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Margaret Mary Dec 2011
If it were to end my heart would mend.
It's when you blur the lines, that's what
makes my stomach stir inside.
If it happens again I wont stay to see the end,
you have me hanging by a thread.
Nothing last forever and I'm aware of that
Margaret Mary Dec 2011
This is how my story goes, I've walked a path that's very cold. Because it's never been told there are things you'll never know. But that's the path I chose, I have happiness I'm still entitled to bliss. Although it's not always a win win, you're gunna miss.
Margaret Mary Dec 2011
There's another vulture watching free from exile. I shrink back moved by the memories of the world.
Margaret Mary Dec 2011
It's gunna be awhile before you can love again,
  open up your heart and let someone in.
Because all you've ever been told is lies, from men of the coldest eyes.
  So as they carry on with their petrified souls,
know that through it all you stayed brave and bold.
Margaret Mary Dec 2011
Sit for awhile, try not to think of agony and exile.
I know it seems dark now like sailing uncharted sea's,
                                           but before you put it all at ease and give up..
Just remember we all know these times are tough.

— The End —