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 Nov 2010 Mark Rossol
What is it with this fatal attraction
For my soul that’s what it is
I have tried hard to ignore it
And not always give in

Erase you from my heart and mind
To be free from you at last
But every time you’re near
I simply have no chance

What is it about you
Keeps me wanting more
Your eyes mesmerize me
And pull me into your world

Your body makes my pulse race
I undress you with my eyes
I wish it were just physical
I’d have walked away by now

I love the way your mind works
Even if I don’t always understand
You make me think about things
That I never have before

The way you make me smile
And the way you make me laugh
Is just another of your facets
That keeps me coming back

I love the way you accept me
Like it’s ok to be myself
I let my guard down around you
And I take off my many masks

You seem to understand me
Even with all my many quirks
You even seem to tolerate me
When I’m acting like a *****

There’s so much more about you
That I just can’t find the words
To tell all the reasons
That you're driving me  berserk

That’s why I keep staring at you
With such passion in my eyes
You're my fatal attraction
And that I can’t deny.
Surface, where's the purpose?

Can we get deeper, instead of making the cliff steeper
Or is this all we got?

Simple Apathy, or Simple Neglect has put us on a path towards wreck.
Do I even know you? Do I even know myself?

Why all these questions?

It’s scary to say that we all have secrets, and finally know that it is completely true.
You’re hiding something from me, I’m hiding something from you.

All we’ve known is surface. No wonder we’ve lost our purpose.

Blank faces, day to day
Blank people seem to get in my way.

I’m not terrified to understand you, I’m just terrified for you to see me.

And so our community falls apart, and yet worse than that
Instead it’s built on lies, made steady by meaningless chat.

Where is your God? Are you holding him, or is he holding you?

Is he sitting on your surface, or is he your complete purpose?

— The End —