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Sep 2013 · 541
mark john junor Sep 2013
moral she says
but i don't believe
so i know it'll come easy to me
know it'll be pure for me
hear it breath
see it grow
trance me into believing
cold brick of the city
and all the things she forgave me for
see all the dark things
know all the living things inanimate
give all the things broken
and no longer believed to be

and the dream scattered
at our feet like fall leaves
brittle and crisp
and i can still hear her footsteps echoing across
the floor
retreating from all the things
she could not face alone
bit could not face here with me
a choice to be sure
but in the fading lights
what a tragic choice
what madness to choose

our past
now it looms so large
so immediate to me
tears hot wild and burning
overtake and leave me collapsed on the
floor here amongst the scattered remains
of our days
with her last words
lingering softly in my ear
bye my darling
i go to find st petersburg
i go to find something i cant see
intangible as me
bye love bye
fall down now lover
iv left
cause as a woman i know poisons of myth
i knew the harshness of dreams
and iv got to
run from all that i cant feel anymore

i go hand in hand with scarlet
to st petersburg
trying to find my way home
i go to find somthing i cant see
intangible as hope
mark john junor Sep 2013
its unmistakable
not just another caravan of faces
not just another passing year
under a strange sky
iv reached the edge of the world
nothing but open sea to my back
as far as the mind can see
and i'm riding a west wind on a quickness breeze
on a middle of the night skiff
to the the small island
where she waits for me
where she sleeps tonight
the bold song gone soft an slow
the guarded smile relaxed into a champion of joy
and conquers all her sadness
with a single tilt at the windmills
like a knight in shining armor

nothing but deep sea
nothing but night salt and sea

and as i draw near
she sings from her soul to mine
come to me lover
yes cry out loud with all your joys
laugh pure and easy
i'm the mood for you boy
i'm in the mood for your hand in mine
dance in my heart
its a warm night in the tropics
and we got the world to ourselfs
so may i have this dance

ballroom of sand
laugh with me
run with me
we are free
all our lives people have tried to put us away
keep us down
now look at
dancing in the stars
look at us free and easy
dance with me baby
make love with me honey
on this ballroom of sand
laugh pure and true
with simple joy
here by salt and sea
be young with me

tonight on this ballroom of sand
come home to me
warm me with your touch
comfort me with your eyes
iv waited so long come home to me

nothing but open sea at my back
and i feel so alive
i feel so free
and my lover is near iv never been so alive
running a western quickness breeze
on a skiff heading home
to her
"riding a west wind on a quickness breeze" LOL not to be mistaken for a nautical term LOL
Sep 2013 · 622
shadowed steps
mark john junor Sep 2013
this tangled thought
this presence behind everything around you
even in her

nestled into the background static of the mind
its interference is on a basic level
like the screaming ringing in your ears
perceived on all levels of consciousness
you cannot escape it
it is you

you rock ion your chair in primal effort
to release
you pace and worry your hands
smoke incessant
but it shadows your every step
as it attacks your reason
as it delivers blows to your peace

it reaches mortal combat
as you toss and turn
wrestle with the blankets of your once safe bed
motion and thought become sickness
that cannot cease of their own accord

it pervades
like the scents
of death
slow and overpowering

she is yours
and yours alone
this terrible night
and alone you will remain

you took your own life
buried at the crossroad
without comfort
without your head
banished by the good graces
and alone in the forever more

forgive me
please forgive me
Sep 2013 · 501
govern the worries
mark john junor Sep 2013
the Spanish wood table
lay broken there by the door
its cotton cloth soaked with the wine she spilled
her cigarette still smouldering like her eyes
loose on the dusty floor
the music stopped has left its echo in its place
like an intangible trail into the
mystery's of night
into the mythology of her tales
riding a mare of nightshades
wailing fears and regrets
has she departed for the end of empires
where has she gone
how can we go on with this brave tale
with this misadventure
without her brave face

walk down into the crowded house
walk slow thru their confused and frightened faces
'senior what shall we do now that she is gone
who could have lead her astray'

and as the the tolling bell raises the alarm
dawn creeps into the room
like a thief come for the rest of our treasured hopes
like a fat banker come for our gold

they ride hard out in all directions
searching for some trace or track
there will be hell to pay
they have sworn blood oaths
and have readied their sharp knives
they will find thouse responsible for stealing her away
someone will pay for this
the newspapers all scream

then our cat wanders back in the door
and curls up at my feet
oh ok
she came home
yes my cat smokes and drinks wine...fact is shes a lush :-)
Sep 2013 · 350
our dream
mark john junor Sep 2013
its late
and the stale September air feels
to linger on a hint of something impending
search for its meaning
but the stars are muted by sky
and.she lay here sleeping peacefully
so all the known
is reduced to stark words
penned to page so long ago
the instruments of its creation have since
turned to dust and bones
have become like September air
the forever transition
between warmth of loving summer
and the cold grip of winter

its late
and the September air is stale
in my chest
as I breath quietly next to my lover
as she dreams
of me
I entwine my hand in hers
and urge sleep to overtake me
so I can join her smiles
and run with her in our dream
Sep 2013 · 1.7k
wiggle wiggle worm
mark john junor Sep 2013
her face a bold echo of all she left behind
a slow symphony of nasty things that linger in her mind
she lives them over and over
in the off color technical vision
of an artist trying on her own guises for a adventure
the night crawls over her thigh
lodges in the warm wet of her fingers
and spreads into the windows
grey fades into black

the slow devolution
into the jaundiced eye
into the nicotine stained tapping fingers as she impatiently
waits for words that can never be spoken aloud
the slow desire for tears
so deep and immediate that its a bible to the lonely soul
and her senses deny you
even as you touch the door
even as you evaporate down the hall
melt yourself into the humid night
so fair is her face that you live each of thouse seconds in dire regret
so fair is her touch that you must lean on your last breath
to let go

the night crawls
in her bed clothes
laying its fetid eggs
like a stain of pollution tender and sickly sweet
its insect face bitter staring from her soul
now i see you

you escape over and over
humid night
humid night
but you never leave

narrow her eye jaundiced and rancid
lay open for the world to see and be seen by
and she molds him to the stain of her hurt
deep impressions over the years leaves him little room to
wiggle wiggle worm, wiggle wiggle worm
Sep 2013 · 316
absent words
mark john junor Sep 2013
absent words speak loudly in the minds eye
often heard more clearly that the ones that are spoken
all the things that one wished had or could be said
the absent person also speaks
in your heart
Sep 2013 · 563
mirror of her minds eye
mark john junor Sep 2013
alone in the mirror of her minds eye
alone with the trail of thoughts leading off into the night
she feels a moment of desperation
can she find her way without him
can she know the right from the wrong
and will she ever feel that way she did ever again
can she feel that burst of heat and light
that burning hot love and passion

alone she steps into the darkness of all her tomorrows
and though the air feels light and crisp
she breaths with such tender care
with such trepidation
the symphony of changing feelings flow thru her
in this moment
both tears and smiles
hurt her features and brazenly flow from her eye

deep and wide
the day
she pauses at the sound of footsteps
the city draws back to reveal
the emptiness it contains
nothing is something no-one needs
and she has discovered its face benith all the dreams
she once held so dear

heartbeat sure and quick
breathing slowly now
her soft wet lips works over the words like a prizefighter
each landing of syllable defeats fear
each  narrowly placed thought sheds light on the unknown
and she comes to the edge of realization
steps slowly into resolution
that to find a way
she must release regret

he cannot return to where he was
he too has traveled this night
and while one may indeed replace ones footsteps
you will never tread them in the same way twice
Sep 2013 · 748
sightseer's monotone
mark john junor Sep 2013
all the poster perfect girls like her
are out in the field chasing firefly's
old men from the town look on with awe
they pause in collecting
all the eyes upon them in mason jars
to resell on the boardwalk by the seaside
to the tourists so they will only glimpse what they
will want to sightsee

you tell them that you had borrowed
your buick and a rose colored jacket
from a ribald singer from the ancient city
and her beard confused you into believing
that her favors are something rare and fine
like bone china from from Florida south coast
but its just semi-naked co-ed selling cookies
under the guise of a better world
one donation at a time
she sings softly to you
please mister lean in a little closer and make
all the world a better place

all the world is watching or so it feels like
and your step is light and full of imagined stars and sparkles
as the couple in the next room violently kiss
they are into the world and to them
the world is into them
laugh as hard as you can
laugh till you cry
the world takes no notice
she sings softly to you
please mister lean in a little closer
and comfort thouse who need it

the night is full of people
out strolling and laughing under summer stars
and a penny whistle player keeps the tune going
while she sings a ballad she heard in the far west
and dont it seem like nights like this are so perfect that
you could wrap em up and send em out for Christmas

the poster perfect girls all fall asleep
in a soft warm pile benith the moon
and you unload your burdens and lay there too
in the beautiful company
as the penny whistle player turns to a stronger tune
that gives you dreams of the sea
of the time you spent nailing Captain Kidd to the floor
and now hes one of your best friends
this life is a dream
and while its not always what we'd want
it never gets dull
she sings softly to you
please mister lean in a little closer
and make the dream true
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
a knight in shining buick
mark john junor Sep 2013
the pretty maiden wearing a blue chambermaid dress
her placard read "don't abandon me here"
which she carries down the dusty street
everyone stops to stare
as she walks slowly by
they all feel so sorry for her
she was left here by Knights of Columbus back in 1967
her prom date kissed her on lips
and she lived all her life for that moment
for the perfect guy
for that perfect kiss
and she has been wandering these backwater towns since
trying recapture that kiss
nobody can seem to love her like he did
and he got in his showboat convertible and drove off
after the parade that day
left her standing here in the middle of main street
with party favors and streamers at her feet
now she is an icon for all the century's between now and then
and America growing out of its childhood
July fourth isn't about family anymore
its about bigger bang for your buck at the mall
here she comes again
her hollow eyes are staring off to the horizon
where she expects to see
her prom date to come back for her some day
he will be her knight in shining Buick
come to sweep her off her weary feet
on theses dusty backwater streets
in an older and sadder America
Sep 2013 · 418
long as your near
mark john junor Sep 2013
she wandered the beach
shoes in hand
her long brown hair flowing behind
her summer dress a flowing dream
and the afternoon sun sparkles create a tune in the heart
one simple and pure melody
that skips a beat just like my heart when her eyes meet mine
and she is in all my senses like a perfect candle light dinner for two
in the the perfect place side street of some romantic town
and forever later  she giggles and pokes me
hey silly wake up
lets go home and lay by the fire
and drench each other in kisses
shower each other in a tempest of caresses
know each other like lovers do
laughing and whispering all night
eyes wide at how wonderful we feel to be near
senses wide at each sweet second of electric touch
strange and long the song but it dosnt matter
long as your near me
as long as your here with me
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
mechanical ducks
mark john junor Sep 2013
pour her slowly onto the page
each inch of her soft skin released in liquid
onto the ambiguous background
sharp and clear
her features worn with the hours
seems bleak to the touch
seems to be a long distance to travel for a tear that never falls
a bitter moment
pour her essence onto the deep white page
and she fills the void
she is the void
with alive colors
with dead space between her words
and i lean on her ear
but the things i say evaporate
and the things i feel become whispers of smoke
that she puffs on with causal care
tenderly caress my mind
as i pour her out
eclipse her with brush
overshadow her with shutter speed
and wait for her to capture me before i can flee

i poured her onto the page
every soft inch of her skin
a liquid flowing careful and easy on
the white portrait backdrop
i capture conifer scent
and her profile lanced by pine needles
leisure in the wood
her voice a narrow sharp instrument

her wide hips
swinging slow and ****
packed in skintight jean
and making my mind hazy
with things i shouldn't feel bout a friend
but she moves back and forth back and forth
and the thoughts wont leave me alone

she is a portrait i saw today
and i loved her
as she was seen
and i knew her as she was meant to be
forgiven and forgiving
in an endless night
Sep 2013 · 474
lay with wolves
mark john junor Sep 2013
her smile was
worn down by the road
and it seemed to her nothing could
lift her spirit
nothing could lift the storm from her brow

and you can feel the soft leather of his boot echo on down the hall
as he steps into the story
and there no joy to be had
there's no place to hide from this face of you

she had thought to
escape into the vast desert of the pages of history
lost to track or trace but
she knew someone would come for her
like a derelict pantomime of a gunslinger
both barrels hot to the touch cold to the eye

he came in to the busy room
and caught her eye
like a morning dove catching the first ray of sunlight
beautiful was the moment in her heart
beautiful in her mind
he was slick and neatly appointed from
his dark brown hat dipped to cover one dark eye
to his boots of spanish leather
that made a hollow sound in the sudden silence

a hush had fallen on the awed gathering
they had heard of men like him
coming up north out the wild country
coming up looking for fortune and fame
with the gun and the deck of cards
but they had never seen such a creature up close
and you could smell the fear
in every man
but you could taste the barely muted desires
in every woman there

the next day at the break of day
she lay with him
a gentle place in her heart had opened
she felt hope
she felt a coolness in the hot breeze
a rose had grown and there was no denying it
like a force of nature
like a tower never breached

and so it lay
a rose so sweet
on the breaker of the changing tides
waiting for sunrise
laying with one of the wolves
she had changed him
woman is a force of nature
that no man can understand
and no man can resist
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
iron ink
mark john junor Sep 2013
and the city lights fading behind me
the wheels turning in the night
the tears called upon to save you have decayed
faded into the cake of makeup
stretched on your parody smile
put a candle on that babe and celebrate another year

twenty miles outa town
stopped my buick
'neith the highway sing
and in the cool desert moon
made love to another woman
just to have another falling star to chase
shes a little cracked but she can smile
yes she can
and that's a ray of pure sunshine to this broken heart
that's a glass of gladness in the chambers of sour

i owe a thousand apologies
but none of them east of the mississippi
so i head to sunny florida
spend all my time in the rain
writing letters home to the mountains of the moon
serenity is just another girl after all
isnt that what she would say
a fun pile of hot packed in skintight jeans
but just a girl

tried to find a narrow path in the thorns
attempted to get round the snags
but milkmaids and **** kings
are all too sure that id fail someday
and they wait with bated breath for me to be
on my knees
but im making a new lifetime outa the dust
im carving a new hope outa the curses laid on me
ill make it because im resolved like iron ink
but im rusting like rainwater
and there is nobody i can hope not to offend

i had thought to find your hand to hold
and standing here in the rain
wish itd work its way out
im so weary of the futile chase
but you left on a train headed north to go find my enemies
to deal out some measure of justice

im resolved like iron ink
rusting in the american sun
nobody's treasure
born to wait
come home someday
Sep 2013 · 672
perfumes your thoughts
mark john junor Sep 2013
she perfumes your thoughts
with the soft scents of her mind
and your vision of the day
resolves around her hand holding yours
her gaze wanders into yours
and as it laughs with carefree abandon
you loose yourself in her grey eyes
loose your soul willingly in that
wild and deep sea
she smiles as to say
the beauty of that comfort given
is just as deep and loving as what's received
its that unspoken conversation
its that sharing soul to soul
that makes life
an abundant garden of the heart
Sep 2013 · 908
a simple affair
mark john junor Sep 2013
it all ways seemed to me
that its a simple affair
knowing which way to head your feet
which way to dip your hat
to cast off that west wind
seems like a logical kinda thing
to know what kind of man is standing behind ya
when you come up to bat
and are counting on a fair shake

but wouldn't ya know it
that just as you cross the fine line
between all your yester-years mistakes
and all the things you came to regret
in hindsight
you discover that the fine line
is more like a razor blade cut
dividing you from all the things
you could change if you could
and the man behind ya has got his eye
on your wallet and position
on your two car one kid garage

so you step back and take stock
but even as you count
life is pulling the slippery
sands of possession slip
through your fingers
so your tally just don't make sense
and you cant keep track of who's knives
you have stuck in your back

it all ways seemed to me
to be a simple affair
of picking the right way to proceed
but there are all ways
three hundred things to know to every choice
and none of em ever leaves me
holding the girls **** hand
hey serenity where the hell are you
i wanna kiss ya
no i don't
i want to laugh with ya

seemed like such a logical thing to do
but now i begin to see
that no choice you make
be the right one all the time

i miss ya
Edit: several small c hanges made from original
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
treasure of the soul
mark john junor Sep 2013
the days all seem to blend into one
long song of regaling minstrels of mixed temperament
and poets of a different tongue
all she can say to you as she shows you the door
is that she wishes you well
and hopes you enjoyed the ride
cause you know its the right thing to do
and she kisses your cheek
out into the night you shuffle
you wander the carnival of the city streets
and wonder at the creatures of night
who don't need a home to know who they were born to be
who don't need directions to know right from wrong

the passive shadow
retreats across the floor
as the day slips
my gaze rides the rays
out the window to
breathtaking panorama of sky
but after few moments
the skies silent awe evaporates
as day crowds back in

these are days in the length of my years
that i pause to ponder the small ripples
the slight thing that becomes a tidal wave
later in life
sets in like the worn heel
of favored running shoes
its bitter dregs taste sweet in comparison
to the taste of her eyes as she rejected the venture

its a fine gift
like a box of gold
like a treasure of the soul
but it is not real
it is not true
it is simply a feeling of comradeship
a heartfelt desire that things could be different

late afternoon sunlight
through the narrow window
falls on the burnished oak
bringing to life the the beloved scents
of childhood home
my parents library
of books spread through the house
and all that knowledge that once thought was so precious
has turned into a phone that dont ring

the passive shadow
retreats across the floor
as the day slips
my gaze rides the rays
out the window to
breathtaking panorama of sky
but after few moments
the skies silent awe evaporates
as day crowds back in

and i remember that i was once a footloose son
and once danced in the dust of a summer sun
with a girl wearing a rose printed dress
and all seemed so right and true that day
and it was
and it was

these are days in the length of my years
that i pause to ponder the small ripples
the slight thing that becomes a tidal wave
later in life
these days are long gone before they ever came
aint that just like her
Sep 2013 · 445
medicinal pieces
mark john junor Sep 2013
the right eye cant see the left side
so  it don't exist so it reasons
and taking that logic to its conclusion
you roll down to your job and chop up
your desk into a million medicinal pieces
swallow it all now
its good for you to consume the things that make up who you
used to be

can i get sick on  you
she asks with a small smile
it'll be warm and comforting
but think that'd be pretty bad
and you get on down the road before she can sing that song
you come across a confused minstrel
who is sitting in the crossroads crying
at his dying profession
till you remind him that even bobby dylan is still humming
someplace in the back rooms of
earthly heaven

skip and sing thru the nights darkness
and stand up and belt one out for the ***** girls
and their glory days
and the comforts they gave to you
all kinds of warm and giving
ride the waves on the east sea
slow and easy like you are ten years younger
like you are million dollars richer
cause you and i know that you only live once
and you might as well smile smile smile
as good ole jerry said
and wouldn't ya know that some old
cold hand would try and take that away too

so easy on it baby
easy on that gear
it'll be alright till first light
we will be ok
bobby dylan and jerry garcia cited (written as a tribute to two of my very favorite word craftsmen)
Sep 2013 · 436
the narrow window
mark john junor Sep 2013
the boldness of your words has faded
and the heat of your passionate heart has cooled
with the hours piled one on another
until all thought of action is smothered in the wine of sophistry
until all thought of release from this course has vanished

you bend to the wind of change
hoping to find sweeter fortune
but you cast about with careless hand at the proper set
for the sail and loose the tack
you are running blind into the maelstrom
you are without rhyme or reason in the land of logic

                                   the sun slowly seeps thru the narrow window
and heats the burnished dark wood
igniting the scents of oak and polish
bringing back the rich and deep aroma of childhood
and mansions of gilded iron and stone
the years when your path seemed sure and true
when your destiny and purpose seemed so clear

but as the sun dies in the west
and the cold of night summons itself to your heart
you wish once more to find that heat
of youth
that stalwart strength that never failed you
and kept your heart from troubled thoughts
in dark times
you wish once again that she was here
that she had lived
to be at your side this dark dark night

as the last few rays of the sun
slip away from the narrow window
my friend
i shed a tear for one and all of us
that have passed this cold dark place
we have buried many friends
we have seen far too much
and have felt so helpless in the face it all
as these last few rays of sun slip away
i think of her
i think you my friend
i wonder how much longer till i join you
in the distant land
Aug 2013 · 997
dog meat
mark john junor Aug 2013
a supplicant at the celebration
the tattooed man is frozen in the
posture of flinging the dog meat of his soul into the river below
hoping to drown his sorrows and
with tepid conviction he swears his loyalty to the
gods of a lesser horde hoping to void the cost of saving his soul
such a narrow way to tread
such a dangerous thing to think
to dream casting away the meat curtails the rot

the poisoned fruit of the garden of eden
is strewn about his feet
as he sneaks through the backwater shopping mall of
his narrow existence
but its only an image
and the reality smells much different
its a much harsher drop in the bucket
it goes deep
far into the night
deep into the depths of the soul
far into the realizations and rationalizations
that makes up a man
day to day

held hostage to the ideal
that the vanity of self realization is a saving grace
mitigating responsibility for your actions
you can deliver the sermon but can you wear its shoes
its easy to see the other mans face
in the things we know are wrong
its easy to place another in the path of destruction
let them pay our price
but at the top of your last hour
its just you and whatever created you'
can you say that you were more than
dog meat feeding dog meat to the dog meat masses
if i come back this way im coming back as a cat
Aug 2013 · 703
cat food for the soul
mark john junor Aug 2013
garbled words stutter
through the thickly laden room
its garnished with the trappings
of merriment now long forgotten
of joys long since gone to dust

he rubs clean his eye
and attempt focus
but thrown off by imbalances in
the sound of the place
the echo leaves odd thoughts
and her singing whisper is off key
she smiles and runs a greasy hand up
rubber thigh in blatant invitation
that would send any lecherous man to seminary school

I wonder at times what it
would take to see a place like this the way it was
meant to be
then I remember that remembering is the key

he waits for the dawn in this dirt room
in this shell shock scream hole
with its own wildlife
and its nature tourists seeking a thrill
she is there too
wearing her best and holding hands
with a ten ton gorilla
who wants to be dainty like her
the mayor and the townsmen gather
in the corner and in harsh whispers vote to stay out
all night and not eat their veggies
aint it just like life
we all want the other items on the menu
not the plate of slop we get served

she undresses the days events
and with its naked issues
makes points for moving far away
to some quiet place where she can be queen
and get all the treats she already has
aint it just like life
give up everything to get what you got
mark john junor Aug 2013
its winter  
its night in the minds eye
you saw me
you did not speak
you didn't reach out to me
as i passed slowly by
carrying my hearts apocalypse
bleeding from the bitter mote
of that one moment memory
of that point which contact was lost
of that tender touch that remains the last i shall ever have
lean on the steady
but the weight sweeps you off
your newborn feet

the all seeing eye
is really blind
nobody seems to care tho
they all carry on as though knowledge is known
and peace is unattainable

his Buick breaks down on a
far distant backroad
benith a billboard
advertising the end of the road
for all thouse foolish enough to believe
that redemption can be purchased
with a few slick words in the right ear
no confessional tickets
to the great beyond are accepted
in this king james version

there may be a gap
in the knowing
but there's no hole in my heart
there's nothing but love here
for thouse iv shared my road or bed with
for thouse who had a better seeing
of who I am and who I am becoming
in my everyday adventure

i was never really here with you
it was just a vision
of my slowly walking by
carrying the apocalypse of my heart
i was never your intended
never your groom of your forbidden desperation
never meant to be betrothed to your wicked game
i am miles and century's distant
and following the folly or fortune
of my own making
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
complain about rain
mark john junor Aug 2013
she is miles distant
as you wait in a creeping rain
its soft and constant
soaked the waterproof hood
and slowly works its way
onto you
a drop at a time
like an army sneaking in
they know they can conquer
they know its a matter of time before you too
succumb and are soaked too
its patient
just to mess with you it
suddenly cracks thunder overhead
into the mezmerizing quiet
and makes you jump startled
rain must get a real kick out of
making you jump like that
I know it gets its jollys making ya wet
and it'll stop raining after you get picked up
two seconds after you hop in the car
it'll quit
complain about rain
old as them thar hills
Aug 2013 · 821
ornate cage
mark john junor Aug 2013
ornate cage
lay in the small clearing
its rusted door shut
but it could not contain
it failed its birthright
it has an odor
like the blades of murders
like the taste of living in constant apprehension
drag its heavy steel frame
to the edge of the road
thinking to take it and destroy it
to be free
to be running

loaded heavy the truck
labored in the long hot miles
the ornate cage towering over its transport
the heavy air tears at it
and it leaves a reddish black trail
of rust like a decaying mind
and even the lesser of the nameless can track
as you race the tropical sun to the
killing floor

the rain is the whole world smashing down
from the livid grey sky
and the cold scrapes at my lungs
hunched over i grasp the cage
by its greasy handle
and drag it to the fire
the one that has burned here since time was forgotten
im gonna break this evil spell
i cast the cage into the flames
she breaks free and
the horrible cage of her lust
is running amok once again
the disassembled disease
of her lie is free to destroy
ornate cage is still nothing but a cage
no matter how much makeup your put on her
Aug 2013 · 516
shell of our home
mark john junor Aug 2013
still the wind whispers outside the window
but the words it culls there are far
different than once spoken to me
far from the promise of sun
entwined in our lovers embrace
of hope enduring in our lovers cage

given to wing
take flight with the first rays of day
celebrate on the turning winds far above the worlds strife
dance on the notion that freedom gives grace
and beauty is the passport to
such places adorned with love
and forevermore joys
but such is the folly
and it cannot live long in the light of day

so it has come to pass
the shell of our home
picked clean of all we called ours
all packed neatly and away it has all gone
down the road we will follow
a rusty old truck held to the road
by sheer luck and paperclips
we watch it proceed us like a harbinger
of joyless mirth

we three gather in the empty stained room
and watch the motel flicker with life
that it never really contains
only mimics like a parody meant to smile with
but can no longer achieve such

man woman and child
we sit silent and watch the hours slip by
waiting for our time to depart
waiting for our release from this
rancid and slow decay home
written on the greyhound bus we took from Denver to ft lauderdale 3 months ago. I am so glad to be free of Denver...such an oppressive place....
Aug 2013 · 745
mark john junor Aug 2013
bright colours of thoughts
feathered into the blankest eyes
they diminish along the pathway
between spoken and heard
between felt and cried outloud with a rage of tears
she corners what she feels
and wrestles with its slippery torture test
to express even a peice of its vast horrible face
even a small portion of its library of secrets
she hates it
she hates him for leaving that suitcase of fear
that closet of humid mutating hard rancid evil touching memories
she begs in a soft scared whisper in her sleep
that someone please help
all I can do is wake her
and hold her
while we both cry
she for her broken life
and me for my inadequacy to help the woman I love
Aug 2013 · 697
small birds
mark john junor Aug 2013
the essence of its cage bound in place by shadow
and sour the milk of reason with her poison eye         
she sends him a picture of her                                                          
join me here                                                    
the polluted mind demands focus
he is pure now                                                          
the dawn is unfiltered              
and the scary voices are hushed by the awe                                          
the racing thoughts are soaked by the rain
and shivering hunched in the brick box                      
he awaits the power that              
perseveres through adverse and favorable alike                                      
he centers himself
but the voices creep back in on one by one
as the unfiltered dawn returns      
he runs outside trying to catch the author                
of the noise in his head                                          
make him cease this carnival of insanity                                                        
­this roadshow of the mad mad mind

he sleeps the hot silent day
in the brick box with the steel door
its safe there
the voices cant find him

as dusk settles like a layer of grey dust on the small
glass window set in the brick
his eyes come open like frightened small birds
desperate for escape from this narrow cage of a mind

they talk in quiet whispers            
better not let anyone know                                            
better not let anyone see                        
but you cant help laughing at the faces they make            
when the 'real' people arn't looking      
the things they do when the 'real' people wont know      

mud foot bare
in the greasy sun
fast load trace its birth in dust
the night is always full of echoes
so he only comes round in the day
where he can kiss the faded wall art
and wipe the tears away from his former years
with the music
the long and pure symphony of the souls
a simple phrase on the piano
how many souls like this are lost among us                                  
hidden by the natural appearance                        
he leans in and plants a soft kiss
on the image of her lips
reference to  (and poem dedicated to) stephen donaldson...great writer
Aug 2013 · 847
trinkets of food
mark john junor Aug 2013
darkness at the very edge
its bold
and far from silent
it has a vast sound at the verge of hearing
soft and insistent
clinging to you like a frightened child
you chase the source of light
seeking comfort in its warm familiarity
through the supermarket
where housewives steal trinkets of food
where men loose spare change
through the well traveled rail station
where men in long coats await the rain
where women of dire straights await rescue

clean the razors determinations
and know that the fine line reached
is the one between her mocking you
and the reality of your cold naked bleeding in the rain
no sweeping music can change the mistakes
no well placed words can undo the changes
and everyone may pretend not to see
but they all know
and they all lied

she awakens before dawn
standing at the kitchen table
holding a paper doll
inside she screams and screams
inside the tears are an ocean of death
but to the mute world
her stone gaze fixed out the window
that in her mind is forever as shattered as her
to a world that to her is forever winterbound as her cold heart
she walks into the depths of her home
neatly pressed in her grey dress
line perfect down to makeup
but there is a steady whisper of terror leaking out of her lips

darkness has many faces
hides in plain sight
in full on sunlight
has too many names to be recalled
its lusted for and held up in praise
but it is no hero to me

she is just one average face
just one average set of fingers
looking for a trigger
looking for a thing to bury herself and blade in
and regardless of what they say
she is my only hope
i cannot be the one to bear this burden anymore
i cannot carry this awful memory any further
i want to be rid of her and her kind once and for all

she stands in her silent dark bedroom
razor in her cold fingers
thin smile on her thin lips
shes waiting
but im never coming back
i will never open that door
never free her of this hell she created
if it was anybody else i might feel
anyone else it might matter
let her rot
Aug 2013 · 957
version of night
mark john junor Aug 2013
the version of night shifts as each person
unfolds within mind what they see
it mutates as time proceeds
a contagion of the eye
makes her sad face regal with its pure and true
beauty clean line and side cast gnawing fear
makes her soft skin a sandpaper of insecurity's
and her sexuality a landmine filled no mans land
she moves restlessly in her seated position
spreading and folding herself
like a spastic lotus flower
like a wasp confused by butterfly's

the version of night shifts once again
and the two of you stand in the
narrow shadows at the edge of a vast
pitted concrete slab
the air is thick and greasy with tropical heat
she is ****
you cannot help but to reach over and touch
she only watches your hand
thin smile on her thin lips
inside your your separate minds
you each hold separate conversations silently
imagine the dreamlike responses
the version of night strains as she slowly
dresses and you silently walk
side by side into the the darkness
back to the noise room
back to the chair she cried in
back to the floor you feared

the version of night is fluid
like a infected river
it flows thru her veins as she
injects another dose of crying and coughs
breathing heavy
you sit cross legged at her feet
an apostle to the teaching that
beauty is no measure of destiny its only a means
a student of the humanities isolated and afraid
by a spastic lotus flower
a wasp confused by butterfly's

she batters down the defenses
contagion of perceive then process
that becomes reality governs her motive
it mutates as time proceeds
lies repeated become fact because they were spoken
so much they defied truths razor
fact becomes fiction
as truth is distorted in the crucible of
think think think think think
as truth is hammered clean of impuritys
and worked by the hands of the mind
into a better package
a more palatable lie

help me
help her
the night is unsympathetic
as she injects
sweat panting for abundant air
this is a killing cycle
i did not, she did. we are fine.
Aug 2013 · 393
recall the days
mark john junor Aug 2013
i recall the days
spent lazin in the shade
of that old elm
passin round thoughts
on what the world could be
if we could shape things
on what we would do
if we could make things

i recall the nights
spent with thouse female friends
and lovers tween the sheets
finding a thousand ways
to make a smile
and fumblin thru a thousand more
to make a moan

measure me not by who you once thought i was
measure me by the life iv lead
measure me by the times iv stood
when others would have walked away
the joys iv shared in
and thouse who remember me
for who i am

these days
are bright in the minds eye
bright in the heart
there is hope enough
to carry me through
enough to sooth my soul

its gonna be a great day
gettin some dready young woman pumping sunshine up my ****
Aug 2013 · 714
the dark room
mark john junor Aug 2013
the room of stained
walls filthy with crumbling decay
edifice of the polite world diseased and addicted
a tribute to the troubled world
and its manyfold ways of not seeing
what is in plain sight
what is plainly wrong

a child hungry and cold
on the street corner
big city america

grand celebration of small voices filled with regret
people who have always been unheard
speaking in ever louder voices
but they remain silent compared to the
great machines of money and power
the grand design of greater comforts and better packaging

things have changed
it has gotten better
a generation tried to stop a war
and tried to find lasting peace
but gave birth to social reform
and social openness
a rational discussion of things
an altered course
from the altered minds

but more needs to happen
there is still a child on a street corner
cold and hungry
homeless shelters are money makers
for the new social support business
the war on drugs is the cash cow
for the drug rehab and prison industry
these are things that must change

america is a process

the room of stained
walls filthy with crumbling decay
edifice of the polite world diseased and addicted
a tribute to the troubled world
and its manyfold ways of not seeing
what is in plain sight
what is plainly wrong
i should have a place to live
and enough to eat
we all should
dedicated to lenore and occupy denver
Aug 2013 · 800
happenstance of providence
mark john junor Aug 2013
a wicked thought in some dark corner
of the illustrious mind
round and round it spins
in the the background of all the sunshine days
benith the surface of all the joyous times
for all thouse years
like a cancer of the soul
like an apocalypse of the madness inside the sane mind
i have walked to the edge of the abyss
i have looked the beast in his dead eye
felt his cold hand in my heart
and i knew him
iv seen this and know it holds nothing for me

she slips into the street
a shadow that walks in the bright sunlight
and prays as she walks for a happenstance of providence
but even to mortals
her lips are stained with a tiny traces of blood
she is seen as a culprit
she devolved into her separate parts
and she never was right afterwards

like a small doll stuck on broken
her every day
her everything is a razor blade to you
but she only hears a symphony of color
she only sees a tragedy of tears
all shes known was the rat race
she aspires to nothing more

a wicked thought in the darkness
and inspite of asking that it delay its maniacal  desires
the illustrious mind bends in on itself
just because nobody can see
doesn't mean no-one knows
what is the hidden thing
of spirit and of mind

impossible nature of my being here
in this awful place
this dark harbor in shades of the unnatural misgivings
the crazy ones pace the room
in silent trek eyes nailed to floor
each step slowed by hungers of fortune
and the angst of regret
the impossible nature
of my being here is dictated by circumstance
by the romance of mistaking happenstance for providence
but i am making headway
at escaping
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
ode to chest pain
mark john junor Aug 2013
oh chest pain
oh chest pain
what a pain in the tucas you are
your no fun
your no fun

oh chest pain
oh chest pain
dont come knockin at the door
really hate having drop by
such a pain in  the ***
oh chest pain
oh chest pain

oh chest pain
oh chest p[ain
dont make me pick up the phone
call the paramedics
they make all kinds of noise
and make such a mess
oh chest pain
oh chest pain

oh chest AAGGG!!
(and the chessy poet drops dead pen in hand)
and oh chest pain roams the land
being a pain the tucas
to young and old alike
"tucus" is yiddish for your ****...for thouse of you who did not grow up in new york
Aug 2013 · 477
a piece of wood
mark john junor Aug 2013
a piece of wood
with a whisper of a stream
a place as familiar to me as my woman's smile
a place known to me as the years
we used to go there and drink beer
we used to spend hours
by that dumb little stream
talking bout how we was gonna get away
from our dumb little town
conquer the world
and never ever look back
never look back

forty years later
im flipping the pages of my day
laughing with new friends
and there is that place
that piece of wood
with a nothing whisper of a stream
lookin up the hill
wykagyl golf course
by the 8th
and it all came back
all my long lost friends not seen in forever
were right here with me

but it isnt my home
its a place far away
trick of the eye
trick of an old mans fading memory's
but thats ok
it was nice to visit
that piece of woods
with its nothing whisper of a stream
thanks to a fellow poet madison, for letting me go home for a moment.
Aug 2013 · 836
cyclical emotion
mark john junor Aug 2013
banished by her
stern glance
she requires your attentions
but you have none to spare
your mind occupied with
wondering and daydreaming

its the tightrope
between the reality
outside and the reality inside your head
hard not to get lost in
the cycle

she noticed me
but I cannot get beyond
the notions
cannot find path through
my own obscuritys
its hard to see

poison the root of
your point of view
with lawless thoughts that
run rampant on the ideal
that past shapes future and
nothing can inturupt that stream
of cyclical motion

break the cycle
her hand in mine
I need not face tommorow alone
neither do you
I can be there for you
if you want
dedicated to serenity sails...inspiring beauty with beauty
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
the most deviant mind
mark john junor Aug 2013
it grows now in the darkness
like a flower
like a rose
of the most deviant mind
frozen in the fractured moment

then she spoke fatal words
with the tantalizing scent of her perfumed track
it slowly grinds down the mind
one thick syllable of regret at a time
if i had only
if she had only
its deliberate
as is her silence

i know it in my bones
i can feel it eating
can feel each bite of the forbidden fruit
each derisive sigh while chewing slowly
each mocking shift of eye
each small sound effect of pieces cast off hitting the floor
like heads of executed maidens who dared
be near such a true goddess
can feel it eating from inside my veins
open them up and let the unnatural beast out
open them up and let me out

slow my fast fast thoughts
they have grown in the dark garden of the spun mind
like a tree of flowers
like a forest of roses
of the most deviant soul
frozen in the fractured moment
she leans her gaze over the top of her glasses
and smiles at me with her eyes
as she moves her hand across the busy rooms table
to touch my arm with her fingertips for a fleeting second
that touch sets me on fire

but its so wrong
in every sense
i keep the cold pie
in my vein
like a rose
of the most deviant mind
frozen in the fractured moment
to the world it flys by
but in here it floats slow and soft
like a knife slipping in and out of my tender
like a knife finding its home in my tender

i want her
i want a spike full of noise
i want a rose of a deviant mind
frozen in the fractured moment

lingering lingering
a short quick sharp pain
and its eating time
its consuming time
as it erodes the planting process of the thoughts
and stands above me shouting ever so loud
ever so dark
deceiving me with its silent deadly poisons
deceiving me with its soft hand pulling on my tight spots
the cold cream pie tastes deep and wide
full and rich
choking me
like a rose of the most deviant mind
frozen in the fractured moment
mark john junor Aug 2013
the lens of perception
gives distorted answer to the postulated mind
so you crawl thru the muddy sunshine
to her cool bed
through the ink and sweat
of her armpit flavors
to her eye
and steal away her thoughts
and childhood twisted memories

perception beats me about the head with its difficult fists
its angry it always has been
it skitters along on broken insect legs
and speaks in a undefined whisper
it ransacks my pockets of hope
perception is a choice they tell me
i can change it anytime i like
but its stained face waits for me when i shut the light
its reproach waits for me in the uncertainty of her *******

in the halflight of morning
she lay sleeping and perception crawls slowly over her
leaving no part of her uncaressed by its warm hand cold eye
and in that slow torture of silent revere i begin to see her differently
i see the flaw in the logic chain that lead her to me
from the far distant mountains where we met
i see the flaw in the chain of events that lead my former
lover to follow a spike out the door
i see the lust chain follow the young and willing partner

as she spreads the flower of her dark treasure

i see these chains and wonder how they bind me
to what fate
to what doom
i cannot perceive

this demonic symphony rolls on ever onward
through the years
through the misery and madness
through the joy and laughter
through the miles and minuets
the lens of perception ever distorting ever tainted
by the cool soft touch of a womans hand
its driving me mad
Aug 2013 · 2.2k
mark john junor Aug 2013
i thought i left all this madness behind
thought it was a product of the eighties
but there in my rearview mirror
the narrative of single form insanity is closing the gap
the mystery engine
glides on the silent motion of daily demise

all thouse years ago
it was a simple affair you see
it was all just a song and dance away
a soft shoe shuffle
to get some medication
and a chat with a sympathetic plastic face
back in thouse whacky good ole days
in New York's sunny
nineteen eighties

someone is slipping in behind me
knife in hand'
they are plotting
i should just run while iv got a chance
the gate is open
and there is some ****** thing she is offering
at the end of the road just there round the bend
if i plunder today for tomorrows bankrupt mind  

i am sitting here in a dark room
asking that will you please hold my hand
the walls have closed in and im waiting for voices
waiting for the slow slide into the dark
please take leave of your schedule
and pencil me in for some ****** help please

its raining outside
and there is a wood at the end of the lane
im sure i could slip away unseen
repair the once great engine
that destroyed
rebuild the great machine that once
wreaked havoc
lets just drill thru the protective cover
and get our greasy little fingers on this trigger

morning seeps into the minds eye
like a process of madness
and as this place revealed
as this method is unveiled
the screaming, throwing things, acting out
thats expected seems to be a safe bet
the pout of childish behavior seems inevitable
i pause and wish i could find an easier way
i dont want to try suicide again
that ran out of entertainment value a long time ago
when a good friend succeeded

leaving my hopes and dreams in a small pile
that looks too much like litter
and makes me sad
cause now i know its really over
your really gone
and your never comin home
we are never gonna watch that german sunrise
on a western shore bungalow
gather up my belongings
and my heartstring longings
and step gingerly carefully onto the hardpack
lean out onto the road
put out my thumb
and begin to whistle softly some nineteen eighty eight tune

drill into the the mislabeled logic
past the protective layers
and get your greasy fingers round this
you second generation second rate  hippy fu^^face
time is up and your lies are thin
gimmie my due or gimmie my leave
stop with the ******-social babble
and talk to me
or let me out of this monkey house

with a words full of soft smiles
she gently slides me into a mistake free zone
she gives me a cup of joe and a comfy chair
in the waiting room
pauses to give a wary glance to my
backpack and filthy jeans
but thats quite allright she seems to say
a rubber stamp will give a glancing blow
knock the dirt from this
plundered one
she sits down at her desk and pushes the keys
setting the engine in motion
the machine in gear
to end this long day

ill find some peace and comfort
soon enough i tell myself
in some quiet corner or room
padded by charity
medicated by soft compassion
soft compassion drilling into exposed bone
the product of spending the night with a friend on the phone...disturbing at times, but its good to know he's allright
Aug 2013 · 648
kiss her ear softly
mark john junor Aug 2013
the moonlight is soft
as it reaches down through the time stained window
and pools on her bare skin
i trace the edge of her
with a fingertip
so as not to wake her
kissing her softly and tell her in voice
just above her ear soft and careful
that i love her
and she is the center of my world

im her moon looking down on her beauty of creation
with a love that shines in the darkest night
with a hope that is like
a picnic in a summer meadow
cool crisp wines for your thirsty heart
and things to sate your body's hungers

i once stood here with a broken love
and a road that was just this side of sadness
and she choose to follow us down from denver's mountains
and in coming here to sea and sands
saved me in many ways

i wake her
to make love to her again
and she wakes slow with a smile
silly man of course take me take me take me
be drunk with my treasures all through your days
all through the nights
drink me now and let the love flow
take me
like moonlight shaving off the hours
like the world pulling us round
like the light in your eyes
f**k me silly
the moonlight is soft
as it reaches down through the time stained window
and pools on her bare skin
as her sweat from our labours sparkles
i kiss her ear softly sweetly my love sleep sweetly
Aug 2013 · 678
chior of the dammed
mark john junor Aug 2013
the wall quietly bleeds
the conversations of next doors
distorted masses
five loose angry souls
sound like a choir of the dammed
milling about on the wood floor
of their own personal private version of hell

she interrupts the process
of your steam engine thought pattern
seeking the real depth of a summer day
looking for the bottom of cup of coffee
in all the midnights you've wandered through
naked to the truth
naked to the waiting for revelation of the greater being
but she cant get past the church she sees in your eye
inside your own version you are
overrun with fast thoughts
little ones that are like nervousness fingers
they get into every crevasse of your vanilla mind
push them away but they sneak
round and come from the sides
come at you from the depths of her eyes
at you from the heights of
the big boss mans neatly pressed carpet
at you from the Red Barron's little plane
that used to hang from your brothers ceiling
all thouse years ago

to her truth is a defense of last resort
to make normality reduced into a *******
the beauty of half measures
to be the nirvana of her lifestyle is to be a moral *****
whatever treasure of slogans sells the best today
is the one she spreads with her abnormal disease of love
her spiritual life is governed by popularity and brutality
she has told the same lies for so long she even believes them
she is what she is
not quite death incarnate
but an animal of the same fur
a face holding the same memories
a brother to the madness inside her
the truth is never far away
but it might as well
be lost in the mountains of the moon
'mountains of the moon'  reference to Hunter/Garcia of the grateful dead.

iv never been more alone
Aug 2013 · 739
after effect
mark john junor Aug 2013
wake in the morning to
after effect
the sharp edge of consequence
that brings misadventure into startling focus
not quite death incarnate
but an after effect of its nearness
you dry heave with the sudden and present fear
and the knowledge it carries
i wrestle all night with tomorrow
a left handed struggle against the cold facts
that i cant foresee
a word twist can attest to my incapable process
as the knowledge sinks in

my poems grow shorter
as my life slips into the denser wood
the night overtakes me
fare thee well friends
haste not to the gallows
for it seeks each man in his turn
and gives no credit for words
***** or barren
gives no comfort nor wine
for the grieving
or the celebrating
just gives cease to the roads aspiring minstrel
and his forlorn tune of loss

after effect lingers with a taste of gunmetal
is copper tinge leaves impressions in the eye
that time cannot vacate
and love cannot appease
once again i come
the miles a man treads are the measure of his soul
i advance the thought that you see my own threadbare nature
reveal my own worn feet
and ask if i have not exceeded the pretense she lied
gone above the expected
i cannot move mountains
but i can move hearts and minds
a poet, a wordsmith, a pen jockey
a introspection in a lesser volume of words
i am a mover of hearts and minds
a poet
a wordsmith
a craftsman of phrase
batter up, strike three and im still at the plate...the pitcher slowly winds up his arm....will i get a strike four and five...will i run the bases and make home plate to the cheering crowds....silence answers me with its own quiet comfort of no answer at all
mark john junor Aug 2013
the keepsake of former years shattered
slowly seep thru each dense  syllable
like glass ground underfoot
as memory's get shredded by change
i insulate myself from the unbearable
and sift thru the ashes

she presses her face to the glass
staring out with a worn eye
pushing her stone
she gasps for breath
the room she infests has a chipped and bruised floor
where her naked feet dance in the dust bunnys
leaving traces like tales of her days
footfalls of a sneaking doom

she cries in her sleep
and stutters a used and warm phrase
it highlights certain aspects of her wild form
as it bends along the lines of conversation
like a momentary prisoner of our daily premise
she escapes answering revealing things
but is trapped by showing her smile

breaking into the memory
you steal away your moments with her
in your arms dancing
steal away the hours without fear
and hope to find somthing that can
endure beyond the dream
live out side the vision
keep your warm in the cold light of day

its in her glass encased old room
that she waits pulling wires out of boxes
and humming a song that she cant remember the words to
but loves nevertheless
pressing her face to the glass
her worn eye searches for the path leading away
from here
from her
hoping to find her own escaping form
fleeing into the sunshine
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
she is a peddler of perils
mark john junor Aug 2013
the quiet engine of passing time
produces gremlins in the shadows of morning
they steal the warmth from his cup of coffee
they place landmines on his daily road to perdition
'this is what madness must be like'
he said to himself as the dawn seeped into the room
one tear stained ray of sunshine at a time
because each added moment lighted reveals
more of her damaged face
more of her impossible eyes

her words hurt his ears as she bleeds his strength
she is a peddler of perils
whats your fantasy she cries out
tied to the railroad tracks like a maiden
or walking the long mile with the skeleton key in hand
the key opens all enduring keepsakes
and releases them to crawling thieves
you cannot retain your world for more than
a flickering moment
so you loose faith that it can ever be done
i miss her
and i miss my daughter
but she is a peddler of perils
and she now comes grinning and fast *******

my head full of noise
so my thoughts gather round
like they are at the Battle Of The Alamo
to the necessity of self preservation
and the warm comforting blanket of self interest
manufacture reasons to do what the ***** dictate
but its her goal to see such endeavor
fold under the weight
of her guilt trip

back in the echo box
she quietly shouts into
the acoustic confusion
madly laughing and the ensuing army
of echoes marching in lockstep to her mad mad laugh
of her mad mad laugh
of her mad mad laugh

we spend the day between the
sheets wrestling each others sweaty forms

i miss her
its the mood iv been in of late, that heart attack and all kinda put a dark spin on things...the old lets stop and think about all these dark im gonna dedicate this poem to somthing really positive in my life....this poem is dedicated to my ex-girlfriend Crista Sullo, we will be lovers and friends forever babe.
i would love to hear from you if you happen to read this.
Aug 2013 · 662
morning becomes substantial
mark john junor Aug 2013
Intensity wanes as the day gathers warmth
and the vision that would have sustained
the words to be written has dulled
like a bakers blade heated and carved with fine line art
it serves its need with only a taste of the true intent
her ***** limbs and loose cloth dress
entangle the process in deeper things
never intending to let loose
never intending to reveal

the day endures the slow man
his fractured path along the road
is broken along the lines
of his bitter fears
which he announces like prayers to the humid sun
of his deliberate contortions of face and hand
which he offers up to the sky like sacrificial virgins

his staggered stepping
takes him past my door
his pet stops at the verge of its leash and
in no uncertain terms begs for sympathy
but for him or itself is unclear

thick on my face
slowly advancing stages of sorrow
each new thing brings to light
a new aspect of the diminished man
iv become since she opened the door to such
mystery theater and misery laden faces

her ***** limbs
her patchouli scents
her pre-printed desperate pleas are wooden
and filled with hidden hope
that throw off from her intended meaning
leaving one wondering who is confused
you or the far crowd abuzz with anticipation
she kneels and strips
soft carved delicate lines
with spider lines of ink and sweat
she humps the moment for its worth
before pulling on her dress once again

the words have lapsed
and i am left with only her dull empty waiting
and my own diminished soul
mark john junor Aug 2013
grains of time slip thru fingers unabated
like the slipstream of her words
all thouse meanings slipped by
until madness thought to dance on the pinhead
of a logical choice
and you suddenly found yourself with
nothing to your name but your name

rebuild and reinvent who you are and meant to be
and in the sweeping away of your former years you discover that
each precious person who's love you
you received the gift of
meant just as much as all the rest
that the real value and meaning of our lives
is in the love and joys
we find in thouse around us
that share caring and positive things

its the laughter and love
the compassion and hope
we find in friends
that makes this worth living for
Aug 2013 · 525
never take back
mark john junor Aug 2013
the wind chases a few dead leaves
across the grass
and i can taste the cold in the air
as my words wrap round eachother and die in the darkness
faintly echoing of my yesterday
when she was still here with me
lingering here to remind me of all that harshness that we did speak
all the things cannot be taken away
you can always add more dope
you can never take away
you can never ever take away
and she just slipped away
like the leaves chased by the cold wind
'and this game is fairly serious too'
and the tears flow
you can add more but you can never take back

i shuffle along the ***** road
to the edge of the alley where he sits in the sun
and ask
ask so quiet and so meek
please man....please can you...
musta been there for a year
maybe ten
and then she did that
she forgot the golden rules
forgot the way to go
and somthing black and sticky came to take her away
made her sleep
but it aint so restful
in the cold

the wind chases a few dead leaves
through the years
and catches one in a tenement with a spike
catches another in the park with a blade over a bag of ****
caught her doing more than she shoulda
more than she shoulda
you can always add more
you can never take back
i want her back
'and this game is fairly serious too' dave crosby

been thinking alot about a good friend i lost in denver several years ago...i miss her..
dedicated to stephanie
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
this perception chain
mark john junor Aug 2013
the aperture opens
low watt bulb hanging on a chain
rocks slowly in a perceptible breeze coming
from a hole in the wall
a dark odor permeates the room
time has been spent here
desperation has sweated its own flavor of fear in this room
laughter that had no joy has spent hours spilled on the floor
evil has romanced good and plundered its favors
on the stained mattress in the corner
left its once ****** form heaving with
the ****** taste of hedonistic self destruction
slow and pure
pleasured for her like a ribbed one
lubed with promises of a hot carnival of sated fantasy

the aperture closes slowly
the view fades into a single grey line
of wary perception
moments tick by
as the room changes faces

the aperture forced open by her deft fingers
spun monkeynuts she is seeking something to occupy her madness with
or she will end up like the rest in the mirror picking skin
'oh god, please don't let me be a skin picker'
she whispers over and over
as she prys and pulls at the thin metal covering
at the thin eyelid of perception

this perception chain
one moment of reality spawns the next
its clarity the passed on poisoned gene pool of all your yesterdays
the languid drifting from year to year
all the treasures gathered turned to dusty memory
all the lovers fled along the ever enduring wind of change
and as your days have burned slowly down
you begin to realize that each had its place in
the tapestry of your life
and here in this last room of your life
you come face to face with what you have created
and it is unrecognizable to your mind

the walls are covered by ever mutating versions
of a dope shooters regrets
of a spike house roll call of thouse who have cashed in
and are now remembered only by there survivors
i open my eye
and look about in the shadow
and leave you there
because you were never there
you discarded your real self in a spent ****** needle
in the alley behind our once happy home
along with the used ******
from your
an ugly little ditty...

note: there is nothing missing, it ends how it ends.
Aug 2013 · 701
topeka sun
mark john junor Aug 2013
it was high summer nineteen thirty two
in the depths of Kansas backwood
that he drifted out of the heat haze on the
long thin road from Topeka
with her delicate face folded in his Sears Roebuck catalog
he strides casually along the ***** worn pavement
neatly stacked in his three piece suit
pressed and measured as his clothes
he is the image of prosperity and educated class
but the seething and vile is always just benith the surface
in such hot unforgiving places

he came walking slow ahead  of the rain
drifting in like a plague ahead of the cleansing
he came in like a figure out of the old testament
gonna break this place
gonna burn it down to the very last sinning soul
with this rusty blade i shall cleave you from this hell
with this choking dust im gonna lay this place to waste
and its gonna be steel water to get me on
gonna take hammer blow to wake me from this heat haze slumber

the metal rim glasses lay by the roadside
there was blood on the lens
there was a single fingerprint
like an admission of guilt or of hope

she sweated kneeling in the field
the crop wasnt worth bringing to market
but she had no earthly idea what else to do but try
but suddenly she felt it from miles out
it felt like the cold hand of death itself
felt like the broken scream of a million years of souls burning in hell
it felt like he was coming home

he quickened his pace
his tread now was stuttered thunder
on hardpack
like a pack of wild dogs
he strained at the leash to keep from running
he is so close
closer than he has been in a thousand years
closer than the day that young man died as a thief's death
closer than lovers
he could see her in the feild
she had just turned to run
and now the fire within begins
like a world of hurt
like a man on fire

we wait for him
we wait for them
in the Topeka sun
i met this girl...liz...LOL, dont say anything, i know....but she kinda hopeless aint i? girlfriend says I'm an incouragable romantic ***** old man....LOL she may have hit it on the head
Aug 2013 · 987
potions in tiny bottles
mark john junor Aug 2013
the small wooden floor room
where she spreads her trinkets
her mystery box spells and
potions in tiny bottles

she lay there amidst her tokens and treasures
and sings softly along with a song
that plays in the distance
on a radio
a song that speaks to her of simpler times
and beautiful people
of a better world we all left behind decades ago
a world she could rejoin if she belived hard enough

the days when she holds enough hope
there is a smile
and she faces out towards the sun
but i dread the days when
she captures a glance at the reflection  
of her fast vanishing days
and how little things have changed in her life
her smile is gone on thouse days
her face is a shadow
i must carry her through
days like that she needs my strength
to keep from getting trapped

the crisp blue skies
frame the giant oak tree that we lay under
leaves float down here and there
with vivid fall color
you can taste fall in the air
you can feel it in the texture of her conversation
as she talks of hallows eve
and Christmas

William Tell
Ivanhoe and Chaucer
its the season for dinner theater
its the season for a bottle of red wine in the sand
by the river
and the tales to be told
grand ventures to be undertaken
in bold and fast words alone

she takes your hand
and with a deep smile touches your lips
with her fingertip
and begins to speak
but you never get to hear what she would have said

you awaken sheets soaked in sweat
twenty years on
and she still visits you near every night
sometimes its her on the beach where she died
sometimes its the weeks that lead up to that
godforsaken day
twenty years
twenty years
twenty years
"potions in tiny bottles" and "soapbox man" are not related in any manner except the both employ the image of a small wood floor room (the room i am writing in)
Aug 2013 · 701
soapbox man
mark john junor Aug 2013
soapbox man has
measured the moments
in the the small wood floor room
she dose a wet step soft shoe little hip swing dance
to music only she and god can hear
and to her soapbox man is god
as she slides slowly thru the dense air of his self contained contentions
in the the small wood floor room
its freedom to her
soapbox man has come and she is here
to get her fix
of his brand of guns to subjugate the dead
and iron fist rusting in a vacant lot brand of rule
its freedom to her

echoes down the bridge road between realitys
a woman laughing in slow motion
the tread of boots on marble
oddly distorted pieces of conversation
that are appended to soapbox heroes
who preach
that those not with us are against us
and should be punished for their cruel foolishness
this is not heaven
its a place that wears the face of grace on earth
it wears the mask of memories warm and kind
its peace and freedom to her
its a lie
this is the nature of the human beast
what reality we dream is pleasing
no matter how toxic

in the the small wood floor room
she dose a wet step soft shoe little hip swing dance
to music only she and god can hear
and as time passes
and it eats from within
she falls to the floor
and crumbles to dust
a fragment of humanity
on a pergo floor
and its freedom to her
for the guy i met in florida named freedom...nice guy
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