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Sol Feb 2015
I know I want to climb the air
The emptiness would fill me up
Because it would no longer be a void
Sol Jan 2015
I know you're on temporary stay

Please make the silence go away
Pull out of me a peal of laughter


tell me what to dream
Sol Dec 2013
When we're little, we believe the place to go is up, up, and away
We get a little older, and we want to know what's down there
In the deep
The beauties, or the beasts?

One day we'll be adults
Too tired to try and fly
We'll just climb
Working to the best of our abilities for a good reputation
Polishing our shoes, straightening our ties
And one day, it's all gone
You wonder how it all could have happened so fast
Well, at some point, you turned around
And started rolling downhill

Then you realize
The best thing about all this is that the ride down never ends
It's as infinite as space
You see that everything can always be worst
You can always fall a little deeper
Which is why even the ones everyone call "freaks", are beautiful

But this hill has nothing to do with actions
Just thoughts
It's why the famed have a spotlight
They're in too deep
Deep in greed they count their cash
Only to waste it on yet another mask

This is why I can't admire the rich
Their power comes from what the masks of deception bring them

They try to drag down those of us free from their evil gravity
But we don't give in
Hell, we win
We don't just barely make it out with bruises and black eyes
We dance away with grace
To the top of the hill
We don't dance to escape the monstrous underworld
We dance to stick it to those that made us believe the surface wasn't beautiful
I have no clue as to how I came up with this.
Sol Dec 2013
Shining as bright as diamonds
Eyes like stars
Curse you, curiosity
I'm lost in space

I wonder what they are
Is there really happiness in this oblivion?
Many try, few succeed
Seems impossible

Yet, here I am
Lost among these *****, little toys
This has quite a lot of figurative language, don't take it so literally folks.
Sol Nov 2013
Running here
Turning there
Books fall
Lean on the wall

Awaiting dusk
Only to pray that there's no dawn

No power to fly
An unreachable light

It's down here
That I simply can't breathe
Can time slow the **** down?
Sol Nov 2013
Life is much like poker
It takes strategy
And with a stroke of luck
You might just win

But, what if you don't?

What if you're a 2?
You can't indulge
The king can
But not you
Not a 2

What unfair rules, huh?
Lucky for us
Sparks exist
To set these cards ablaze

Sparks exist
Only in a certain group of people
And so, we don't follow the rules
I'm proud of that much
In my deck
I am the wildcard
Sol Nov 2013
One sip of champagne
Call me an alcoholic
One sudden outburst
Call me ******
One tear
And I "broke"

But then who cares?

The second she loses her virginity
Who will remember my name?

Label me as a freak
That's perfectly fine
I knew what I was walking into
I knew I'd stand out
Standing without a care
Facing where there is no path
I'll make my own
Don't you worry
There may be a trip or a slip
But that's what makes me more alert
And even when I can't see
I know you're behind me
Either to catch me, or let me fall
But when I rise again
My face will be painted
Ready for war
Think I'll fall again?
Just try to take me down

— The End —