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Apr 2015 · 488
that open hearted day
mark john junor Apr 2015
summer come now again
kiss me in your special way
give me your beautiful way
give me that open hearted day

summer come now again
save my sleepy head from these dreams
bring the dead winters snow away from me
give me that open hearted day

summer come now again
with your daisy chain nights
with your lazy plain dawns
give me that open hearted day

summer come now again
with your vagabond starlight
with your afternoon delight
give me that open hearted day
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
mark john junor Apr 2015
a solider and a sailor
sing a lonesome song just for your entertainment
but in it you are betrayed by visions of heaven
shine with the late night ribald drinkers
after all after a few bottles even mortality seems lively
disjointedly you pick your way
through all these salvation's
never quite believing that you could exceed
your worth and standing
after all you can buy a new life for dirt cheap
long as your willing to give up your lifestyle
long as your willing to be disarmed
of all those quick witted answers you think fit so well
and give up all her peek-a-boo paradise's
the solider and sailor buy a round
and toasting the queen they bury the hatchet
no expectations can lead you on to the
brink of such strange bedfellows but you'll try
you can only hope not to be a victim of such defeatism
when all the ribald drinkers have left the saloon
walking in the thin light of dawn
you will remember all these beautiful things
and dream better dreams
build better sunrises from the gloom of days ending
Apr 2015 · 613
mark john junor Apr 2015
she deliciously stirs the fire within
with her soft hot eyes
her very breath on the air becomes
an ****** invitation to delve into
the magic of her sensual essence

she slowly walks across the rose petals
to the edge of the bed
letting her clothes slip away with her inhibitions
willing and ready for
tenderness and heat
for passion and delight
ready for play and pursuit

she melts into your embrace
with a soul searching kiss
and the breathtaking beauty of
loves sweetest moments
alive with passions heat
she gives into the exquisite wrestling of your body
gives in to your will with a gasp of pleasure
Mar 2015 · 348
dry eyed heart
mark john junor Mar 2015
light a match to the dry eyed heart
bring back the romance
bring back your heart
while there is life there is hope
you've been through the darkness
now come back to the light
the world needs bold hearts like yours
bring the love you have in you
bring it home
light a match to the dry eyed heart
bring back the romance
bring back the light
Mar 2015 · 606
free range chicken
mark john junor Mar 2015
...she kept her heart on a chain
never let it run mad like it was born to do
she kept her head in a box
never let it see the light of day
she has keepsakes for a heart
and romance novels on shelves
little dragons decorate her hallway
with little knights to slay them
natural and homespun as can be
she lives in her books
and lives for the day prince charming will come her way
she knits and tinkers her days away
always busy never stops
she is a model prisoner in her homemade jail
ever ready to pardon the thief for a kiss
ever ready to take the burden from the beast
she thinks someday will come tomorrow
and itll be better than promised
itll be sunshine cakes and sweet wine
and she will be done doing time for being a lover not a sinner
she kept her heart on a chain
and her head in a box
and never gave chase to the wild boys
now grown and old
Mar 2015 · 2.8k
brave boy
mark john junor Mar 2015
brave boy
brave as a king
stand there and show them
the man you will become
sunlight is your great kingdom
forest glade your throne
brave boy
wrestle your freedom from invisible army
fight to win the hand of some princess
long into summer you play hour upon hour
with friends around you to conquer kingdoms
play young man
proud young man
brave brave boy
Mar 2015 · 394
personal heaven abdicated
mark john junor Mar 2015
golden sunshine goddess notwithstanding the rain
she gives her grace so easily to the fleeting fast day
so apparent in her eyes that she in concept loves the ideal of him
but its the reality that leaves shame's ***** scar
her presence speaks to me in difficult times
her heartbeat whispers nonchalant beauty
like she had spoken into existence the very truth of love itself
only to find the darkness of him as he shadowed her artistic creation
standing with him in the last light of day
its plain to see that they are two sides to the same coin
opposites forever mirroring the other
forever embraced in turbulent attraction
she gives me one last fare thee well
her soft hand gracing me with tears of joy
i leave her to her desired fate
locked in a desperate dance with her lover
like the suns fire kissing the cool sea
like loves first kiss
she was my personal heaven abdicated
and i miss her so much
Mar 2015 · 354
hearts hunger (haiku)
mark john junor Mar 2015
beauty is a hearts hunger
beauty of feeling or beauty of sight
i live for her
she is my light
Mar 2015 · 673
her reddish brown hair
mark john junor Mar 2015
surrounded by sunlight's softest kiss
in pantomime of surrender she gives up her smile
she gives romance of the eyes to me
and with few words softly spoken
ushers me into her world
perfections kitten she growls then laugh's
as i marvel at her nearness
her eyes have become pools of green warmth
as we sit to talk and talk to sit
she asks why have i come
i illustrate on the breeze with words so profuse
i illuminate the room with light of reason
but fail to sway her
she ponders me and all my attachments
with gentle grace
gives me a door
sunlight plays in her reddish brown hair
plays upon her earring of diamonds
she gives me romance of the heart
as she holds me there by the door
long enough to convince me of her goodness
long enough for me to see her divinity
a spring snow clings to the breeze
on the beach which she walked
forever more young and fierce as a lioness
young and bold
Mar 2015 · 698
paris dreams
mark john junor Mar 2015
her paris dreams had become jersey jaded
but she held onto the romance at heart
after all you can take the dreams out of the girl
but you'll never stop the girl from being a dreamer
and its the beautiful things in the world
that were close to her heart
and it was the beauty inside her that counted
and she was a field of stars in the night
she was a dreamer and a lover
she was summer and joy
she had paris dreams that were as big as the sky
she had paris dreams as warm as her heart
alive with every breath her dreams lived for her
and she for them
her paris dreams will never really die
they are sunshine
even jaded they are beautiful
Mar 2015 · 593
the devil and delight
mark john junor Mar 2015
fire in her eyes
the belly of the beast in her mind
trapped between day and night
trapped between the devil and delight

what madness she asks
every madness she replies
trapped between day and night
trapped between the devil and delight

her lover is a mental game
her lust is a puzzle trap
every turn she takes brings her closer to the end
closer to the truth that she is alone
trapped between day and night
trapped between the devil and delight

what to choose what is fun what is right
the devil has his perks
so can delight
what to choose what is right
trapped between day and night
trapped between the devil and delight
Mar 2015 · 422
vulture's way
mark john junor Mar 2015
his rustic way
the easy as they come grin
the soft shine in a hard land
had a gift in his brotherly manner
it was vulture's way
the name didn't fit the man but few do
he was a kind soul
always had time to mend fences
had time to build bridges
and the boy could dance
look at him go in the firelight
while the music sang softly
always thought he was most at home
sharing a meal and the comforts of conversation
few knew him as well as I
spent years chasing dawns early light with my friend
laughing and carrying on like two kids
it was vulture's way
last time ever laid eyes on him
he was laughing and talking with some fine young girl
just as natural as can be
a true hippie
relaxed and at ease with the world
he died later that spring
but to me he will always be alive
in summer breeze and moonlight
watch him dance and shake thous old bones
my good friend will always be there
in every smile i ever see
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
angel in disguise
mark john junor Mar 2015
she paints ugly things in pretty colors
she runs with the devil and whispers with the saints
she is a good girl in bad times
she's a angel in disguise
you can find her riding shotgun
in the roughest part of town
you can find in her the softest heart
she is a flower blooming in a field of thorns
she is a woman to be reckoned with
and a force of nature to be feared
but she will always be kind and gentle
she paints ugly things pretty colors
and gives them happy homes
she really is an angel in disguise
(for the grocery store girl)
Mar 2015 · 402
the waiting game
mark john junor Mar 2015
a waiting room
the rain outside the single small window
gives aspects to the room of comfort
a woman sits next to me
her phone makes water droplet sounds
as she taps gently on its screen
office sounds and smells

the room has pieces of home to decorate
like the painting of country road
its summer feel meant to warm the room
makes me think of childhood
the vase with plastic flowers
and magazines scattered on the meek coffee table

the steady office noises are interrupted by a womans strident voice
her words obscured but her angry intent clear
the waiting rooms occupants all turn to look at
the closed door
then return to the task at hand
of trying to play a good waiting game
of glancing at each other

so polite and proper we wait
for this doctors quick words
soon enough to head home
with prescriptions in hand
with answers in heart
Mar 2015 · 972
she is romance
mark john junor Mar 2015
her bare knuckled eyes punch you
with the kind of hard hitting softness
that makes lesser men weep
shes one of a kind
in her junk food fashion clothes
that makes other girls hungry for her looks
shes eccentric in fun ways
dumpster dives for baubles and dimes
she is a work of art in the light that shines
she is most delicious when she just smiles
and cool peppermint when she just licks her lips
so let her show you the nirvana of her eyes
let her kiss your sorrows away
let your tomorrows be hers
let your world be her romance story
Mar 2015 · 17.7k
madness sunshine
mark john junor Mar 2015
flawed to near insanity
but long as you could hold down a job then its alright
isn't that a wise policy she asked
i'm not so sure
watching the clowns strut their stuff
in the midnight sun
they are reckless to be certain but self aware to a fault
just makes it all the more bizarre
watch em go at it with each other over the simplest thing
its no way to live
you can vouch for the living as long as you haven't died
and this madness is just shy of being in a pine box
so darling lets get outa this crazy place
get away from the thinking
that you gotta be like everybody else
get away from the plastic hippie rat-race
roll down the easy highway
find us some sweet sunshine to breath in
find us a better life to be
Mar 2015 · 487
beauty decays
mark john junor Mar 2015
time crawls in my head
cries out knowledge secretive and sweet
its words are a paradise of the mouth
spoken clearly and precise
illustrating beautiful scenes
but beneath such delight is true nature revealed
such smooth to the tongue beauty is easily upturned
by crafty hand
by crafty mind
time crawls like an ugly beast in my head
tick tock tick tock
turn now to see the best of me wash away
like bitter free dream
time crawls in my head  
like the world burning
its words are sweet to the mind
secretive they are whispered in my ear
but all beauty decays with time
and that is all that is on my mind
Mar 2015 · 442
new poem today
mark john junor Mar 2015
trundle out your weary poem
dust it off and polish it up
its going to be one those days
it wont trend
it wont get a bunch of thumbs up
but it'll be a nice piece
worth reading
worth believing
so run up the hardware to top speed
get that pen going  
give it your best shot
today is another day
and this is a new poem to reflect the new man you've become
this is a new start
on a fresh page
so get your game face on
and write that poem for me
Mar 2015 · 507
true sunlight
mark john junor Mar 2015
there are more dreams in a moment of sunshine
than a century of night
Feb 2015 · 908
romeo on fire
mark john junor Feb 2015
a romeo on fire
his heart ablaze with the glory of being in love
his mind fixed upon beauty of her presence
dances with his future in the balance so precarious
lounge with style was the way to be or so he would say
better to be relaxed and let it all flow whichever way
cause nothing matters much but the love
yes nothing but love
dealing the cards with such style
dealing the days with such finesse
and oh the nights
when it was all glittering lights
when it was all just him and her out on the dance floor
smooth so skilled with his moves
a romeo on fire
his burning loves light up the night for every lonely girl
his passion play makes them believe they will be hollywood starlets
in the shadows his is the place for the girls to be
but morning light will reveal his hollow words
morning light will reveal his dark world
a romeo on fire fades away before the dream can come true
leaves the girls crying  
romeo oh romeo where for art thou?
Feb 2015 · 892
winter holds her
mark john junor Feb 2015
winter holds her
barren with beauty's decay
she gives silent flowers of the mind to the cold wind
that transports them like dreams into the distant landscape
she gives her soft heart
to the falling snow
which transpires like a whisper flowing down to melt on soft ground
like a passage of the nights tale told and retold
by the fairest of souls in the solitude of starlight...
so intoxicating is the falling snow
it leaves her with numb lips from the verse unsung
it leaves her with aching in her limbs from
the untried ballet of winters solstice...
such is winter's night
a possession of the snow and cold
a rite to be passed with delicate thoughts...
winter holds her in its hand
and yet even barren she flourishes like a rose blooming
in beautiful spring
Feb 2015 · 456
mark john junor Feb 2015
fondly the fragments of childhood memory gathered
a smile so decorated with sweet sunshine of summer day
a carefree moment of pure abandon
where the world seemed endless
where possibility boundless
seems so far away from the bed you lay in
its night in this moment of your remembering
but you can still feel the sun on your face
still taste the sweetness of the breeze
can you imagine where those days have gone
can you believe in the magic as you did so long ago
can you pause in all this getting old
to live once more in the summer moment
breath the magic
live the day
take a chance and believe
that your heart can still be young
that the world is still beautiful in its way
that there are still rainbows to chase
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
renew the life fulfilled
mark john junor Feb 2015
the spring day so longed for
its crisp sunlight such deep reflection of joy
its warm breeze so like a gentle kiss from a lover
so full of promise and possibility
this spring day so long dreamed of in the winter
what laughter this day holds
what adventures with friends
what beautiful moment with sweet lover
as the warm day sweeps away winters chill
as the spring gives light and life to your world once again
breath deeply its clean fresh breeze
breath deeply its sweet flowers bloom
this is a time to rejoice
this is a time to renew the life fulfilled
spring is joy and wonder
spring has come to us once again
let the days of spring renew your heart
Jan 2015 · 732
written at birth
mark john junor Jan 2015
poem that comes pretty much out of blue skies
full versed song of a heavier soul roll in out of the darkened plains
novella written in the sweaty moments
before dawn after a night of  *******
in the the thick of it
where the words are physical
where the vision is blinding
who would you be if you were face to face with impossible me
bent and broken or loud and proud
would you be the poem
sweet and true
would you be some unfamiliar rhyme
distant and cold in your features as the sun set on your face
you are like that
you drop in on me out of the clear cold blue sky
whole and unhurt
unhinged but unchanged
a poem written at birth
you are still being written
so dazzle shine
be mine
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
add a light angelic
mark john junor Jan 2015
she is the neon glow but i am the rusty sign
she is the moonlight but i am the the dusty ground
everybody says they need to add a light angelic
the kind that only can be found in the hearts of
pretty girls like her on nights like this
a light that leaves you in such peace with all you have done
and become
a light that leaves you beautifully complete
with mind romancing reasons to capitulate
its not so bad after all this carpetbagger life
with your tidal water jewels and ransom notes
with your fragrant notions
and whispered dreams
its that angelic light that leaves hope when all other lights have gone
its that angelic light from the young girls heart that gives
breath to old man dreams
and a younger man's schemes
let me dance a little longer in her angelic light
let me taste these last few passing moments sweetly
it is that angelic light that gave me reason to go on
its that promise that still keeps the daylight alive
so let me sell you some tidal jewels
and strands of golden thread
let me invite you to sit in the angelic light while we sip the wine
and pass the summer's time
old man dreams
and young man's schemes
they seem so kind
in the angelic light
mark john junor Jan 2015
insurmountable sorrows
unaccountable to the heart mad blank check reign of terror
just waiting now for the quiet to claim
just waiting for the darkness without shame

its possible that i may have gone too far
in all i wanted was just a hand to hold
lips to kiss oh so gentle
tell me i would have known
tell me i would have been good to her

insurmountable day has come
the gasping breath has come
unaccountable to the madness run
stand in the falling rain one hand clutching the flowers
the others peppered with papers
inked with silence
and broken with phrase
Jan 2015 · 674
tail-lights for eyes
mark john junor Jan 2015
she has tail-lights for eyes
see her leaving all the time
but you cant wait to try her on
just for a good time
till you see
there is more to that reality
no home
no warm place to go back to
she has tail-lights for eyes
see her fading away all the the time
into the darkness that is your pasts
Jan 2015 · 534
inked pallet
mark john junor Jan 2015
illustrated in ink
her dark hearts tales all told
all but one
his visage haunts her every breath
her bronzed skin
the inked pallet upon which i lay
the foundations of this dream
like a golden chalice laid upon a roughian's hand
wet lips pause round the more difficult things
like things she would never wish to say
as she weighs them carefully on her pierced tongue
dry eyes as she weighs implications on her unadorned mind
find her soft hand
and unleash my aloneness on it gently
she smiles a quick vulnerable smile
i reassure with strength
she looks up into my eyes with doe in headlights love look
we draw images of ourselves for others to dream upon
we draw images of what others tell us we are
end of the day
its alone in that mirror of your own closed eyes
that you must measure
you must pass or fail
Jan 2015 · 365
it gets better
mark john junor Jan 2015
you can see it all from a twisted lens
if that gets ya thru yer day
you can tear it all down
claw your way to sunlight just to
claw your way back out of sight
if that floats your boat

as strange as your song might be
the one next to you got a stranger song
he just ate his ear lobe
so lets get something straight
your gonna be ok
we been at this for thousands of years
nobody got it right yet

burning your shoes while your
walking in the snow will keep your feet warm
but  its not exactly a great plan for getting thru the night
we been at this for thousands of years
can see the guy thumping his head
painted on the caveman's wall
just like you doing now in your living room
so set your shoes on fire
and smile
it gets better
Jan 2015 · 434
tread with angelic care
mark john junor Jan 2015
revisit the lonely girl now in your mind
her alabaster face just a vehicle for those lovely aftermath eyes
her lips painted delicately like danger
she moaned a few wary words into my weary head
that i should fear for her fragile heart's dream
there are tears in unseen places of her innocent soul
that i should tread with angelic care in the gardens of her desperation
where she is tangled with unease and misgiving
she is lonely

visit your image of the lonely girl 
revisit her in her darkest hour
comfort her with your kindest words
she moaned a few wary words into my weary head
her forgiven lover an apparition of her yesterdays
but still carries her soft wet lips warmth
carries the dire need of her dark desire 
she is a woman of warmth
waiting for spring
waltzing with a winter rain
she is lonely
Dec 2014 · 952
bronx street corner
mark john junor Dec 2014
she became a new york city
street corner fixture
acted like its the only place to be
acted like its the place for the persecutor to begin
after all all men are guilty
none are forgiven
so she painted false hearted judges
to prop up her proposition
to subvert the natural truth

she lied when it came down to the last hours
but i was unsurprised i had seen her coming
the deception was the rationalization
means to the end
just because you can lie means you should
integrity means so much more when
there is no shame in the game
so once again i ask
just because you can lie means you should
isn't it about change
or was that just part of the lie

i walked away
on a north bronx street corner never to return
no regrets
she had sold herself at every chance
for two bits silver
for a lies chance to shine
but i will not be there to suffer the consequences
just because you can lie means you should
isn't it about change
or was that just part of the lie
how fragile this thing called easily it sway to suit
Dec 2014 · 594
with a devilish grin
mark john junor Dec 2014
she tread around me with
such mock care
with a stifled grin she asked if i was sure
with a teasing voice she narrowed her eyes
and looked as deep as she dare
perfumed and adorned but as alluring as
her spanish leather truth
so like a fool i made sure much to her delight
dance on the head of a red hot pin
dance on the heart of darkness with a devilish grin
the empty promise of her touch is as good as sin
she wears the apparel of luxuriant garden
but delinquent her self esteem like rose petals
fall scented to the illusionary waters of her dry as bone desert heart
she entices me with beckoning gestures
in this wilderness of heat
in this place of madness
as i lay now alone in her aftermath
i dream a dream of her that will be mine alone
long after the candles have died
i forgive myself
as i think would she
and live now to dream my dream
live now
Dec 2014 · 863
salvation's cherubs
mark john junor Dec 2014
by a proxy delivered
a days sour face
its painted eye fixed on jacob's ladder
and salvation's cherubs
who seven times sevenfold tell the tale
but the tale is threadbare by the time they have spun the spin
all call each other rookies as they verbally fistfight
over the breadcrumb leavings

charred remains of her melted mind
smoulder weakly in the
interment rain
she would sit in the dirt
sketching beautiful things
known for being pretty for all the eyes that don't see
leaving the brick and mortar life
for everything imagination tells you
is so beautiful
you don't want to change the world
just want your world to change
Dec 2014 · 846
you are my song
mark john junor Dec 2014
others say there are no more pages
in our romance novel
but we just keep writing beautiful songs of the heart for each other
endings and beginnings
places others don't dare go

to get lost in each others gaze
as the sun and moon walk over the sky holding hands
we keep dancing in the ballroom long after the music stopped
while the night fades away
cause your heartbeat is all i hear

to dance moonlights glow wrapped your arms
cause you make me crazy with dreamy eyed memories
to live moonlights dream wrapped in your eyes
all the nights mysteries to show themselves to me
to be found only by you at long last

so we can run fast and laughing in the fall leaves
so we can breath quick in lovers embrace
wrapped in each others heartstrings
cause you are my song
and im ready to sing
Dec 2014 · 600
keep the hunger alive
mark john junor Dec 2014
knock me from this caterwauling armchair performance
for the natural beauty who came to read my poem
pop-**** pixie queen with adorable written all over her pink ked's
a christmas kitty with snuggling on her mind
but i have five verses of doom's gloom to dredge
and she has had her fill of headstrong people for her to play the role of
so she waits patiently for me to finish

two cups of good java and the coffee shop has feet
so we shuffle it past the empty parking lots
in hopes of finding the perfect place to watch the stars
the ones that dance and the ones that shine
as long as we keep the feast of the mind moving
we can keep the hunger alive

she is scent and texture
a fragrance implied upon springs first breeze
a kiss of beauty's tender truth's implied in a whisper of a dream
she came to me in the dark of night
with words like stain upon her soul
she came with sculpted reason
so i let her craft me
i am her poem
as my poem is the sea
symbol of the restless fundamental earth
symbol of the transient moon
Dec 2014 · 2.6k
stars for eyebrows
mark john junor Dec 2014
she has stars for eyebrows
her phonetic smile says so much more
tightly wrapped in the grey gaunt gauze of daylight
eyes still closed
i wait arms breadth away for her...
to breath
to open
while mind touches upon her journey
while pieces parts of her epiphany are spoon fed
like chocolate grace into my feasting and willing heart
i am the succulent afterword
to her speech now uttered in its completion
...with its grand street ballroom
upon which we
all in our time of giddy laughter
need to dance like royalty or fools
...with its back alley rainwater
that washes away all those terrible yesterdays
i am the sweat mongerer who waits
for her sleeping to be roused...
transcendental she sleeps
with a soft drink
while i nourish
in the folds of her slumbering dreams
Dec 2014 · 508
forbidden sweetness
mark john junor Dec 2014
she lingers as long as she can in the mirror
trying to be perfect in every way
trying to see herself as i will see her
trying to be as radiantly beautiful as i see her
biting softly her lip she turns
and walks with the grace her shoes allow into the room
to the bed where i wait for her
feasting on her with my loving eyes
she smiles
she knows i am pleased
she wants me as i want her
she melts onto the bed
flows like forbidden sweetness into my arms
a song to her body against mine
a beauty that has no sound
but fills every sense
a living breathing as one
that cannot be defined as anything but one word
Dec 2014 · 359
harvest song
mark john junor Dec 2014
she touched my heart with
her dew eyed playfulness
she gave me a christmas eve song
that warmed my soul
summer girl in winter harvest
summer girl 'n' winter delights
the years have shown on me
grey gone to white
like fair snow fallin
but its smiles like hers
that keep our lives warm
that keeps our hearts young
Dec 2014 · 735
adorned like the night
mark john junor Dec 2014
she lays out in the warm sun
scented with the romantic notions of moonlight
her illustrated eyes slowly wander me
like a sensual thought left to drift
like a sweet dream left to thrive
she lays out in the summer daylight
adorned like she is the treasure of night
echo of her deepest
echo of her darkest
like a soft promise of
like a sweet dream of
she lays out in the warm sun
her head alive with refined and delicate beauty
her lips have poised wet meanings silently implied
while her hand wanders its loose fingers along your roughness
seeking and finding the soft spot between bitterness and delight
and there she sees me
melts onto the cool crisp bedsheets
and into my waiting arms
nothing makes her desire the night more than
desire itself
Dec 2014 · 778
the danish device
mark john junor Dec 2014
once when my heart was heavy
sought refuge in a place where the laughter was strange
where there were men of pestilence in their souls
but it was a place to call home
it was a place that in the cold of night remained warm
you might be frightened by the gleam in their steel shod eyes
but i know the road they have walked in heavy silence
and i know that nothing forgiven is ever regretted
stealing away with scraps of their souls
at the dinner table of the paupers and pawns
at the crowning moment of failure
goodnight and goodbye they call out so fondly
because a few days from christmas we all look so perfect
we all look like we are living in a better place
so let these dark eyed men carry away your fears
let them wrap you in the stillness and slumber
and drift off to sweet dreams
Dec 2014 · 430
fast as the sun
mark john junor Dec 2014
fast as the sun
you came into view
and i knew that you were trouble
but you are so perfectly flawed
you are so beautifully twisted
that i knew i couldn't resist
you lead me into places never imagined
showed me exciting things that were oh so wicked
cause you are so perfectly ******* up
so wonderfully insane
in such wonderful ways
look at that bright smile
keeps me from all that darkness out there
wonderfully seductive with all your smiles
all that happiness you got into my head
so maybe you've done broken me
in all the right ways
maybe you are just so dangerous
been nothing but good for me
beautifully twisted
that i wont want to resist
the two of us and nobody else
perfectly flawed
sweetly insane
just the two of us
(for victor and jennie)
Dec 2014 · 905
milk crate
mark john junor Dec 2014
she lingers on my mind
so beautiful in her strange way
and oh so tragic
we never had but a moment under a wonderful sun
but what a moment it had been
so full of promise and heartfelt light
so full of the emblems of brighter futures
so filled with the dance of hearts discovering sweet loves
it happened the way it should happen
it happened the way a 52nd street accidental preview should
and then it was gone
she just rose up and rode away waving her fare thee well
like some strange dream
never been able to place where it all went bad
or to place exactly why it all happened that way
other than to say it was meant to be
that she was just quick summer dreams
and she will always be fond to me as i am to her
sitting on a milk crate in the pouring rain
outside a closed supermarket at the midnight hour
just where i would picture her twenty years on
just where she would be night like this
in the beautiful light
a beautiful sight
in the midnight
Dec 2014 · 803
insightful to two souls
mark john junor Dec 2014
two souls we once were
separate in every way
just wandering the bright blue sea
you were as sweet as beauty
i was rough as granite

till chance lead us to a strange shore
and a chance meeting under a romantic moon
till your beauty spoke to me
till my handsome grain spoke to you
in a charming way
so we spoke just passing the time
neither thinking would lead to much
what dose in these strange times
yes what amounts to much in these troubled times

but the further we got to to the conversation
you began to see me
and i began to see you
began to see the handsome man beautiful girl
as more than just something more
our talking became dancing as we fell into the lovin
began to see what it could amount to in these strange times

you took me by my hand and without a word
lead me where you wanted me to take you
and take you i did all night
in sweet ways
in these troubled days

we were two souls
separate as can be
wandering the deep blue sea
till the magic of loves ways set on on the trail
of finding each other
now we are one soul
for real and evermore
come on my lover sweet lets run
catch the moonlight before the sun
lets run run run
Dec 2014 · 379
winter dream (part two)
mark john junor Dec 2014
she was my winter dream
with promise of spring
dreamed her one cold night
and every night since
she became the light in my life
she became laughter and warmth
a song that played me sweetly
she was my winter dream
frightening how quickly became everything to me
scary how quick became more than just memory
became more than me
i saw her in the falling rain
saw her in the light fading away to the east
saw her in my sanity disappearing into the night
saw her everywhere i thought beauty should be
when all other hope had faded
tasted so near to real for a moment
tasted like summer starlight kisses
like vibrant light of the heart brought to life
but then...
Dec 2014 · 786
thrift and opulent
mark john junor Dec 2014
her opulent presence
is beautifully crafted on the night of the mind
her tattooed form elegantly painted sensitively
but oh so erotically
lip rings and candy necklace feast for the lusts
but she knows your eyes are on the plunging neckline
she is a deeply written romance novella
she is a poem of darker daylight
longing within her good girl image
to be as bad as bad girl can be
beautifully written in that smile
written in the sunshine of the opulent soul
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
protect the moment
mark john junor Dec 2014
protect the moment
when her heart kisses mine
trying to find my home in the stars
protect the moment
when the gentleness that i love in her
gives me that beautiful moment when i can believe again
protect the moment
because you never know when till its gone
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
mark john junor Dec 2014
one kid shoots another
for expensive headphones
while the guy who put his name on them
sits in his beverley hills mansion
and counts the hundred dollar bills
Dec 2014 · 374
a dark tale to tell
mark john junor Dec 2014
i remember back when you were
on the coast highway
living day day to day
breathing freedom like others breathing air
i remember thouse days seems so long ago now
i remember when we lay like lovers
under the quick stars summer moon
and i held all your dreams as you held all of mine
remember that you never once had a dark tale to tell
remember your laugh and how it danced on my heart like magic
woke in the morning to find you gone
but you were there on my mind
never forget the old place
never forgot the sea crashing
never to forget to the feel of the sand 'neath my feet
never forget your beautiful embrace
Dec 2014 · 661
steely-eyed bunny wabbits
mark john junor Dec 2014
she smells like perfumed soaps and spraypaints
i want parts of her reality in unnatural ways
steely-eyed bunny wabbits couldn't be more bold
as she is traipsing round the backstreets at a quarter to three
with a dogeared copy of catcher in the rye
just wants to be heard
just wants somebody to know how it feels
she writes it all out longhand on college ruled paper
a diary of an unkempt heart
her youthful rebel head filled with strong dreams
gonna make a difference
gonna get heard
so she stuffs all her worldly possessions
into a beat up backpack
long with bus fare and snacks
gonna find us some steely eyed bunny wabbits
and wrestle bright futures and rainy days from them
gonna get our fare share
this is why she is special to me
as she chases butterfly's in army boots
as she the navigates lovely night
(reference to: "the catcher in the rye" 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger)
mark john junor Dec 2014
delicately she balances on the edge
of the crisp sheets of the motel room's bed
wearing her hoodie and jeans fashionably
not speaking except in the nervous fidget of her hands
but its her homespun beauty that is the tale to be told
truth of her breath catching when she thinks she hears him in the distance
truth of her writing his name in the dew of dawn on the windshield
with the promised hearts and rainbows forever dream

its a little past two am
in the motel next to the highway
the door is open
letting in the ever present scent of diesel
and late summer georgia night air
she sits in the pool of light on the motel room bed
looking out into the darkness next to the highway
there are no tears
no words
they have long since rushed out and washed away
now there is only the waiting
for the sound of his truck
his boots on the gravel

she sits in the pool of motel light
ignoring the fading glories of the night
ignoring the fading glories of her youth
he will come for her
and everything will be right
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