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Marissa Kay Oct 2014
I recently dis covered
In such a simple and unexpected way

Brush your teeth
And then drink hot chocolate
  Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
the average human
describes their heartbeat
as a thud-thud or a few
rough pats to the chest.

i fall asleep with my ear
pressed up against your
chest. all i can hear is the
echo of a captain yelling,
"let me sink...let me sink..."
i ask you how you would
describe your heartbeat,
you point to the ship
in the bottle mounted on
your father's bookshelf
& faintly say
"the glass bottle keeps the
ship from sinking, completely
blocking out the captain's wish
to learn how to breathe
underwater because air just
isn't doing its job with keeping
him alive."

your break up letter to me
went a little something like;

"you were built in the fire,
stop acting like you burn in it.
you were never made to be fragile,
you were never made to be my glass."

my plead for you to stay
went a little something like;

(20) Missed Calls

your final goodbye
went a little something like;

a thud thud to the pavement.

& my final goodbye was
cracking open a bottle on your
headstone & standing in the sea
with the water rising up to
my knees, with a small ship in
the palm of my hand, a dunk
underneath the tide & a faint
whisper, *"breathe."
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
We spoke about our lips
Where they've been , who they've kissed
If only a wish could ****** this mess
  A heart eating man
Ripped innocence from my chest

You suggested that I start anew
I stay silent
    And gaze at you
You told me there'd be waiting line
  But the only start has fallen eye
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
And all your
"Medicines" too
He says the other girls are attempts at getting over the one he is still in love with
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
I used to be so happy
I made everyone around me feel welcome
Now every word I breath births a problem
Every action results in the opposite of my intention
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
There's some sort of victory in silence
The strongest feelings have no explanation
I wish I could think about you
Simply rest you in the back of my mind
But its worse than that
I can feel you in my bones
Through my veins
Your words pump with my blood
Thats just it
Your words
empty promises
That somehow I find comfort in
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
Somehow you took home in me
Like a wasps larva in a caterpillars body
I was your comfort
Your shelter
While you grew stronger and stronger
Then out of the blue
I couldn't move
Your touch chemically
   Paralyzed me
I gasp for air as fresh as the kind by the apple tree
In the garden
Where we met
Wounded-I protected your innocence
Feeding off your fulfillment
Untill I starved to death
I wrote this in my seventh hour biology class
I think the guy that sits behind me thinks I'm weird bcause I always write on the desk
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