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Marissa Kay Oct 2014
Maybe steps
Will fill holes in my chest
I could sit in grass, or dirt, or leaves and not mind the bugs that dance on me
I need a World I haven't lived in to survive
And find
What wind
Serves to advance an honest mind
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
Was there ever a moment
That my breathing set the rhythm of your heart
That the separating of my lips slowed in motion, all you dreamed of the night before

Was there ever a piece of me that you fell short of- a fantasy you failed to fulfill
Because for me there was,
  But like you, i do not make that clear
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
The absence of you is
My loss
And the presence of you is
My loss
Because whether you're with me or not
You're never mine
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
Deep in the mustard of fairy tales
And thanks to my imagination , I'm a muggle in a tangle of daydreams

Someone, please, reach Into this sandwiched mess of hope scribbled in permanent marker and
The thoughts that fog the city lights and clarify the stars above my head
Because I fear if I keep pretending not to believe I'll realize
And all I've ever been afraid of will never come Alive
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
All I ever wanna do

Is walk cracked streets
On sunny days
Inhale the breeze
And exhale a phrase
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
Something daunts me about a man that can come across a homeless
Without sharing a dime

I gave half
And guilt tickles my fingers

What does half a bridge do
For a body's need to cross waters

As I hold this bitter cup of coffee
In my still aching fingers
I wish I could spit it out and fill my brain with it

I sweep back to the corner
Of wrinkled blue hands
Holding last ounces of boarded hope
But only coldness lingers here

Kneeling down I skip breaths in seek of God's forgiveness
And as I whisper words
I promise to next give my all
And while were at it take my shoes
  And the golden watch here on my dry ***** wrist
For we all know it belongs on a wall
Take my book- and here's this poem
So that maybe our shrunken World
Isnt so selfish afterall
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