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Aug 2013 · 904
universe and temple
mark john junor Aug 2013
the center of my passing moment
her face profiled into the corner shadow
pale and delightful

her beach sand picker outfit
gives an upscale look of leisure
but her eyes
shout her intense inner demons
nervous energy dance her fingers
on the kitchen table

a fine sheen of sweat
covers her cleavage
which she opens further to cool off
oh my....

her wrist sparkles
with bands of silver and jewels
and makes small metallic sounds
as she reaches up to brush away a strand of hair
with a swift soft movement
that is almost ******
as her perfumed and lithe form leans toward me  
as i in one sweeping moment get a glimpse
of what it must be like to be in her arms
and that intense and absolute beautiful moment
in the near presence of this goddess
leaves me without the ability to speak for several moments
she asks if i am allright and becomes alarmed
when i do not respond
i manage to assure her

i adore women
i love being with them
i love just being around them
they make the world a beautiful place
my girlfriend says that im a typical male pig....i disagree...i am a hedonist to be certain, at least to an extent...but beyond that, women are without any doubt one the universes most wonderful and mysterious creations...and i am in love with certain specific women (like my girlfriend) but i am also in love with womanhood (which is a universe and a temple,  a deep wood filled with dark mystery, a wonderouse land of delight and joy....) i love being in love with women and everything about them. (the woman i wrote this about had a good but embarrassed laugh upon reading it...she wishes to remain i dedicate this poem to an anonymous goddess)
Aug 2013 · 591
forlorn figure
mark john junor Aug 2013
forlorn figure standing
on a grey skies beach
gives rise to
thoughts of cold wind and dire essence
a saddness surrounds this misbegotten creature
this mispoken essence of a person in desperation
this crafted image of despair

many years have passed
but isn't it this very thing
this very place
that is the crux of what and who you are
she died on a beach
now you linger here
you cannot will not get past this

she awaits in dreams
clothed in the dim spectral next world
garments that come to mind
a beckoning figure
calling this one on the beach to join her

she waits for me
I think that's what it really boils down to...I lost her.....and untill I join her I will never have lasting happiness
Aug 2013 · 978
emily's portrait
mark john junor Aug 2013
she folds herself into the chair
and carefully takes her purse apart
its ten thousand pieces form fit into neat piles of
randomness on the kitchen table
she places a picture of her old lover on my forehead
a drawing of a photographic rendering
its open face page stares down at me blankly
and rants slowly in dead languages
of its oblique view of the universe from perspective of a blind beggar
with his  relief at being free of  handbag confines
                        the grieving young widow wearing her wedding dress                                                        
run­s into the vestibule and assaults the coat rack                                                          
tr­ying to find her husbands face hidden in the pockets                                                      
after all the cheating ******* always getting head from every floozie                                           
left traces of himself all over all kinds of women                                                              
if lips could get pregnant he'd have a million children                                                         ­ 
she unwraps a notepad from her covered perch
and scrawls letters to famous dead figures of history as
she lurks in the coffee houses seeking poetic romances
she hangs round women's bathrooms for ***
there are large cracks in her family portrait
and she fills them with silly-putty and bubble gum
the widow is now running thru the wood                                                             ­               
naked as a jaybird                                                          ­                                                              
she carries her wedding dress in a demon infested box                                                                       
and she screams things to alienate them from any ideas of escaping                                            
            ­              she would rather bear their burden than loose them on the world                                                            ­                                   
she is a *******
and i adore her  
                            and everything about her
i would do anything to help and protect her
i am in love with her too
if you knew her you would love her
she is a wonderful person
nobody else can manufacture a entire universe from a homeless bag lunch
build a castle with its knights in shinning armor out of cigarette packs
find something dumpster diving and walk across town to give it to someone
that would give it a good home
remarkable people like her are always close to my heart
i really dont like how this turned out...i spent the last twenty four hours tinkering with it to no just gonna post it and move on....and emily IS a wonderful person, me and my girlfriend both adore her.
Aug 2013 · 967
blue opulence
mark john junor Aug 2013
the page echoes back my silence
it has traces and track of whispers
little voices that harbor malice to my intent
little things crawling round in my wants
and as the song disintegrates on her guitar
like my mind slipping into the dark waters of a spike
she announces the motionless perspective
of a Salvador Dali  masterpeice
as seen from the inside
her liquid eyes
are in my mouth
as the song desintergrates on her worn guitar
they are blue opulence
but taste like an engine of death
and as that song of our love affair
its dusty fragments clog my pen

blue opulence
is a state of mind
jrose liked this :-)
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
too profound...
mark john junor Aug 2013
the shuffling men huddle
in the lighted room
eyes glue to shoes
the miles a man treads
are the measure of his soul
and these worn feet are
men to move mountains
with bare hands

tinge the conversation
with the propaganda of innocence
priesthood of crafted reality
puts good and true men prostrate to the
graven images of a better world
when all that is accomplished is the slow decay
rotting fruit of our collective wishes
our collective hopes

a man on fire
his hand to the road
that i must travel
like a cool drop of rain in the blast furnace heat
like a woman's smile after years of being alone
like the taste of real hope
after the road has come here
this strange strange place
at the end of the world

one hundred and ten men
in this dark hall
waiting for the storm to let
waiting for the sun
waiting for a better world

one man waits
in the rain
surreal in his mind the day has evaporated
and as the shadows of night crawl into his eye
he dreams aloud that she has come home to him
that things never went astray
that we could be our happy little family again
i miss her and i miss my daughter
mark john junor Aug 2013
i reach in and silently grasp
the motionless windsong
the captured bird
and with deft fingers release its bindings
with a phrase give tender to its
timid fire
with intent i set in motion the
captivation by slow roses
the freedom by the scarce better graces
of humanity's collective soul

the thoughts are sticky
engraved with each meaning softly embedded
into its thick skin

the carefully crafted box
of her smile
each detail lovingly attended
each lined honed with precision
she fine tunes her perfect form
and spray bottles the scents
one for public consumption
the other for me alone
enthrones her earrings in edible lobes
and with zealous care places a bead necklace
in the sweating sweet expanse of naked skin
of her open polo shirt collar
shakes out her hair
with a little version of dancing sitting down
while singing along with phish
and then  she catches me open lustful staring
and laughs
'want some...come get it babe'

her tennis outfit
misplaced on the shopping center floor
is neatly wrapped around her in a mixture
of loose and tight
devious adventure for the eyes
i feel like im repeating myself...did i already write this one? medication is is making my head fuzzy....hope i'm NOT boring you guys LOL.
Aug 2013 · 431
leafsailor (a poet)
mark john junor Aug 2013
leafsailor (a poet)

the canvas of the mind is sour
untill the new page opened reveals
and captures the languid scent
i focus into the revelation that i am the road
and the heavy tread of the elephant
is the thundering appeal of my
hearts debtors demanding recompense
for all i failed to give when due
i have failed you leafsailor
i could not find the door back to
that road
i could not free myself
but my soul thanks you for that
ray of light that sustains
Aug 2013 · 888
bone white shards
mark john junor Aug 2013
he gathered the bone white shards
with great care in the near darkness
of the kitchen
the streetlights toxic amber light
burrowed into the silent house
curtailed by the narrow window
and lay unchanging on the pitted and greasy floor

his feet shuffle across that lighted square
he watches it intently as he passes over it

a few leaves of an intervening tree are
are silhouetted there as stark contrast
but he is numb to the contradiction
lighted floor tile with shadows of leaves
it makes him giggle inside like a giddy schoolgirl
the light is diseased and its so so nasty
ain't it delightful

saturated by shadows
his mind shuts off the unquiet thoughts
replacing it with something warm and fuzzy
like a warm blanket
a blanket party for the mind...
yes yes yes...beaten senseless

morning collapses the streetlights
mesmerizing light/shadow
for another day
he picks up the fine white china cup
that he drank coffee from all night
and smashes it on the floor with mock violence
where the streetlight had lain
the seed of his madness all night

the bone white shards
will lay as a dangerous reef until nightfall
when he will gather them to their grave
one more fine white china cup
one more day alone in the
edity smedity dittyity:"burrowed into the silent house, curtailed by the narrow window" lines were reversed, no other changes.
Jul 2013 · 3.4k
beach bike
mark john junor Jul 2013
the moving shadows of
the men gathering
flicker in my vision
cause me to ponder the moment
in a way i had not seen before
cause me to fracture the vision
to decode the meanings in
each mans motion
each mans meaning

her long black hair entangles my head
as dose her deep long looking
her neat clean eyes frighten me
with their possibilitys
with their depth
with their hot beauty

it is not my place to find
a place in this womans life
i am but a distraction to her
somthing to occupy the moment
to phish for lost keys
in sections of some dreadlock music
she erased poems to fit onto the kindle

she removes her shirt
to rinse out the sweat
in the tidal pool
a young woman nearby stops
and stares
smiles when they meet eyes
and i am surfing my beach bike alone
walking it
where am I
where am i going?
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
snowbunnys in paradise
mark john junor Jul 2013
birthed in toxic soup
of nesscessity and lust's needs
her own words haunt her
with simple phrase pronouced
clear and heartfelt
sorrow fear hope lust love love lust

like her little ballerina musicbox
such an entertaining little toy
such a long daydream to wake in such a
strange place
with its strange names and faces so flush with anger
why are you here
snowbunny go back to your mountains
go back to cold serenity
and the dream that she could care
for a malfuntion like you

clear and heartfelt in the morning
are full of doubts and questions by nightfall

in her dream
they lay in candlelight
and speak in whispers
though they are alone
they are as one with love
they are as one in heart
she awakens in a trash littered feild
by the highway
wet from the long night of rain
the latter days of her sainthood
had faded

she wakes in her bed
and alls right in her world once again
for the moment

snowbunnys come to paradise
seeking new lives and easier living
in the sunshine state
but when they arrive
its raining
rainy season in the tropics
sunshine state is an advertisement
not a reality
nothing friendly
nothing real
"snowbunny" is what florida natives call the hordes of homeless and others who head down to florida every fall to avoid the cold winters up north.
Jul 2013 · 2.0k
dust hills
mark john junor Jul 2013
irksome thoughts spin round the moment
and they flee to where iv fled to
and they tap out strange messages on my head
and they gather dust into piles
and the piles grow to hills with the
passing hours and changing landscapes of the heartstring
strings are for kittens to play with
chase round and round

she lay in the shade of an oak tree
by the roadside
in the dust hills
sipping her long island
and watching the road with languid eyes
leaf floats down and
unattached from the dream
she wanders
the dust hills wailing for lost loves not her own
and berating thouse resposible for every
slight ever felt

headlights bath the dust hills
as eighteen wheelers truck
the empire of america ever southward
into the cheaply painted tropical sun
she is bikini clad
and is forever clutching an ice cold drink
that eternaly leaves a smile on
her forever blemish free smile
in the ***** dark dust hills

i feel so alone here by her side
i want to run away
and sleep in a feild
with the ****** and the drunkard
with the apostles of night
Jul 2013 · 3.2k
tokyo bike
mark john junor Jul 2013
he rides his bicycle in the the
torrential rain
plowing a froth quick and fierce
through the rivers created

the cycle once bright orange
has patches of rust the size
of cantaloupe
and has a blue hoodie wrapped
round the seat which smells musty

you can feel him panting
bathed in sweat
as each hill retains more and more of
his hard earned pace
but mother nature is kind to her
strangest son
and every hill has a
fly by the seat of your pants
whoop whoop laughing
breeze in you hair bugs in your teeth

shift to vision miles distant from
that smile
the cycle lay in the weeds by the river
the night obscures
the riderless iron steed
its form twisted
it has expressions of pain in appearance
that paint cannot contain
pain for its own lost
freedom of the road
but pain for its rider

the years count on and on
from that downhill smile moment
that lives on in the heart
LOL...oh god, i have another editor :-) what is it with the women i bed, allways correcting my spelling LOL
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
empty home
mark john junor Jul 2013
fresh tracks into the distance
well past midnight
the streetlight afterimage reflected in pools of
unblemished rainwater
stirs with slow echoes of the night
stirs with the slow echoes of the summer

keepsakes she quickly squirrels away
in the tiny pocket sewn into
her deep blue dress
the tiny pocket where she has a
lock of his hair
a picture of the ship he sailed off to sea on
a note he left her telling her
that he would dream of her

now the keepsakes she puts away
are twigs from a tree
a peice of plastic from a beach
bits of things that her wandering mind
grasped upon with a smiling fancy
on a stormy night September 1932
his ship was lost with all hands

all these years she waits
all these years she keeps vigil by the shore
gathering strands of the world
driftwood of lives cast off like her own
set adrift without particular place to be
and she has been lost
in mind and body
waiting for him to return

fresh tracks into the night
well past midnight
the streetlights image reflected
changes slowly
to show a figure walking carefully up the lane
his steps trying to remember
where they had been once before

was he returning
was he just a shadow or dream
she held her breath in delight and in trepidation

in the first light of day
her empty home lay quiet
Jul 2013 · 848
bent neck two handed
mark john junor Jul 2013
beer belly muscle

her voice with sharp tone
is the one thing that can draw
me back from slumber
she has seen far too much
but her shy glancing is a
picture perfect to paint the near
**** image of innocent young
country girl gone bad

his bent neck two handed stride
beer belly muscle sweat grinds
on your senses
but his voice is low and slow
like a Plymouth idling on a hot swamp road
like a man once drowned and saved
looking at an ocean with
reservations deep deep reservations

they bore a child
better put she bore them
her unreserved laugh
and hot hot smile sleek by her eighteenth
but its her depth and soul its her brilliant poem
at 4am its her drunken fisticuffs with a stuffed animal
its her wrapped around you and burrowing into you with every grunting sweating twenty two year old hardbody mile
that leaves body and soul reborn
Jul 2013 · 739
this little betty
mark john junor Jul 2013
her delicate stepping on up the carpet
places her in the shadows
where she dances silently
but with such powerful seduction
she smiles at me as she slips by
and her scent grabs me and squeezes vicegrip on my heart
her fleeting fingertips on my forearm
ignited me like my whole house on fire

its frigid in the hearth of her soul
and that heat you see in her eye
has a source deeper
there are dark dark things in the deep places in the world
and that's what really turns me on about her
no apple pie sweet young thing
this little Betty is sure to be the death of me
and I'm ******* that leg like
a rabid dog
that's what love do to ya they all joke
as I pass with this little Betty
***** old man...chasing the nurses round his hospital room :-)
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
empires of dreadlocked ink
mark john junor Jul 2013
the day done
she drifts in with the tide
washes up on my shore with
the tattered remains
of her girlhoods smile
in a keepsake box in the
pocket of her long grey coat
she speaks her thoughts but they are
tangled like seaweed
worn and worn like driftwood
she tells me her intents
and the lost sailor aspects of her soul
and her words linger on the air
like kestrels in the breaking of a storm
wheeling high above
wheeling high above
and the tears flow quietly
each one burning slowly into
my heart
I turn out and set sail
into the inky sea
blind to the trail
but rather than face her downfall
I attach myself to the darkness with a passion
of the task of finding my handmadien
of scorned empire
and saving her from herself
and all her internal wars
she was a shy young woman
in the years on denvers river road
a shatterproof demo for the better living
to be found just the other side of that
infamouse greener grass
that keeping up gets you in the end
a byproduct of the heart attack they give you
at no extra charge
standing naked feeling all kinds of uncomfortable
they question everything except your sanity
they are sure that's the one thing you've lost
I get her home at last
only to find she is nearly only
a chocolate bunny that's been chewed on
and her words telling me she must leave
are just forebodings of nightmares she gets
about Easter egg hunts
and viper roughness of being eaten alive
I'm a Easter bunny...I thought I was a rubber duckie!!!! LOL. :-)
Jul 2013 · 557
broken establishment
mark john junor Jul 2013
perception slowly escapes as I lay
entombed in sheets and pillows
the comforting scent of clean
serves up rememberances of childhood
helps relax into slumber

an overhead fluorescent flickers dim light
strobing the darkened room
like flashes of a summer storm
lingering on the edge of perception
miles distant
before even the rain taste can reach
before the air gets heavy

a dream rides forth
and settles in for the night

a old old man
standing in the desert
the noon sun a hammerstroke
that has no end
he wears a simple robe
leans on a thick wood staff

it is just perception
that seperates us from being a dream within a dream
and when that perception fails
they say its maddness

mumbles into his grey beard
in a long dead language
his back bent by
a heavy western wind

gone are the days the old mans family
held him close to their hearts
gone are the salad days when he was loved

now the desert has claimed him

now the desert is his lover,  friend,  his everything
" for Tony Pagan
Jul 2013 · 575
september sky
mark john junor Jul 2013
the bread salty dry
the wine crisp ****
and as we silently share them
she would not venture into my eyes
so revealing that her serene world
breached with determined quest
her powdered purfumed form
lay against mine as the sun drenched

with a fingertip
I traced the lines of her unadorned lips
while in her music she watched the passing September sky

I had grown so used to
the quick ready smile
the gentle laugh
the ease which our hands
would find eachother when walking
and laughing

I leaned in and kissed
her cheek
the salt of her skin
so sweet to me as to overwhelm me
I entranced just pause resting my
face gently against hers
and breath her with every sense of
my body and soul

to love a woman
is to drink such a rich sweet beautiful universe
to see such things to captivate the mind and soul
is to actually and finally live

and in that moment
my body next to hers in the
fading days of summer
was to know that being with a woman
is to be alive
Jul 2013 · 1.8k
wet ambition
mark john junor Jul 2013
wet. ambition of her silken hair
scatter my moral compass
but after terse words
we set out on the road
her tale carries us for miles
and leads to many thoughts
but I'm easily distracted and distraught
by soapbox celebritys and their
rabid claims to fame
and am left to letting her choose our path
she pens regrets to me and mails them
to the wrong address so ill never know her love for me
has grown cold

I befriend the postman
putting the letters of my words
carefully on his face with a fine line pen
but he keeps whispering that I should be
so sad because love has been rejected
and my heart was returned marked postage due
the description sours when
the ink hits the page
never quite suits the thought
as we trundle along the stony path
the bone rattling pace lends misgivings

find my way home in the song of her heart
find my weary way to her door
turning the door inward
and see the vault of her hearts fortress
reduced to rubble ans she has
now gone

she has fled eastward
wagon laden with tales and trinkets
her blue dress flowing over the side and fluttering in the breeze
wet ambition is no mercy
wet ambition is cold
written on and spell grammer checked by kindle fire.
Jul 2013 · 597
broken wings
mark john junor Jul 2013
the crisp thoughts running
build empires outa the oatmeal of my mindset
give the girl a penny arcade
and watch her shine
give the old man a shining girl
and watch him breath
cause life is what you make it
so make out with living honey
cause it'll love ya back

the grace of night flows
depth sought in the lover's embrace
and found only when that lover has departed
and the bed grown cold
but the night spins on
and the song is unforgiving
but your drawn to it because
her face is in the words
her scent is in the guitars strings
her touch is in the feelings that flow through you
as you lay alone weeping

as the dream turns from fall to winter
snow gathers on the sill
where the girls penny arcade had lain
where her smiles had shone
now there are only footprints into the forest
into the darkness

the old man lay
his tears done
staring off into the stars wheeling thru
their own silent song
speaking their own silent sadness

lover's intwined
and he will never be the same

penny arcades never last a lifetime
and neither do shopping cart laughs
:-( sad
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
long term parking
mark john junor Jul 2013
she has taken a long term parking spot
in my heart
she is tye-dye in a three peice suit world
she is a grip of smiles in a stash box
that looks like a naked girl dancing in the rain
she leaves footprints everywhere cause she hates shoes
she has never owned a bra
and she will be glad to show you shes not wearing one
she just showed oh my
shes carnival fun
and summer camp happy
she saved my life when I had a heart attack
and has a longterm parking spot in
this old geezers heart

she is a robust thinker
and a deep ocean of stars when she is romancing
she has a love in her for everyone
and such high hopes for the coming days
shes a grip of smiles
in a long term parking spot
is this old geezers hairy old
malfunctioning heart
*she bounces into my hospital room
and jumps up ontop of me
infront of four medical students
grind grind grind
woman is gonna make sure I go
with a smile on
aww ... :-)
mark john junor Jul 2013
as forsaken as the hundred mile forced march
in the blistering sun
wrapped in the liniment of mourning
eyes like haunted shadows
watch the approaching dawn with
keen regrets

they gather themselfs prisons within prison
and shuffle forward into the sweating air
the sound of their sandle clad feet gathers
untill the sound repeats in on its self
and the echo sounds like the world itself
being ground down

the measured politics of this
woman's labours trouble me
she knows the key and combination to free
but profits from their caged destitution
she thinks it ain't so funny now is it

patterns etched in the face of
circumstance are ones of destitute sorrow
romance you with promise
but deliver nothing but offense

defying the odds
freedom is calculated
while desperation can only be measured
in miles or blood
Jul 2013 · 1.8k
salt offerings
mark john junor Jul 2013
salt offerings to the wounds of pride
difference between dark of doom
and the engine of simple summer eve

night sustains but
but doom is the door to the
great beyond and the fates fair or foul
that awaits each of us

a voice echoes along the path
to all the heavens ever proposed by mans thought
that voice speaks of years
spins a tale of labors
whispers songs of longing
quietly shouts story's of horror

reserve your strengths friend
for the battle yet to come
hush your unquiet mind
and lay your head down to rest
soon enough blades shall stir to war
soon enough widows shall gather their children to
graveside rememberence of fallen fathers

as trailing edge of summer day
slips into the past
the depth and majesty of summer night unfolds
crickets and the sounds of feasting familys
warm breeze in the tall grass
the sand of a beach on your fingertips
simple joys in our world and of our lives
are the counterbalance the
the dark things in our world
the line should read "counterbalance of the..."
mark john junor Jul 2013
A harbinger he was born
a puppet to dirt  farmers in the
fatalistic empires of lost liberty
He spent his boyhood drifting  in aimless
pursuit of a less broken home
but his past eats him from within

His greedy grasping hand is fear
with self indulgent dark eyes he
comes to my haven and bringing
his hand in tow and lays its sweaty meat
on my soul
Its cold dead feel crawls down my spine
like migration of hope to forgotten places

He is a mirthless man
the trumpeter in the parade of dying
quests to find a better future
He is preaching his own brand of God
from the poorhouse soapbox
shouting wildly with his hands
he is a small man in a tall frame
who feeds on poverty of pocket and soul
preys on the weak and unwary
he is a apothocary to the souless
Jul 2013 · 813
candle light
mark john junor Jul 2013
In the dark evening by the light
Of a single candle flickering
she played her acoustic and sang
Her voice good and true
to the depths of her heart and soul

Her set to her desires
Her attention back to me from
her fingers flowing on the frets
her eyes gaze into mine with
soft heat
her words take me
in her embrace

Songs she shares
speak of journeys and lovers
Desperate men in dark hours

She lays her insturment aside
and says the hour is late
offers me my place in her bed

with a soul as beautifull as her form
she lay with me
and sated more than my weary soul
lillacs and lillies abound
Jul 2013 · 670
crippled song
mark john junor Jul 2013
There is a muted conversation
In broken english  from the recesses of  the  dark room but the intent is clear

Overnighters all eyes and hands
grasping at the tattered remains of
reason they struggle against
the methods of maddness
this world makes custom
for each of us

Her smiles
are near to my heart
but her fingets too close to my wallet

The heavy hitters
step to the plate but
remain mute when they given
a chance to save the day for
this set of innocence

The crippled man limps
slowly to his last meal
while vultures pick his pockets clean

Im in trouble here
Im stuck inside a mobile with the tampa  bay blues
LOL...will post a real poem for ya asap
Jul 2013 · 778
rain rain rain
mark john junor Jul 2013
rainy season in the tropics
till the taste of rain is in your soul
like that grain of sand in your shoe
that you can never shake out
that forever grinds on your soulmeat

humid to breathing soup
and hot as a skillet full of thoughts you cant defend
watch em bounce round the walls of logic
seeking escape
seeking solace and finding none
incense ravished the room
with tropical far eastern scent
like a skillet full of poets lacking phrases

'center the thoughts
so much to do so little time'
utters the little man glancing at his wrist
where a watch is supposed to be
waiting for a train to a place
where he is supposed to be

'quick quick now
places to go
people to do'
but the hours seep by
and still he paces the rail side
waiting on a train who has already passed by

hour after hour of hard driving rain
i sit in a doorway kindle shielded from the torrent
bickering within for each slow witted word
that stumbles out of my rain soaked mind
the damp has rotted my sense of direction
my sense of self
where do i go from here
this desolate beach in the rain
a mile or so up a lone figure moves slowly towards me
along the waters edge

i am alone
in the rain
rainy season in the tropics
rainy season in the tropics

the humana lady calls
and they say compassion has fallen the way
of chivalry
Jul 2013 · 884
twelve days in july
mark john junor Jul 2013
twelve days in july
and i carry tokens of each of them
in the pocket of my filthy jeans
each has a face
each has a story and its own trail
of rages or tears

she danced alone in the room
of the redhouse bodega
a spanish tune twisting slowly from the player
its sound thin but the song robust
spinning spinning round and round
she was shadow and light
flashes of rich color
in her best dress and boots of leather
hear them still hitting the hardpack floor
like thunder
she was a goddess that night
she was the worlds that night
let her stay there forever in the limelight
happy in the moment

he waited dressed in his finest clothes
pressed and neat from head to toe
with a single rose
in the moonlight a mile down from the redhouse
in his heart he sings that song to her
in his heart he holds her in his arms
theres nothing that will stop us he says
theres nothing that will ever stand in our way
and his heart dances thru all the days with her
that he will love her
that they will share
there in the moonlight a mile down from the redhouse
singing a song in his heart for her
let him abide there forever
happy in the moment

i see dawn sneaking in the window
pull the blanket from my shoulder
shake off the chill
cough the sickhouse regret and
feel my lungs fill with  slow death
twelve days in july
but i keep dreamin of one night in febuary
a shopping cart and smiles
i could use some
all the places i could have ended
did not see this one
alone in an empty broken room
an empty broken man
dont leave me here alone
in this moment

she lay in the grass
public park just before dawn
looking up at the stars fade
holding a small budda
rubbing the belly
smile on her face
but thoughts run deep and swift
with one finger she traces the edges of clouds
in her heart she paints masterpieces
she illustrates the world with a carefree hand
and is loved by all who behold
in her heart
the last sliver of moonlight is hers alone
on the road from the redhouse
an ambulance ride to saving
a quick journey to hope
on the road from the redhouse
she just wants to stay here where its safe
where nothing dangerous can get at her
in this moment of moonlight

twelve days in july
seem like years to me
where am i bound
will i make it
i just want that night
shopping carts and smiles
just a glimmer of hope
intent on the time
know it travels close at hand
it reduces all my empires
to brittle shards
i worry the clock with glances
rubbing it worn edge with my eyes
all hangs in the balance
of its small noise motions
tick tick tick
Jul 2013 · 772
horrid habit
mark john junor Jul 2013
my mind is pale and drawn
thoughts spinning surreal and with washed out color
i sit on the edge of the bed
and stare into the void of carpet
i am sick
numb to this idea
i make coffee and try and eat
i must venture things must be done
i reach for my cup
wake several hours later as a pool of sweating ache
on the floor several feet from the bed
how did i get here
i do not have energy to get up
but the kindle is here charging on a plug
by the baseboard
so i write
f%#kin horrid habit sometimes dont'cha think
sick as a dog and im carving up a poem
ok enough of this insanity
off to emergency i take my silly old ***
ill be fine
as soon as the room stops spinning
see you cats later
aiko aiko
lol...even stopped to do a spell check...LOL im insane...or im a or the other
Jul 2013 · 559
transient in hidden places
mark john junor Jul 2013
my thoughts echo down upon silent wings
fluttering on the edge of utterance only briefly
set to disappear on the heat of expelled breath

they emerge fully formed on the daylight side of reality
far removed from their stone cold birth
and far from what i beheld when setting them loose
their meanings malformed into mystery
and they ellude me with swift confusion

the sounds uttered
transient upon the heavy air
swiftly seeks shelter in her mind
and in her eyes i see these ideas form
and grow like a forest of troubled thoughts
through which i can hope little for path or passage

the leaves drift downward
in a silent symphony of movement
as morning becomes substantial to my senses
its heavy air laden with rain
we spent the night in eachothers arms
very little spoken
waiting for daylight to reveal something
our eyes could not find in each other

the dawn hangs low on the horizon
shaded by the years
into the dark corners
where the shadows dance upon the leaves
the sounds reach me and through them i learn
through them change is possible

she is gone these years
split the poem 'reflections..." up because it was too explicit...and from the peices got this poem and 'the soft cotton...'  fixed the was better when i had an editor, well, maybe not
mark john junor Jul 2013
the soft cotton skin of her jeans
against my bare cheek was warm and enticing
i lay curled up against her sitting cross leg on the bed
her hands busy with her notions made quick shadows
in the light on my closed eyes
her scents heavy on the air
i stir and ran my hand up her thigh
and was overcome with desires
for every inch of her
we were occasional lovers
we just enjoyed each other from time to time
she was a giving and warm person
lit up a room when she entered
with her smile

she was lean
and tight
she was made for making love
and she reveled in it as much as i
long black hair
and deep brown eyes
where i often lost myself with willing abandon

she never asked
but i wish now i had
i do not know what became of her
i wish her love and happiness all her days
i send her my love from
this empty dark motel room
on the edge of urban blight
hope you fared better than i joyce
hope you have fared better than i
Jul 2013 · 634
dust devil spin
mark john junor Jul 2013
dust devil spins up into the air
as your boot scrapes the pavement
a fair amount of echo lends surreal edge
but the cool heavy wet night air labors on your chest
the trailing edge of sunlight slips along a silent horizon
and fades into her hair

beads of sweat along her lip
which move slightly as inside her complicated mind
she sings her song
the sunlight carves edges along her supple form
harsh and dense against her her soft giving skin
point and counterpoint
pull myself up ontop of her
grind our sweat into one
her eyes flutter open and focus on mine
her mouth moves over my name
with a verbal caress that has intentions
but they remain unrevealed

she tastes the wine
and takes small measure of the bread
seeming to relish the textures
but its distracted thought that slows her progression

the world has gone
and its just the room that
negotiates with you attentions
fill and expend, fill and expend
the echoes have grown worse
till they thunder in your mind
and still there is no clear path
there is no future seen that dose not contain
dust devils in the soul
fill and expend
but your desert can never be greensward
your emptiness can never be

she sleeps
and you walk slowly to the door
open it  and out into the wall of heat
and sound
faces and eyes
there is no escape
there is no staying
you must go

i have become the dust devil
evaporate in the air
no deeper knowledge need be spoken
i am as empty as the air
Jul 2013 · 776
mark john junor Jul 2013
versions of the day inform themselves to you
in hopeful parade of acceptance
each one such a grande smile
and each one a thin illusion
but age has taught you that no version
is accountable for its reality

pause on the edge of the frame
playing with some nothing in your hand to occupy the fingers
run your foot back and forth along the trailing boundary of the street
and do your actress highest performance to appear
to be concentrating on some conversation
you have internally of some earth shattering importance
perhaps he will approach
perhaps he will ask for a cigarette light
no that would be bad, you don't smoke
and would have to refuse him
you don't want to refuse him anything

folding and unfolding the worn page
of the thought that your life is stuck
know that your in the mood for
that special somthing and it seems like nothing
short of perfection to that vision will do at all
but life is a dance that keeps
changing rhythm and partners
plan all you wish if that keeps you busy when bored
but when it comes to it put such notion aside
step into the light
step up to the moment with your best face
and hope kiddo
best ya can do, hope kiddo

breath your way slowly into the moment
keep silent the doubts
keep still your fleet foot wish to flee
hold fast to the the thought she gave you
before she disappeared up the road
you wont be alone ever
long as your here in my heart

i feel like i will drowned
in the rough noise of the world at the verge
of my doorway
fills me...washes away all thought
with dignity and reason
but you can loose yourself and responsibility
loose the reproach that you could have done better
that you should have tried this or that

there is no comfort in the words she left me with
it was just another rationalization

i hesitate
endlessly hesitate
wishing there was an easier way
wishing she was still here to help me see the way
all the angers slip away
in the alone night
and your left with the memory's of the person
and all the things she was to you

the part from her point of view (in italics) is from something the dreadlock girl described.(the dreadlock girl is of course Jezebel Rose A.)  is not a cooperative poem.
Jul 2013 · 607
a dead run
mark john junor Jul 2013
the villain of the shadows cringes
and cries out as hard things do when they
behold themselves in such places
as in the true light of the fair maidens eyes
mercy is often found there
compassion and love too
but what he see's is a sale to the highest bidder
he steals away with the key to her heart
steals away with the treasure trove of
a fair maidens hopes and dreams

before the dawn can reveal his track
to the lawman who now follows in slow pursuit
he gathers himself and his plunder and sets off at a dead run
the lawman is a cold customer from times gone past
and he knows that twain shall never meet lest there be blood spilt
knows that the cold hand of justice serves none but its own
it lives to see others die
so he sets off at a dead run
as dead as his soul seems to be
as all his days have been
running from all his yesterdays
at a dead run
as dead as the lawman's heart

he stops for the night in the empty wash of an old stream
makes a fire by the water worn rocks
entranced by the lines of their ancient and dignified past
it troubles him so
he looks upon his ill gotten treasure
looks upon the fair maidens heart trove
and for the first time sees the beauty there
for the first time he sees what compassion's gentle hand looks like
the firelight jumps and leaps like dancers
he lay down and dreams of ceremonial dances and golden idols
dreams of a people for whom riches are in the heart
dreams he lived as one of them rich with love and happiness
he wakes with tears in his eyes

the lawman spends his night tracking slowly westward
he will not rest or sleep till he gets his man
he never dreams of anything but the cold hand of unjust justice
no compassion no soul to be tainted by hope

the villain of shadows begins to hear echoes in his mind
things that remind him of summer breeze and a girls pretty smile
her hand in his in the pouring rain
ages ago before darkness consumed him
now he begins to see a new path for him
if he can escape the lawman
now hes at a dead run to stay alive
now hes at a dead run to return the fair maidens treasure
if even a villain of shadows
can be redeemed
perhaps i may find some small coin of hope
but its hard to do at
a dead run
its that image the phrase invokes... "dead run" sounds like it should be a contadiction, but isnt. thats why it fits my life so well, im at a dead run.
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
mark john junor Jul 2013
the other side of shatterbox's wall
is my room
stretch my hand out
feel the warmth of sun on bare skin
turn my closed eyes to the sky
and drink in the day like wine
intoxicating and bitter aftertastes
but cool and filling the senses

i slake souls thirst for essence of a gluttons bread and butter
taking the dreadlock girl to bed with me
she makes headway to her notions
of making a home here and finding a reason to stay
but i am wary of the fast female now that
i am so entangled within the gears of this past one
my lusts seep from her and soil the sheets
she laughs at this unconcerned

we go for dinner and we laugh and play
on the beach
she loves to be in love
she loves to whisper under the sheets long into the night
even when we are the only two there
i dont want another relationship
i dont want to repeat the last one

grapple with eachother till dawn
and smelling like fresh *** we dash out to the store
get doughnuts and coffee

she eats doughnuts the same way i do
i dont want a relationship

its the wine talking
but the shatterbox man next door
has reminded me that its too easy in this world to end
up alone in a room with nothing but your thoughts
the other side of shatterbox's wall....nothing more in common i keep telling myself...dosnt matter that shatterbox used to write poetry.
Jul 2013 · 715
shatterbox man
mark john junor Jul 2013
his mind a shatterbox of edges
his thoughts weary and dull
limp along like thorazine smiles
appearing one after another to be following him down the hall
begging him for semblance of inner peace
stop chasing me he whispers mock harshness to the darkness
hoping to frighten the thoughts away
he closes his door shutting out the dark hallway
and escapes to the exact center of light in his safe warm room

mind a shatterbox
full of slow motion detonations of thought and flashes of fragment memory
scary things in his head he keeps wrapped in wool sweaters and mittens
like little children sent out to play in the bitter cold
their voices scratchy with distance and time laughing at him
soon enough with runny noses they go home for cocoa and cookies
leaving him in the exact center of the room
as alone as he has been all night
all of his life
in the exact center of nothing
a shatterbox filled with mystery things
a broken man and his broken mind

he opens the door to the hallway
and with almost gentle grace steps slowly into the darkness
whispering fast prayers to protect from the fingerless hands
that reach but never grasp from the shadows
he moves up the hall to the cold floor bathroom
the chipped tiles are filthy with the tread of feet from up the hall
all the working men from the
burning fields and the crop to be harvested
their language is a song that he cherishes
but their eyes see too much of him so he hides from them

the night wears on as it always will
he repeats to himself that dawn cant be too far off
he only has to survive the silence of night for a little longer
survive the scary things just a little longer
his mind a shatterbox of broken things
protecting the world from the creature within

dawn has come and the new neighbor taps at the door
with the meal he was waiting for
he pulls the door open slowly and without a revealing word
takes the hot food and cakes
darkness is gone to sleep somewhere
hopefully far far  away
shatterbox filled with sleepy things
now hunger isnt a companion

*i knock at his door at dawn
and slip the bag of food into him as light
begins to creep into the world
this is his world
each new neighbor passes the torch to the next
'make sure the old man eats
the mans son pays the bill at the store
and they leave the meals at the door
but the old man almost never leaves that room'
i wish i could do more for him
but they tell me that he is happier alone
i never have been happier alone
the mentally ill man in the room next to mine.
Jul 2013 · 596
florida state of mind
mark john junor Jul 2013
it tatters on  the edge
like a flag
but her shirt
is all black
cept the letters
which shout at you in your face real real loud
'you cant have me
with a happy face knife in the eye

she looks at the pavement
and mumbles somthing
off tone
but my head is ringing and i cant
place her words on the paper of my head
its too soaked with rain
all thoughts a runny
and slide right on out

she grabs my collar and pulls me along
down the isle to the display case
where she points out a bracelet
she wants real real bad is
'aint that *******'
little skulls and guns in pink
like charms
just for a laugh i buy it for her
she gets a complex look on her face
and punches my arm several times
'cant pay you back for that f&#kface till i get paid'
nothing to pay back kiddo
just a chicken wing

thought id share that
for whatever it means to a babysitter
to be around a poet
in the strange world
in a florida state of mind
gutter punk baby sitter...dreadheads idea...worked out great, shes real good with my little girl.
Jul 2013 · 628
the simple wonder of it all
mark john junor Jul 2013
there are moments
that endure in memory for a lifetime
only in the simple nuance
of their presence in ones life

the smell of your mothers french
toast sunday morning breakfast after the fire on the poarch
and the crisp harsh sound of eggs sizzling

the first day of school
and your locker full of new books
and unopened notebooks
crisp new paper had a scent
i recall it clearly
crisp wood with a metallic sharp undertone
the smell of newly sharpened number two pencils

i cannot place the memory
as to how old i was
or anything beyond the fragment
but its one that lingers for me:

spring sunlight
near dusk
as i rode in the backseat of a strange car
some friend of my parents
we were driving past Paine lake
and the sunlight burst upon me
thru a break in the overhead trees
and the thought that filled me with
such wondrous joy
'its finally summer'

what i wouldnt
give to feel that free again
without care or burden
simply filled with joy at
the simple wonder of it all
Jul 2013 · 410
fourth of july
mark john junor Jul 2013
the parade begins
as the homeless men struggle their
burdens and bags down
thru the blinding sun into the east
to the nearest bus stop
while police cars circle looking
to pick off a few randomly take to jail
fill some quota or just **** some time
perhaps just throw a beating for fun and giggles

there the old man
must be in his seventies struggles for air
but know he must hurry on
lest he get caught up
get on the wrong side of the upper hand

they call it social compassion
they say that these men are all filth
but iv talked to them
iv shared my dinner with them
they are human beings too
but who dosnt
sorry...perhaps i should be a little more sympathetic to something or other...just hard to watch a couple of young cops pushing around a seventy year old man cause they got nothing better to do.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
spanish thread
mark john junor Jul 2013
bold words are lettered in
handwritten phrases
on her wall
in blood red paint
tales of great conquest
tales of greater defeat
all woven with the same spanish thread
from a small villa north of madrid

he bears with him a golden box
in the secret pocket of his long coat
within are all the treasures
that could dazzle a young fair madiens eye
all the riches that could bend the back
of any petty flesh or metal merchant

with a careful flare and practiced theatrics
he pulls it forth to the awe of the gathering crowd
his trade-craft is the peddling of dark dreams
in a sleepless land
of giving just enough to tease into wishing
but never quite enough to persuade

as he himself was
all his work is woven from the same spanish thread
from a small villa north of madrid
woven to speak to the heart
with the rich deep earthen tones
found in spains muddy soil
woven to speak to the soul
with the heady lust of a spanish romance

the words on her wall
speak of her years with her one true love
and of their deep passions
and of how he had rode off to war
telling her he would soon return
and her long years waiting
watching the forever empty road
wearing her favorite dress
woven from  spanish thread
from a small villa north of madrid
no path in life can ever be retraced with hope of regaining what one has lost
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
like a steel jackhammer
mark john junor Jul 2013
like a vision of apocalypse
she drags a tree branch along the muddy
lane to the carnivals edge
where those of like mind gather

she believes her offered symbols
of peace will curry favor among the
indigenous or the occasional forlorn tourist
and she will have her safe harbour for the night
everyone deserves a place to at least rest
their head at the end of a futile day
and all here in the laughing happy places of the misbegotten
will attest to that truth of the road
so is it so strange to see her
with that nugget of hope lodged in her eye like a steel jackhammer

she is a complex phrase on the piano keyboard
that without having to speak entices the mind into the notions
of her tale spun in the scents of her patchouli and
the delicate pattern of her lace dress
her clean ****** limbs are filled with extreme tattoos and scented with fresh ***
she massages herself there
and closes her eyes at the point of contact

she looks at you with a question in her eyes
but she never asks
she is not one to want for what she isnt freely given
so you give her everything you have
along with your hearts strings
hoping to see that smile
that enchanted with its sweet touch

she is a simple turn of words in the worlds master plan
but she is a complexity in your life that
was unseen and unwanted

now she raises her flute
and raises a tune from ages gone past
that stings the hearts soul
with its refrains of pale and drawn lost loves
dying in the cold lands
and the tales of the forlorn waif who waits her days
for the man who went to sea never to return

shes a repeating moment
from the past followed us down from denvers cold
to join us on this beach
only to find me alone
but that means little
because her eyes are like steel jackhammers
ripping into the truths she thinks should be
ignore the reality's of the empty beach
yes that dreadlock girl from a little while back turned up again
Jul 2013 · 806
briar patch of the mind
mark john junor Jul 2013
in the briar patch of the mind
the rabbit is fat with his pretense
and the web of his thoughts is brazen and garish
they cascade thru me as he hammers at the dull metal
of his treasures
seeking to make true him rich rabbit dream

his brother the sow begins to shout that the hammering
is an appendage of his nightmares
reaching into the depths of his shallow soul
and twisting the heart-meat of his investment banker infested mind

and both rabbit and sow know they
must redouble their effort
to avoid being the centerpiece of the dinner platter
but in  the briar patch of the mind
its the failing of such grand designs that are the
bread and butter of such feasts
that you and i now wait with such hungers

its a desert of the soul to be certain
no cool thoughts to slake this thirst for the
simple comforts like a woman's hand to hold yours
so we must feed our souls with the scraps
cast aside without care or compassion from the
feast of the tourist trap
but isnt that been our lives far back as we can remember
catching firefly's in the evening rain
and spend the night just watching them with stark wonder
spinning round and round in a jar
looking back we should have just let them roam free
find the own destiny's

i stand here waiting on yet another day of hoping
for that break that will change this
set of dealt cards
for that break of the kid opening the jar
and letting us free to roam the summer free
and let us find a happier destiny
"jane says" LOL...not sure why that particular thing would occur to me that i should have to come back and annotate the poem as such...the janes addiction song is rather oddly not for from being kin to the thought behind this maligned little ditty....jane in the song caught in somthing of a briar patch of the mind as well so to speak...perhaps im being too obtuse...perhaps the thought was simply that jane liked my poem...hence 'jane says'...LOL perhaps im freakin thinkin way to freaking much LOL :-) thanks for shopping k-mark and have a nice day :-)
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
fracture flatland
mark john junor Jul 2013
never dreamed that you'd be here
in the harsh light
of rolling wind
unfettered by toiling fingers
free of the recoil of shames blank face
some write some
some read
some dare to dream of a paradise
only to find a land of disintegrating smiles
seeing both sides of that hot coin
makes my eyes dust
read what iv written in her eyes
with my unsure hand
with my fractured heart
with the knowing
that after this
i am alone on this sea
with naught but starvation and stormfront
she quickens
its abyss or absolution
turn my eyes away from the open sky
i cannot face whats written there
she walks up to me
but frowns at something she perceives and drifts away
some write
some read
some dare to dream of paradise
only to find a land of desintergrating smiles
and the infestation of mirror cracked rooms
whos occupants are at best shadows of
the root of all evil (womens pink loafers)
Jul 2013 · 2.1k
verbal duck soup
mark john junor Jul 2013
a coin harlot he showers the day
with his turn of phrase that would sell
a sunken city to a floating fat man

the floating man
isnt really fat
but he belives himself to be
after all they wouldnt lie on tv would they
so he spends his lackluster days
become a deeper shade of golden tan and thinner by
shouting phrases of strangers arguments at
the passing clouds
nawing on the bone of contentious verbal meat

he floats in a life peserver
from the Lusitania
and its well peserved sanitys sealed in a jar
which he grips with a fevered hand they
are both his bane and plastic fantastic lover doll
all rolled into one evil mocking grin rubber ducky smelling henchwoman

she languishes in her sand and shell embrace of her lips
her rubber ducky superglue scent
is her own chinese man trap
after all dosnt every man secretly desire a love affair with
his rubber duck
they wouldnt lie about that on tv now would they
course not, dont be silly

i wait for first my ride home
but failing that
i will swim
goodnight and sleep tight
least you find yourself a rubber ducky
you can f@%ky
be very afraid of crossing pathes of the evil mocking grin rubber ducky smelling henchwoman...
and yes i am very deeply and madly in lust with my rubber duckie..her name duckie...she loves me too..( more drinks with umbrellas..ever)
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
ballroom or hip-hop
mark john junor Jun 2013
we lay in the sand
on the beach we call our home
with out rock crab dinner
fresh coconuts and berry's
our home has all we desire
including each other
entwined in her tender embrace
i find both the warmth of her gentle heart
and the heat of her sensual passions
we explore each other with tentative caress
but the fires our our bodies soon ignite us
and we become the deep kiss of ******* and release
the hot and swift grasping and sighing
sweating and panting flesh

far into the night
we tickle and play
laugh and whisper

she rises to dance in her bedroom
for me

because her body loves to move
ballroom or hip-hop
her every motion is fire to me
and i pull her to the sand
and take her again and again

we slip into sleep
as i awaken from this sweet dream
not far from the beach
we laid on in my vision of your beauty

my writing has been rather lackluster this last week or very off my game for obvious reasons
i hope things will settle down for me very soon
Jun 2013 · 507
pretty poet
mark john junor Jun 2013
small hand delve into the waters
seeking the grand design
and his place in it
spend your days frugally and thin of heart
to what gain
thous endeared to your fleet foot
handsome pretense loose hope
in the everlasting winter of your indifference

small hand offered meek and tentative
but in the midst of torrential rain
it goes without the reply it so needed
withdrawn slowly as if to speak to the thought
am i so unworthy in your eyes
am i so disdained
is this the end of my days
have the words finally escaped me
never to return

the pretty poet holding his hand
whispers to him across the miles that he need
not feel so alone
she dances in her shower and dreams of him
that tender thought
that hopeful and giving heart from far west
helps him endure
recalls to him that this need not be the end of his road
need not think tomorrows joy is unattainable

pretty poet
he cannot always find the words
sometimes for all he wishes to say
his pen lacks the words
except thank you from the bottom of his heart

at last at the end of your days
embrace the offered hand
know that you are the first to tread
that lonely wood
mark john junor Jun 2013
the light is infected
its disease casts a haze on my weather beaten
its denial of warmth radiates down to my very soul
razor thoughts are the bitter seed in the fertile soil of her filthty mind

vertical sunlight uneven on your confused thoughts
at least illuminate the way
as you forge the path to certain shade
benith palm trees etched out against the tropical horizon

she braids her hair
as she steps slowly among the rose petals
deep eyes entice
as her loose garment falls away
barefoot she weaves her way
from distant vision
to standing before you in deliberate slow motion
letting you drink in her natural and sleek form
before it is joined with yours in hot embrace

seas of sand
and the taste of ocean on the air
salty and swift to the senses
deep with the memory
of a thousand times
on the rolling waves deep in the atlantic's nights
only dreaming of her smoky form leaning into you
as she whispers your name

the light in the porthole
is infected with the muttering of the skippers madness
as he swears to take us deep and far
to a no-mans land of uncharted sea
leave us scattered like dry bones
on the wet soils of nameless atols
with  the bitter breads to be our banquet
and the dog that chewed off his finger as our ale

i climb the wave
to spill us off the crest
abreast the next
just to tempt his ire
but he rights us without a word

sailing in a wide circle
we are round here on the charts
but squared away and shipshape by
the hairy old ******'s eye
iv rhymed a word or two in the last few poems without intending to...not sure what thats about, rhyming is as bad as **** itch in your ear...annoying, pointless, and weird.
Jun 2013 · 640
the freakin princes
mark john junor Jun 2013
gather your faces and arm your footmen
there are challenges to the rule you lain down
with the lambs and wolves of debated thought
gather all your strength child
there is a hard road made of fragile glass
and my tread aint as light as when i was
the impressionable boy you lead astray
dont wish to shatter anyone's world
but somethings got to give like its freaking christmas baby
and its clear that you feel
like your the freakin princess gettin that pony
******* better fork that **** over but with a freakin quickness

like the folded page
creases run thru your hollow eye
as dust gathers like a skull in a window in the mind
intricate lines flow with the song
but these are not the words written there
these are the ones crafted in the hardbake
of hells only road
of pergatorys only path
you know that you allways leave places like this
heavy with profits
so dont hand me your sob stories
just whip out your cannon and spoon
lets get this over with
and no...sweetheart i believe i will pass on
a roll in the sheets with you

the river of my thought
leaks at the edge of my eye
and travels its own narrow mile
before it too comes to believe that she must
let to run free
cause there is nothing but desert
in this land of sea and sand
nothing but the faces of starving poets and there threadbare children
nothing but toys you purchased a week ago
in the basket for return get up the green for your poisons
your dope dreams killing my hope
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
romances the night sky
mark john junor Jun 2013
the sun romances the night sky
seeping its slow blue
into the wheeling starfeild
its own grandeur carousel fades
as the stars dulled by the dawn stray away
one by one they bid farewell to the day

her blushing bride endeavor
expanded to her full embrace horizon to horizon
leaves fine line lace of mist
on the water
and begins to warm to announce
the forthcoming of her proud man

noon approaches
thundering hoofs of furnace heat his stallion
his brow breaks with the sweat of his labor
pushing the sun up to her pedestal heights
so a breif rain sqaull rocks our ragtag little ship
noon throws lightening and makes such rousing appeal
but the younger sister approaches
and noon must forsake his place

the quiet seductress afternoon
with her hazy summer heat lulling
and her many sweet scents and sounds
lay with you in the grassy field and
makes love to you with dreams of everlasting summer
and remembrances of childhood carefree abandon

she calls out to her mother evening
who comes and with a mothers love cools your brow
suppertime and laughter with loved ones
gathered at the kitchen table
dream time in safe places of the soul

finally night comes
slipping in silent and swift
deep and quiet he is mystery
gathering of soldiers who fail to conquer
gathering of lovers who two by two not
only are the world but make it anew
with love and with children
now full circle we have come
on the spiral track of our days
as the sun romances the night sky
for alyssa
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
deep water parking lot
mark john junor Jun 2013
the old man pulls his cart
slowly across the deep water parking lot
while a western wind brings steady relief
to the unforgiving heat

he hears a voice that
tells him that it'd be OK to let it all slip away
to lay down rest his weary soul
let the days drift
while he stares up at the passing clouds
from underneath his stone

graveyard graveyard i might never leave you
graveyard graveyard i came here to find peace for my weary soul
graveyard graveyard help me forget my name and worries
help me find peace at long last
staring up at passing oceans of clouds and sun
so quiet and serene
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