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 Aug 2017 Mark Karuna
Louise Ruen
Yesterday I promised myself never to make the same mistake
Tonight I won’t mind you telling me I’m pretty
Tonight I’ll relish your compliments, be the tangible version of all your fantasies
For one night I’ll accept whatever and whoever comes my way
For one night I’ll ignore the bitterness in your kisses
For one night I’ll ignore myself and my own wishes
By dawn, I’ll hate myself for it
By dawn, I’ll realize that I deserve something real, that I deserve something more
Next week I’ll regret my actions by day, yet relish in them by night
In one year, I’ll realize that I don’t learn and maybe never will
 Aug 2017 Mark Karuna
Miss She
I looked at everything as if it were a blur,
Rose petals were slowly falling down,
Colored lights quickly escaped my eyes,
Fireworks where seen by people passing by
as I tried to figure everything out, your eyes dawned on mine.

At the middle of the line, there you were,
Dressed in denim with your hair slicked back,
I laughed at how hard you tried to look formal,
It’s obvious, how nervous you must’ve felt,
And yet, you walked towards me.

At that moment I knew I had to leave,
But the situation seemed surprising,
The closer you got, the farther I knew we’d grow apart.

At that moment, you were standing by my side,
You genuinely smiled.
Right then and there, I knew it wasn’t me you were looking at,

But the girl from behind.

— The End —