You are a star now and nobody knows who you really are
but you are great, a miracle, pure gold
Ohhh you love everybody
But who are you?
Take a drink, leave earth and die just for one night
we are sinners in heaven
We have cheated them and they don't even know
They don't even know
Can you imagine all this fame, so much love
love for the unloved.
Do you still keep in contact with those from old days
God I don't hope so.
We have golden business to do here, we have diamond roses to pick.
When will it be enough, I don't know
I don't know anything,
did I die or am still alive, did he love me or did I he lie.
As my mother did when she gave birth to me
unspoken promises.
I am star and nobody knows who I am, but I am golden
and she dances like rain on the streets, for men in suits with money in pockets.
Maybe tomorrow will be a time for babies, big houses and five persons cars,
but give me another shot and I will throw it down,
just give me another shot.
A shot for the dumb and unloved
for those who never made it