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Apr 2015 · 396
Out of Nowhere
Marc Janiola Apr 2015
What I thought was gone
Suddenly came back one by one
The feelings that I thought disappeared
Now haunts me day and night as what I feared

Im questioning myself now
What is this that I feel now
To remember that love again
Even tho I know there's nothing to gain

To know that your hearts concealed with another
Makes my happiness and sadness sit by each other
Just seeing you smile makes me calm outside
But the happiness seemingly overwhelms me inside

I know words cant express what I truly feel
So better keep this love of mine and let it be sealed
I know its difficult to open it up to somebody
But I know this is what God has planned for me

Still the memory that I first saw you smile and wave at me
Where you also borrowed my jacket from me
Is the memory that I cherished the most
For my heartbeat beats faster than the speed of light

You really did change my life
And turned my world upside down
I thank you for unknowingly being there at my side
And letting me help you when you need a guide

They say forever doesnt exist nowadays
But this relationship of ours will lasts always
I know it will never be more than this
But thank you for entering and being a big part of my journey
#BestFriend #Happiness #OverwhelmingLove
Feb 2015 · 429
Marc Janiola Feb 2015
Studies overwhelm me
With unthinkable power
From top to bottom
Feb 2015 · 582
Math Love Story
Marc Janiola Feb 2015
At the beginning I know nothing
Until I found the theme of my life
Solving problems is hard at start
But time is the factor that I need
To become an expert in my expertise

Time after time it becomes difficult
But the struggle feeds my hunger
The challenge that it gives me
Is like a drug that drives me crazy

But now I think the winds have changed
To not continue this anymore
Is it me or is it the knowledge
That I'm absorbing day after day
Studying Math nowadays ughhhhh
Jan 2015 · 731
Marc Janiola Jan 2015
I courted you day after day
Without you noticing anyway
I loved the way on how you smile
Where my life wants to run for a mile

Love is like a sting of a bee
Where its pain is on a killing spree
To see you with another man
It merely shortened my life span

But they say past is past and move on
Now I say it is a game on
It is a challenge for me indeed
To plant in my heart another seed
Thank you for being a friend to me, now I will change my life definitely. Binago mo ang aking pananaw sa mga babae. To see another girl like you is one in a million. But this is no goodbye, its just see you later.
Jan 2015 · 358
Marc Janiola Jan 2015
It started with a spark
It started with a smile
Her presence overwhemed me
And my heart was openly shot

Seeing her day after day
My vibrant greetings of hey
When she says farewell my friend
My world seems to be at its end

This feelings of mine are kept
In my face you see I wept
The fire that reigns in my heart
Seems to lose its glowing art

Now I surrender this emotion
To cupid who gave me this notion
The concept to be just a friend
Will be with me until the end
Ending something where theres no really a something
Jan 2015 · 310
Marc Janiola Jan 2015
Love can be defined
With numerous meanings
But for me theres only one
And that one is you

I'll do anything for you
Even if it breaks my heart
What's important to me is
To see that big smile one last time
Nothing Special just came up to my head
Jan 2015 · 2.9k
Pope Francis
Marc Janiola Jan 2015
He came to the Philippines
To warm peoples' hearts
Filipinos here and there
Say he's the CHOSEN ONE

The Sky seems dark and gloomy
That may stop the Pope from going
But the Pope says no lets go
The people are waiting for me

No one can cease His Holiness
From becoming one with the Church
He is a certified rockstar
For todays Generation

His advocacies inspired us
To become a better Christian
To help the poor and the needy
And to nurture the youth of today

Let us never forget what he said
Though he left us already
History was made in this country
The country called **The Philippines
#WeLoveYouPopeFrancis #WeWillMissYou
Jan 2015 · 364
Efforts Wasted
Marc Janiola Jan 2015
A man loves without any boundaries
He loves every single thing a woman have
Her smile, her laugh, even her little imperfections
When he loves he gives his all to make her happy

But when she ignores all the love that he has gave
There will be a chance that she might want to take
The chance to be with him again day and night
For he became tired and let his love go

— The End —