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Jason Margraves Mar 2018
It’s a picture-perfect end, shattered and lonely by a quiet stream,
it’s a horrible magic moment, when nightmares are made up of reality.

Shadows burdened, pressing and pulling down your anchored soul,
blame is such a stupid thing, wishing wells full of magic that’s run cold.

I should have been more. Not content, available, a phone or click away,
wasted well-wishes on deaf ears of gods that laugh as we pray.

A teaching moment, gathered applause that lingers like the scent of death,
troubled times and envious eyes, no more pain as you release your final breath.

I’m inept at helping to harbor the hold, let go, release, I’m sold,
memories fading as the paper months of the calendar wither, getting old.

Whisper where you are, be still while letting me trace your impact,
live a life that depicts meaning, it’s addition by the way of subtract.

You poured your passion into living things, almost completely unseen,
a life worth living, you left on your own terms, escaping as a Queen.

Lost souls wander, murky, unsure, questions that lead to dead ends,
a love, a life, an absolutely beautiful disaster to so many friends.

If you can hear me now, know that your name will never leave my lips,
the last thought is you, even as I’m going under with the sinking ships.

You are a pleasant pleasure, a miracle by every measure,
you’re a created  castle in my mind, at the center of my heaven,
just you, my treasure.
Jason Margraves Mar 2018
Blame is a funny thing it seems,
when the reality of your nightmares takes the place of plesant dreams.

You pray, and will yourself towards outcomes lined in silver,
cut deep, fire again, as you pull another arrow from your quiver.

A light at night that feeds as darkness flees,
desire consumed by placing doubt at the feet of make-believe.

You there, holding a smile hostage behind years of troubled abuse,
make peace, a tempting trait, finding a way to  hinder happiness’ truce.

One foot in front of the other, stubbed toes that follow a cemented path,
tears well up, washing smudges from the windows of your soul, you’ll laugh.

An advocate for all things ‘animal’, the scapegoat least of all.
Tying the knot, shoestring situation - wait for me, your beck and call.

deleting inconsistencies, stick around for a little while and you’ll see,
Self-love, outward hate, a slipstream race towards all I’ll ever be.

There’s a tactical, cumbersome advantage to living life so free,
the ability to live and love who we want, until that person decides to disagree.

Place an ear to my chest, and hear the rhythm of lies with each heartbeat,
In this day and age of open hate, no regard to civility, no reason to be discreet.

Advice to die by, said like this: love one another, and like yourself,
we only have so long on this earth before we’re taken off the shelf.
Jason Margraves Mar 2018
Memories mention darker places at a brighter time,
to each their own, leave me to my own devices, I promise I’ll be fine.
A modern day suicide, cut off from the world by disconnecting means,
just give me a second in this minute to be alone,
I’m still here with you, not as desperate as it all seems,
Your wish of  a bleaker mark, black and unforgiving in its esteem.
Our words the cuffs that bind and break,  an even enemy retreats,
a love and hate that reciprocates that makes the mind repeat.
A life of cannon fodder, first love sweet that time turns sour,
each compliment laced with complaints each minute drags through the hours.
Here and now, stone face so I chisel out a grin that sticks,
a half muddled life that I prayed for someone not named me could try to fix.
Fortune first, bleeding failure as opportunity sails through infested waters,
Remain cold and calculated, like fathers who’ve lost the love of their daughters.
There’s a reprehensible solution as foul words ring true,
if you were my ears and heard what I hear, what would you do?
A passage in time that closes with each chapter that stays written,
I thought I learned once to forgive, but it’s now more than that I’ve been bitten.
Hang tight, a light there at the end of this tunnel,
a falling flashlight bouncing brick to brick as I see my life begin to crumble.
Jason Margraves Mar 2018
A box of delicate memories placed at the foot of a rotting bed,
a loving stampede of iron-wrought guilt pounding through my head.

Warnings ignored and systems shocked with awe,
placing careless wagers as teeth clamp down and devour what you saw.

Piercing light that opens the eyes of the blind,
shuttered in, posture slowly never knowing what you’ll find.

Fallen prayers smashing against aging rosaries,
escape to the end, trapped inside with such un-pleasantries.

Thoughts and prayers are offered like a flooding martyr,
“save yourself, while risking nothing,” the words of a choppy waters charter.

We’ve pieced together this creature that we’ll call “beautiful”,
compliments and praise raised them up and come in plentiful.

These words of distrust tear apart the foundation brick by brick,
bleeding out a loving life force that leads one to seem anemic.

You shouted out a curse, meaningless and precise,
the end seems so near, joyful still in a fool’s paradise.

There’s only me in a sea of envious jealously,
there’s nothing there at the end of forever, accepted so readily.

Monsters behaving badly, we as humans, are just that, sadly,
close our eyes, the quiet sleep, as we finally reach our bleak finale.
Jason Margraves Mar 2018
Words forming and frothing at the base of your skull,
hidden there in plain sight, your agenda, rocking to sleep and disrupting this lull.

A mediocre salute, a half-hearted disregard for speech that let this skin shine anew,
a simpler time when batted eyes and vicious curves would encourage chaos to ensue.

Cupped hands make their way towards dead and dying dreams,
spreading flames and fire, the spark of life not quite what it seems.

Like the conscious of a guilty man, decisions heavy, unable to stand,
I’m the supply when the masses have ceased their demand.

Chiseled tongue, making quick work of carved marble and stone,
a thousand summer suns, desperately trying to understand why they are alone.

The hardest of life’s lessons are self taught,
fists raised and ready; the toughest fights are the ones not fought.
Tactics taught to fool oneself, belief in the form of a greater good,
“do unto others,” and life will reward you as you think it should.

Disease comes and stays just the same, claiming both the healthy and the lame,
good enough - smart enough - rich enough - sometimes we just aren’t.... enough,
eyes waking to rainy days, a broken joy that’s finally given up,
confidence collides through a whirlwind of regret that follows a family name.

Slipping silently through the night, sticking to shadows and luring the moonlight,
A wishful existence that tastes so miserable, eyes closed, until finally: goodnight.
Jason Margraves Mar 2018
There’s a level of love buried behind your kind eyes,
a misplaced terrible truth, upended before the lies.

Your touch, a soft warm glow just beyond the tree line,
uncomfortable calm like one plate short at the table where we dine.

A prophet preaching puzzle pieces, forcing unfamiliar edges to fight,
hold my hand, test my heart and know that moments with you are my respite.

My guardian, perched sentry, posted overlord, you - a tale that’s better with age,
a life unkempt, and eyes that haven’t wept, a calm soul that’s never seen rage.

Be a shadow, steal my footfalls, lend a hand when ears bleed red,
forever words, like guided missiles, mean more based on who, or what, was said.

A lack of empty trust, replaced with expert dignity and never-extinguished lust,
our lives intertwined, forsaken, with a gridlock that one can hope will not rust.

You’ve roots placed in the deepest, darkest places of me,
if i’m the “apple of your eye” then you, my dear, would be the tree.

Patience tested, revealed only by the  need for now,
the need to breathe, restored, a resurgence of cascading favors were allowed.

My well being, your welfare, never more than a stones throw from home,
sitting across from a mirror image of happiness, leaving lifeless words in our hearts catacombs.

A charge ruled out, an unwillingness to change,
like us, love them, get through this life turning page by page.

— The End —