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  Sep 2015 mark
My heart beats
So my heart will speak
My heart knows
So my heart will choose

My heart gives
Then my heart will beg
My heart loves
Then my heart will hate

My heart breaks
But my heart will heal
My heart dies
But my heart will live...

mark Sep 2015
May I always meet your dashing and breathless smiles that soothes my aching heart with peace. As I fall into the vast beauty of your touch. May I always gaze upon your beauty that professes power, innocence and love as I slowly fall in your grasp. May I always wonder in wonder of your courage and heart that transcends every woman I have met, and encountered in inescapable conclusion that there is none with beauty in body, spirit and mind as you. May I always find love in the friendship that's been set ablaze by understanding and mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. May I always find perfection in your gaze as it settles in those green beautiful eyes preying on my human weaknesses. May I always find a friendship like I have never found before in you

— The End —