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 Jun 2013 marina b
Today I caught myself

Thinking about you again

And I tried to tell myself I didn't actually like you

It was a long, bitter argument
Of pros and cons
And it ended with:
The only reason I like you
Is because of that
Twinkle in your eye

But then I started to wonder
If that twinkle in your eye
really exists
Do I like you because
you have that twinkle in your eye?
Or do you have that twinkle in your eye
because I like you?

The more I pondered this
The more puzzled I became

So I went through all the pros again
The things I noticed before the twinkle

That ornery half smile
The way I always catch you singing along with the radio
when you think nobody's listening
The pitiful face you have when you're stressed
The butterflies in my stomach when I see you walking my way
Those goofy socks
Your adorable struggles with the coffee machine
Your smiling blue eyes
How I felt an instant connection with you

How could the cons even compare?

But the single item opposed
overpowers this seesaw

the girlfriend.

and every time I accept this realization
you shoot me with that twinkle again
not much of a poem, just my thoughts on my ride home from work
 Jun 2013 marina b
Lyndal Doherty
My first kiss tasted of soy sauce.
Not literally tasted! We didn’t go that far,
but the bitter saltiness of it
only enhanced the sweetness of the moment.
He had never had Chinese food,
And I had never been kissed.
That’s right! At the age of 17
My lips had never met another boy’s
And for the first time, in my car
Outside the band room, I swear I could
have heard music floating in the air
in the small space between my face
and his as he leaned In for a second peck.
We dated for a while, but eventually
We broke up because we were too similar, I guess.
I liked men, and, uh, so did he…
I began to think I missed my chance I that kiss
And the validity of it was brought into question.
Maybe I had missed my chance
Way back on the playground
Because I never stole kisses behind the slide
Or teased the boys with my third grade girlish charm
Like all my other friends.
Maybe, deep down, I knew I could only settle
On true love.
Not just a fling that was only a thing
For a week of “pure bliss”
Because when I find love, I want Full House perfection.
I want a Tanner family connection.
Something that when I go grocery shopping
I can proudly say, “Those kids climbing the walls
And that man knocking on all the watermelons.
Yeah, I’m with them.”
And people will have no other choice
But to understand the perfection I am in.
I hold onto the hope that someday
The strings connecting all the living things
Will tie me together with someone I can love
And who will love me
And one day I will find a man who
Doesn’t have the dreaded cootie disease.
Because for every Adam,
there must be an Eve or where else would we be?
Someday and one day can seem so far way
If you get anxious,
But I will let things fall in place
For me to fall in love.
I just have to remember
Not to be afraid to taste the soy sauce.
 Jun 2013 marina b
Daniel Kenneth
I went swimming today
Which is weird because
In the past 4 years
I have been in the ocean a total of 6 times
Even though I live
In a small ocean town
Where the beach is
A short walk away
I went in the water today
Even though I have always hated
Being wet and
Salty the feeling on my
Skin is so uncomfortable
I always detested it
I went in the water today
Because I hate the person I am
And I thought that if I changed
One small part about myself
The rest could follow
And maybe if I could learn to
Love the water
I could learn to
Love myself
 Jun 2013 marina b
i'm sorry,
some things just don't

(you could tell me
you still love me
one thousand times
and it wouldn't
make a difference;
i started tracing
his name into
the margins of my
school papers long
before you were

maybe it's time we just
your ex-lover is dead by stars.  great song, eh?  it's on repeat.
 May 2013 marina b
Katie Lorenzo
I saw the eyes before the claws
the lips before the teeth
I couldn't understand how such a beautiful creature
could be so rotten underneath.
Did you really think you could hide forever?
Distract me from those hands?
I saw them inching towards me
like a crab across the sands.
I must confess I let you
capture my body and mind
You were a foreign sort of soul
a creature of a different kind
 May 2013 marina b
Megan Grace
Maybe someday you'll love
me despite my emotional
ends to fifteen hour days
and those moments where
my words get fuzzy from
talking too much and my
hair, and I hope the fact
that I have had trouble
finding God for the past
few years doesn't disturb
you as much as it does me.
 May 2013 marina b
madeline may
you are a fetal pig
cut open
for science
displayed before me
on a shiny slab of steel
dripping with chemicals
meant to keep you clean
for the next person
to pick you apart
and take notes on what they see
dress me up in a white jacket
scrub my skin
make me sterile
give me your protective glasses
don't forget to distort the lenses
I couldn't see straight, anyway
but don't hand me that knife
'cause the blood I see on my hands
won't be yours
I promise
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