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Margaryta Mar 2014
Twinkle twinkle little fish,
How sad you look in my dish.
You've ignored my warning so
Now I'll never let you go.
Can't you tell my heart is pure?
Of you I have the utmost sure.
Your bones I'll bury close to here
So everyday your ghost is near,
For I'm a cat and you're a fish
That ended up right in my dish.
Margaryta Mar 2014
a world was hidden,
one in one,
a water layer in-between. those
within dreamed of swimming
up, the waves partial to those
above. I loved to sit at my
world’s edge, gazing longingly
below. my mind and feet
would often fight of diving
through the depths. the day the two had
had enough I pierced the ocean’s
blue, my skin kissed by the water slugs,
air bubbles like crystal eyes.

their world was like a hovering jellyfish awaiting
to strike. he was there, the one I cannot name,
thrashing thirstily to get out; I
loved him in one glance. only when my
oxygen ran out I swam up and
left the trapped world behind, prey
to be devoured. I loved him less as I climbed out,
and loved him naught back at the shore.

I sat at my world’s edge, once gazing longingly
below. my mind and feet got softer
with their fighting. the waves bore down on those below,
washing over those on top. a water layer
covered the top world, a world
below swallowing the one
above. what good was knowing how to swim
when miserable rage was fed, a sea urchin gobbling
the whale; it did not wait to
be served.
Margaryta Mar 2014
Each time she looked at paintings they came alive
yet the worst were always seascapes whose
rage spilled over the corners of their frames
It would be more romantic to say paintings cried
and battle scenes raged with war and bedlam
or dead kings must be rolling in their graves
knowing their immortalized wives gave flowers
to twenty first century Davids
She needn’t touch when a gaze is as golden
but tell that to the staff of the Louvre Prado or Rijksmuseum
who put her face on wanted signs
The Mona Lisa was the final straw who witnessed
with ancient eyes the world’s sole painting whisperer
stain marble floors not with tears but blood
But why not
Who wishes to know that all they really know is
that much of what they know is wrong?
Margaryta Mar 2014
I put light bulbs into roses
And I tried to make them grow,
But no further than my workbench
Would they ever even go.
I connected them with wires, clips –
I’ve tried it all:
Drew out diagrams on yellowed paper,
Labelled in my chicken scrawl.
Once the electrician came to look.
“What have you been doing girl?”
It was then that at my workbench
A bag of fertilizer did he hurl.
Gone then were the wires, clips;
Gone the ashes on the floor.
All that’s left were wilted roses
Piled up right by the door.
Margaryta Mar 2014
One stormy autumn afternoon
A question was asked by my philosophy prof:
"Does life have a smell or taste?"
The girl in the back,
The one with the bruises,
Started laughing.
Must have been an inside joke.
"Life smells of ***** when you're sure
Your lover has left you."
Her voice was a rasp,
Probably nights of endless screaming.
"It tastes like blood and broken promises.
It's beautiful and poisonous,
Sugar and morphine rolled up in a joint
That we all smoke to die."
My prof asked the others for answers
But every time he tried to say whose was best
The thunder screamed its protest,
The lightning flashing and illuminating
The sad and broken shell
With her lover's name etched in her skin.
Part of the summer 2013 poetry collection "Memoirs of a Phobic"
Margaryta Mar 2014
"Inside the box is
Man's greatest enemy"; in
It was a mirror.
Part of my (ongoing) Haiku collection entitled "The Cabinet of Memories"
Margaryta Mar 2014
She had a black cat
On her neck and still questioned
Why she had bad luck.
Part of my (ongoing) Haiku collection entitled "The Cabinet of Memories"
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