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Maria Hale Dec 2013
Can you see the heaviness in my eyes?
Is that why you go?
Too far gone to be saved.
Damaged goods.
And you're right.

I'm too heavy to carry.
Not the physicality of my frame
because you see I don't eat much

But a heavy heart, head, hurt.
And I'll be too heavy for most
once we're past the Laughs
and my

Until I can carry my eyes.
The day when the smell of
doesn't make me

and nauseous.

So you should go.
Because I see it in your eyes.
You're heavy too.
Maria Hale Jul 2012
“Remember thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return.” Genesis 3:19

The air has a texture
thick and hot in my nose
that my lungs cannot accommodate.
I kick for the surface
but fabric is a far sight thicker
than water.
I am too young to be
wrapped up in this
where minute’s click
seems a loss
and getting older, no gain.
I am frightened,
but everywhere I turn
I hear shades whisper
“Such is life…”
and nothing more.
For our skins are our shrouds
And we are born in our burial cloths.

-M. Hale, 7/19/12
Maria Hale May 2012
Mouths are not used for communication.
Rather they add to all frustrations,
Allowing lies, guile, and machinations.

If man had a trunk to trumpet a warning,
‘Twould be better served than a tongue used for spurning.

A narrow proboscis for nutrients to ****,
More useful than lips that spew only muck.

The double-speak game is one that must stop,
Before all good words are spun into rot.

Mouths are ridiculous adaptations,
That enable ridiculously false orations,
Telling us all we need is communication.

-M. Hale
Maria Hale May 2012
Don’t follow me in the car, don’t tell me who you are.
Don’t whisper in my ear, just to watch the fear
spark up in each eye, just because I’m scared to die.
Don’t taunt me with your power, not at this late hour.
Won’t you leave me alone, I only want to go home.
I still hear your voice, forward is my only choice.
Head down, collar up, pray. Please, oh please, no further delays.
Don’t grab my hand, please understand.
You know I’m alone, just let me go home.
Don’t pull my hair, don’t touch me there.
I have a past and a future, too. But that all means nothing to you.
Don’t make me regret my identity, when you know nothing at all about me.

-M. Hale
Maria Hale May 2012
It's interesting how "I love you," can sound like a curse,
not wrapped up in the honeyed interior of love sonnet's verse.
Spat out like a viper, ready to feed:
"I freaking love you, OK?"
Interesting how that's all you need.

-M. Hale
Maria Hale May 2012
Losing a lot in leaving here.
Letting go each time at liftoff,
Learning loving you is the longest lane I let myself allow.
Loneliness looms large again,
Little will be done to lock it,
Loosen, let go, live on.
Let the turbulence dull.

-M. Hale
Maria Hale May 2012
Sometimes I worry
that our differences outweigh
the similarities.
I guess I keep you around
because when I am afraid of the dark,
you are always the first to point out

-M. Hale
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