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 Aug 2015 Mandi
Sometimes, when I write,
Not on a whim of fancy flight,
No -- on a matter of desire,

Sometimes, I delve too deep
Like a dreamer lost in sleep
When all the world's afire

And sometimes, I think
This time I've passed the brink,
In my desire to learn

Through empathic guided dreams,
And this time, it seems
I might never return.
 Aug 2015 Mandi
These Days
 Aug 2015 Mandi
Our lifeboats, adrift,
their arrival, posthumous.

Atonement—once momentous—now meanders
in the zigzagging of rambling vagrants,
(who may have committed a sin or two).

Crooked now, old beggars, bent double,
hunched over the dying fire, fading embers—
while the coyotes circle tonight,
close enough to hear their hunger.  

As of late these days
have a drunken sway,
and times goes the way
of lost dogs and old men,
to place of tin cans and sad songs,
of a distant harmonica,
of truths that work against us,
if we let them.  

Tree-top moonrise; drowned drunk fruit flies
in our wine, make us long for one last Dionysian night.  

Before we sleep, we’ll plant our
ghastly emblems in the mire;
things to be remembered by.
Comments welcomed
I walk in the rain
It disguises my tears

We walk hand in hand
Disclosing our fears

I walk in the rain
Hiding my sorrow

We walk hand in hand
Planning tomorrow

I walk in the rain
So you can't see me cry

We walk hand in hand
Blind leading blind

I walk in the rain
My eyes filled like pools

We walk hand in hand
For lovers are fools
Words and images
Of hate and despair.
Concrete walls
And iron bars.
Divisions of the soul.
Loathing, ceaseless strife.
Happiness vanishing
Within the night.
Masses herded.
Shivering in lonely seasons.
Unprepared, pretentious
Mongers of greed.
A small plant
Bending towards sunlight
While trampled
Under foot.
Insane, mundane
Theoretical disadvantages.
The universe has no use
For the virus of
The Human Race.
******* dry and
Leaving empty.
Necessities unreplenished.
The moon
History of the last
Failed experiment.
Future doomed
Of history's repent.
Repetitious reinventions
Gone with the limbs of
The serpent.
Contagious, voracious
Blissful ignorance.
Blinded, blurred
Worth of self.
Dependently independent.
Unable to close the gap
Between tomorrow and
The now.
Following too closely
In the wake of
Unable to change course.
Eternal frailty.
Impregnated with
Foreign thoughts
And foreign words.
Somewhere lost in
The granules of time.
Wrapped up in the eternity
Of my own mind.

— The End —