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 Jan 2014 marina b
Megan Grace
 Jan 2014 marina b
Megan Grace
 Sep 2013 marina b
Megan Grace
 Sep 2013 marina b
Megan Grace
I talked about your hands
today, how such a simple
part of a person has never
made me feel so secure. I've
been thinking too much
lately about what I would
do without them.
 Sep 2013 marina b
i am so tired of my bones being
romanticized; being made of
stardust does not make me infinite or
 Sep 2013 marina b
i won
 Sep 2013 marina b
i wish you would try just one last
time to reach out, so that i could be
the one to walk away

(i'm so ******* proud of myself
for not loving you anymore)
and i don't even feel bad
 Sep 2013 marina b
Hey dad,
I will be turning eightteen next week.
You probably don't know that.
I'm doing good you know.
I found a house and a study I like.
And a boy who maybe likes me.
I got used to my anxiety attacks,
so the last few times I wasn't terrified.
I have a man in my life,
who replaces you.
And he makes me a happier girl.
I think I even know how to deal with mom.

Everything's great, dad.
But still I wonder if you think about me
as much as I hurt by you.
 Sep 2013 marina b
sometimes i write lies
but mostly i write about you
and sometimes
i don't know the difference
it made sense in my head, i think.
 Sep 2013 marina b
Jillyan Adams
"I tried. I tried. I tried."
A scream so desperate it turns into the grating whine of a whipped dog. The begging in the eyes and the white of gripping knuckles.
"I tried, I promise I tried."
The damage is massive. I cradle the shoulders of the full-grown man in my left arm, my right hand hovering helplessly across where half his body used to be. It's too much. He's shaking, trying to pull himself into my chest, based on the feel of his hands. I find his eyes. He's begging, repeating himself with agonizing desperation. I grip his face firmly in my right hand, smearing blood and sweat. The pressure on his jaw slows his words and he is staring at me with the deep-eyed trust of a loyal hound, sinking into the promise of my unwavering gaze.
"You did well," I murmur, giving his head a gentle shake to emphasize my words. I blink to clear the pooling in my eyes. His mouth is open, slack, but he tries a smile. He is choking. On bone or blood, something I cannot see. His legs **** convulsively, but he doesn't seem to notice. He keeps my eyes. I gently rock his head with my hand and his eyes grow absent. His legs grow still.
I weep into his mangled chest.
From the darker corners of my heart.
 Sep 2013 marina b
Megan Grace
 Sep 2013 marina b
Megan Grace
all my poems have stopped
sounding like poems and
just read like I'm trying to
write you the same letter
in eighty different ways.
 Jul 2013 marina b
i heard once on the playground that the human heart
is about the size of it's owner's fist;
that day i spent my whole afternoon
gathering handfuls of earth within the
palms of my hands just to see
how much i could hold, as if that could show me
how much i was capable of loving, but dirt
slipped through my fingers when i loosened my
grip, and i was scared that people were the same
(even at eight, i knew that sometimes the only reason
people stayed was because you held them too tight,
and if midnight provided a last-minute flight
they wouldn't hesitate to catch it because holding on
was harder than running away).
later on, i tried to catch people like fish,
reeling them in and then leaving them on a hook
because when i held them at a distance they were
pretty to look at and i could feel their heat, but when i
clutched them close to my chest, underneath my line of
sight, it was much easier for them to
break and hide.  that all changed when i met
you though; i disabled all my traps and
reached out to you with bare fingers, telling myself
if i could hide you between my hands then
maybe you wouldn't mind hiding in my heart.
i started out timid, grasping handfuls of your
shirt and the way your laugh sounded when it was
me that caused it, and sometimes at night
when i pretended you were there with me, i would
reach out for you, but daylight was different
and i've always had small hands

(i realized it was never about taking your heart when you
reached for my hand and held it like it was your favourite secret
you couldn't keep any longer; it was about letting you have mine)
(ps: you're my favourite secret too)
&this; is a mess because it's unedited but i'm lazy so yeah.  and sorry for freaking out on my last poem.  to anybody who commented, thank you- it meant a lot.  i managed to get through okay.  thank you.
 Jul 2013 marina b
you picked me a rose
and all you saw was beauty--
all i saw was death
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