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Dec 2013 · 1.2k
a newborn day
mark john junor Dec 2013
she wears a set of keys
on a chain round her neck
one for each of the nights alone
unlock my heart with these she whispers as if it were obvious
but then she casts her love letters into the river
saying that nobody ever understands her point of view
so we might as well all be blind
there are no real desperate words
on her tragically trembling lips
but what dose come out jiggles like a carnival crier
to the harmonica players thoughtful song
she used to sing it in the coffee shop she loved
back in one of her yesterdays
now her days are an egg shell blue patchwork of plaster fixes that
define the destitute box and its failings at life's tiresome money game
its trail of paperwork attempts to find a prophet
who could give us a defining moment and photo op for time magazines cover
somebody to tell us that we are on the wrong road
she spends her days taking care of me and
sweeping up the dusts
of all our yesterdays
and neatening up the lines of mason jars
filled with jams and jellies
the sunlight falling through them makes a rainbow she smiles to me
as she settles into a cup of coffee to stare wistfully off into the morning
i ask what's shes thinking but she never dose say
she just runs a thin hand through her auburn hair
and laughs that its snowing somewhere far away
that some field in a distant wood is peaceful and filled with the grace of innocence
that one finds in the stillness of fresh snowfall
that one finds in a newborn child
or a newborn day
Dec 2013 · 995
beach dancer
mark john junor Dec 2013
he slow jogs on the white sand
parody of a boxer
dose little dance steps as if to avoid blows
the sweat from the fierce sun scatters like rain as he doges
side to side
his hands held at his chest
head held at low angle
were that he was a prize fighter
his life is the beach
with its own world that never sleeps
from lovers entwined in sand at three am
to the devoted worshippers following the sun
in her daily trek across the unblemished roof of the world
he touches pavement as dawn touches sky
and spends his day dancing the waves of sand
the tourists stop and stare
the natives frown
at night he sits under the
monotony noise of an antique fan
its fast ticking is soothing
in his aquamarine blue room
a chicken *** pie and the game on transistor radio
aint life grand he thinks to himself
he's one of the lucky ones
he is complete in his little world
the beach and its teeming life is his world
and he's happy there
i see him sunburned to a golden brown
dance jogging and boxing the air
unburdened by the weight of the world
happy in his blissful unawares
under the watchful gaze of miami beach highrises
to live with even a fraction of his inner peace
one would live a better life
Dec 2013 · 865
pages of the moment
mark john junor Dec 2013
her words laid out before
me like a feast of the fanciful mind
and her inner demons like ravens of the soiled soul
hold themselves at the ready with wary eyes
her words spill in slow honey
smooth on the minds tongue
and leaves an aftertaste like mull wine
leaves one lightheaded and without inhibition
i become a drunkard of her thought
forever lounging near her lips in my mind
waiting for the intoxications to begin

my own words come like the unshaven behemoth
like the fair maidens foul brother
my conversation a meal with dance of the clumsy attempt
each step has a sticky note of scrawled apology attached
like new lovers trying too hard
being overly tender with eachothers words

her heart has spoken its mind
and she feels childish recanting its
written in stone meanings
so she follows
silently behind with her head hanging low
trying to be picture perfect
in the pliant girlfriend role

the inner demons like ravens of my own soiled soul
each moment spent like a misers coin
harpie fingers oiled grip
on the narrow metal
slipping ever so slowly past the eye
each day i sit here and watch as the sun settles
like dust onto the deadpan horizon
each day i pray fervently that i find
a better phrase than the one i live
Dec 2013 · 700
mark john junor Dec 2013
sorrow makes its way in
like an old friend bearing his treasured gifts
the photograph and letter
that you cannot bear to part with
he settles into your empty room
and sits with you in his silent way
while you grind your soul
slowly over the past and what you have lost there
he gently takes your hand and leads your heart
deeper into the rapture
of longing for what you cannot have
for that which is lost beyond redemption
she lay beneath headstone
in small Massachusetts town
fall leaves and now snow lay quiet blanket
on her resting soul
sadness bring you here in dream
from the miles where you lay
to stand unabashed weeping
in the cold dark of night
sorrow betrays you
but you cannot care
it consumes you
until you are blind to all else
until you are withered
lay down next to her and take your rest
none will blame
none see
but your old friend
Dec 2013 · 665
field's of vibrant promise
mark john junor Dec 2013
a thousand small mechanics
of thinking
labour to bend my actions to
the will of the arbitrary world
plans mature and rot on the vine
the fetid odours of their decay
is focused by the summer emblazoned sun
she prunes the shaft and maintains the
brick and mortar of the family's tradition
such pride taken in century's
but such is folly illustrated by footprints
drunkenly sketched by predecessors
forgiving is her heart
the past melts into
a portrait of porcelain perfection
issued like decree by oil and canvass
she is a pile of frowns
as she paints a watercolour
of the house cat
it lounges near total abandonment of consciousness
licking itself in slow mental appeasement
of the same dire need that makes it chase its own tail
a thousand mechanics of thinking
their brawny limbs weary of
the attempt to teach
the fearless path
fall to slumber and dream sweetly of
fields of green and
vibrant promise
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
burnished monkeys
mark john junor Dec 2013
the remnants of a broken down villain
he's waited here in thick silence
with his elaborate plans
drawn on the wall complete with corrections
stick figures in the halflight
crude illustrations of the vocally frustrated
small errors in life represented by
five burnished monkeys cast in bronze
lined up in order of smiles on his mirror wall
the surface of his words
are reflections of the rain
which never comes but stays
in the golden gilded cages of his mind
shes so sweet rides up on her mystery wheel
and starts to strip off the layers
but stops when  she reaches her freshly washed skin
and she dose a little dance just for him
shes been trying to get him off this
diesel gas fumes kick he's been on since vietnam
and the burnished brass monkeys break into song
something slow with a nice backbeat
something about the middle east
and the wires that join us all in prosperity
she sells *** in plain brown paper bags
on the street to support the tragic train
they say shes weak but we all know its just makeup
she wears and shes the strongest man alive
she isn't drawing grand designs to conquer the world
but its something shes well on  her way to doing anyway
with her backup band
five burnished brass monkeys
each one with a hand on a bible
swearing allegiance to the madness
found in stick figures carved with loving care into
the walls of a madman's eight inch mind
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
intoxicated in her perfume
mark john junor Dec 2013
she is in the full length mirror
in a long white dress
tossing her hair
and she says aloud
that she doesn't like it at all
i laugh and go take her in my arms
and we start to sway
looking eachothers eyes and feeling the warmth
of our embrace
i am intoxicated in her perfume
and in the scents of her eye
wander the mysterious paths of a woman's heart
and caress the soft textures of her romantic soul
she laughs that we are gonna be late
we are going to be out on the ballroom floor
in the spinning lights and smokey air
slow dancing in eachothers arms
soft touching eachother in every way
swaying to the songs we arnt even listening to
we only see eachother
the rest of the world is some long lost summer night long ago
far away from this ballroom floor
far away from us
she leads me off the dancefloor
and our to the cool evening air
and we make out in the back of the car
like we were once again teenagers on a school night again
enjoying the caress and loving the taste feel
the knowin
we make love
grand slow and glowing warm love
and then the world slows
and picks us up again
we break into giggles
as we go on home
sneaking into our own house
like we were a couple of kids all over again
she has re-discovered the young man in me
for the dew eyed girl in her
and she has rekindled the happy for ever after
the lets just kick off our shoes and run in the waves
the light in her eyes
is enough for me
((we went ballroom dancing again...always ends up an adventure with us))
Dec 2013 · 682
the little mechanical man
mark john junor Dec 2013
the little mechanical man
has finally run down
he sits slumped in the chair
head hanging feet splayed
broken and dented
the little mechanical man is no more
for so many years he just keep leaping up and goin
but no more
for so long he retained the bounce back
from every pointless throw at the wall punch
every dark road with no end
every lie that some hand at the end of the road
to grasp
but toys break eventually if you don't take good care
didn't momma tell you that
now look
poor little mechanical man
is broken
wont wind up and run anymore
i cant get up and run anymore
so you can quit playing with me god
and put me with the rest of
the broken toys
waiting to go to the trash
Dec 2013 · 849
her magical mind part two
mark john junor Dec 2013
her magical mind
sets sparkles to wing
and the hard words are softened
in their respective faces by the touch
of her silken favours
as she weaves me through
her ideals with craftsmen's knowledgeable hand
adept at the use of her wares
but even knowing this
i cave in
because within my own
demon of futility sitting on his
pile of rust manufacturing great and small
mouse traps of the mind
throws me into the confusions
of trying to recapture that heady love affair
that torrid romance so filled
with such fulfilling joys i thought it could never end
but it did
and now my heart has revealed that
it has secretly grieved for the loss of her
delicate body next to mine
that my fool heart has wept for the loss
of her looking up into my eyes
and sweetly softly whispering i love you
her magical mind has won again
and we make love
i am enraptured of her beautiful details
of her in notion of her in concept
of her in every way conceived
as she breezes in
on her comfortable conversation
fascinated by all the aspects
of her faster beautys
her velvet smile
cannot be dimminshed
it gives a soul warmth
that is deeper than
the sensual
it breaths me
and when shes exhales me
i am sated
Dec 2013 · 660
her magical mind
mark john junor Dec 2013
the plight obscene to her
as the denied
she stands in the corner shouting into
the nearness of the unyeilding wall
that its unfair
nighttime cannot fend fot itself
the disease of light will infect its borders
and spread across the skys pallet
the deformity called sight will
allow others to see
her sad face
sitting in a broken shopping cart
with her white party dress torn
her makeup a puddle of tears
they will all be able to see
she isnt the engine of perfection anymore
that she isnt factory fresh and polished
its unfair that night
must suffer the inglorious day
that it must be blighted by light
unfair i tell you
she cries into the paint
standing in her humble corners
dire straights and desperate measures
on her magical mind
i weep now in my own desperate box
for my former lover
abandon to her side road circus
i foolishly run to her and spend the night
making love to her
trying to heal us both
but it is folly to retread broken footsteps
on a path forgotten as the loves
we once shared
she asks me to cease writing
for she sees it as the pen has poisoned her bed
i weakly surrender
we sleep
i dream of
Dec 2013 · 784
up here in her bed
mark john junor Dec 2013
the shadows are long on the wooden floor
i can see the etchings of every weary foot
that has sought rest in this place at worlds end
there's a mist forming where the sun is burning off the rainwater
and the light is getting golden
that kind of glow that romances every face
that makes even the darkest night
seem comforting
her dress clings to her shoulder with a fine sweat
and her eyes cast down till i cup her chin
and she looks up at me
and thats all iv ever needed
the shadows are making inroads to making me sleep
so we step outside
and i gently pass my hand over her face
and her whisper clings to me
like a softly spoken hurricane
she leads me to the bed
and pulls me down into her scented arms
down into the sweet darkness of her love affair
and i am filled with the sounds of my
triumph and submission all at once
a sound like a hard race car engine
with the sigh of an old man
like the sound of a mid summer moon
high up in a warm forgiving sky
far above all the toil and mud
up here in her bed
in her arms
watching the shadows of the sun make
inroads to darkness
in a south florida motel room
a rain storm is comin
Dec 2013 · 2.7k
maniacal lace umbrella
mark john junor Dec 2013
weaved into her thoughts
are the disturbed images and the maniacal music
carousel music from the macabre circus of the mad
and in the absolute center of this
steampunk master vision is her pretty little face
sitting with a lace umbrella
and a slow thick smile
she eyes you head to boot
and reaches out a single blood stained finger
and says accusations are for the weak
her pasty red lips are
sour to the touch
she makes no apologies
but rather relies of her smile like charms
which she wears like
a patchwork quilt of maniacal methods
stitched with loving care
and the devotions of the needy
who pay her fare without questions
she is stylin on the main street bus tonight
with her entourage of hungry strangers
just looking for a bed and breakfast
and its delusion that
after a time
the clouds passed
after a time
measured in the millions of years
that her touching your face lasted
looking into your eyes and telling you that she loves you
after a time everything would change
and she would remember what it means to be happy
after a time under a maniacal lace umbrella
mark john junor Dec 2013
synopsis of trajectory type tragedy
the day after the dreaded day
and the meals limp leftovers now
stuffed into the bulging fridge
our new neighbour taps at the door with a
synopsis of trajectory type tragedy
she spills her daily story with soft sounds
all over the living room glass table
and plays with its entrails
while trying with halfhearted desperation
to pry certain monies from certain people
without being too specific cause then that'd be rude or something
her projectile vocal charade slowly subsides
into a vapour trail of trying to get her get well
out of the spare change the sing flier has left behind on
the last beer run of the night next door
he is passed acknowledging himself
her feet ignite the carpet
when the bag achieved is glory in her ***** pocket
she cooks her dinner in a spoon
and the night is
spent chasing the fluff across the spaces in her mind
and deep in bathroom mirrors
fascinated by the focus
and delicate operations it takes to get
the place into what it shouldn't be
she falls asleep with her hand in some old mans pocket
as the sun creeps over the lost horizon
she admits in a whisper
that we have become the lost children
that we have become shadows of what we once thought so grand
filthy clothes replace
the latest threads from the fashion house
and the newest thoughts are fresh off the press too
the defend the empire of the needy
and require the few to to fend for the many
but the reality is
we live hand to mouth
day to day
desperation is measured in moments
that you cannot answer the tears in her eyes
she rattles around the kitchen
making me coffee
and two eggs over easy
but her own breakfast she cooks in a spoon
the projectile tragedy was the last
thing i wanted to relive
but here she is on my living room carpet
my ex chatting with my current
and im in the other room
out hope that someday you will cease
this and come home to stay
the candlelight denied its own shadows
it moved with the wind but resisted change
it was a late fall evening
and the wind had grown cold
with winters first touches
and there in the only light
she showed me her face full of trackless tears
and the troubled things that lay within her mind
the choice of changing words
never spoken clear never spoken quick
but the story they gave me was
a dark tale flowing from her past
the places she had been in the years
and how she was
hoping to come home at last
not going to delete...dont believe in censorship
Dec 2013 · 527
she wonders aloud
mark john junor Dec 2013
the pen has rusted
and the hand has grown old
are there any words left to say she wonders aloud
are there any roads left to walk down
the rain keeps my head in places id rather not be
and there are too many people trying
to make thick walls before me blocking my way
there are highway lights that are like deep oceans
and small rivers of the logic that must be bridged
there is so much standing in the way
i wonder if i can keep going on with this
even write another word
but they keep coming
not always so easy not always even worth saying
but they come anyway
because there are heavens in the eye
there are summer fields in the heart
full of life and birdsong
that its hard to just turn and walk away
still dream of it years away
its the kind of thing who's beauty catches you by surprise
and takes the breath away
cause its that moment for me when the
words strike true to the song of my day
when the words hit home to what i'm feeling
to what i'm burning to say
that it lives for me
that the rest of the world falls away
when the small minds and the troubled hearts
disappear into the darkness they live for
and i'm here in the bright light
of the knowing
of the perfect line
of the good phrase
that taps cleans
that shows true to the thought
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
a pocket full of apologies
mark john junor Nov 2013
she lightfoots it out the backdoor
and heads for the nearest highway
says there wasn't enough romance in my last words
so shes gonna jump ship
and go find another place to sink into despair
she loves to be in love
and needs to wear it all the time
like a remnant of her yesteryear round her wrist
so all the other girls can hover and be jealous
i stand there looking at her saying all this
and i admire her and her big hat
gotta admit don't know where i'm headed either
but i'm trying to make sense of the
things written on the roundhouse wall
cause there isn't any truth greater
than the truth of innocence
its got nothing to prove
and it holds no grudges
and the truth is that i love her
so i grab her hand
and together we ran away from
the desperation of the ignorant
and the cruelty of the small hearted
the stars may fall
but if you catch em in your delicate hands
i can paste em in the scrapbook
and we can have them forever
to remember these days
paste em on the walls so
we can smile at them while making love
and that's enough for me
why aint it enough for you
she smiles and makes a house out of lace doilies
its gonna be our home sweet dream
but the gambler and the rose faced mother-in-law
fall all over themselves to stop us from leaving
cause they need someone to blame
too proud to admit they lost their humanity long ago
they will fade into shells of shadows
and get lost in a strong western breeze
a voice says to me that there's no time to loose
and i break open the day
and stare in stark wonder at all the lives
i could have lived had i not come this way
or followed this road on the way to see her
new clothes and her new dog
with its sparkling new leash
captured him to keep her company
its a tragic story to be sure and it shows in his face
its written in big easy to read letters on the side
of our now empty home
she left with her dog and a snake salesman
leaving me here side of the strange road with a naked dready honey
and a pocket full of apologies
but they aren't worth the paper they were never written on
the air they breath in my pocket is slowly leaving them
no choice but to escape back to the mouth that spoke them
and the uncomfortable lips that spawned them
the dready honey takes me by the hand
kisses away the shadows on my heart
and builds a house out of tye-dye scraps and lace doilies
now i sit in the warm breeze with sand 'tween my toes
and relish the daylight
Nov 2013 · 509
the greek girl
mark john junor Nov 2013
the greek girl trys to speak
but they wont give her a chance
she cant get close enough
and she realizes
there are moments when
the glue gets unstuck
and things are just strange
when the static on the line
makes more sense than the conversation
when the face in the mirror
has more to reveal than the simple
mechanics of self
they tell her to look deep into the eyes
you see your true self
she asks differ this for me
from frozen in the headlights
you grasp whatever straw is leverage
against the madness around you
and if you gotta rock the boat
make sure you got a life persevere on
the greek girl rows her boat
across the lake through the mist
and found herself another shore and
another shoulder to lean on
cause she didnt want to give up or give in just yet
and shes too pretty to be begging change
from the likes of me
Nov 2013 · 541
knowin it was folly
mark john junor Nov 2013
'its the last stand'
she laughed as she said it in passing
as she walked down to the riverbank
from the sky the sun broke through a bank of clouds
and lit the scene with brilliant light
could see every detail in her beautiful face
could see the flaws in her thinking
but even knowin it was folly
followed her down
cause when you got your hand in another's heart
you follow even into the most foolhardy
cause for good or ill
we set the day spinning
and time passed slow while we waited for
things to pan out
while we waited to see how deep we had
just dug ourselfs
she just laughed
the rain had finally passed
and the sun slowly walked out from behind
and the grass sparkled with hundred fold tiny suns
like the night sky in broad daylight
barefoot she wanders these deep waters
holding up the edge of her new dress
giggling like a promise
of a future
of hopes
she was a woman of the season
and she lived it well
Nov 2013 · 783
rag man
mark john junor Nov 2013
the rag man
sits under the freeway bridge
while it rains
a small lizard crawls out of
the sandy soil
its emotionless eye focused
the desolate day
breeds sand blown wind burned faces

a chill wind speaks its mind to him
and while he huddles within his torn coat
and with one eye bare to the world
watching for the rains retreat
the rag man eats slow
savours the fresh water fish taste
of his divided mind
waits for the rain to retreat

remnants of his life
cling to his pocket
lint covered photographs
dust filled half remembered dreams
he believes he carries all he will ever need for
the road he sits by that
follows the coast down into the sunny islands
where they say you can live on the beach
where all you need is a dream to thrive

each sound is the great beyond
trying to tell him significant moments of his day
no rattle of the chain to be taken lightly
even the silence has voice in the grand scheme
even if its single contribution
is futility of waiting
step boldly or timid as doormouse
but step kiddo step

the freeway is a river
upon which the concepts we call lives float
Nov 2013 · 948
sunburned remnants of a man
mark john junor Nov 2013
the hard face
sunburned remnants of a man
allways loudspeaker for his intent
announces to the empty room
of his arrival
his field of landmines eyes
wander the crowd in the empty chairs
looking for the face
that will conquer or capitulate
looking for the ever present weak link

most days you can find her
in some park feeding ducks
some real some not so much
dont really make much difference these days
most days you find a smile in her heart
all of em real but not always so quick
most days nothing changes
but sometimes everythings gotta go
and she got no fear putting it on the line

he walked the carpet hall
with the framed pictures of three piece suits
and the victories they had over the outside the line desperado's
sunburnt remnants of a man
he walks with his shadow upright hand in hand
he walks in the darkness of the bright sun
looking for a face in the crowed emptyness
looking for someone that will conquer or capitulate
hes looking for her
but shes looking for you
cause she loves you
and the kitten you carry on your shoulder

most nights shes on the hood of her plymouth
drawing pictures in the dust of the road
sketching echoes out of the nights song
most nights shes driving a backroad with rockabilly
smoking her speakers
most nights you can find her in your arms
but not tonight
not this rainswept night

where we goin
why should this kind of thing happen
why take from someone never done you wrong
why do such things
is it any wonder you never see my face no more
is it any wonder im far away
most of the time
most days im ok...sometimes miss you more than even i can describe
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
patchouli scented body
mark john junor Nov 2013
her afternoon daydream
done for the day is now folded
as the sun slips behind the trees
the lush green leaves burn with golden light
as afternoon gives way to night
clouds once fat with rain from the sea
now race to the west
seeking the mountains where
ground touches sky

her afternoon daydream wiped away
by her lips a neon red gloss movement
these two dreadlock angels
sunbathing ******* in our backyard
on the verges of my mind
no words to her glances
just checking on a tapping old crow
tapping the inky surface of a tablet
tapping tapping
her afternoon face appears suddenly
at my shoulder as she slips me a kiss
tapping at the portals of my soul

the sun having set
the trees now only rustling shapes framed
against the stars
the lush green leaves
burn with the fainter glow of distant suns
as my heart burns faintly for distant loves
but it is my woman
her dreadlocked patchouli scented body
wrapped around me
its her in my heart
its her who burns brightly in me
who ignites me
to burn with the golden glow of
a setting sun
Nov 2013 · 3.8k
pastel thinking
mark john junor Nov 2013
pastel monotone thoughts paint
an image of me in her mind
complete with shrinkwrap
and a bright smiley face sticker
her eager hand sweats the dealt moment
she awaits with impatience for
her daily christmas time package
her daily reprise of her happy moment
she remembers it with fondness
her pastel colours spread slowly
like an intellectual STD
a malfunction of the common man
she is a true modern miscreant
she wants a pretty girl lover
that comes complete with emo look a like
laptop gamer girl
attached the hip down to matchin **** selfies
a hundred smooth moves and cheat codes
she wants the complete package at the discount rate
shes a card carrying member of
some fan girl fandango
she calls me captain saveahoe
street nasty superhero with kung-fu grip
trailing through the dank alleys
in search of the legendary ultimate dumpster
the prize of every divers wet dreams
wandering all night with a few vampire hangers on
looking for a fashionable means to a glorious end
meanwhile the corner girl is waiting on me
thinking i'm just trying to find her a safe place to be
she is my safe place and i'm hers
the few of us that survive the moment
stroll on through the rain
to the dairy queen
to see and be seen
dont cha' hate that whole show up
to show off
she lives to die for it
but thats ok
cause i love her just the same
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
her delicate finger
mark john junor Nov 2013
her delicate finger
creates the empire of obscene in her teacup
others look on with growing alarm
it spreads slowly onto the lace tablecloth
she sat in the crowded room
and with desperate chewing on lips
announced that with her silence
she had condemned all to live without her
i reached out and found her smile
but its cardboard folded under the weight
of a hundred conversations that all took place
in the first moments our eyes touched
inadequate to the feral beast
her pristine face in the candlelight
fragile as bone china
and just as sharp when its broken fragments
lodge in the mind
seeping into the eye
she took me in her arms
slow dance in unison
with the grease lights flickering
and the hot tacky feel of cake
the stages floor creaks ever so softly
beneath her delicate foot
her finger traces the lines of all the futures
all the things we should be
and all the things we left behind
the stain grows
it is a madness in her mind
it consumes her
her sharp fragments
are scattered all over the dark corners of my life
her delicate finger
creates the empire of obscene in her teacup
and i hungrily drink of its poisoned soup
thirsting for its sharp teeth
and its dark *****
her delicate fingers
are writing my doom
Nov 2013 · 480
rose's untouched lips
mark john junor Nov 2013
she looked out at me
from across her bleak miles
with a question talking rapidly in her eye
its dark center a pool of poets ink
with some kind of pencil she had drawn a line
sculpting the edge of her sight
with the unresolved love and tears that
had found their way to the world from here
i place my finger across her untouched lips
bridging the desires
and the cautions
until in her arms i found the place where
the we balanced the thought and the desires
she laughs
and peeks at me from the years
and i think how am i supposed to get any writing done
nuance in the moonlight
we tangle eachother in the sheets
kiss eachother in every way to be kissed
and laugh at eachothers mumbling pokes
nobody is an expert at love
but shes near nuff for me
she makes me feel wonderful
from the bottom of my tired feet to
the top of my dizzy head
your beyond the sun to me
your waiting for me on the sun baked beach
your waiting for the dawn in my arms
your right here in my thoughts
your a thousand thousand miles away
Nov 2013 · 2.4k
with the heartfelt adoration
mark john junor Nov 2013
she worries the hem of her white cotton dress
in her delicate hand
while her other hand nestled softly in mine
she looks up to my eyes
and smiles
as she gathers me up
to the hay in the barnyard
where she lay with me
and indulges me of her delights
we lay in the cool air
and she is curled up in my arms singing to me softly
the summer birds dance in the open sky
the summer afternoon sun glows golden in her eyes
she looks up into  my eyes
and without a word need to be said
and in my heart
the sunlight is devoted to her face
a worshipper of the only real beauty in the world
it caresses her delicate features
and paints my perception of her
she is a masterpiece of love
paints my vision of her
her vibrant laughter and smiles run
round in my heart
making themselves a home in my heart
and making my heart feel at home
she worries the hem of her white cotton dress
i lean in and kiss her lips
with the heartfelt adoration
of every ounce of my soul
Nov 2013 · 871
only the accursed may leave
mark john junor Nov 2013
the palace of the moment having sold out
of her usual tear soaked apparel
and her casual wear fascination needing a
quick fix lead her across the wastelands the shopping plaza
to this wind-soaked backlot and its hidden wonderland
the store has no sing
just a off green door with the words
only the accursed may leave
she shimmies through the door

he makes his way up endless sidewalk
doing a little dance step every few feet
because he knows that is what a madman
would do in his place
his rags are the best he could muster
but they will serve
to be mad is fashionable
and appearance and substance is everything
he mutter to himself
he walks the rainswept backlot and its blatant ****** factory
and finds a green door with the words
****** your own pretences
he slips inside to gaze with open awe

she keeps her politics in her pocket
the latest soapbox to preach the ******* line from
politics fashionista who dabble in whatever
the latest trend on facebook seems to lend
new age drivel or some bomb throwing **** with
a distrust of anything that might be another point of view
got a real open mind
long as it something she wants to hear
shes occupying the breeze block in the backlot
sitting by a green door with the words
believe in nothing and that's all you'll have
she whimpers at the thought
but she trots in to take a look

he washes the blood off his hands
but it never washes away
don't judge me you aint
seen enough
been enough
known enough
to judge much of anything
sleepwalk through your days
with your  diapers and handbills
inviting to the great change that'll never come
its all just a fashion statement
social tyrants protesting political tyrants
go find your green door
find out if its a lion or lamb
i don't mix well with them cream puff warriors
Nov 2013 · 685
fifty trees
mark john junor Nov 2013
fifty trees bereft of leaves
whipping back and forth
in a swift walking wind
by the cold waters of the river
the stone wall separates them from
the field
she sits in its shadow
facing the small stretch of sand
where we beached our rowboat
having spent the morning drifting down river
we take a rest in the shade
and eat the cold meats
salty and alive with flavours
drink the crisp wine
**** and warm
to the palate
the meal lay like an unburdened waif
sleeping sound in safe harbour
fifty trees with nothing
but a crown of birds nest
with naught but wind rocking stiff limbs
create such a sound
in the fall air
that is foretaste of winters solitude
of cold nights hand
the rain sweeps in with a
sudden rush
scattering the summer birds
that had come to sing for us
the humid thick air
shifts as the clouds overhead move
in swift silence
we sheltered in the fifty trees
till the storm had passed
i held her to me
and we made love
in the late day sun
now an old man
i wake with the fifty trees
imprinted on my thoughts
just as they had been that day
thirty seven years ago
Nov 2013 · 778
perilous waters uncharted
mark john junor Nov 2013
her right handed face reclines
and peers at me from the shadowy
recesses of her distressed mind
wrapped now in the silken leisures of
forgetfulness and surrounded
by the christmas thin dream illusion
purchased at great price to define yourself by
mere reflections of a perceived past
like living today through a photograph of childhood
mold your nature to the template but its plastic features
are brittle with the cautions your heart throws and
reproachs seen in all avenues of egress
her leashed thoughts are chained to the premise
that she cannot overcome the troubles that shadow her life
so that she move in concentric circles around my last dealt words
she peers from behind this set of thoughts and
with all that inner noise clouding her vision i must navigate
the perilous waters uncharted
she means much to me so i step with mindful care
lest her defensive pattern flee with her like
a bundled child up a dark road with fearful glances
for the great unknown some rough beast in rabid pursuit
that is in reality's harsh light nothing more than
shadow of childhood trauma
i sit at the emergence of her thoughts and wait for her to follow
spoken is trailed by felt
spoken can be constrained and recanted
but what is felt is a woman's temple and that
should not be breached with a light foot
she appears from underneath her veil of tears
and my hand clasping hers reaches her need
where no words to say would suffice
i am yours and yours alone
((Note: iv gone back to reading what iv written before i hit the publish button, and am catching the spelling errors before i post them))
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
silver tongue
mark john junor Nov 2013
bernie the cheese
collapsed at the side
of the road
his measured response depleted
he watches as she folds up
her neat and meticulously spelled words
plied on silver tongue into her rucksack
and through such ******* ******* of kings english
she entices him ever onward where
faint lines can be sought
and yet to be found
that echo the face of true madness
its laughing sweating continence
painted with watercolours and
can only be seen in the reflection of
a mirror reflecting another mirrors image

her face slowly releases its dire grip
and her eye looses it screaming aspect
as she finds herself alone on the ***** alleys cobblestones
the battered dumpsters spilling treasures for the divers to find
she begins to hum a beatles tune from '63
and fingers the lace shawl hiding her deformed mind
trying once more to capture that vast lost feeling from
girlhood that dances a
dubious little jig on her headstone of the heart
singing 'lookie here....look at whats buried here'
she remembers his face but not his name
he drove a silver buick with a skull painted on the hood
his blond features engraved in the notions
his words mixed with foul smelling chicken soup
he was a soup of the day in her salad years

bernie the cheese
chews on the charbroiled taste of his
blowup doll lover's lips and tries to say
the three magic words
'made in china'??
his own words spent he casts about
in terror for a phrase or two to quote from
the masters of deception
who gather round in long grey coats
sinister eyes on the fruits of his labour
their wooden faces warped by rain
their mouths only a dim perceived line of
mumbles written in childlike scrawl
on the backs of closet doors
we hide here because we cannot see
therefore we cannot be seen
you cant touch me because i cannot feel
they gift him at price unnamed some loose parable
naught more that glib reprise of his own perilous straights
his is the beast that labours in their stead
he is their human face
she is but the road they walk today
Nov 2013 · 4.7k
doves drowning
mark john junor Nov 2013
doves drowning
in the storms wicked air
watch with empathy as they struggle in the
thrashing tides of the rainswept sky
watch as the fall from grace
in the warm tears of rain

bernie was waiting on
doomsdays last train
he kept his lunch in a sack
along with the face he gonna wear
when he comes up fore the good lord
but what worried him was if the other fella
had his ticket
he would toss his coin on
the hand he was dealt
a good man misunderstood
a simple man living a complex life

contortionist of the fable
she wrote her own storied life
on the back of a matchbook cover
after all its the flame of her heart
that set ablaze many a mans inner pervert
she is waiting on that last train too
with a devilish certainty of her destination
but she aint too worried
she knows hell is just like miami in july

doves nestled in the hands of time
make a soft sound that stirs the heart
sounds like a love affair
sounds like free flight on a summer breeze
feels like home
Nov 2013 · 666
rift in the tidal waters
mark john junor Nov 2013
the clouds have a rift
that bleeds sunlight
down on the thought machine
that grinds a steady pace
of meat upon which the bearded wisemen must chew
only they can interpret the bones cast
like oracles of old
only they can see the fates
so i rise and step carefully through the empty door
thinking that it once held such promise
the morning is rampant with people
and id rather not speak till
i have a grasp on what im not thinking
so i retreat to the filthy carpet of her hole

the muttering continues into the night
and no matter how many times i step to the hall
he just stands there and speaks to  the window
open and blowing soft
he tells the night
that hes not frightened anymore
he will do that till dawn
then he will crawl to his screaming bed and try to sleep
nothing prepared him for the slow torture test that hes been dealt
keep on keeping on till you cant keep on no more

she walks in and shakes off the rain
scattering droplets of her passing
she looks at me with open questions
but the closed fist of her mouth speaks louder
than any words she could muster
they strike my mind with painful reality's that
have never seen the light of day
she just made them up to justify
and i make it clear that i wont stand for it
as i lay here and absorb her verbal fantasy's
wish sometimes i could be like him
and just whisper the world away
dream away the words

in the hallway of the building
on the vast ***** white tiles
she absorbs the nights festivity's
with the jaundiced casual hand of a lifelong soul thief
with the barrenness of a wasteland for a heart
i look upon her with growing need to
simply let loose and walk away
this is no place for me
for i am alone
a white is black get back you yiccky yack
Nov 2013 · 2.0k
matchstick men
mark john junor Nov 2013
the dark ice cream man
floats up and down the empty streets
his truck weakly cranking out a warped sounding song
that leaves a trail of dogs objecting
the truck has the word pestilence painted on it
instead of ice cream
his dark form hunched over the steering wheel
his cheshire grin has aspects of his delirium
imprinted on its clean toothy shine
he only comes out at three am
and glides the cool pavement in search
of Delilah's phone number
she promised him that she would be his one true
and he meant to hold her to it
he would do anything to have her all to himself

Delilah walks barefoot along the train track
with one ear nailed acutely to the train whistle approaching
the other ear in her pocket
where she hums a **** version of
the battle hymn of the republic
all good girls love horses and shotgun weddings
she wants her shotgun wedding on the saddle
with the ice cream mans brother
who she thinks is just too nifty to be anything but heavenly
she always pictured him with angel wings
carrying a sword and riding a pale horse named death

there are echoes in the concrete parkland
the neatly trimmed grass glistens wetly in the darkness
a dew touched tree stands on a narrow hill
its leaves thrashed slowly by a whisper of wind
the sound of running feet
its an illusion
she is an illusion
i make matchstick men
watch them march in precision lines
i am a matchstick man
watch me scribble in precision lines

the ice cream man now sleeping
away the humid hot afternoon
stashed away in the back of his pestilence truck
while Delilah learns how to knit and make candles
that ice cream mans brother sells at flea markets
we all settle for what we think we want
and in the end we all get what we deserve
Delilah marries the brother and they live happily
while ice cream man spends his mid-life crisis as a
politician who leads a double life
making ice cream sandwichs out of his basement
and i am discovered 'neith the truck making
matchstick men out of twigs
from the tree of life
mark john junor Nov 2013
babe sweet makes a hasty get away
in her 57 Chevy
after robbing the bank
of its pen and pencil sets
someday she's gonna be a writer
and she don't want to run outa ink
not while the words can run like
fine wine from her stumbling fingertips
her drunkard style staggers through the clean vision
with a brush stroke that wanders between the lines
and sometimes wanders out of em
and straight to the borders of insanity
she pauses and thinks to her left behind lover
that the last ship of my life
may indeed have sailed but your not among my regrets
and that's enough for her
so she commits her pilfering of the salesclerk's pocket
and flees with relief pasted falsely on her face
babe sweet drives fast fast to the southern town
and picks up a smile she saw standing by the
side of the dirt road
but little did she realize that
some dirt don't wash off
and her new comfy smile had baggage
of his own in the form of a colt revolver
with a few spent shells
spilling outa his pocket
so they run into the night trying to escape their
separate desperate pasts
she looked at him with a lonely yearning
but he openly saw only that he wanted to get straight
with god and his mamma
if he could only work up the courage to abandon
this trail of tears
they both collapsed into a small  hotel
down in floridas treasure coast
and spent days waiting and watching the evening news
for sings that the world had even noticed them
they are there still
babe sweet and her regretful smile
look to everybody like mona lisa recovering from a ******
someday he will get the courage to get right
someday she will go home to her bed and breakfast
but for now they gather suntans and scrape a living
out of cast off bottle caps
happy enough together and sometimes that's enough
Nov 2013 · 709
grey with primer
mark john junor Nov 2013
the fast car evaporates into the inky darkness
like a hazy thought
in the summer night
like a fervent wish to endure
it rides some backroad near the county line
with some stratocaster echoing sweetly
and a crooner of these latter days
sing-talking bout all some love he had stumbled upon
in the backwoods of childhood
and the flame that endures in his soul for her sweet hand
this song fills the air of the empty road
as the fast car
plymouth grey with primer
her wheels spinning on the dust road
the river run by the metro north tracks
the stratocaster hits the end of its song
but some part of you just wants that song
to go on forever
you just want that midnight run to last forever
cause shes there with you
and she has smiles for you alone
your just like that stratocaster looking for
the opening notes of that song
that'll last forever
that'll be on her lips
be her song
Nov 2013 · 1.0k
daylights body
mark john junor Nov 2013
daylights body wanders down the cobblestone street
and falls on the old church steps
the friar steps out of its golden doors
and tries to sweep daylight off its feet
with a ten cent broom
but he cant get a purchase
on the shadows that follow light wherever it goes
daylights groupies are naked for daylights leasure alone
so the friar retreats afraid and muttering curses
at all the power and influence the church has lost
daylights body takes a powder from that strange place
and goes down to the shore
warm up all thouse chilly babes
snowbunny's massing on the beach
pale skin honeys needing a tan
all give daylight a kiss on both cheeks
how ya been babe gimmie a call do lunch
but his is a hot phone number to have
and you gotta stand in line
to catch a breeze in that company
daylights body is dying to take a break
so he slips on down
the back road
and kissing the girls one last time
slips over the horizon
be back tomorrow
is the sticky note in the sky
snowbunnys are here and its time to fly
up to the big tree
in downtown ft lauderdale
and see what winner gets the bed in the corner
under the all night gypsy choir
Nov 2013 · 2.0k
girl in room five fifteen
mark john junor Nov 2013
the girl in room five fifteen
the royal roach motel
sitting with her box of crackers
in the setting sun
most of the time shes focused on the path
to the next drama free dream
but tonight shes putting on that red dress
and fixing up a confused face to put on
and picking up the keys to the kingdom
she strolls out the door
and up on  the avenue
shes a smile to thouse she endears
shes a shadow to thouse who dont
remember the first lesson of the road
you cant succeed till you have utterly failed
so i play her a soft song cause i know it must hurt
to be on that bitter betrayal with no way home
she toils into the night hunched over the table
to create a boxer to fight her demons for her
she makes him out of cardboard
and pictures pasted from magazines
but she is quick to judge
and kicks him out before he can say a word
so he sits quietly at the greyhound station
and crumbles slowly into his pretend memories
the girl in fife fifteen
royal roach motel
up on colorado boulevard
eating her crackers in the setting sun
waiting for her prince to rescue her
but he caught a train
and now hes in the california mountains
trying to be a better hippy
she knows she has nothing left but
the crackers
and the setting sun
i think thats a terrible way to live
but im not the one looking for perfection
in the baubles from the gutters
of colfax avenue
so glad left all that misery behind
goodnight my spanish bride of the winter
fare thee well
hope you find your kingdom
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Lawrence of Arabia
mark john junor Nov 2013
Lawrence of Arabia keeps picking up his tent
gathers all his jewels and wares
and moves on up the road
and the smiling faces trail along
and there under the bright dazzling lights
he sets up shop and they all break into song
the nightwatchman nervously fingers his flashlight
while Lawrence sneaks up from behind and pranks him

the Gretchens and the weary guitar player
gather near the stage
and cast an iron mask into the flames
hoping it'll melt
but its soaked eye stares out weakly
in the ashes of all Lawrence had built
but he's in the corner with Betty Boop and a
bottle of wine getting drunk
and reliving her salad days
she carries a scrapbook of naughty pictures
she keeps all her naughty thoughts in her backpack
no reason to let anyone know what shes really thinking
her fast nasty hand
is only a reflection of her nimble mind
it reaches for the absolution of innocence
full knowing that its real intent is opposite
a fast nasty piece that reeks of rubberbands and scotch tape
Nov 2013 · 709
chance encounter
mark john junor Nov 2013
she came down out of the backwoods
looking for a better life
wearing a wreath of daisy's in her golden hair
and a grey dress a flowin
out of the morning fog into the bright daylight
of his brand new day
he sees her right off
like a bolt of lightening
she strikes all of his senses in a sudden storm
of knowing that she's the one he has
been seeking all his black diamond life
she stopped at the cabaret
and sat by the piano player
who played a song about strangers
on a collision course with desperate love
or terrible disaster
she never hears the song end
cause now its playing in her mind as she eyes him
across the crowed room
his lean face shadowed
by the flickering lights of the stage
he sits to a game of cards to buy some time
but hes just laid down a sheep with wolves
but benith the dirt of the road is his
soldiers dress blues uniform
she wanders up pretending to watch
but she really just wanted to be near him
touch a lock of his hair
he felt her there and drank in the sensation
and was drunk with her presence
the piano player burst into song
as the two of them burst in the fire of lusts
and ended up in a small room at the top of the stair
his black diamond life
and her dreadlock hair
nobody thought woulda made a match
but there they are riding into the fading sunrise
mark john junor Nov 2013
she ignites the spoon
and in the flickering light
you see the hunger of her vacant eye
you feel the heartbeat slow rush
as she plunged
the walls sweat
things are crawling everywhere
but neither of you move
only sit in the awful silence
listening to the thin whisper
of water in the distant bathroom sink
to the soft sound feel of her fingers picking at
the eternal lock
of the death clock
here again you see that horrible hunger
in the eyes that once held nothing but joys
once held you with such love
now are slowly consumed
in this dark room
in this terribly silent place
this eternal lock
of death clock
hear the thought as she slips under the guise
that this way her tears cant be found
this way nobody can see
she ignites the spoon
and in the flickering light
you can see she is already gone
gone down that dark road alone
without you
you see the hunger of her vacant eye
you feel the heartbeat slow rush
as she plunged
in this eternal lock
she picks at with fevered desperation
no one escapes
for the girl in royal roach motel room 515...hope you made it out of there.
mark john junor Nov 2013
as the day ends
the girls walk along the dusty road
barefoot and singing a song from
the old country
carrying baskets full of fruit from the field
white and grey dresses glowing
in the hot August sun
cant you hear em singing
just like Sunday morning
just like a choir in heaven itself
sweet sound rhyming in Portuguese
their beautiful faces with smiles
as they walk in the road home
after the long long day
in the fertile field
picking fruit and filling baskets
time to go home
walk along the busy dusty road
back to the old town
be with their men
with a baby underfoot
how they gonna get the washin done
hear em sining in the late august sun
such a lovely sound
such a sweet sight
the girls walk along the dusty road
barefoot and singing a song from
the old country
carrying baskets full of fruit from the field
white and grey dresses glowing
in the hot August sun
((inspired by a painting of field workers circa 1900 artist unknown))
Nov 2013 · 489
sunsets on the open sea
mark john junor Nov 2013
slip into spectacular visions
of the wonders the world has shown me
sunsets on the open sea
sunrise on the vast silence of desert
slip into the hearts song
hear the universes true vision
finally see what i have spent
a life's age seeking
I see it in your eyes my love
iv sailed seas
walked deserts
climbed mountains
travelled my share of road
I'm home at last in your arms
I'm home at last in your heart
lay with me lover
let me swim in your mind
run in your heart
fly in your soul
mark john junor Nov 2013
his careful face
turned to the sky
pleading the waking of winter
his summer burned eye seeking
the solace of cold
but he only finds
the ribbon of pavement
stretched out before him
from his steel shod foot
to the limits of imagination
like some dazzling promise of tomorrow
every day he snuck quietly
to the hallway of open air
where the sunlight filtered down
thru the broken overhead leaves
and fell on the fertile soil
he turned his head and let the sun soak into his soul
feeling its warmth with his heart
feeling the freedom it implies with every yearning fiber of his being
for that sunshine speaks to him of open road
of no boundaries and no lies
lifts his chained hands in silent supplication
lifts his ensnared heart in silent prayer
release me from this place
free me from this fate
but the sun drifts forward on its silent mission
moves through its daily tale
without pause or ponder
and soon slips to the edge of the great open airs vaulted ceiling
its life giving rays slip to the edge and without a word slip away
he watches them go with a tear
this creature of darkness
he pleads the waking of winter
that will blanket the world in snow
to be renewed come spring
perhaps then he will be renewed also
fixed several errors...i need an editor
Nov 2013 · 1.0k
forgiven of her
mark john junor Nov 2013
as daylights shine wears thin
and evening is leaning on you heavy
like the engine of time has
forgotten to grease its wheel
your futility fueled smile has lost ground
in the struggle with the grin
of the man wearing a clown suit
he is a rainbow of laughs
he is the face behind the face that
you look into with approaching dread

the obvious winds of encroaching rain
tread briskly past my quiet ear
a motorcycle engine winds up its gears
in the summer like distance
like an echo in this autumn brink of evening
pretence of the storm
a few scattered cool drops of water
fall casual to the hard red surface of the patio
its faded and tattered paint beset with taint
here once sat a small brick wall
its remains scattered amongst the litter
in the overgrown weeds
as the rain begins in earnest
she leads me inside the house
and to a bedroom not used by shooters
the two of us sit in silence and listen to the passing storm
a woman without a word enters and
gathers herself in a corner

outside the window
sunlight creeps back over the world
reveals the man with the clown suit
sitting waiting for you outside the window
he had waited all his life
and he waits still
in his comfort chair
its worn plastic form strains but holds
his heavy thoughts
as the world passes in two's or threes
all the laughing faces
and the desperate lookers eyeing the safe harbour
he had waited all his life
inspite of the noise and garbage
he sits here and plays with the firebox
its heat keeps him from getting
a frozen heart

the three of us
leave the shooters house
making roads for the soothsayers den
only she can settle our earthly delemia
me, her and the clown
full on night gathers around our swift feet
the lights of the carnival
reflected in the puddles left by the last rain
the already stale the water is disturbed by our passing
the air smelled like cotton candy
and is full of noise
the soothsayer is mute
her lips sealed with beeswax
because she is mourning her camera
cause the camera was once her ticket out of town
it was gonna be a one way nonstop to hollywood
but it ended up being hollyweird and it wasn't in california
the four of us head for the interstate
if you cant solve it
Nov 2013 · 828
turning to go
mark john junor Nov 2013
hall pacers dominate the morning
sandle feet shuffle back and forth
eyes cast down travel the floor seeking the droppings
of the pacer before
the riches are in the mind
baubles of plastic and paint
the remains form a graveyard
bone thin white shards baking in an
imaginary summer sun
the unshaven huddle in the corner
watching with avid eyes
watching for the silence that follows
like a shadow... like a sad memory
weaving rhyme spoken at first attempt
he stands perfectly still in the midst of
all this random wandering
staring out into the distance of his mind
eye on the devolving thoughts
of her turning to go
turning to go
to go
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
mark john junor Nov 2013
the wood floor a sea
of contradictions
wake there with a disassembled
sense of last night
the fragments of a womans kiss
lay there pink lipstick clinging to its vestiges
shards of a rain swept street
and the quiet of a november thunderstorm
pools of darkness uninterrupted by the wind
pieces of a man laughing without humor
this wood floor holds the key
but to discover truth in the
littered expanse of bottles
benith the layers of dust lain down
by the years
the wood floor becomes a trap
a puzzle prison
the mind grapples with
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
unconquerable king john
mark john junor Nov 2013
a fire breaks out in his pants
whenever she walks into the room
but she just laughs
at how quaint he is
she has eyes only for the old man at
the end of the bar
his beat era leather socks are just up her alley
his pocket protector lifestyle is just
the thing for her wedding plans
she could always see herself
with his type of narrow shoe smart fella

he leaves her and her lover
at the dark bar
and wanders the lobster cages
looking to trap the feelings
that made him feel like
unconquerable king john
with his magna carta series pen
but this night is too full of babe sweet
and her pocket protector cowboy
so he goes home
to lay on his bed on imaginary nails
and suffer all the trials that good men should
wants to be worthy for the pay off
wants to be in line for the pearly gates

babe sweet and her man
live up the coast now
they own a bed an breakfast catering to the insane
who write great novels
on the walls in crayon
and spend their nights
hanging out on the roof singing ballads
to babe sweet
and her cowboy who lasso's the moon
its a wonderful life plays on the tv
every night year round
cause thats the dream they are sellin
that if you work hard
someday itll pay off

jerry garcia's picture hangs
in the lobby
he looks out at the changed world
with the shocked expression
of how did all these people miss the point
as they just go on beating eachother up
and crashing the gates
he is in the back room of babe sweets place
hiding from all the gretchens
and trying to redraw the lines of reality
we all got lost out there
gotta reinvent yourself
before the gretchens and the hangers on tear it all down
gotta bend the road before it bends you
just like unconquerable king john
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
five and dime
mark john junor Nov 2013
the fast car speeds along the avenue
and she relaxes at the wheel
shell tell you she was born to drive
and with a cigarette grey haze
she leans into the telling
a story of her younger days
a summer back in the world
back in the dust of 1958
when the motorcycles rode on main street
she and her baby sister went to see
and stood back of the five and dime
marvelling at at the wild men
and the chrome machines
thouse were the days when
the future was brighter
and the dream seemed like it could be real
this light comes alive in her eye when she speaks
of thouse days
you can see the years fall away
you can almost taste the malted she drank
and almost see her in her blue dress
there at the five and dime
you can see the light in her eyes
when she is remembering thouse days
the sock hop and the drive thu
she is so much a younger soul than i
filled with all these beautiful memories
and as we drive down the hutchinson river parkway
middle of the night
in the pouring rain
robert gordon on the radio
i think to myself that she's right
she was born to drive
and i was born to be with a girl like her
oldsmobile cutlass 440 was her car
i was her man
.and rockabilly was her music
Nov 2013 · 642
streetfighter (part one)
mark john junor Nov 2013
the distance runner
pockmarked by moral delemias
and riddled with horrible christmas thoughts
gasps for clean air by the dust laden causeway
a sewer pipe lets loose nearby
and in the summer night air
the soft sound of its water
eats at the mind
with its worm infested intents
he gathers such little strength and lurches forward
at uneven gait
his eyes wide in seeking
fortunes of night like the safe
beauty of streetlight
but only the graffiti laden concrete of the rivers road
greet his every wary footfall
the unutterable language of its scrawled messages
baffle his mind
something deep inside his ***** speaks to of
loose girls chewing bubble gum
and talking in mystical rhymes
seeking their own absolution in the comfort of
someone's arms
after a immeasurable distance he slows to a crawl
and falls to his beaten knees
he must pause this headlong flight
must face the  delemia of surrendering
give up to win
his rubber mouth repeals only the
best of his words
their soft blow to the iron grip of madness
is little more than whetting the whistler's  thirst for strife
so he tries to hold back his tongues footloose gambit
but failing he simply watches his words tumble misspent
to the dusty ground
Nov 2013 · 8.8k
hometown summer
mark john junor Nov 2013
daylight had just slipped away
and the roadsters of the night had come out to play
on the yonkers line
the night held me in its hand
safe and warm
cause it was hometown summer
cause i was young and strong
she sat there next to me with her grey eyes full
of the dreams a young woman has
full of the romance of hometown summer
we spent the night there in the grass
by the old oak tree looking down on the streamin lights
looking down on the distant vast world
years before the cost of our lives became apparent
years before the bill came due
hometown summer
and its there still in my heart
comes back to when my day is too busy
and im running down the line
she is there next to me
all my friends too
on the hill looking down on the distant world
safe in our world
safe in eachother
hometown summer
mark john junor Nov 2013
the vacant hand fumbles along
attempts to occupy itself in mindless pursuit
breaking its toys and scattering others to distance
it worries the other hand with hard and sweaty massage
to no avail
the other hand retreats to its own worries
the vacant hand aches
eyes wandering too
they roam the room
wall floor ceiling
as if to find something new upon which to feast
as if to see is to be sated
the eyes heavy with desired sleep
but denied by this body
of restless pieces parts
the *****
think hard over every woman ever known
no matter how slight
its thirsty thought gasps like a man in the desert
for even a taste of sweet water
please just a drop or two
just a taste
the mind gripping its fever pitch self mutilations
stumbles along its random path
its thoughts glued to the passing images in half perceived memory
like a drooling imbecile
half laughing and half taunting the
silly's who occupy the insanity creeping into his soul
the path the mind treads
is well worn
been here before
round and round we go
like a punchdrunk prizefighter lurching
through the dim light
there is no finding way out
round and round we go
Nov 2013 · 1.0k
her opulent eyes
mark john junor Nov 2013
and the dissipated night has begun to
fade from memories vision
along with its bone-weary malingerers
they huddle next to the rain soaked street
and chatter in quick quiet words
and animated gestures
about the hurrying passers by
but as the day wearys of its own labours
and begins its goodbyes
they fall to silent stationary watching
each lost in the raindrops
each drifting away in the separateness
each thinking of aspects of her haunted face
and about
the devout men hunched
over their labours
far in the abyss of night
deep in silence
the sharp ringing of hammer and chisel
the scratching on pen on paper
the whisper of brush stroke upon canvas
her opulent eyes watch the creations they labour upon
gather in the colours and the sensations of each
consumes the beauty of the hearts by
devouring with her soft skin
while her bone-weary malingerers slouch in the corner
with their quick quiet conversation nimbly dances
around her bent ear
and convinces her to abandon these perilous waters
she floats to the door as only a beautiful woman can
stumbling drunk but still appearing to the masses as regal
her malingerers follow close at hand
and as each crusades for her leather hands caress
a hundred devout men cease their labours
and look up at her departing entourage
with the envy only a devout man can feel
in unison a whisper quiet sigh escapes them
and stirs the flags of empire that hang from the walls
her opulent eyes decorate the mind
but its her hand that carves the soul
now years later having abandon her perilous ways
she is the only one huddled there by the rain soaked street
begging the the kind of change that isnt made up of coins'
and making quick quiet chatter within her own mind
as night and days shuffle before her throne of rain
and the world in its own way pays homage
to her regal decay
the rain soaked street pauses
from time to time
and she watches from her perch
no sadness skates behind her eyes
a life not necessarily well lived
but lived nevertheless
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