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Maria Hale Mar 2012
A black hole looms
and my worst fears are realized.
I don't have

*for AGM
Maria Hale Mar 2012
The veil is drawn now.
How I wish it was ripped instead.
I'm reluctant to believe in the light...
but for you I must.

Maria Hale Mar 2012
I'll never forget the sight of you.
I wanted to liquefy the moment
and drink it in slowly.
Maria Hale Mar 2012
It’s night. Deepest darkest blackest night.

I feel the pinch and fear of one hunted,

the prey run out of options.

No help is given, though plainly demanded.

The thin veneer of civilization threatens to give way.

There is no escape from the knot in my stomach

because we’re hemmed in at all sides

and I’m panicking at the facelessness of my enemy,

as I evolve from woman to female.

What is the world where we aren’t what we thought we were?

From adults to children. From children to animals.

Stepping backwards. A warped progression.

Sterilize. Maintain. Control. Clean. Safe.

The world seems to whisper as if someone(thing?) is listening…

Big Brother(Sister?) the walls have ears(eyes?)…



Two legs doesn’t mean you’re safe from

acting like you have four.



Ecce, ****! Fiat lux.

or else we’re doomed.

Intellect to instinct.

Man to mammal.

Walk on two legs now, can you afford to lose them?

Ad insaniam, ut illuminabit…

Vel in flammis tandem finis.


Chaos is closing in. Can you cope?
Maria Hale Mar 2012
Now here I am, driving west, trying to outrun the setting sun,
trying to forget that leaving you was the last thing I should’ve done.
Should’ve turned around right there, right then, and run back to your embrace,
but I had to go, I had to leave, I think I’ve got big dreams to chase.
Maria Hale Mar 2012
A **** in my brow from side to side,
You split my skin nine stitches wide.
I don’t even have the cogency to cry.

Another ER trip, I swear I’m out.
No matter the showers of love that you spout.
I can’t put up with another shout.
I know one day I can live without…

But I’m clumsy, I’ll tell them I fell.
Even though all of my fallacies smell.
They won’t believe the volume of my yell.
But with gentle arms you re-create my cell.
I’ve been here before, I know this death knell.

I wish I could tell you no.
You know this won’t be the time I go.

Today is just not my day.
Maria Hale Feb 2012
When the snake-fog rolls in from the east,
It’s unlike any other.
It slides, slithers, slinks seaward
Like a serpent sidewinding through city streets.
It wraps up the wharf with a whisper.
Thick. Sinewy. Venomous.
This California boa constrictor swallows the city whole,
And settles to digest through the night.
I hope I might survive its smoggy stomach…
So I think I’ll stay.
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