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Two girls, like magnets, forever pulling – pulling – pulling
Two girls, like magnets, forever slamming – slamming – slamming
Two girls, forever dancing, but forever dancing to a different song
Two girls, forever singing, but forever singing a different song
Two girls, always loving, but never trusting
Two girls, quick to fighting and slow to apologizing
Two girls, always fighting – fighting – fighting

Two girls, insecure and never trusting
Two girls, never knowing their strengths
Two girls never knowing where they stand
Two girls, who will never stop loving
Two girls, who will never stop dancing
However, two girls, still fighting – fighting – fighting
Two girls, still forgiving – forgiving – forgiving

Two girls, forever tapping
Two girls, forever singing
Two girls, but one never laughing
Two girls, still loving
Yet, two girls, still fighting – fighting – fighting

One girl, cannot fight anymore
One girl, emotionally spent to one end
One girl, not knowing who she is
One girl, not knowing where she stands
One girl, with pain unbearable
One girl, who continues loosing – losing – losing

One girl, tries to hold on until her grip begins failing
One girl, says goodbye for the last time
One girl, forever mourning the loss of a friend
One girl, never to ask, “do you want to skip to the tree,” again
However, still, both girls remain loving the other, even though their lives may never combine again
This is in dedication to an old friend of mine! I still love her to death though our paths have ceased to unite.
Two friends, with secrets passed between them
They dance to no end
No end to the song they sing
Two different pasts, and forever friends
Though, anger may come quickly, forgiving always easily
Did I mention forever dancing?
Both with a burning passion thriving in their soul
Both knowing where they stand with the other
Both with love unending
Both with a story
Both listening and sometimes hurting
Both always willing
Two girls, both friends, never parting
This poem is in dedication to my best friend and "choreographer!" May many more dances come through our paths! <3
some days, his eyes are full with angst
his arms down his sides, with his fists as closed as his ears
and all I want to say is I know how it is
to be so angry you don't know where to go
because the whole world lights you up like a dry stick of explosives,
how it is to have your feelings being so big they start to feel
like extensions of your limbs,
waving uncontrollably
and all you can do to avoid their friction from setting you on fire
is either to cut them off or keep your arms down your sides

but I step aside, because he can no longer take in my words
his six year old eyes are filled with the nothingness of
an anger so big and unlabeled
but someday, I will tell him and he will understand
I will tell him that even though my blood is not in his veins,
I will cleanse it from soot and silt,
I will be his human shield from this world
I will tear kingdoms apart and slay every last creeper
just to help him level up

and I will uncontrollably, explosively and unconditionally
love him


vissa dagar är hans ögon fyllda med ångest
hans armar längs sidorna, med nävar lika hårt stängda som hans öron

och allt jag vill säga är att jag vet hur det är
att vara så arg att du inte vet vars du ska ta vägen,
för hela världen får en att tända som en torr bunt sprängämnen,
hur det är att ha känslor så stora att de börjar kännas
som förlängningar av dina egna armar och ben,
okontrollerbart viftande
och allt du kan göra för att förhindra att deras friktion tänder eld på dig
är att antingen hugga av dem eller hålla armarna längs sidorna

men jag går undan, för han kan inte ta in mina ord längre
hans sexåriga ögon fyllda med ingentinget
av en ilska så stor och oettikerad ilska

men någon dag ska jag berätta för honom och han ska förstå
jag ska berätta för honom att även fast mitt blod inte flyter genom hans artärer,
ska jag rensa det från smuts och sot,
jag ska vara hans mänskliga sköld från den här världen
jag ska slita kungariken itu och döda varenda creeper
bara för att hjälpa honom att levla upp

och jag ska okontrollerbart, explosivt och villkorslöst
älska honom
Two parts intellect one part man
might as well take the earth put it in my hands
and i'll shake it, until all borders disband
so the lands can be shared by all who stand
we shall withstand, all snakes in the sand
feel the earth shake mother natures grand plan
of unity, strengthen our global community
and spoon feed, all uneducated soon to be profits
no more glock clips be poppin
cuz all crime will be stopping when the loving is abundant, i love it
you got something bad to say? plug it
**** it, get it all out of your mind
the world is divine, beautifully
there is no time just perception influencing
thoughts, in every direction
while you be stressing here let me give you a lesson
take that frown turn it around upside down and stretch it
instead'n take your thoughts to how god's been blessing
your life, don't pout but learn from your strife
to ignite the flame, exists within all eternally
we're all born good we just need relearn to be

I used to spend days just kickin it back
now i spend days **** hitting the track
gotta be getting my life on track
so this is my world and i'm taking it back.
 May 2013 Mariana the King
Buried in 'maybe'
A throbbing heart toils for a throbbing mind,
Heart beating on its cage of rib -
It's only a matter of time

Ready to bust out of that joint
Make a run for it and

Worked like a slave,
Your blood-pumping knave
Tired, shifty-eyed & opaque

Make no mistake:
It'll burst straight thru your chest
Go running off right before your dead eyes
And you'll never see it again.
A warning from weary hearts. Don't cross them.
 May 2013 Mariana the King
New beginnings, like pages
of a book. New chapters,
as in life as well also.
School days are almost through.
New school next year.
light skin
light curls
light laugh
light... heart

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                     dark skin
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                                  dark curls
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                 dark laugh
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                             heavy... heart

eyes clear green
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                            eyes deep cafe
                                                            ­              stare with electricity
                                                     ­                        carry me down
                                                            ­               feel the intensity

soft sweet sultry
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                    rough cut ravenous
delicate porcelain
                                                       ­                                                                 ­                           sturdy terracotta

envelope me
chase me
ravage me
break my porcelain skin

                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                    entice me
                                                              ­                                                                 ­                                awake me
                                                              ­                                                                 ­                               tighten me
                                                              ­                                                                 ­             sand my rough edges

                                                          ­                      hold me close
                                                           ­                      till days end
                                                             ­                 to show me love
                                                            ­                 and compliment
My first love poem... It can be about a girl or a boy, whatever your preference
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