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6.8k · Nov 2010
mark jarrad Nov 2010
England's not America..Why make england that way ?
Children fighting from the day they're born ..the sound of gunshots everyday.....

So you wanna be a gangsta ?
Gangbangin in da hood ?
With yo ******* and drug money ?
Families murdered in cold blood ?

The life of a gangsta !
Do you want what it's about ?
Not knowing when a driveby
Is gonna take you out ?

Hangin with yo homeboys
Is that your idea of fun ?
Dealing in the crack *******
Killin brothers with your gun ?

Where you raised in the ghetto ?
Sick of poverty .. decay
Is crime the only answer ?
If you want to break away

So you become a gangsta
And be the badass every day
Do you think that you could handle it
If your friends got blown away ?

What if....
Suddenly you're out there ..alone but with your gun
Another gang has spotted you...there's nowhere you can run!
You have to take your chances .. squeeze off , maybe 2 or 3..
And the litter on the pavement the last thing that you see !

Live a life of violence ..
Is that what you wanna do ?
One day you are the mainman
Next ..they've got the jump on you ?

So what if you're a gangsta !
And the life you start to doubt
You're older , you got children
And decide that you want out ?

But when you are a gangsta
It does'nt go away ...
You helped create the **** you're in
And the **** is here to stay !

Still wanna be a gangsta ?
I hope you've thought it through
Theres no sanctuary in violence
Death's the ticket out for you

So think about your future
The decision is yours to make
Look what's happened in America
Don't make the same mistake !!
I wrote this after watching a documentary about gang culture in America , and i look at the  youth in England of today.. who seem to think that its cool to be a Gangsta !
I hope that my poem paints a picture on the realities of gang life.
2.5k · Sep 2010
Christmas joy
mark jarrad Sep 2010
Christmas is upon us !
Another year is gone
It seems like only yesterday
We celebrated the last one
Adverts on the t.v
Toys upon the shelves
Children are told stories
Of santa and his elves
Food is on the table
Theres turkey , christmas pud
Children on their best behaviour
Trying to be good
Carol singers outside , singing in the street
In woollen hats and scarves they dress
With wellies on their feet !
A snowman stands a guard outside
With a carrot for a nose
Presents under christmas trees
Tied with pretty bows
Jingle bells are ringing
As rudolf pulls the sleigh
The saviour lord jesus
Was born upon this day
Christmas is a time for peace
To last the whole year through
May santa bring his greatest gift
Of christmas joy to you !
2.2k · Sep 2013
mark jarrad Sep 2013
A summers day ...we're floating and bloating and i
we're bloating and a floating and waving as we cry ...
we're crying as we're floating and a cloud is passing by
I ask it "are you gloating ? " at my bloating friend and i ?

"Dear sir" replied the cloud that was a floating up on high
I see so many bloaters and so many as they try..
to understand the nature of a floater floating by ?
Is such a wonderous thing and now.. i bid you sir "goodbye" !

A moonlit night we're floating and bloating you and i
We pass the moon the stars all swoon.."good evening" as we cry..
And as we float the endless sky..and never knowing why ?
we're floating and a bloating ...floating you and i
2.2k · Oct 2010
A trip to the Zoo
mark jarrad Oct 2010
Big ones , little ones ... curly ones too !
Lots of funny animals living in the zoo
Big curly toenails , long arms to the floor
Sliding up and down a rope , skid along the floor
Fast ones , slow ones ... some that hardly move
Some that seem to sleep allday..
And some that really Groove !!
1.9k · Sep 2010
The Princess and the Jester
mark jarrad Sep 2010
The king summoned the jester
Told him make me laugh again
The jester said i can't my lord
My heart is filled with pain

you see i love the princess
And though it should not be
For i am but a simple fool
She could not marry me

The king well he was furious
And called the royal guard
Take this ****** from my sight
And hang him in the yard

The princess wept a tear and said
Please father understand
Show my love some mercy
Instead ban him from this land

The jester stood there solemn
And gave a sad reply
If i have to live without you
It is better that i die

That night upon the gallows
A figure hung so still and cold
And the princess cried a thousand tears
For a love so true and bold.
1.8k · Sep 2010
The Gunfight
mark jarrad Sep 2010
There's gonna be a gunfight
Out there in the street
All the stores closed early
To see who would be beat

The gunfighters got ready
Neither would back down
Each one gave the other
24 hours to leave town

Bifocal bill was ready
He said " That drunkards gonna pay !"
Then stood there shouting " Draw ya punk "
Facing the wrong way !!

The Whisky Kid stepped into sight
And staggered about the place
He looked bill up and down a while
Then fell down on his face !!

The crowd stood waiting eagerly
And as they booed and hissed
Bill squeezed off the first shot
To no surprise .. he missed !

The whisky kid then stood up.. swore
Cursed .. some foul abuse
Then called to bill " i need a drink !
" howz about we call a truce ?

Bill fired his gun repeatedly
Bullets spun off left and right
The whisky kid fell on the ground
The crowd went silent at this sight

The whisky kid just lay there
With a bottle in his hand
Bill grinned and said " The kid is dead !
But he was just too drunk to stand

The sheriff  said " i guess that's that "
And as they turned to go
Bill's gun slipped from it's holster
And blew off his big toe !!.
I wrote this one after watching a film about... sharks ! thought i was gonna say cowboys... didn't you ?
1.7k · Jun 2012
Jelly in my wellie
mark jarrad Jun 2012
Jelly in my wellie wobble-ing like a belly
Jelly in my wellie squashed between my toes
Lime flavoured jelly that was kinda smelly
How it got in there ? no one knows !
1.6k · Jun 2012
Da Bonga Tribe !!
mark jarrad Jun 2012
I was out walking.. through the jungle one day
When i got to a secluded spot i heard a voice did say ...
"Tooki tookie tonga... white man you... grab him by da bonga's... put him in da stew "!
I stood there feeling scared by this little man's yell, so i turned about then Pooped myself and... ran like hell
Blinded by the sunshine that was caught up in my eyes
I was Tripped up by a creeper... oooh ! nasty sore surprise !
My face got stung by nettles... ouching in my fall
In the distance ... getting closer... i could hear the bonga's call
"Tooki tookie tonga... dinner on the way... yummy in my tummy... you is here to stay
Losing sight of consciousness i woke up... in their *** !
The bonga's danced around me... my bottom getting hot
"Tooki tookie tonga ... dumplings in da stew... dragged here by da bonga's...  now we gonna eat you !
I had to invent the word 'ouching' for this poem and for those not sure what it means , it is when something hurts :)
1.6k · Sep 2010
Chant of the Reaper
mark jarrad Sep 2010
No more to be ..
No more to tell..
Imprisoned in immortal hell
I.. the reaper with the scythe
A  final kiss , none survive
Glares on me a crimson light
I cast no shadow in the night
You are young whilst i am old
I steal your warmth..leave you cold
Fear me , i shall take your life
Unsheath the sword , wet  the scythe
My name is death , i walk this land
life's  journey ends at my command
Your soul is mine and free to sell
No more to be ..
No more to tell ..
1.4k · Oct 2010
Silent but deadly
mark jarrad Oct 2010
A man got out the lift today
He'd dropped a **** ..then walked away
I did'nt smell it..until i stepped in
But on his face .. he'd worn a grin
So there was i...trapped with this gas
That he'd let rip from out his ***
So now i always take the stairs
So i wont get gassed unawares.
This is actually a true story !!
1.4k · Sep 2010
Shocking !
mark jarrad Sep 2010
Frankenstein's monster lay upon the bench
Made up from dead bodies , he gave off quite a stench !!
When the lightening caught him , it gave him such a jolt !
It came right down the lightening rod
And struck him on his.....bolt !!
ooh .. erm .. lol ...and as we move swiftly on !
1.3k · Oct 2010
Oh mummy !
mark jarrad Oct 2010
Once i met a mummy
Whose pride got hurt real bad
He'd failed to reach the toilet
It got him pretty mad !

It must be quite frustrating
Being bandaged head to toe
And having to unwrap himself
Each time he needs to go

And then when he has  finished
He has to wrap himself again
If he's  got the diarrhoea
It must drive him insane !!

And if he doesn't make it
And he has to walk round wet
And he stands next to a heater
And The smell.. he wont forget

So if you meet a mummy
And he's groaning down at you
Be kind and show some sympathy
He's failed to reach the loo !
Another silly one .. lol .. : )
1.1k · Jun 2015
mark jarrad Jun 2015
I don't want someone that i cannot have
Because hearts were not made to be broken
I love you can be the powerful words
And should never be untruly spoken ...!!
I consider this poem to be one of the best that i have ever invented due to it's simplistic, sincere and easily understood message...and also the fact that i wrote it from my heart along with many of my other poems : )
968 · Oct 2010
mark jarrad Oct 2010
I have a pet piranha !
He swims ' round in a tank
At first i called him baby jaws
But i changed it then to Frank

He doesn't like potatoes
But he's very fond of pork
I offered him a glass of wine
But instead he ate the cork !

I thought he looked quite lonely
So i bought for him a friend
But frank just looked then him
A fishy tale .....The End.
963 · Sep 2010
The Skeleton
mark jarrad Sep 2010
"I'm fed up of this"
The skeleton said
As he lay in his grave
"I'm bored being dead !"

"I think i'll get up and go for a run
I've been here for years !
And it just is'nt fun"
" I'll call on my girlfriend
And see if she's in...
"Being dead's helped her diet
She's got really thin !!

So he bent up his arms
And gave a big push
"Did you hear that"a voice said
From a nearby bush !

Two boys were out playing
When they heard the sound
" BOO " said the skeleton
As they slowly turned round
"AArgh " screamed the boys
And broke into a run
The skeleton laughed
He was just having fun!

They ran from the graveyard
And into the street
They were running so fast
That smoke came from their feet !

They did'nt stop running
Until they reached their front door
Then rushed to their mum
To explain what they saw
She said as she laughed
" It's not real what you've seen"
Someone's played a prank "
Well it was ...Halloween !


What became of the skeleton
Running around ?
He got chased by some dogs
And never was found.
946 · Sep 2010
mark jarrad Sep 2010
There goes mary...
On her way down to the shop
She's off to buy some liquorice
And lots of fizzy pop...

Sweet tooth mary...
With her teeth as black as sin
She gave the children nightmares
When she smiled her mouldy grin

She chomped her way through toffee bars
And bags filled to the brim
With sugar cakes and frosted flakes
But mary's fate was grim

For mary learnt a lesson
A price for her sweet taste
She spent her cash on candy
And never bought toothpaste

That night as mary lay in bed
With sweet wrappers beneath
Toothfairies came with hobnailed boots
And kicked out all her teeth !
This poem was  published in 2008 ,  in a book entitled ' IMMORTAL VERSES' .
928 · Oct 2010
Dream lover
mark jarrad Oct 2010
I know i've never met her
And strange i know it seems
I dont recall us meeting except for in our dreams
We walked and talked together.. in a strange and misty place
I feel as though i know her and i can't forget her face
Who is this strange enchantress ?
And where does she come from ?
I call her my dream lover ..for in the morning she is gone !
922 · Sep 2010
mark jarrad Sep 2010
Her love it knows no boundaries
I buy for her a cat
My darling keeps a basking shark
In her woolly hat

How many sticklebacks
Are beat up by the frogs ?
My dearest keeps her worn out stones
Underneath her logs

Her touch is like ...a million tons
of rubble from the moon
To charm a thousand dragonflies
Like buckshot as they swoon

I walked across the ocean
To breed her for a while
Out in the Antarctic
Zebra's  que-ing..for a mile !!

My darling sweetlips Octopus
Oh come and marry me ?
But dog said " I FORBID IT " !!
So i'll have to wait and see

Or shack up with a Tortoise
Whose name is Ethel bytheweight
I think i have... should go now
Cos ...she always makes me late !!

I set adrift my chocolate log
on seas of peas and cream
laughing as my head fell off
I dreamt...the strangest dream
A beautiful poem of love to lock up in a special padded room ..whilst wearing one of those lovely backwards jackets with the tie down straps !!
919 · Oct 2010
Prisoner of silence
mark jarrad Oct 2010
Shyness is my prison
Your love the only key
It's bars are made of silence
Only you can set me free

I sit tongue tied and lonely
Help my sentence now to cease
If you want me .. you  must give me
A sure way of release

A kiss a touch a promise
And i know i would be yours
Love it knows no boundaries
It's true .. can open doors

Silence is not golden
For me it is a curse
I want to say ' i love you'
In my mind the words rehearse

As i watch you from this prison
Will my chance just slip away ?
No chance to be your lover
Why ?..  three words... i cannot say

For shyness is my prison
Your love the only key
It's bars are made of silence
Be my saviour .. set me free.
908 · Oct 2010
Who would of thought it !
mark jarrad Oct 2010
I once knew a girl whose mouth was quite foul
She put on her make- up with a bricklayers trowel
She loved herself silly  , now god only knows
She would sit on the sofa .. picking her nose !

Her dresses were short and so were her skirts
Always chatting up men , one of life's biggest flirts !
But i heard she got married , had kids by the score
Now the girl she once was .. isn't there any more !
I based this on someone i once knew ...but i'm not gonna name names
904 · Aug 2014
Tiggy the mog
mark jarrad Aug 2014
Tiggy is my little cat she's mostly grey and fairly fat
With large green eyes and a small pink nose and a wiggly tail..heaven knows
Stripes and spots and a cheeky grin, sometimes she's out , sometimes she's in
No interest in the neighbourhood mogs but scared of vacuum's not of dogs
She chases flies and red dots too ... my little bouncy tiggy roo !
902 · Sep 2010
The barmy song
mark jarrad Sep 2010
I've gone barmy !!
My mind's gone down the drain
I've gone barmy !!
I'm really quite insane
I've gone barmy !!
Bonkers, bloomin' jolly
I've gone barmy!!
It's true .. i'm off my trolley

You've gone barmy !!
That's what my shrink he said
I'm afraid that i must tell you
You've lost it in the head !!
So i thanked him with a raspberry
And then ran up the road
And shouted " i've gone barmy !"
Two bricks short of a load !

I've gone barmy !!
There are no if's or buts
I've gone barmy !!
Now i know i'm nuts
I've gone barmy !!
I'll tell you something pally
I've gone barmy !!
I'm bleedin' well doolalee !!

So if you think you're barmy !!
Sing this song with me
Shower with your clothes on
And barmy you will be !!
Dance around the living room
Hopping on one foot
Blowing lots of raspberries !!
If you want to be a nut !.
I used to watch Monty Python's flying circus... and i blame them completely for inspiring me to write this !
878 · Oct 2010
Single shoes
mark jarrad Oct 2010
What's that on the pavement ?
It's another shoe !
Not a pair ... just one of them
Theres always one not two !

What is this strange mystery ?
Is there something weird afoot ?
Maybe i'll investigate ... so explanation i can put !

What reason to throw out one shoe ?
And keep the other one ?
But if they binned them as a pair
Then where's the other gone ?

Maybe there's a one legged man..
That doesn't need a pair
But instead of throwing out one shoe
He could keep it as a spare !

Or better still save money
He could stand outside a shop
Then steal a shoe from off the rack
And run away .... no.. hop !

So if you go out walking
And a single shoe you see
You may wonder ' where's the other one '!
Wonder just like me .
816 · Oct 2010
A lesson for life
mark jarrad Oct 2010
Johnny had a good job
He worked hard all his life
He forgot about his children
He forgot about his wife
He forgot about the time he spent out working everyday
poor johnny never saw the years.. he worked his life away
He didn't make the time for fun
Never saw his children grow
His wife packed up and left him
Why ?.. well johnny did not know
But johnny had a good job
He worked hard all his life
And johnny died a stranger
To his children and his wife !
811 · May 2015
Kitchen Etiquette
mark jarrad May 2015
I am not here to cook and clean
Not make a mess and flee the scene
I think you'll find it's not much fun
When others tend to eat and run
I don't eat much and watch my weight
No greasy fry-ups on my plate
I much prefer to keep my size
And i manage that by eating wise !!
I made this up as i wanted a homemade sign for my kitchen's also completely true about me : )
809 · Sep 2010
Stood up
mark jarrad Sep 2010
Where were you ?..i waited
I waited for so long
I stood outside the cinema
But you did not come along

You could of least have told me
If you could'nt make our date
I stood there in the pouring rain
While you went out with your mate !

I know i should have listened
When my friends said you were cruel
I heard that you agreed to go
To make me look a fool !

I thought you really liked me
But i know now i was wrong
You seemed like such a nice girl
But you were stringing me along

Beauty's only skin deep
With you i know that's true
But i learnt a lesson from it
To keep away from girls like you !
795 · Dec 2011
Cupid ?...your'e sacked !!!
mark jarrad Dec 2011
It seems that me and cupid
Have fallen out again
Because i called him ' stupid'
Because he caused me pain
Now if your'e gonna side with him
Then thats your choice ..i guess !
But when he meddles without consent
Of mine , he makes a mess !!!

How many times does he need ?
Will he ever ..get it right ?
Find 'my love' the truest of
Instead of all this *****  :( !!!
758 · Jun 2015
Punk"chew on it"ation
mark jarrad Jun 2015
I don't care 'bout' grammar
'***' grammar don't care 'bout' me
Poo to punctuation
Poo with a big 'P'ee
Write it as you find it
Word it as you say
Make it real you feel
So text police ...go away !

I guess it's '***' i'm lazy
Not bothered and ' so there'
So i'll write it as i 'fink' it
You don't like it ? ...i don't care !
730 · Jun 2015
Jack Frost & the Sun
mark jarrad Jun 2015
Within his icy palace
In a world covered with snow
On a throne as clear as crystal glass
Sat  jack frost that we know
With hair of spikey icicles
And pale white skin so cold
This tale of when he met the sun
Is about now to be told...

As jack sat there in silence
Through the window came a glow
He tried to guess just what it was
But really had to know ?

So frosty opened up the door
To see what could be found ?
Stood puzzled by the sight he saw
Of puddles on the ground ?

Curious and curious he stepped into the light
He felt a little strange at first but seemed to be allright
After a life of being chilled and always being cold
This was a new sensation so he addressed the sun so bold...
" Your warmth oh  how it changes me and makes me feel anew...
Please shine your golden rays on me and warm my body through "

The sun gleamed down and spoke a truth !
That jack frost surely felt...
" Your'e foolish if you choose to stay for you will surely melt !"
"Oh! cried jack frost in that case i'll quickly take my leave
And ran back through the palace door and closed it with a heave !!

Then jack frost sat back on his throne and pondered for a while
"Thankyou Sun i was a fool !" and grinned a warming smile !
720 · Aug 2012
Yourself to blame
mark jarrad Aug 2012
Little miss surrender took a gamble...lost
some are wise...see through the lies
Whilst Others bare the cost ..
You reaped the fake-ness merchant's sow
His empty grand illusion
Intelligence would surely know, The trick they call confusion ?
No sympathy, stability , you bought it on yourself
If stupidity was cash in hand, your burden would be wealth
Better smash the mirror your youthfulness is gone
To someone with much better sense...but once you were the one
The choice is just a memory, a was once happy day
Now mother goose hangs by a noose, While smarter children play.
718 · Sep 2010
Out for the Count
mark jarrad Sep 2010
Here comes Dracula flying through the night
Looking for a tasty neck on which to have a bite
He's out there in the darkness he wants a drink of blood
But if he flies in my room he'll lose his teeth for good
One bat to another i'll play baseball with his head
So don't bother me count Dracula
Same goes for all the living dead !!
I wrote this after  watching an old Bela Lugosi movie, with its cardboard bats being dangled on wire
701 · Sep 2010
mark jarrad Sep 2010
As mist it crawled from dark abyss
To deliver forth a scarlet kiss
On nightmare blackened horse it rode
Brought decadence from dark abode

This charmer with the strangest smile
One night may visit for a while
To bring the darkest sleep of all
And into death you'll slowly fall

so close your windows , seal them tight
from all the children of the night !
I wrote this just after my other poem ' Out for the count ' and again the inspiration came from watching old vampire films .
699 · Oct 2010
For sale
mark jarrad Oct 2010
My car is up for sale
It's parked outside the flat
The last prospective buyer said" What a pile of tat !!"
I know it's no ferrari
And in a race it's always beat
I had to fend off scrapmen !!
When i parked it down the street
It's not really all that bad
Once you clean off all the dust
It's true it needs a re-spray
To cover up the the rust
I admit i had an accident
And it hasn't any lights
But the fanbelt is pretty new
Made from a pair of tights !
It failed the emission test
The M.O.T man said " it's scrap !!"
And when he turned the steering wheel
It fell off in his lap !
To call my car a ' nail'
Doesn't seem quite fair
I prefer the term ' quite eye catching'
Because people stop and stare !
So if you think your'e interested
Give me a call and view today !
I can put it in some carrier bags
For you to take away !
683 · Oct 2010
mark jarrad Oct 2010
You are not my master
But you are my friend
And just because you love me
My time with you i'll spend
You can call me moggy
Or if you like just .. cat
And i will sit beside you
Or by the fire , on the mat
I can't promise not to make a mess
Or not to bother you
But mostly i just sleep allday
Thats what i like to do
And when it comes to evening time
Thats when i like to play
And when i'm feeling hungry
Meow' to you i'll say
No .. you are not my master
But you are my friend
And as long as you will love me
My time with you i'll spend.
678 · Oct 2010
A lovers burden
mark jarrad Oct 2010
I am the product of your nature
I am the reason for your sin
I am the wall with holes around you
I see out ... you dont see in

I am the blessing that may find you
You leave me empty ..fill me up
I am the hand that tightly holds you
I am no more the loving cup

I am the fall guy for your anger
I bare the scars from all your lies
I am the page no colour ..colour me
A rose that blossoms and then dies

I am all these things and nothing
Yet i still  ' love you' at my cost
And though this road with you leads nowhere
Without you i am lost.
673 · Sep 2010
Sweet memory
mark jarrad Sep 2010
In the light of the fire
We stood so silent there
We turned embraced each other
And our love we did declare

Her kiss so sweet i tasted
So sweet and so divine
Let loose the fires of passion
She would alone be mine

Time it did not matter
We were lost in love's embrace
As we lay under the heaven's
The moonlight glistened on her face

She looked just like a goddess
Her beauty captured in moon rays
Just a beautiful sweet memory
To last me all my days .
I wrote this poem in 1998 and it was published in a book called ' A CELEBRATION OF POETRY '.
671 · Jan 2012
The Search is on
mark jarrad Jan 2012
Today's the day..i'm gonna..... find myself again
The day now has begun search..for sunshine and not rain
The rust of life rid of..the rot of doubt to grind
This twisted mental wreckage, smoothing bumps ..straighten.... unwind
The length of thoughts that bind a rope without a knot
This shallow pool that drowns me.... dredging things ...i want forgot
No desire ..for keepsakes... these are all things ...i have outgrown
Switching off the negatives..before the fuse has ...blown

I spy with my little eye...something begining with : )
670 · Oct 2010
mark jarrad Oct 2010
Staring from the window.. i see Light distanced on the path
Everything exhausted now.. in daylights aftermath
A shadow of a structure.. as deep as it is wide
A haven for the unseen.. a place in which to hide
The rain has come to wash away .. the filth upon the path
Everything seems cleaner now.. in daylights aftermath
Twelve fifteen ...past midnight.. a day begun anew
A water washed gloss canvas .. from this window i see through
Nothing moves .. all is still.. within this photograph
Everything is peacefull now .. in daylights aftermath .
666 · Sep 2010
mark jarrad Sep 2010
How can you say he loves you
It's just the drink thats all
I've often heard you sobbing
Seen you limping down the hall
Why does he have to hit you ?
And hurt you in this way
When you deserve much better
It can't go on this way
You know one day he'll **** you
Why not get out while you can ?
Stop dreaming that he'll change his ways
This drunken violent man
You should'nt have to worry
When he comes home late at night
You know it's not the first time
He's been looking for a fight
He says he does'nt mean it
But your children see your pain
As you try to hide the bruise's
And broken bones again
You know he's been unfaithful
And leaves you til he's had his fill
He calls you and you take him back
He knows you always will
He hits you and then buys you
A gift to calm the pain
And when you think he cares for you
The beating's start again
Love , honour and cherish
Once he took the marriage vow
A dream forgotten , in the past
Is'nt working now
It was'nt always like this
I know you know it's true
his love affair with alcohol
Means so much more than you.


When alcohol gets a grip on you
It's hard to break the chain
Your life will start to crumble
Slowly slipping down the drain
You wake up with the craving
Your body gets the shakes
Can't think straight, you get irritable
Your sanity it takes
While you're propping up the bar each night
Fooling yourself you're  having fun
You think it's not a problem
Can't see the damage being done
So if you love your family
Take time to stop and think
Don't put them through the misery
Because you chose to drink .
663 · Sep 2010
Baby Spiders
mark jarrad Sep 2010
Two baby spiders , crawling on the wall
One said to the other " How fast can you crawl "?
' I've no idea ' said the other..' Do you want to see' ?
'I'll start off at the corner .. and you can count for me  !
" GO " the baby spider said, and sets off at a rate !
He's halfway to the other side ..the counting's up to eight
Just then disaster strikes him , as he trips over a bump !
His legs fly out from under him , he slides upon his **** !
" OUCH " the baby said , as he got up feeling sore
And decided not to carry on .. in case there were some more !!
I remember writing this lying in bed , it was one of those nights when i was just too tired to : )
644 · Oct 2010
Gone with the wind
mark jarrad Oct 2010
Across the bridge  i saw you
I waved .. it was a sunny day
A gust of wind then came along
And blew you clean away !!

It plopped you in the river
You climbed out on the muddy bank
And as i watched your boot came off
And in the mud ... it sank

You grabbed a branch to pull you up
But then you lost your grip
You slipped and somehow caught your blouse
That made a great big rip

Another gust of wind then blew
your hat then ...  left your head
And tumbled down the slippery *****
Into the river it ... sped

You made your way onto the bridge
A little worse for wear
I ran to kindly greet you
But you flew into the air

The wind had picked you up again
To grab you ...  i did try
you floated off into the blue
So i waved to you ...goodbye !
643 · Oct 2010
mark jarrad Oct 2010
I awakened
From the longest sleep.... that was my life
I saw for the first time .. the world
How beautiful life could be .. as you held me in your arms
Like a blind man in the dark .. no vision , no picture ...

You taught me to love
And to be myself ...
You gave me the Strength to keep the world away..
when it takes too much from me

I love you ...
And yet it is more than that ..
There is no word.. just this feeling that i have
Like a constant smile inside of me

Believe in Angels and ...
They shall believe in you .
632 · Jun 2011
Of Wishes
mark jarrad Jun 2011
Be careful what you wish for..
For those who's true
And yet i did not care
Still then... i wished for you

I offered out my open arms
To catch you as you fell
I offered you my heaven
you turned it into HELL
And everyday grew darker
The lies eclipsed the sun
It was a death by innocence
That caused the tears to run
Tortured bled by demons
Lost in fire,consumed by pain
I made a vow..a lesson learned
To not be ignorant again...

Be careful what you wish for
For those who's true
The pleasure in a wish... was lost
A fool once wished for you .
626 · Feb 2015
The void avoid
mark jarrad Feb 2015
The void avoid ... and so she lied
I sat and cried as my heart died
To love no more...or her adore
Of this i swore....

And then another came my way
Upon a cloudy winters day
With hair of gold and eyes of blue
She swore to me ...she would be true

The void avoid but then... she lied
I sat and cried as my heart died.
Story of my life : ( ....but i now have a zombie heart ( dead yet still living ) : )
622 · Oct 2015
Deadly Combination
mark jarrad Oct 2015
My dear you gave me a **** attack !
Indeed i'm gassed up from your snack
Some curry laced with heinz baked beans !!
And i don't know just what it means ?
I sit here waiting filled with awe ! ...full of gas ...please no more !
FAAAARRRRRRRRTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!! ..oh lord please help me do !!
I can't go on ...i need a poo !!
Now i'm stuck here , on the bog... for ages trying to end this log !!
I'm drained ..i'm strained and really sore ...i'm never gonna eat no more : (
618 · Sep 2010
mark jarrad Sep 2010
Jenny hopes for better things
Whilst hanging by a thread
She watches as the gentlemen
Fall in and out her bed

Her reputations tainted
Preceeds her all her life
She knows no man would want her
Or take her as his wife

For her life is a struggle
To pay the bills and pay the rent
On mind affecting substances
Her money is now spent

But jenny hopes for better things
Whilst hanging by a thread
So she dont have to watch the gentlemen
Fall in and out her bed !
618 · Oct 2013
Dear Heart...
mark jarrad Oct 2013
Dear Heart ,
i write to remind you....
That each day is a new day and not to dwell upon the past
Don't let loss or disappointment deter you from the love you so deserve
I know that we have not always agreed on things
But i only make decisions to protect you
For if you should be broken then what am i to do ?

With love from    
Brain **
606 · Oct 2010
A kindness so cold
mark jarrad Oct 2010
Winter now..... no more the sun
She is my tormentor !!
As i lay naked to her touch
She caresses ... burns...all that she has taken from me
And whispers of places ...that i do not wish to be

I am cold  and there is comfort
For i do not feel....pain
There is a freedom
In this... ice-so-lation

As time itself stops
Frozen.... the memories
That would be faded by the sun
And aged before their time

Mistress winter ..thou art mercifull .
564 · Oct 2010
Sea of trouble
mark jarrad Oct 2010
In our mind a sea of trouble
Waves of grief will drag us down
As problems flow against us
In depression people drown

We must fight to reach the shallows
So that we may catch our breath
Before the tide carries us further
To our inevitable death

For the seabeds lined with bodies
Of those who came before
And took their lives because of problems
Depression carried them from shore

Sometimes theres no solution
No solid lifeline we can find
There are so many people drowning
A sea of trouble in their mind.
554 · Oct 2010
mark jarrad Oct 2010
Why do you roam through the forest alone ?
Seeking answers where none are found
Only dead leaves ... killed by the cold
No sunlight shines there..

I wait for you..
Here in the with me ?
Love me ... need me ....
Or am i too .. destined to walk through the forest alone ?
Seeking answers , where none are found...
Only dead leaves .. killed by the cold
No sunlight shines there ...

Love me ..need me ... save me .
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