sails in
to calm the raging forest fire
of expression.

Author Notes

Escapism in its truest form,unable to keep pace with the thrill of creating newer poems with sensory effects. Does it work?I don't know. You decide
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
638 · Oct 2014
Marshall Gass Oct 2014
As strong as rubber bands
stretched taut
we too had a thing going on between us.
What was it
that cannot be defined in poems
as easily as defining so many other things

Too tight, it would snap and sting
you said I listened
Boundaries are like this I said
not elastic, yet tightly closing us in,
into definite spaces
often unable to test the limit. We did though

But we did clamber through every loophole,
met at the mountain top of emotions
sailed the tumultuous sea
and finally settled
in each others arms.

Looking back at the journeys log
There are endless pages of warmth
held together with rubber bands of love!

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
624 · Jun 2014
Neon Lights
Marshall Gass Jun 2014
Even as the neon lights lit up the street with seductive winks
of blue promising colours I slid past the tonne of a beef burger
doorman, muscles tensed in conversation with his power.

I had no identity, no number to call to confirm
my foray into the ****** of sincity doom
but my adrenaline turbo was greater
than all the indulgences laid out by the church.

Soon the show started and it was neon
seven course  greasy meals of delicious
red rosette ******* and bulging cabbage
bums that were only found in naughty books,
so against my catholic upbringing
of saints in halos, sinners in chains-
all collecting at the ankles.

My eyes were young and  untrained
to the slow naked lights and movement
so I had to stare
through the shadowed light and dancers
throbbing to the music of  savage drums
gyrating to  the  pulp of night.

That's how I mixed up
poetry and lechery
in one single escape from innocence.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 5 days ago
623 · Jul 2014
Marshall Gass Jul 2014
the hand you touched
my dear
in the darkness
and thought
was not me.

the mirage had taken me out
and left you with a shell

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 2 months ago
622 · Jun 2014
Viva la Vivaldi!
Marshall Gass Jun 2014
There is synchrony in all things
Nature nurtures
Balances beauty to the beholder
Focus as you follow the footsteps of spring
Its dew, its rain, its meaning
And drops nestle against the joyous tears
Of leaves and lilies, sparkling bright
As the rains recede and flowers burst in bloom
Abundance everywhere
Spend a moment in this enchanting dream
You are a guest to eternity
Replenish yourself


Summer brings with it, oven heat
To bake and burn the beauty
Into bronzed ecstasy
As you saunter in the gardens
Shaded by giant trees that shield you
From wilting too
Yet how do these flowers never fade until time
Takes it toll and seeds nestled within petals
Are ripe and ready for the bees and birds,
And the grass stays green for the beast
To carry on in the living and giving



Will take its share of painters colours
And dance and song drum the revelry
Of warm amber nights
And sunkissed fruit and flower
Still standing in the shadow of sun
Awaiting winter
With its icy fingers and crystal voices.
The hunter emerges from the wine clad wonder
Of rolling seasons
To stock and taste the fruit and berry
For winters wanting.  Life works differently.
Moods change to subtle melody
And the wanting of inner warmth
As the air descends into the flute
Of feathery notes
To tingle with winters chill


Winter walks in gently
Unhurried and slow
First the farm yard bristles and burrows in
The fences reach for paddings of snow and icicle
And trees decorate themselves in costumes of white
Wearing narrow scarves of draping crystal
Bejewelled in the dance of snow and ice
And staying outside on the paddocks watching
Smoke spirals from long chimneys
Yellow windows of lights
Casting delicate traces on the courtyard
Of memories
And hot vapoury soups of broth and brine
As winter digs in deep
straddles the countryside
With its chill conversation
The silence stays for awhile

There stirs
A seed clutching its heart deep in its chest
Beneath the snow but sending its tentacles
Up through the warming ground
Soaked in nutritional brew
And reaching for the sun again
As Spring opens the blanket of snow
And steps aside for the bud to bloom again.

Natures music sounds again
Resplendent in its giving.
Author Notes

Vivaldi's music is deeply absorbing. The Four Seasons in particular move in a seamless way, drawing sustenance from the entire composition in a gentle way without changing tone and texture abruptly. The music keeps you engaged right throughout in a timeless way.
This poem tries to re-engineer how seamless the seasons are and how cyclical the entire composition is. Nature has a much qualified Maestro conducting this orchestra!
Life itself takes a similar journey and the seasons have enormous impact on how we perceive it.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
617 · Mar 2014
The Announcement
Marshall Gass Mar 2014
No aeroplanes should leave the capital,
incoming traffic should be diverted into hangars
loaded with soldiers of no recognisable denomination.

All passengers must surrender to security checks
at Gate 3, where security personnel will stamp
your passport for onward movement to selected
hotels on outskirts of city. Journalists are not allowed
to take pictures of cats and dogs without clearance from
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Men in un-uniform should not disclose their barrack
locations. If any passenger sticks a flower in your rifle
pull the trigger!

Foreign guests posing as tourists may be allowed
into city centre where the riots rage. They make take
pictures of selected zones where tyres burn and
firewood has, at last, come out of homes into the street,
to protest against the snow and icy conditions.

No citizen should have duck roast for a week
the president has just gone duck shooting and assures
everyone there will be enough left for everybody
for the coming festive season.

Real peace will be over in a week
and everything will be normal again.
The firewood may go home and all the cats
dogs may return to the barracks. An announcement
will be made when journalists , may, at last
photograph people at war!
( pssst, with their neighbours)
Happening just now.
616 · Apr 2014
The Spark
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
Life sparks between two ends
the moment of birth is also death
accept it now
we journey from one spark to the other.

Make the best between the connectors
and do not, whatever maybe,
short circuit that which rolls down
end to end. Shed light
as the circuit completes.Go bright.

Author Notes
Life and death as an electrical circuit.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 26 days ago
615 · Oct 2014
Marshall Gass Oct 2014
on this sea of social turbulence
skin dictates
the price of the ticket
rotating rainbows-no more whites
red is distinct
black is forbidden fruit
cast into the ghettos of the decaying mind
banished from the beauty of eden. why?

we all came from a pinpoint in evolution
in clusters we migrated
to the corners of the globe
seeking multi-verses of origin
yet we create hierarchies of skintone. why?

the gaps in our thinking
are like holes in a doughnut
spiraling galaxies of hate
into whirlpools of ignorance.why?

cast into the seed core
is a colorless quantum of choice
the difference -your destiny. think.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 17 days ago

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613 · Nov 2014
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
on this sea of social turbulence
skin dictates
the price of the ticket
rotating rainbows-no more whites
red is distinct
black is forbidden fruit
cast into the ghettos of the decaying mind
banished from the beauty of eden. why?

we all came from a pinpoint in evolution
in clusters we migrated
to the corners of the globe
seeking multi-verses of origin
yet we create hierarchies of skintone. why?

the gaps in our thinking
are like holes in a doughnut
spiraling galaxies of hate
into whirlpools of ignorance.why?

cast into the seed core
is a colorless quantum of choice
the difference -your destiny. think.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
607 · Apr 2014
Lady Luck
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
Blessings. How discreet they lurk uncalled
unexpected and blossom, flower like, slow
sweet abundance, waltzing between wonder,
hope expanded wide-eyed heaven sent
settle feather like on clean sheets
of meaning. Always useful.

Thanksgiving  makes lists of lucky stars
and reasons spring from forgotten places
where we watch in amazement, as
the placement of benefits grows
adding shape to all welcoming arms.

We name them exotically. Feng Shui,
numerology, astrology, numbers and games
dice spun out of control, six sixes
whatnot.  No luck and randomness
is called as explanation. Gazing into empty tea-cups,
stones, shells, skulls and bones
shaman-like, magical lotto numbers
yet cannot see how lady luck
plays her hand. ****** into a whirlpool
of unknowns we still embellish our minds
with constant waiting.

Author Notes

Lady Luck is dressed to take your hand. Did you ever win without attributing the blessing to pure luck?
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
606 · Oct 2014
The Hawk
Marshall Gass Oct 2014
Resplendent in his sweep he stalls in mid air still
as if the sun held his talons to sharpen the  winds verb
against the shrill bursting from this tensed lungs
splitting the arc of swoop into perfect symmetry

He sweeps in one long delicate swirl
and spot on the talons clutch at rushing fur and bone
crushing as it lifts the hare, head darting
this way and that. Up, up and away

into the sky's arms. He opens the chef blades
of his beak and delicately strips flesh even
as the dying hare struggles to crawl back
into life. But its windpipe shatters with a squeeze.

The hawk circles high, testing thermals
watching as the cotton clouds gather around
him and blanket his feast with a light shawl of wool.
He knows his domain well. From here he sees

the hurrying feet amidst bracken and bush
and with mathematical precision he plans
his next course from the skies. Even as grizzle
and unchewable hare bones and soft fur tumble
to earth for other predators to salvage.
Majestic Hawk. Master and mystery.

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 2 months ago

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606 · Nov 2014
250 miles to somewhere....
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
racing with the heartbeat
along the black striped road
pumping pedals, dreaming
entrances exits lanes bylanes
timing out and in
thinking cap on
music keeping pace
i am home

here in the small city
coffee smells like coffee
people smile like people
trees look greener
the church stands out
lakes glisten with shivering skins
children play happily
i park in the park

i am here
sojourn into nights
at break of dawn
i will return to point B
fulfilled with 250 miles
of ecstasy.

the poems rise from the mist
of bygone memories
and words tumble waterfalls
of lust and longing
where is she?

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 4 days ago
604 · Jul 2014
Tequila and Temptation.
Marshall Gass Jul 2014
I could have shied away from the glassy worm
attaining nirvana at the bottom of this drink.
But no, it was hard to resist
especially when the night needed fire
and dancing girls to swing the music bending
in that savage twist and turn hips pulsating
lips pouting and hips thrusting
in that primal passion for evening song.

Ten down and arabian mexican twilights
defying the tranquility of thinking
the sunset stirred the fires and the embers
glowed red with swollen passion.

I joined in the circle of wiggling
sinner pelvic girdles, raw and beautiful
uncaring of the language that radiates
with music and 80 per cent proof
of dynamite, once past the vocals.

The morning found us wrapped
against the waves constant fingers
lapping at our senses
as we woke to the sunshine of naked bodies
fumbling for protection against the bright
lights of excess libido. We wrote new memories
and mammaries that summer holiday.

Author Notes

Holiday of excess?
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 15 days ago

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601 · Nov 2014
The Lodestar
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
Charms  present itself as attributes
in cloak and dagger, blood still dripping
with the last **** envious hate, insidious
beasts, burdened by the bronze culture
impervious to the shallow golden calf
shrouded in the sinister guise
of compassion.

Why do the radicals look
up to the sky  praise god for approval
on own inequities
bolstered by the book of prophets
who did not see these acts
as sanctity or sacred.

The contradictions balance
between heaven and hell
even as the world turns to watch
the anguish of beliefs in agony.

Go now seek the desert of doom.
to announce meaningless mantras
for the wisdom of attention.
Burn in the terrible dawn of discovery.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
599 · Nov 2014
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
the eye sees
mathematics-coordinates computed
chance takes over
that's me -a ******
seeking shape in all its forms
flesh and bone structure
salt swamps silicon valleys
the lapping of tongues
with no specific language
just a flicker
its worth it all.

are you done, darling?
forever is where i've just arrived
unkempt brazen ****** animal

are you into **** gyms
don't stretch, break -a-bone
half yourself into acrobatic circuses
******* of delight.Remember boundaries
we are decent people.

touch me here
words stand up-ready?

our volcanoes
are locked up in traditional
cages, awaiting escape
flutter free.

Is this where geometric shape
take its chance.

How much? Travelers Cheques
are a decade old
I have a flight to catch!
Whats your name?
Ok! Forget it?

Author Notes

'I just took my mind back from the gutter for this cumpetition"
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
599 · Apr 2014
Part 3: Progress to Power
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
The hawk nosed general in the grey suit sniffed
out his enemies, labrador like, nose to the noise,
chest beating, bleating, blaring in the thunderous
applause, that made his ego bloom amongst the corpses
of the shrunken heads and hands reaching out for bread,
in the shut down quarter of the empire
where the eagles flew in/ out dropping mustard,
caught between a  deadly sandwich of
closed escape routes.

"Burn them all" he said, and turning to his sidekick,
he smiled a thin smile, devoid of the god he worshiped
in the minarets on the mosques that stabbed the  blue sky
with their sharp bulbous  needles of  attention.

At twelve the muezzin called the faithful to prayer and
moaned for mercy on the unbelievers.The call echoed
and reverberated down the streets.
The mustard closed the eyes of  the city where the
gas cannisters jangled on thin nerves and let the
people  sleep forever.

The grey suit, now eau de cologne  scented handker-
hawk nose sniffed
wiped his forehead and walked
spritely to his armoured vehicle, to call his wife
and enquire if the kids were enjoying their summer swim.

"Yes, darling!" she tingled with excitement.
"How's that part of the city
where these rats live?"
"Good love! Just need to smoke 'em
out some more!
By tonight I'll be home for dinner. Bye for now!"

The line went dead
with twenty others, fried in the concrete
pan of a bunk buster bomb dropped from a drone
with butterfly wings and a sharp upside down minaret
nozzle of spray now stabbing the earth.
Earth to sky, sky to earth?

The barbed wired brains circled the city.
Children soon crunched cockroaches,
mice and rats and grass salads, autumn leaves on wild spinach
thousands  died eating succulent poisonous roots.

Even the carrion claws refused to descend into the darkness
of carcasses that lay down in the streets to pray forever.

The water turned green with envy as lichen,
clogged with blood and ***** and bones rotting
under bridges, ****** up the blue river
and sent the beavers into burrows of omerta
The world watched and waited.


Around the dinner table the grey suited general
tucked his napkin under his red,wellfed face and smiled
at his lovely wife in a designer outfit.
" Pass me the mustard please, darling!"

Author Notes
The revolution shifts elsewhere. Follow it.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
596 · Jun 2014
Marshall Gass Jun 2014
brave seed
soaked summer sun
clutched winters wool
stay calm
sperms approach
turbo engine
grasp hands
slid tentacles
through autumns
open arms
burst open
and again

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 26 days ago
594 · Mar 2014
The Aggressors
Marshall Gass Mar 2014
Around the pool of chandelier light the movers and shakers gathered
in tight knots, unwilling to untangle from the policy books
intent on pushing fences further out into the Caspian Sea
across the Black Sea and encircling the whole Artic Circle
from latitude whatever to wherever.

The chief fence maker arrived with a pair of pliers
and rolls of barbed wire twenty thousand posts
and a battalion of unnamed soldiers all hiding
behind masks of make-up

" Now listen, people, roll out that spikey wire starting from here
to eternity and keep going around the globe until you return
five hundred years to meet the beginning with the end!"

A few bald heads bowed but wary of  cross-hairs
hiding along the ceiling behind sharpshooting
They knew instinctively, that unbowed head may be bowled
over and transported to Siberia in a meat wagon
for permanent freezing with the mastodons.

"Go Now, do not turn back, ever, or you will become
a pillar of salt."
The band played The Last Post
as the last post rolled out.

Peace began as soon as the war ended
and the fences were built around the entire
Northern Hemisphere.
592 · Jun 2014
Change of Heart
Marshall Gass Jun 2014
Oh he's lovely, bedecked in ornaments from the $2 shop
resplendent in gold and silver brocade
high up and mounted, majestic
barely balancing his bank accounts.
I like the looks of him. Nice teeth,
nice shape-oh momma, what a good choice
you made for me. I know you love me.
You are wonderful parents.

See, that fat bellied politician approaching
He is looking at the ladoos and the ladies
Thank god I can hide behind my veil of virginity
( I met this politician before- or did I?)
He makes a namaste-and reaches for the jelly-babies

I like the shanks, Papa, the look
the pulse races. my body quivers
What a lovely creature he is.

Oh Yes. He has his mouth open
and He sees me here.

The priest arrives pompously, people
what a thin priest?
He lacks the ladoo to marry
me to the horse!

Sorry Grandma.
I don't want the man.

Begin the bonfire.

Author Notes

In good humour. Must go with link. Cheers.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 11 days ago
590 · Oct 2014
Marshall Gass Oct 2014
This must be the banana
slipping around by the skin
of their teeth

Each inhabitant
as nutty as a fruitcake
policies and pancakes
slippery slopes
for politicians
and perverts!

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
589 · Apr 2014
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
No matter the colour of the skin
the shade of eye and the silver Mercedes
parked in angular arrogance
or the pin-striped suit and embossed briefcase.
This is all external. Internally lies a rot
that seeps through your emotions and spills
out your conversation of stocks and shares
and deals awaiting in the forest
of your investment. Money kills.
The lines jangle and rise with regular
asterisk displays of sharebrokers
meetings with profound number crunchers
all racing to the billionaire list on Forbes
unaware that at home the little
boy is playing with matches
and momma is looking out the window
watching a man across the street
meddling with his mistress'
bra straps. You would never ever know
how she feels in her own narcotic ecstasy.

Each day you are missing
she is rowing a boat to a
nowhere shore
where weasels wait to devour
her destiny !

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
588 · Jul 2014
The Specialist
Marshall Gass Jul 2014
The first time I met the Specialist
he shut me up with a bunch of big words
which I never found in any poem. Anywhere.
(So I swore I would break the rules
and write a poem on painkillers. One day)

He had a knack of pressing a rib
and complaining about my foot.
He touched my head
and told me how badly battered my kidneys were.

I marvelled at this transmigration
of ailments from one body part to another.
( but I never dared ask him to spell it,
in case he got it right)
I knew for sure that big sounding sicknesses
always produced hefty bills to pay
the smiling receptionist who took my CreditCard
with nicely painted and sharpened) fingernails
( that she may have used as a weapon)
if the specialist got high on any of his own pills!
( it was only a suspicion)
I have no notes to prove anything.

The Specialist was my friend,
so he said
but I wondered many times why he
never remembered my first name.

The last time I saw the specialist
he was racing down the motorway
with the sharp painted nails lady
and they were both smiling.

Author Notes">;=UTF8&qid;=1396992920&sr;=1-1&keywords;=The+Chrysanthemum+Trilogy
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 2 months ago
587 · Jul 2014
Marshall Gass Jul 2014
You didn't say you loved men with suits
dressed as barflys, buzzing around the counter
for that one last drink. Home a memory slushed
in ice cubes and excuses.

You didn't say either, you needed a sunday church- goer
dressed in a grey suit of psalms and canticles
and ropes of revelation wonders
which would send you scampering to the pages
of eternal life, wisdom and penitence.

You didn't say that you wanted a one-eyed wonder
with the other eye permanently fixed
on butts and guts, ***** and tubes
and one night stands in a circus tent
of  innuendos.

You did say, however, that you wanted
a quiet life, of roses and candlelight dinners
and wine chilling in a bucket of excuses
of fun and frolic and fame
and when I married you,
you danced the night off
in satin, confetti and cake and whatever
and I admired your mother
in her wonderful

I married right.

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 23 days ago

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