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Nov 2013 · 766
with the tides
mark john junor Nov 2013
the pause in his lips gives her
opportunity to place her own point of view on
the cold still air
pencil in her mindset before he can resume
she glosses over the facts and
rushes headlong into the tantrum
but it is cooled by the time passed and
she can no longer sustain it
bland face
and dulled kiss
its shouting in her heart has ceased
now woven into the fabric of their relationship
she must live with it rearing its head
from time to time
its ugly features a sinister mocking
of her feelings
and that brings tears
she doesn't want to cry
that's too girly
she comforts herself once more wrapped in his arms
and with the concepts of her plans
wedding careerer children future
he stands with his arms round her nuzzling form
and stares out the window
into the depths of the world
but sees only the inevitable approaching
the certainty of its arrival is not cloaked to him
as it is to her
without even thinking he calculates the meanings
and gauges the cost
he only winces inwardly
at her murmurings of reassurance
better that this beast of romance
has departed with the tides
better that the arguments tear this
summer fling apart than face
the barren fruitless seed
Nov 2013 · 1.8k
travelling once more
mark john junor Nov 2013
she paints her smile on
and turns her weary thoughts to the
sunlight streaming weakly through the open door
she hesitates on the cusp of her movement
and carefully considers stepping out there
but is instead captured by
the motel balcony's chipped concrete features
it powder's the mind with years it has seen
the nineteen sixties frat boys
and the seventy's hard hitters
but that train of thought evaporates into the
open sound of his shouts from the parking lot below
she lays a trembling hand on her bag
and casts an attempt of deep gaze around the soiled room
for lingering pieces of their adventure
before stepping into the light furnace of day
the sudden appearance of the highway near at
hand tumbles into her field of perception
tonight they will be hundreds of miles north is her thought
she checks the doors lock and half stumbles to the stair
she dreads the events to unfold
dreads the hours of engine noise and his muttering
the mindnumbing noise of the radio
and the etched features of roadway benith wheel
somewhere up the road this will end
that knowledge is secure
all things change
but enduring is the cuckold of thouse who
thrive on the grieving of the unbearable
she leans her frame into the car
its japanese pleather is sticky
and she by pulling the door shut acknowledges
her departure
they move to the road
with seeming intent
a backward glance of longing is her only consolation
they are travelling once more
Nov 2013 · 724
her leasuire face
mark john junor Nov 2013
her leasuire face painted thick
hangs in the evening light of the car backseat
disembodied and surreal
passing headlights demonstrate the subtle differences
between her left and right eyes
they each shout casual references to deviancy
but neither comes clear to route this is achieved
so one is left wondering at that implied reality
you can almost taste its impeccable champagne quality
but you know that its aftertaste is of cheap cotton candy  
she has been speaking non-stop and your
mind returns from its wandering vacation to her thought caravan
an endless stream of weary wagonloads of useless information
you look with longing to the desert of his thoughtless mutterings
least there you are not expected to acknowledge
or recompense
she leans back and unfolds her duplicity
like a sly smile on a sinister face
it comes out whole and unbroken
birthed without a sound on the seat next to you
its wet foul skin touches your repulsed skin
she quickly gathers it back and pushes it into her many pockets
with a nervous laugh
and quick fearful glances at his unseeing face
in the front seat
he mummers on
you catch a phrase or two before he subsides
the cat has been chased and now rests
the day is long but not long enough
as you arrive at your fate
and the car ceases movement
you spring from its confines
to the last clutch fingers of her lust
and the dour eye of his steering wheel
another night survived
her skin follows you inside
and lay next to all night
creating sounds and moving in subtle ways
you lay staring at the ceiling unable to rest
Nov 2013 · 980
darkness journey
mark john junor Nov 2013
its grown quiet
here in the darkness
things moving have grown still
or moved off
now even the stillness has
ceased its capturing
left with the impoverished air
that once teemed with subtle life
i **** in its neutral taste
and slowly breath out trying to avoid creating a stir
pause here at the gap between instruction
of the current and the mastery of the next
i flicker between fears unfounded yet persistent
strip off layers of perception only to cloth them again
in some other unnatural garment of paper thin ideal
this struggle exhausts me and i flounder at the escapism
i am left here in the silence
once more
to become still myself as i reconcile the loss
how it came to be baffles me
but i know i must come to terms
i am trapped within and will not find easy egress
the darkness gathers my attention
i search it for meanings
it by inaction speaks
it by force of its encompassing nature
gives birth to visions
creates echoes in the mind
that are not really there
but are real enough to the perceiver
a lone dog shouts his displeasure
a lawnmower begins its guttural journey through
a landscape
a child's joyfully laughing shout
these strange noises come and depart in an instant
in the the minds eye
each has meaning and creates image of each thing
as it would happen
but it is just a thought
just an image
the darkness has not moved
has not revealed a sound
it is more alive than i
eye flutters open to visual noise
and i am free
Nov 2013 · 1.7k
Cinderella's shop of horrors
mark john junor Nov 2013
he awaits the brittle thought
its naked vocal is neat and clean
it comes to him from the open window
overlooking Cinderella's shop of horrors
her glass slipper now
serves as a wine glass to the gluttony
of the desperately affectionate old men
who would melt at the thought of even her smile

the brittle thought arrives
and he unpacks its pieces parts
and assembles himself in their divine image
now a brittle man
he wears his fractured frailty with
a dignified pride
take one for the team his new catchphrase
the pieces parts swallowed wholesale
become the recycled food for thought
in the hipster gypsy's coffeehouse

the brittle thought
is more than a concept
its a grassroots movement
to be one of the pieces parts
left in the wake of the slowly sinking titanic of sanity
the brittle thought is there
is more than a con artist pulling
off his masterpiece
its a game show host doing a miami vacation
its a dollar store version in a Ritz Carlton lifestyle

Cinderella's  shop of horrors
is just his kind of place
filled with the recycled gods and devils
that made the old world such a colourful
place to live
Cinderella is giving away all expense paid
trips for one to be lunch
the privilege of being fed to lions
is not to be missed
the brittle thought finally breaks
he walks home in the rain
grateful to eat lunch not be it
**** im hungry
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
medicated mothball
mark john junor Nov 2013
this dim light room
you protest the error
which must be why your here
but not even a flicker of interest
passes the faces
gather in the moment
digest its very essence
with an eye to its taste and texture
can it be such
that while you see the logic
thouse around only see the flaw
you protest the confusion
she laughs dull witted and mutters
that confusion isnt allowed
without proper paperwork
therefore there is no confusion
sit down and shut up
you stand and try to leave
the hired hand
stops you with a gentle hand
no friend we cant have that
sit down go with the flow
the tragedy is in her eyeless watching
she just lingers there in the shadows
with a television at full volume
cartoons of americas empire building days
running marathon back to back
with the guy who teaches how to paint
one a masterpiece of tragedy
the other a tragedy of masterpieces
life is a ironic love affair of
joyfull young pretty college girls
and the bitter old men they hide
dogeared books of poems tucked inside
old leather jackets
misery need not apply
Nov 2013 · 688
the hollow man
mark john junor Nov 2013
the hollow man come calling
his crown of fig leaves
is tinged brown with decay
he carries a scent of late fall
and the woodsmoke of homestead cookfires
he bears with him a satchel made of skin
inside are the measures of madness
and the tools of his craft
he comes calling
to your door
sit with him at you table of plenty
and let him feast at his leasure
let him bide his time
and take his rest upon your finest linens
give him your silk shirt
and your skilled leather boot
fore this hollow man is one
who's displeasure you care not to seek
the hollow man come calling
to the headstone and the friars chapel
the hollow man and his empty echo of words
speaks in pig latin
foretelling all and yet nothing
his cold touch is bone thin
and he leaves behind a
letter handwritten on parchment
that smells faintly of bandages and
a metallic cinnamon
the letter gives the day and hour of your passing
and the ultimate meaning of your life
the cost of all the things you accomplished
and the regrets of all thouse you have loved
the hollow man
is waiting
for each of us
with a letter addressed to each
he is but a delivery boy
for the inevitable
a day late and a dollar short for this poem some might say, but i was waiting for the hollow man, and he is running late
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
knowlage waits lancelot
mark john junor Nov 2013
there are significant sings
that tomorrow is near
and she try's hard to be
as small as possible so she wont get noticed
when it gets here with all
its wide awake hangers on
the blind to all else masses trying to get to work

she pours you a tepid coffee
clears you a spot next to her
behind the dumpster
her cool eyes betrayed the moment
and set fire to the heels
of the urgent messenger
who riding a pale sick horse
rode promptly into the night
becoming as lost as her in
the complex visions

her open shirt feasts on your eyes
it breeds on the verge of your conscious mind
and sends its small creatures invading
your contradictions with the
unfailing reasons to fail
it breeds an urge to touch things not your own
and they taught you in school to
be polite and ask first
contradictions are the devilish whim of the world

once the talk of the town
she took her tattered beauty queen crown
and stole away
down the alley
her dozen stray cats are her minions
the loading dock her empire
and she is happy
and that's more than all the
fanatical fashion rich girls got

she sketches masterpieces
in a spiral wide ruled notebook
fine line art that tells stories
the stories never end
the people in them never age or change
they never get sad and move away
never stop being who they were that day
never stop being who you thought they were
never get angry and say mean things
they never like mom and dad

we go to shooters lane
and get her natural benefits package
and to the broken house
there is nothing missing this is how it ends
here in the dank darkness of shooters game
her knight in shinning armour is Lancelot
she can almost see him in
the pale light greasy and thin
hangs from the ceiling
and is disturbed by flickers
like a modern candle

you appear to the bright sunlight
steps away from the kingdom of night
miles away from where you just stepped from
Nov 2013 · 673
south platte river
mark john junor Nov 2013
on the banks of the
mighty south platte river
he lay prostrate to the twin gods
with his dogeared copy of deadbase open to his first show
and the touch sensitive sky full of magic colour
raise your arms and think that madness is only as
deep as your devotion
dances barefoot on the empty road to the crickets song
ain't it sweet ain't it strong

our friends lived in lean to and
city's of cardboard
at the rivers edge
in the cool of the railroad breezeway
but he lived in the brambles
and on the sandy beach
listened to the vastness of night
dances barefoot on the empty road to the crickets song
ain't it sweet ain't it strong

his voice still echoes in my mind
as he introduced fast fingers to the skin of sky
trace out the silhouette
of her form
near as he can remember
which ain't too near at all
but his words
resembles free form skull and roses
looks like habitat for the shady
but it rolls clean
and has a kind hand for the friendly face

he was  always up for a trek through the city sleeping
dumpster diving and sky laughing
always had little extra warm gear for a cold brother
always had something to chew on for
a hungry sister
always had tunes a flutter
ready to roll on the deck

one day came to the rivers edge
and brother was gone
we searched high and low
but time pass
and river flow
he never did come back
picture him somewhere
dancing barefoot on the empty road to the crickets song
ain't it sweet ain't it strong
((pretty sad spellcheck that dosn't recognise the word "dumpsterdiver"))
Nov 2013 · 603
St. john's bluff
mark john junor Nov 2013
i lay down to rest
after the long toils of the day
and as i slipped into slumber
a ray of sunlight did touch me
and within it i did perceive
a great host of marching souls
a vast column of men in ordered lines
and the cost i knew would be wrought upon them
the price of the free
the young and the old
the brave and thouse who's stout heart
the battlefield robbed them of life
looked into their eyes
saw there my brother father friend
saw the strong and the good brave men
marching off to defend hearth and home
and as this great host passed by
with a thundering din
of marching feet
i did stand with my head bowed
and tears streaming for the young who will
be entombed in the ranks of graves of the fallen
and for thouse who came back with their lives but
never to be whole in limb or mind again
for all of us
that such a terrible price must be lain
at the alter of freedom
lest we fall to the hand of tyrants
lest we fall to the hands of the
lesser men who create greater evils
we can only hope and pray that our path
has not lead us astray
that this precious blood was not spilled for naught
that freedom has been defended
from a terrible fate
((dedicated: for the men of both army's at the battle of st. john's bluff,  october 1st through 3rd 1862 between union and confederate forces in duval county florida...and for all the brave men and women of america's armed forces who have with stout hearts lain their lives on the alter of freedom.))
((corrected mistakes))
Oct 2013 · 998
pale rider
mark john junor Oct 2013
gathering dusk shrouds her
her voice pale and drawn
reaches me in a quiet storm of words
pale rider in the salt rain of her regrets
the armour shows the ready malice of intent
but the armour is tin foil
and the straw man fails to show a face
when his laughter is disrobed at its weakness
slowly the rider moves
devoid of expression on its painted face
a japanese folk song plays distant and tinny
as if from a cheap transistor radio
its forlorn singer pleads her knowledge
but the world had no response
but the steady pouring rain

the gathering dusk
he like the common household illustration
of poison control
'do not swallow'
is etched on his forehead
but the epitaph is oh so often ignored
he adjusts his fractured glasses
on the imbalance of his face
and grins the broken line of teeth
a warm inviting laugh full of happy intents
bubbles from within
he looks out from within the battered vessel of his life
and wishes in vain

in the border town
they meet
in the grainy and harsh candlelight
in the broke down cabin
at the woods edge
a pale rider and her now intimate companion
who's waterlogged life now
hangs in the balance of his random words
this is no tale of whimsical musing
this is the narration of enduring pieces of my life
frozen in the moment
and pasted with caricature to illustrate
the methods of madness not my own

she get up from the table
having finished her meal
washes her dish
and melts into the bed
without a trace of her words
or the darkness that she birthed
Oct 2013 · 720
opera house
mark john junor Oct 2013
the absurd
and the cynical
the elegant
and the beautiful
have all spoken here
voices raised in secretive hope
of being the one heard above all the rest
being the one to rise and soar
unfettered and unleashed
the night is filled with these
thousand fold whispers
these untold tales
clothed in the fine silks
and filthy rags
a ballroom dance of silent partners

the grand opera house
its silent hall so strange to tread
where hours before was filled with
the rushing stream of chatter
now echoes the hard shoes of the nightwatchman
the empty seats mute witnesses to the
loneliness of this passage of hours
the passages backstage
filled with absent bustling labours of
the arts lovers and
children of the arts lurid steamy affairs

the art itself
lingers all around this hallowed ground
it is more than the lines and scenes
of thouse who nobly take the stage
more than the curtains and lights
of the labours of its love
the art itself is a grand and
beautiful creature
a dignified and noble creature
hard taskmaster and passionate lover
for which time itself has no meaning
it is here in the wood of the stage
it is here in the bones of the world

the nightwatchman
treads this quiet place
and sees a face of the art few get to see
her quiet home while she rests
her repose before the curtain of
tomorrow is raised
before once again they all gather
for the art of live performance
((i was a nightwatchman in a venue for a experience that i shall never forget))
Oct 2013 · 628
hurry home
mark john junor Oct 2013
she turned to
look out at the night
while the song stirred the air between us
while her thoughts like smoke
floated along the paths of her heart
intangible and intoxicating
she looked me at with eyes full of tears
and said that she didnt want this
but even as her lips trembled the words
even as her gentle hand touched my face
we both knew it had to be
i stole a kiss and she gave a small smile
and then i held her for such a long time
and with whispers chased away the fears
and with my arms was a fortress to refuse the darkness
surrounding her
and with my love was a wine that she
could savour comforts and joys
and feel adored
it would be day soon
and we would have to part
she asked if i would think of her
i said with every breath
with every step away a burden
and every step on my way back to her a joy
every moment would be filled with her
in every fibre of my soul
i would be inconsolable till i had her
in my arms once again
she turned her head and looked out
into the approaching morning light
and said hurry home lover
hurry home
things wont be right with me
till your here with me
Oct 2013 · 441
quick river
mark john junor Oct 2013
the day collapsed exhausting its light
and night slipped in
like a thief
and with a grin
stole away with my waking mind
so in dreams i lay
hoping to see another way
but the dream had me
on a small boat
in a quick river
smell the water still
not salt like the sea
but a clean taste to the senses
like spring rain
from the palate of the soul
it leads one to plow under
the regrets if yesterday
and plants the seed
of futures unseen and hopeful
like quick river
leads me to places that i never imagined
in wild dreams
great castles of the forest grand
adventures of the boundless soul
and the unfinished self portrait of life path
  small quick river bends
and twists along the worlds surface
like a wandering child
ever drawn to some exciting bauble
sparkling jewel
it lay in the sand of your quiet banks
soaked by the sun
and cooled by your crisp waters
Oct 2013 · 2.4k
dinner theatre of the mad
mark john junor Oct 2013
the girl has her face removed
and replaced with a plastic advertisement
for bubble gum
chew on my head she says
with a slick smile
and as she fades down an alley
she is whistling an old
Broadway showtunes
she is reinventing herself from
inside a box of cereal
trips are for hippies

there are gypsy's hanging round her door
selling tickets to the dinner theatre
of her self inflicted dreams
the actors are picketing out front
for better lines
she took the best ones and rewrote them
to resemble the life and times
of sherlock holmes

she disrobes her masked face
and with a cautious shy smile
envelops him with her presence
her planned nature crafted to perfection
without second thought
without hesitation eats him alive from the inside
still hungry she mingles in the crowd
so she can steal their french fries
and **** on their soda's

she's celebrated
and cheered as she mounts the stage
her left handed shuffling fingers
grasping the fundamentals  of her mind
but a weak grip on reality's slippery skin
leads one the rabbit hole
to delusions publicly lived
standing in the worlds shadow
talking to yourself
laugh louder than the one next to you
lest they think you weak minded
and the small sounds at your ear
is your free will escaping

she lay down at the end of her day
and with Aesop's fables wished herself
away from this
dinner theatre of the mad
Oct 2013 · 895
mourn her still
mark john junor Oct 2013
a layer of cold air
sweeps in from the north
and im finally able to sleep
after many weeks of restless sleep
broken bits of a dream
one i had more times than id care to remember
years go by
but the dreams remain the same
about a day in my life
that changed me in many ways

i dream
im standing in the
first moments of a breaking dawn
the sky is just beginning to change colour
and the air is full of possibility's
lay down my burdens
and turn to companions of a long road
and share a brief thought of joy at the wonders
of the world

the time slips by me
and i find myself
sitting at the marble benches
down by the river
where i saw her last
and here she was
walking slow barefoot and carefree
just i remember her best
a hippy child filled with hopes and loves
without a single jealousy or lie

we sat and talked
our conversation dancing to all
manner of things
our hands entwined like loves and hopes
our eyes seeing nothing but eachother
and so it seemed to go on forever
at least in the dream

there was no parting
there was no goodbye
didnt get to say how much i would miss
everything about her
didnt get to say one more time how much i loved her
she was simply

twenty years
she waits for me
i still think of you every day...i have moved too far away to visit your grave...but your not there anyway...your here in my heart..forever my love,  forever.
Oct 2013 · 3.2k
laughing cowgirl
mark john junor Oct 2013
vapour locked
her vacant eyes looking
up at the falling stars
at the laughing cowgirl riding a
rocket to the moon
a hero to her generation
a pin up girl flashing a bit of skin
but the intent is betrayed by the feeling
that this endless road has consequences

she wanders the shopping mall of our world
with a loose credit card
as her only symbol of belonging
as her only connection to humanity
guard your purchases against theft
guard your heart against pilfering
but she just looks through you with
a dazzled distraction
that defies definition
she's happier there than most of us
are here

a white picket fence
surrounds the ruins that she picks through
the rubble of her thoughts in a scattered pile
while the tatters of her former life
now decorate the walls of a fools parade
now is the poster child of the loosing war
but she endures the winter rain
and stacks the broken bricks of her former world
neatly into the categories she was shown
as a child
and that's all she wants to return to
the innocence of childhood
no complexity's  
no hangups

vapour locked into the
moment she escaped all the things
she thought
and the things she almost but not quit felt
when her man came round
trying to convince herself that
if she fakes it long enough
she be happy someday
playin the housewife and mother
playin the well adjusted and smiling face
she has plastered on every morning for twenty two years

but in her heart
she's with that cowgirl
riding rocket to the moon
and kissing all the girls
kissing all the girls
then she'd be happy
and in her heart she knows it
so why is she lingering here ill never know
ill never know
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
old brick wall
mark john junor Oct 2013
i dreamt
i moved into a apartment
with an old brick wall
and its decaying face
the old light hanging from a thread
swings on the open breeze
from the window
time seems to slow down to a crawl
so i can see each and every flaw
so i can feel each and every thing she wanted me to feel
so i can know each and everything she saw
and so i see the the moment captured in ink
on her sketch pad
a drawing of the wind in the trees
a image of the smell of the fresh cut grass
the thoughts of the passer-by
who looked with such stark wonder
at this open display of what we have all taken
for granted we could never achieve

the old brick wall
leaned into the wind
and held
for one more day
kept safe the world she held so dear
safe for one more stormy night
the old brick wall
with its spray painted messages
like how joe loves daisy
and how we should make love not war
the old brick wall
holds back the world
from coming into her quiet soul
into the paper flowers and lace curtains of her life

the old brick wall
was once the west most piece of
the boxers rebellion
he was sad all his life
torn from his violent profession
and forced to retire
and his fists lay idle
with objections written on them like scars
but after years he came to terms
with the reasons great and small
with the rationalizations made up and real
and found peace
he found his fists could be hands
and hands can pet a cat
hands can paint a masterpiece
write a love poem
hands can touch another person without hurting them
and he suddenly he didn't want to hurt anyone ever again
because he loved having hands
and all the beautiful things they could do
he would never have fists again
and that change in him  
was so profound that it became magical and
part of the old brick wall

so it will endure past its years
to protect her little scavenged world
her delicate life
her frail thoughts
because beauty isn't always
what the world thinks it is
a boxer can tell you that
mark john junor Oct 2013
her face turns to stone
as she comes face to face with her fear
eye to eye with her past
and she wonders as she is running away
you were supposed to be here to save her from
having to acknowledge she's just as
weak and vulnerable as any human being

she would pay big bucks
to have her face erased
to have her name steam cleaned
but you got to have solid ground
to stand on for that kind of silliness
and seems like she has only time
to sit and stare with open lust
for the guy at the carnival
with the funny oversized shoes
and clown outfit on
please call me tonight
she confides in him
that she would marry a real man like him.
given half a chance
he yawns and looks skeptically at her
******* the handle on his pearl revolver
one of these he's gonna shoot off his mouth
then they'll listen
half dancing
half shufflin he moves into the room
hoping that of he looks suave

now the time has gone by
and they have done little with many things
heads full of snow
his clown suit folded up and put away
her makeup neatly put on backwards
both standing hand in hand
in the doorway
of the last train
before the 'pocky-clipse
fore it all got blown to hell and gone

the door handle turned
the stage set and the actors rehearsed
everything primed and just the waiting
that pause before the plunge
that backwards glance
to say you'll never be here again
to think on regrets and fear
the consequences of what we do here
and then you take that step
take the plunge
and up off the floor you gotta come
after its all blown to hell and gone
after the whole ***** little
empire of her lies has collapsed
fore it all got blown to hell
and gone in the 'pocky-clipse
Oct 2013 · 895
mark john junor Oct 2013
she turns to smile at me
and my head fills
with her voice
with her eyes lips thighs
like she has simply stepped into me
into my soul
and there she dances
there she lay
filling my senses
filling my heart
and i am just overwhelmed
willingly overdosed on her scent
on her lips
her soft skin
her every lovely inch
Oct 2013 · 487
mark john junor Oct 2013
we left london by train
headed north
into a chill english winter day
her grey coat and proper hat
buttoned up neatly
such a beautiful woman
and i marvel that shes mine
reach out and touch her lips with
one finger
trace the line of her chin
lean in and kiss her hard
with the passion i feel
the depth and force of my love for her
so intense its hot inside my chest
its like sudden flame in my heart
and she pushes into me
giving herself to it
giving herself to me
i can smell the scent of her perfume
feel the course texture of her coat
feel the train moving
but thats all distant like a dream
the only thing real to me
is her in my arms
is her filling my senses
my lover
my everything
Oct 2013 · 1.9k
mark john junor Oct 2013
the traceable lines that
lead me here
pattern the sky
above the remains of a streetlight
its bent frame
shattered glass
cannot detract from its
deep and careful meanings
it speaks in its silent decay
of nights when teenagers stopped
beneath its orange glow
and kissed goodnight
before curfew
forced them home
it used to give a pool of light
that would be safe and warm
it feels like a home
Oct 2013 · 751
spiral faces
mark john junor Oct 2013
his loudspeaker thinking
shot through my eye
as he passes me in the crowded room
its over-speed thought process painted on his sweating face
he fingers loudly the moist pages of his life
wishing to replay the better moments
but just like everyone else
cant relive the moment
but you can live in
the pain of its regret for the rest of your life
if that's what you want
he's a follower of the herd
he sits with with them
and pantomimes their moves with precision

she sits in the exact centre
of the same corner each day
making notes of the coming and goings
and draws the faces
the funny faces
spiral notebooks full of faces
her glasses held together with scotch tape
her mind held together with
reruns of nineteen seventies sitcoms
and heavy medications
she is lonely but will never admit it
she watches him
and wonders

at the days end
she convinces him to walk her home
and together
they set out hand in hand
the sky and world around them a tourist picture perfect whitewash
he fingers her medicated mind
prying out the soft meat
looking for the dark stuff that tastes
like chicken
her misfire engines let him get only so deep
before her childhood memories
of a beautiful blue dress
and a apple pie brings enough
reality to his palate to end his fascination

they will end up married
because being misfit is better than
being alone
Oct 2013 · 864
wave dancers last waltz
mark john junor Oct 2013
she was given to tragic speechs
at a whisper in the rainswept night
at the top of the cliff
overlooking the bay
the same place she sat and watched his
ship set off to sea
she still remembers seeing him
there high in the rigging
unfurling the sail
and recalls that he may have waved fare thee well
that the last time she would ever see him
the last voyage
of that schooner
which lay broken at the bottom
of some distant sea
with all hands forever to stand at the rail
looking for homecoming
forever seek familiar shore
for a wave dancers last waltz
and there they shall lay
brothers of the sea keeping eternal watch
while pulling line
and singing songs handed down
generation of seafarer to the next
she dreams of him tonight
as she lay thirty year distant
from that stormy night
thirty years waiting to go join him
in the halls of the Almighty's kingdom
Oct 2013 · 982
pale white hand
mark john junor Oct 2013
the echo ran along the wall
across the dew moist grass
and fell like a plea upon my ear
the sky was bruised to a deep blue
and as i fell to a dizzy thought
and found myself on my knees
isnt it strange we never notice
the pavement till we kiss it
and i frenched this piece

her southern belle voice
reached down into my dizzy thoughts
and with a strong finger grasp of her will
pulled me back to reality
and up off the floor
lest a skeeter get 'cha
i humbled a thanks
and together we made the parkway

the echo danced a little
ballerina twirl on my eye socket
for half the night
sky beginning to clear like my head
after all that deep winter snow is thousands
of miles north and a million years from here
the flashbulbs start popping
as some celeb wanders by
catch his drunk eye
and without having to say so
he wished he could swap places with me
as the camera hounds followed him up the road
poor slob
lest a skeeter get 'cha

the echo
waited in the denver snow
and followed to the motel down on broadway
where she probably still waits for me
to come tapping on the door
but that town is far behind me
and for that im grateful

her thin pale white hand
trembles on your arm
and she looks up at you
with a clear desire to be heard
push your yesterday
but your strength waxes and wanes
as versions of yourself
echo down the wall
across the dew moist grass
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
breakfast kitten
mark john junor Oct 2013
the road may have been long'
but you were allways comfortable
with the top down in florida sunshine
breeze blowin away all thouse dark thoughts
man of your word
you sat in a moral court of small minds
and put up with her advances
and the ever present escapism
that haunts her every step
your words fire like rifles in the crisp dawn
but only the wooden soldiers fall
benith the bullets of your breadlines
she lay there with you'
and caressing the poor as she looks at you
with such tears
and such assembled broken heart stories
motherless and lost
the beggar passes his pan
your way
coins and a few loose buttons
times are tough under the I-95 bridge
Oct 2013 · 616
rain in yonkers
mark john junor Oct 2013
the night in yonkers
and it was raining cold
outside the beaten up old window
chipped green paint lay round its edges
always wondered why no-one cleaned that up
but there were deeper things in that home
she eyed the door with a rancid thought
and said that she had failed to fire
but would not elaborate
only smiled in a wicked way
and lit another cigarette
that glowed like a evil eye in the semi dark
of new yorks night
the ripped up mattress had holes
and stains that made my skin crawl
but she leaves little choice
sleep next to her or get the freak out the door
so we lay there all night talking in random ways
bout things cant even remember now
just remember how soft she was
and the tattoo on the back of her neck
how it tasted sweaty
and then we did it
and how she tasted tired
but she was so good and kind
and the rain never did stop that night
it just kept slipping down to its doom just like her
just kept going on and on
never paused to consider
but that was just her way
she was never good with people
come on babe you shoulda stayed home
never shoulda gone onto yonkers
never shoulda found yourself on the wrong end of that
it never did stop raining that night
really hope she made it home
((yonkers power and light authority))
Oct 2013 · 463
mark john junor Oct 2013
this King Richard III fate
so unlooked for
i too should have perished in battle
...there are times
i cannot see anything
but the darkness surrounding me
cannot see anything
but the desperate loneliness
of my tenuous perch
i seek out the eyes of thouse around me
only to see
ridicule or disdain
i turn within where from
time to time iv simply
been able to find strength and resolve enough
but its not always there
sometimes its simply not enough
this is one of thouse dark hours
in a hospital bed
facing death
for my friend from hastings...soon to be departed
Oct 2013 · 722
illusions of the mind
mark john junor Oct 2013
he dusts off his former years
and wears them like a trophy
proudly strutting back and forth on the bridge
at the bottom of washington street
while all the locals line the street and cheer
his bright plumage
he duck walks through the town
past the diner and 'the wall' park
this is livin he thinks to himself
all his thoughts are bright and shiny
as the world seems to be to him that day
forever sunshine and deep smiles
illusions of the mind from hastings on the hudson

that night
he sits with radio playing softly
by the open summer window breeze
music he didn't grow up with stirring memories
that capture the Kodak moment
a smile delivered with such stunning conviction
that you might almost believe it wasn't
machine washed Americana propaganda
a single tear slips unnoticed from the corner of his baby blues

as dawn dances to her favored tune
and up her road in the sky
he sits in the approaching sunlight
and drinks in the emotion
that dawns create
new beginnings fresh starts
the girl from town sits beside him
and smiles for him
from over her college girl glasses
she peers at him with a real love
there are many roads to your today
but only one can hold your footprints at a time

a tub-thumper and
character in the movie playing in his mind
he makes sure his head is neatly combed
before making his grand entrance
putting your best foot forward can be a chore
so he brought one mail order
and leaves it out
the cat uses it for a scratching post
while he spend his days on the bridge
where at least theres a smile
even if it is an illusion of the mind
been hanging out with someone i know from hastings...i lived there a lifetime ago...seems like two lifetimes ago...
Oct 2013 · 768
the hall walker
mark john junor Oct 2013
the hall walker slides along the wall
one hand brushing the cheap paint
his thin vacant face
etched in a shallow gasping for breath caricature
the hall walkers drifting steps
are across the carpets patterns
but no one objects
his neat and clean golf pro outfit
still clings to its filthy rich beginnings
suede leather faces
and the disdain they project

the hall walker has paused
to announce his desire to be on his way
to the blank wall
a poster nearby grins down at his madness
with a fateful message about condoms
lest the madness spread no doubt
he raises his voice
but to no avail
the wall remains ignorant

but we are far from alone
me and the hall walker
a stream of faces
the tight lipped impaired people
come in waves through the hall
like a strange tidal basin of the medical world
the floaters and driftwood
the gathers of shells
and thouse who seek to hide inside them still
this odd place of the infirm

a dozen bent forms
pushing canes
and mounted on wheelchairs
slowly fold the hallway
with the repeated ebb and flow
of their travels
the low electric sound of their hover-rounds
like meat grinders digesting a daily dose
putter past in steady stream
a nightmare vision of what awaits
the hall walker stops to ponder
the fate of his domain
his hall is no longer his kingdom
and they now shoo him into rooms
or out the door
rather than let him walk the line
between dark and light
that is the way the world decides

the hall walker
pressed his golf shoe
into the soft dirt of wet night
and smiled clean and real
recalling the scent
and releasing his grip
he follows the young nurse to bigger and better halls
to walk the wall
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
seventeen shadows
mark john junor Oct 2013
seventeen shadows
sit around the edges of the room
seventeen faces darkened by their days
blighted by the imposed image
broken thought and collapsed reason
seventeen shadows
under threat of night
one steps forth and begins to utter
carved words from the bedrock of emotion
that they all share
sixteen heads nod in unison
agreeable to the notions
sixteen hands launch the labor
of bending the kings english to the love of words
rather than the devotion to ideal
twelve souls remain hours later
unburnt by time and efforts
sweat bathed they break the silence
pay homage to the daily grind
'unto Caesar what...'
so the twelve sit in attempted rational judgement
weigh the matter with deliberate care
but the carousel is running backwards now
and the man with the funny nose and oversized shoes
is the caretaker and caregiver
to the dead and dying ideals of democracy
five more of the shadows in the room slip to the door
and flee
five remain standing
testament to the resolve
of mans inability to reason
my daily grind...same seventeen faces, same seventeen ideals
Oct 2013 · 692
aint no grave
mark john junor Oct 2013
the clock spins on down
time rollin on
hear the dead slouch through the darkness
the light yonder
aint one of dawn
its a burning
a burning in the souls
of man woman and child ever born
to see what shouldn't be seen
to do what shouldn't be be done
man has always been this way
nothing will draw a bigger crowd
than the forbidden fruit
than the pain of another human being
than the most perverse things
mankind's perverse mind can think of
the clock spins on down
time rollin on
age of man being able to destroy himself
the clock of doomsday
is always five minuets to midnight
they have chemical weponds in syria
they have nukes in north korea
aint no grave big enough
aint no funeral pire hot enough
for mans petty spites
for mans thirst for blood
we can put a man on the moon
we can spend billions for a war on drugs
but we dont spend a dime to stop mans fascination with
his own destruction
Oct 2013 · 441
lover of dawn
mark john junor Oct 2013
no dark tale this love affair
no tears a'flowin
no harsh words to be spoken
no hearts broken
there is only me and her
nobody else even matters

she is a great mystery to me
such delicate beauty and sensual form
such a strong and true woman
she only need reach out and take my hand
and my world changes in a heartbeat
my thoughts turn to bright futures

dawn seems to surge in on me
but i discover that its really her smile
and that is so much brighter and warmer
than any dawn the world has known
and i take her and she takes me
beauty is in eachother
is in knowing eachother
Oct 2013 · 711
amounts of peace
mark john junor Oct 2013
this place where peace of mind
is a material device
where its tangible depth
can be measured in more than words
this fortification of stout heart
and decided mind
i fall back to reside here for
a moments reprise from the clash
of the seeming armed conflict
that must rage about this place
you cannot have dark without light
peace without war
isn't peace of mind measured by the conflict around it
isn't the measure of a mans serenity
in the struggles he must endure to achieve
i fall back to this segue between
dark of ignorant bliss
and the blinding incandescence of misinterpretation
of that so called enlightenment
peace of mind is a state difficult to discover
because it cannot be truly achieved
it is the illusion of sophistry
peace can be found in small amounts
in the laughter and love of friends and family
in the arms of a lover
in the warm sun of summer's day
in the grandeur of summer night
Oct 2013 · 814
rivers edge
mark john junor Oct 2013
we think of them as lazy
slow and peaceful
places of fishing and summer play
but a river...

the rivers edge
intoxicated by the night air
drunk with the silken touch of her
he walked slow through the old town streets
down to the rivers edge
thought to sit for a space at the calming sounds of
the rivers quiet song
he shut his eyes and pictured her face
thought about each and every soft thing bout her
and slipped into a sleep

the words were printed with legible care
you could sense the measured time taken
perfect each etched line on the paper
like they themselves were children
to be nurtured
and the phrases were trimmed
and crafted
cant you see that this is
the man you were born to be

he stirred in his sleep
deep in the night
the small boat he had fallen asleep on
now carried him silent and swift
miles down the wide old river
from her rich silent forests of the north
through her flatlands of crops
down to the mud of the delta

he dreams of her
telling him a story
with her voice soft and full of love
a story of a man on a boat drifting
down a long river
and of all the wonders that sleeping
man could not see
her story came to its end
as he slowly woke from his slumbers
on a calm sea
with no shore to the eyes furthest see

the morning light
is twisted up in the eye
the morning air is thick as thieves
as it tries to rob your strength
stagger down long the rivers edge
hear them coming on the dirt road
try and hide your fearful face
but its daylights dark delight
to leave you exposed for all to see

you wade into the rivers cold waters
feel it trying to pull your feet from under you
feel it tryin to pull you down to a hard place
from whence you shall find no return
fight to swim in the stained waters
tastes of metal
tastes like death
but you must flee this place
flee this open grave with your name carved

on the rivers far bank
perceive the tinge of a fast car
escape from this dark place of daylight
all you must do is make it to the shore
just a few feet more
till salvation
you hear them behind almost upon you
come to drag you back
to that soul killing prison
here in the midday sun things growin dim
vision growing faint
as you slip into the darkness beyond this world
they did not claim you
the river did
1 of
mark john junor Oct 2013
dustbunny's lonly heart
lay neith the chair
her fine hair flowin
her grey dress as beautiful as can be
she sat the quiet summer day
waiting for a passing breeze
knew he would come for her
once she was the beauty queen
all the other bunnys
crowed round
admiring her fine fine looks
but as they passed this chair
she got caught in a crevice
and watched as the rest of the
bunnys swept along on the breeze
laughing and playing
living the bunny dream
she has waited here
for the breeze man to pick her up
and take her back to her friends
but little did she know
that the people who owned the house
had fixed the broken window
and breeze man couldnt come to rescue her
instead a terrible fate awaited her
vacuum cleaner girl
was gonna find her
and eat her
breeze man beat upon the window
trying to find her
but vacuum girl really *****
and in the end
she found
my editor is gone so as usual errors may go uncorrected..and im taking a day or two off from posting.
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
folly of cold fish
mark john junor Oct 2013
an utterance of folly
her natural unvarnished thoughts
spill slowly from her adorned lip
and crawl forth to battle his opposing view
her words crowd his ear
a thousand angry little versions of her
with sword in hand coming to slay the misbehaving dragon
of his free will
his own thoughts flee as one
from the opposite side ear
with furtive glances back
hoping to escape unscathed

his own folly
childlike in form
plays marbles
looking for that elusive Aggie
called inner peace

together they amble down
country road
both shouting the random formulas
for completing and mailing
the required forms for
a visa to paradise
its roads are paved with candy
she insists
its hills are carved from
pure chocolate he  interjects
neither realize its paradise because
it lacks the likes of them

he kisses her adorned lip
and tastes the metal of her
resolve to  endure
she french's her tongue into
the small spaces of his mind
and savors the spices of his
need to flee
whats needed here they devise
compromise is a plate of cold fish
seal it in a bottle and cast it overboard
perhaps their lives shall find a sandy shore
to rest their every weary
makeout machine
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
music inside the head
mark john junor Oct 2013
she begins to swing her hips
and flicks her bick to overload
her lips on fire with the words
her mind is a furnace comin unglued
see the images leaking out the seams
rivets slamming the walls
as the ***** busts a nut
she is full on now
aint no stopping
aint no slowin down
what are you crazy think you want her
spreadin roots in this state of mind
like unleashing a hailstorm in a paper cup
this version of the girl aint for bring home to momma
she swims out of her eyes
and bites the natural world
but she is an artwork on two fast feet
she is the cover of time pasted on a cereal box
eat that walter cronkite

any questions

his hand a tangled knot
in the handles of his life
and the he begins to bounce on his feet
as the tune rides up onstage
the crows parts to let the kid roll
they can tell this one is gonna burn the carpet
he  calls out the things on his mind
the funky thing crawls down his mind
and out the dancing in his legs
heavy steps like rolling thunder
light ones like flashes of lightening
see the music speak with this
poor fools broken form bouncing
but see that ear to ear grin
that ain't painted there
its live and in person
cause this is living
when the music shakes to your soul
long into the night as the band onstage
plays through their list
plays all the favorite ones
and some for the silly little ones who think
its so cute to wear weekend Tye-dye
these two got the dance-floor sweating
these two stretching the flesh
and greeting the sky
one star at a time
people can you feel the heat
coming off her
shes gonna give birth to a lighting rod
and its gonna explode allover this dance-floor

all  too soon the band is pulling out the encore
fare thee something
and her exhausted smile is filled with love
for every note she has made love to
this night
and his laugh is for the trails of mind light
that he has danced with and ran with
they wind it on down
they meet in the middle
and hold eachother
as the music finally fades
the rest of the world goes home to sleep
these two
will lay down to relive it in visions
for a lifetimes in a dream
goodnight prince of the river
goodnight princess of dreadlocks
dedicated to Jay Bianchi and Quixotes True Blue...a piece of sunshine eternal
Oct 2013 · 1.9k
rubber duck treason and plot
mark john junor Oct 2013
his infamouse words still echo
dangerously in my head
'quack quack'
his rubbery skin chaffing my mind
as he trundles through my waking dreams
his beady little painted eyes
dont fool me
behind thouse innocent baby blues
this rabble rouser plots
world *******
through mans dependance on bathrooms
a rubber duckie in every household
a rubber duckie to rule them all
the all seeing duckie
'quack quack'
i see him there in the bottom
of the tub next to my girlfriends hairbrush
grin painted on his
ugly little duckie face
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
dime store evils
mark john junor Oct 2013
i fold my head into the
thin envelope of her arms
then she folds me into
the small space between her words
keeps me there for a time measured only
in the beads of sweat that gather on her
near perfect brow
she wipes me from memory and
deposits me on the pavement
the cold air shrinks me
the hot sun expands me
i cover her with evidence of wicked eyes
and impressions of nibble marks
i surf her skin with touches
that rival thouse that her nightmares
and the things her deepest desires are made of
her innocent demure hides her favorite things
jean nate scents spread like a casual laugh
i kiss her mind with the story vision thought dream of me and her
spending the night with some other honey pie
i relive myself on her essence
with the words that gave birth to her current personality

she changes faces
its just a metaphor
and she cant hide the fact she is ill at ease
with this nearness
this untamed and unpredictable
she needs on many levels to feel like she
is in control of somthing

i fold my head onto her lap
but the process has changed
she can no longer sustain the madness of this method
she can no longer pretend
that she can not cheapen herself for her own gain
for her own loss
that in the end she cannot deny
it is she who must choose the lesser of two evils
i would rescue her from this fate of her choosing
but i am beyond redemption in her eyes
and i am intent on this not becoming a fishing trip
casting out lines in hopes of
finding a future in the
destitute but romantic face of streetlife
or motel shuffle carpet baggers

after much wailing
at the little gain for much expense
and endless beating of the quality of life dead horse
we found common ground
which without a doubt will get some
banker trying to foreclose on at some point
but  for the moment its just the three of us
verses the world
armed with a rubber duck and a bucket of rice
((note: ok i swear im gonna take that **** rubber duck out on a rowboat, give it cement shoes and sink his yellow **** to the bottom of the atlantic...little ****** has been nothing but trouble since we left denver))
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
wisps of smoke
mark john junor Oct 2013
the words are crisp in my mouth
but by the time they hit the door
they are stale as my hand
they are gone like wisps of smoke
their scent decorates the room
and brings a parade of memories
feasts with laughing friends
and a long footpath with her blue dress
it makes my sunshine weary
and drives clouds into my souls parklands
she is one such long misbegotten memory
she was a true love of mine
she is gone like a wisp
of smoke on a beach

she makes my time pass slow
and leaves me wanting to repaint
the moons difficult changing colors
as it waxes and wanes thru the seasons
like her deep eyes
but she mends with love
and she nourishes with compassion
and she makes cut out stars and comets
that we pin to the ceiling
she makes breakfast
we eat it  laying in a open field
listening to the fall wind rustle the trees

i master this lame beast
and contrive to march it slowly through the night
while it seized and sputtered
to the edge of light
the edge of forgiveness
there i lay down
but the world has no further use for a broken old man
potions and notions antiquated
she with a woman's gentleness
gathers up what remains of me
chiding me softly for having wandered astray
knitting the pieces parts to semblance
she admits beyond mere frowns
her reasons for being here
that my words reach her
that my soul enraptures her
my humor embraces her
and unlike many others she has known
my heart hears her every word
and thirsts to know her mind

love affairs are more than in a bedroom
they are in the heart and mind
i will have my lover and know her
because everything about her matters to me
Oct 2013 · 4.5k
selfie goddess
mark john junor Oct 2013
the wine has worn off
but my heart and head
keep ticking away the hours
like some sad and absurd energizer bunny
trapped in an eternal loop
could have
should have
would have
even as a young goddess
posts a few selfies
showing her enrapturing smile
and delicious form
but she is far away
and has a boyfriend no doubt
this motel room is too quiet
i can hear myself think
and i don't want to think anymore tonight
i just want
that energizer bunny to fall off a cliff someplace
just want to go to sleep
not think theres something else i could do
to fix this
to fix me
fix her
somewhere someday
Oct 2013 · 5.7k
powder donuts
mark john junor Oct 2013
roll a cigarette
and check one more time that we got enough
change to get on the bus
share an orange drink
and thouse powder donuts
it began raining five minuets ago
but we didn't even notice
your hands buried inside my jacket
snuggled up to my neck
i'm looking over your head at the road
we come down
pulling a suitcase and chasing fallen leaves
and here it comes just as you fire that cigarette
im tellin ya its magic, light one and the bus will come
we bundle our butts into the very back seat
of your standard smelly old city bus
and you kiss the tip of my nose
i tickle you
they come and go
mister and misses public and all their friends
but your all i see baby
we get home and first thing you do
is go fix your makeup
LOL baby LOL
i think the cat might be the only other soul awake
within a thousand miles
and you got to look good for the cat
kiss the tip of my nose and ill tickle ya
still got a powder donut left
lets frame this puppy and call it my masterpiece
im gonna try baby
we are gonna be ok
i need hope
i need a future
lets make candles
lets make baby bottles
lets make dust bunnies
Oct 2013 · 440
stained walls
mark john junor Oct 2013
the room slowly drains of sound
its stained walls are written
with colors of forgetting
undefined the light slips away
but other parts leak its slow invasion
thru the gaps in the window
the shattered glass is a harsh breeze
that narrowly projects itself into my head
the grunting pile of flesh in the corner
made up of shattered lives
moves slowly through the paces of leaving
getting dressed
getting the purse together
getting the mirrors reflections
and stealing them away into deep pockets
they bleed there
leaving her jeans wet in the solid florescent flicker
she is in the hall
spilled out onto the hard tiles
i go out there and rescue
small things that escape her clutches
pulling her back into the room
seeking her plunder
unleash her on the empty drawers
scrape scrape scrape
she re-enters the room
and begins to circle and hover
over when she believes the wallet to be
its a repeating process
that scrapes you down till
your ready to never open the door
to her again
stained as the walls
she is a decoration
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
dead batteries
mark john junor Oct 2013
the setting moon
slips close to its watery grave
and she finally appears
walking slow carrying her broken shoes
she says that the night jumped her
and she had gotten lost in the
vast differences between what she hoped
and what the world always left her longing with
tears spread from her still young innocent eyes
i held her to reassure
but as i wait for our fears to subside

i see the lights approach
of thouse who would claim lordship over her wallet
and over her soul
bankers of the material world
doubling as demons from hells coldest corner
no fleeing the version where you need to change batteries
they are dead as the souls who manufacture them
she slips a pair of double a's from her
pocket rocket personal massage device
and plugs her mind back into the need to get on with her day

the moon has reached its last gasp
and she has romanced her way out of her dress
and you out of your noble intents
we all reach this impasse
with our pen and page
having sold off our forward momentum
for a desperado gamble at claiming that elusive perfect written word
we flounder at waters edge
unable to pull ourselfs back
unable to manufacture method to crawl further
we make mad dashes round and round the
proverbial gallows pole
hanging on a single idea or ideal
trying to express it clearly
it need not more clear than it is
in mind's eye
but her face lingers in your soul
urging you you recapitulate your dire love
to craft a better master plan for tearing yourself down

the moon has reached its invisible zenith
on the worlds opposite side
and you have yet to reconcile
your good natured laugh
to her dark predictions
she slips away again to seek
her rightful place in her world view
and you are the captain of your sinking rowboat
once more
sexton in hand
plot your thoughts
and row king james home
the moon will rise soon
and you need to be home
when she comes in need of a hugs
and a shoulder to weep on
the line is supposed to read "urging you to recapitulate..." my editor is off somplace making out with a spike and im not in the best of will go uncorrected.
Oct 2013 · 443
the world can wait
mark john junor Oct 2013
an old movie on the tube
with the volume all the way down
some old pink floyd on the turntable
a few candles
a bottle of australian wine
just me and you
ocean breeze
and lost in your eyes
loosen that top you got on
and find the spot on your neck to kiss
we make out
and whisper talk for hours
bout what we wanna do
places we'd like to see
i tell you bout paris in the fall
you tell me about nahariya in spring
but we may never get out of this bed
cause we cant keep our clothes on
or our hands off eachother
get the blues when your sleepin and im not
dont want you dreamin without me
want to share it all with you
in the morning lets
go borrow that skiff again
and see how far we can get
promise me we will figure out
what we did with our clothes
promise we can quit making love long enough
to see what day it is
lover come here its today and thats all that matters
sleep pretty baby
the world can wait
Oct 2013 · 666
middle of the night road
mark john junor Oct 2013
as she walked slowly
down the middle of the night road
she tears off pieces of herself
and scatters them face-up on the cool pavement
they stare up at the spinning stars grinning

she mutters the song with
a small rough broken english voice
guttural it echoes softly
off the closed storefronts
and sounds like Christmas if ya think about it
her reflection swings slow through the motions
each pane of glass tinted with
the tidal forces of tears and rumors
each day has seen it much discussed
tread like jackboot in the fragile hall

like a bird in flight
you can see in slow motion the beauty
of its flight
you  can sense the brilliance of its craftsmanship
somewhere its creator is laughing himself sick

she reaches an impasse
and turns casting pieces like hemlock prizes
into eating the parts of the night
she can no longer stand
so the silence dissapears
and the warm space between dark and light
becomes cold once again
versions of herself
scatter to shopping mall parking lots
all over the world
and all the carts are taken down
like disassembled dreams
like laughter halved
like a smile too close to tears
brave knights fallen
Oct 2013 · 548
new rochelle train station
mark john junor Oct 2013
at that point
where the road changes
and you pause in the desicion
trying to figure the right way to go

i remember us singing bowies heroes
and saying that we could be
that we would be
and we beat them forever and ever
we were heroes so it would be real
just like in the song
but that summer day is a long time ago
and your long gone
in my heart i take your hand in mine
cause right now right here i need ya
you are my hero
super beautiful
super strong
and in dark times its thoughts
of you that carry me through

i stood there
in the train station
long after you left
just looking down the tracks
as to say that if i looked away
you would really be gone
and right now i need you
in my heart take your hand in mine
we sang bowies hero
and we kissed so it'd be real
just like in the song

that summer will always be a special
place in my heart
they say that heaven is that
moment in your life when you were happiest
and you spend eternity there
id spend it with you
summer night in new rochelle
we would be heroes
beat them forever and ever
so it'd be real
just like the song
((note: reference to david bowies "heroes"))
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
her battleship hallway
mark john junor Oct 2013
the dank hallway is filled with
the repercussions of conversations
that only she can hear
her dead phone rings all night
her lover stepped out for a smoke
ten years ago but hell be back in a moment
she loads her version
of disappearing
and a smile slowly fades onto her face
a deity of sunshine
her open vest sweating skin
is covered in particles of the dirt that
hides her eyes from seeing the dire face
of this long long year
like a blast furnace she keeps thouse thoughts
sealed behind the locked hatch
its battleship beginnings lend credence
to defensive posture she takes
when confronted by the ugly truth
he ain't never comin' home
guess my name
but you know my face dont 'cha honey
its the blackend end of all your burned down dreams
its the final chapter of all your unfinished novels
i am darkness within your own soul
her jagged edge feelings scare her
and she tries not to let them show on her sculpted features
but with rancid ticks and convulsions of the lip
they escape one careless emoticon at a time
don't all emoticons have screaming faces
bleeding eyes
she smiles for me
and navigates the narrow hall
past the groping old men
to a safe corner where she can disrobe her heart
and let the tears fly fast and furious
pills and molly
would solve she thinks
but holding my hand will do in a fix
if i can get her through the night
if i can get myself through the night
Oct 2013 · 762
laughs when she dances
mark john junor Oct 2013
she mostly laughs when she dances
you can see the delight
in her eye as we get to the concert hall
that her feet are singing along already
that shes just bouncin in her sandles
ready for the band to to start up
ready for the song to take her places she oh so loves to go
she laughs as she dances
and she got nothin on 'neith that dress
so she can move easy
and feel free
oh man what a turn on
and so is that pretty laugh of hers
always makes me smile too
love to watch her dance
love to love her
my dready babycakes
my night passion
my day love affair
take my arm baby
lets go see who's playin down at the club
we can get a giggle or two
maybe i can get 'cha dancin
just for me
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