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She met a stranger
Took the offer for a ride
Stopped for a couple of drinks
at a really cheap bar
over a plate of a free meal
her modesty was stripped,
didn't  seem to care
too much alcohol
drugs overdosed
stranger upon stranger
cut her open
her dignity on her feet
life is too cheap
for a lady like her
who just wanted to be called
nothing but  a "CHICK".
When god created women , he made them to be special.
“One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.”
You said it has never happened before
Not here, not anywhere,
Nobody has ever done it
I said, let's make a history
So no one can tell...
See, history repeats itself
Let's do it,
Crazy ? perhaps
Insane? Not quite
let's create our own history
Make it known to the world
This mystery is a great history
Your history and mine..
“To believe that what has not occurred in history will not occur at all, is to argue disbelief in the dignity of man.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
I smile again at the mirror
It doesn't smile back as usual
Hate my reflection today
Something is really wrong
What's with my face?
My eyes?
The same eyes I have
My nose?
Exactly the same
My cheeks?
Hmm... smooth
My lips?
Sweet still
So why didn't you smile back?
Mirror.. mirror... do tell...
Tell me the truth..
It hurts if you lie..
oh what? my forehead?
Oh no...two ugly lines
Thank you... reality hurts
I swear not to smile again....
aging is painful...
wrinkle hurts
Can you solve me?

unfold me expose my problems.maybe not. a simple bow slowly becoming a masterpiece of interwoven components. pick up sticks. twister. limbo. on the brink of collapse. One. two. three strikes your out. those are the rules, are you ready? go! drugs. depression. disability.drinking. abuse. blasting any sound to keep out the shouts. deceit. lies. regret. curses spewed out. careful you might trip. Or maybe you already are. like I said a bow, so easy to undo, so simplistic, internally it becomes equivalent to rocket science.  Where's the key to success? the missing puzzle piece? buried in as-seen-on-tv purchases and old moldy mattresses children's toys and croc pots. smothering the pain of a loved one passed. is he dead or alive?who knows. Is she going to make it to 50?unlikely. suicide just in time for a birthday. unfair exchange. continuing pattern. someone has to make up the hoi palloi  no one can or will solve it. you can take that to the bank...just wait a couple weeks.
I'm too dark
Too tall
Too skinny
Too weird
My eyes are too far apart
My hands are too big
My feet are too big
My cheekbones are too high
My legs are too long
Everything is wrong, wrong and wrong
But I am beautiful
Beautifully wrong.
Build a bridge
Get over it
It's your life
Take hold of it

Nothing glitters
Nothing's gold
But it's your life
And it's yours to hold.

So polish it well
So that it will glisten
Tell your story
No matter who listens

For it's your story
It's yours to be told
'Cause it's your story
And it's yours to hold.
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