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Mark Tilford Aug 2018
(pulling back the curtains)

looking outside
looking for hope
looking for the way to cope
looking at a tree
thoughts of hanging a rope

the window
reflection of a widow
her head slopes

the window
an envelope
the note
she clears her throat
it begins to rain
she whispers my name
with no blame
with no shame
i love you

the window
(the curtains close)
Mark Tilford Aug 2018
Do we lie
Then deny
Do we let love die
Say goodbye
Do we trust
Then lust
Do we try so hard
Then put up a guard
When we get near
We fear
Do we dream
Then scream
Do we pretend
It will not end
Do we hold back tears
For years
Do we think the hurt will heal
Deny it was real
Did we not share
And never dared
Were we best friends
Then never again
Mark Tilford Aug 2018

hey it's me
after all this time
can u believe
i had the nerve
i heard about everything you
have gone through
thought i would call and check on you
did not know if you had someone
to turn to
someone new
thought you still might be feeling blue
(thank you)
(how are you)
i am fine
still, have no one to call mine
its been a long time
since you
(i am sorry for you)
don't be
i was lucky
that i had the love
that i had
with you
(that is true)
(me too)
Mark Tilford Jul 2018
Act now
It could be too late
A difference it could make
We both ache
What the hell
How long can we both secretly
Our thoughts are parallel
Ignore the warning bells
What the hell
Why wait
That you are under the spell
Me as well
Break the shell
I promise you we will not fail
What the hell
Why wait
Before the farewell
Mark Tilford Jul 2018
Staring at these four walls
All the pictures bringing memories to my mind
Was the love really hard to find
I thought I was kind
Was I blind
Was I wrong
Thinking it was our time

I thought a picture
Was worth a thousand words
Then why can't I find the right verbs
I have become a victim of her last words

These four walls
If they could talk and tell all
They cause me to break down and bawl
I thought we were in it for the long haul
These walls remind me it was not going to happen at all

I look at the cross hanging on the wall
I get on my knees  
And ask
God why is this happening to me
Why did she leave me

The clock ticking, hanging on the wall
Tells me how many days
Reminds me how many times I begged her to stay

These four walls
how lonely
Mark Tilford Jul 2018
Where time went by slow
Where we used a scarecrow
To make sure the corn
would grow

Where the grandkids
jumped in the back of grandpa's
beat up truck
Making it to the house with lots of  luck
Where grandma had a scratch white cake
that she had just baked

Where we fished using a cane pole
Down at Charlie's hole

Where we rode the horse with a string bridle
Never used saddle

Where our summer was spent breaking beans
Wearing holes in our jeans
At night driving around town in our four-wheeler machines
Being a little clean

Where after Sunday church
We had a family dinner
Moms *** roast was a winner

Where computers did not keep us from getting bored
We had country chores

Where on Saturday you took a trip to town
to the tractor supply store
Dad gave us a dollar to spend
Fun running  into your friends

Where the roads were not filled by cars
Where at night you could actually see the stars
Where the land as far as you could see
was ours

Living in the Country
Mark Tilford Jul 2018
Hello Darlin

It's been a long time
I hope you are fine

I thought a letter
Would be better than the phone
By the way how is home

I heard through the grapevine
You had a new love
I hope he is kind
He is not like me
Stupid and blind

I guess your thinking
The letter

I would like to say that I am fine
But that would be a lie
I am about
to die
That is why
The letter is better
I do not want you to hear me cry

While I am trying to say
I am sorry
Because I did not try
For being such a bad guy
Causing you to worry
Night after night
Finding me  passed out in alleys
Coming home with black eyes
For telling so many lies

I never learned my lesson
I have been alone
Since you
I thought about coming home
I still would die alone

Forgive me
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