The days our hearts get broken are dark cold and rainy days
We stand there in silence watching what we love the most
slowly fade away
Beyond our control
Beyond our reach
Slowly slipping through our fingers
Can u tell
Where do broken hearts go to mend
Where do they go to be healed
Where do they go to be made whole
Where do they go to mend
Carrying the pain of losing
Holding the sorrows of precious things lost
Cradling the hurt of crushed dreams
Can u tell
Please tell
Where do broken hearts go to mend
Behind brightly painted masks with plastic smiles
Rivers of tears are flowing
Laughter only echoes darkness and weeping
Do you know
Where do broken hearts go to mend
Broken promises and broken dreams
Tear souls into pieces
Sunny day smiles cannot hide the hurt and pain inside
Please tell
Where do broken hearts go to mend
They go to the ONE who willingly gave his heart to break
He has the most precious broken heart of all
Broken for all mankind
Broken for sin
Given to sorrow
Christ is where broken hearts go to mend.